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81 lines
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"general": {
"name": "Turnip Prophet",
"daisy-mae": "Daisy Mae"
"welcome": {
"salutation": "Hello, and welcome to the <b>Turnip Prophet</b> app on your Nook Phone.",
"description": "This app lets you track your island's turnip prices daily, but you'll have to put the prices in yourself!",
"conclusion": "After that, the Turnip Prophet app will <b>magically</b> predict the turnip prices you'll have for the rest of the week."
"first-time": {
"title": "First-Time Buyer",
"description": "Is this your first time buying turnips from Daisy Mae on your island?<i>(This affects your pattern)</i>",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"patterns": {
"title": "Previous Pattern",
"description": "What was last week's turnip price pattern?<i>(This affects your pattern)</i>",
"pattern": "Pattern",
"all": "All patterns",
"decreasing": "Decreasing",
"fluctuating": "Fluctuating",
"unknown": "I don't know",
"large-spike": "Large Spike",
"small-spike": "Small Spike"
"prices": {
"description": "What was the price of turnips this week on your island? <i>(If this is your first time buying turnips, this field will be disabled)</i>",
"open": {
"am": "AM - 8:00 am to 11:59 am",
"pm": "PM - 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm"
"copy-permalink": "Copy permalink",
"permalink-copied": "Permalink copied!",
"reset": "Reset Turnip Prophet",
"reset-warning": "Are you sure you want to reset all fields?\n\nThis cannot be undone!"
"weekdays": {
"monday": "Monday",
"tuesday": "Tuesday",
"wednesday": "Wednesday",
"thursday": "Thursday",
"friday": "Friday",
"saturday" : "Saturday",
"sunday": "Sunday",
"abr": {
"monday": "Mon",
"tuesday": "Tue",
"wednesday": "Wed",
"thursday": "Thu",
"friday": "Fri",
"saturday" : "Sat"
"times": {
"morning": "AM",
"afternoon": "PM"
"output": {
"title": "Output",
"chance": "% Chance",
"to": "to",
"minimum": "Guaranteed Minimum",
"maximum": "Potential Maximum",
"chart": {
"input": "Input Price",
"minimum": "Guaranteed Minimum",
"maximum": "Potential Maximum"
"textbox": {
"description": "After you've listed some turnip prices, the Turnip Prophet will run some numbers and display the different possible patterns that your island may experience.",
"development": "This app is still in development, but will improve over time!",
"thanks": "None of this would have been possible without <a href=\"\">Ninji's work</a> figuring out just how Timmy and Tommy value their turnips.",
"support": "Support, comments and contributions are available through <a href=\"\">Github</a>",
"contributors-text": "Oh! And let's not forget to thank those who have contributed so far!",
"contributors": "Contributors"