You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

197 lines
5.3 KiB

//Reusable Fields
const getSellFields = function () {
let fields = []
for (var i = 2; i < 14; i++) {
fields.push($("#sell_" + i)[0])
return fields
const getFirstBuyRadios = function () {
return [
const getPreviousPatternRadios = function () {
return [
const getCheckedRadio = function (radio_array) {
return radio_array.find(radio => radio.checked === true).value;
const checkRadioByValue = function (radio_array, value) {
if (value === null) {
value = value.toString();
radio_array.find(radio => radio.value == value).checked = true;
const sell_inputs = getSellFields()
const buy_input = $("#buy")
const first_buy_radios = getFirstBuyRadios()
const previous_pattern_radios = getPreviousPatternRadios()
const fillFields = function (prices, first_buy, previous_pattern) {
checkRadioByValue(first_buy_radios, first_buy);
checkRadioByValue(previous_pattern_radios, previous_pattern);
buy_input.val(prices[0] || '')
const sell_prices = prices.slice(2)
sell_prices.forEach((price, index) => {
if (!price) {
} else {
const element = $("#sell_" + (index + 2));
const initialize = function () {
try {
const prices = getPrices()
const first_buy = getFirstBuyState();
const previous_pattern = getPreviousPatternState();
if (prices === null) {
fillFields([], first_buy, previous_pattern)
} else {
fillFields(prices, first_buy, previous_pattern)
} catch (e) {
$("#reset").on("click", function () {
sell_inputs.forEach(input => input.value = '')
fillFields([], false, 'unknown')
const updateLocalStorage = function (prices, first_buy, previous_pattern) {
try {
if (prices.length !== 14) throw "The data array needs exactly 14 elements to be valid"
localStorage.setItem("sell_prices", JSON.stringify(prices))
localStorage.setItem("first_buy", JSON.stringify(first_buy));
localStorage.setItem("previous_pattern", JSON.stringify(previous_pattern));
} catch (e) {
const isEmpty = function (arr) {
const filtered = arr.filter(value => value !== null && value !== '' && !isNaN(value))
return filtered.length == 0
const getFirstBuyState = function () {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('first_buy'))
const getPreviousPatternState = function () {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('previous_pattern'))
const getPricesFromLocalstorage = function () {
try {
const sell_prices = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sell_prices"));
if (!Array.isArray(sell_prices) || sell_prices.length !== 14) {
return null;
return sell_prices;
} catch (e) {
return null;
const getPricesFromQuery = function () {
try {
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const sell_prices = params.get("prices").split(".").map((x) => parseInt(x, 10));
if (!Array.isArray(sell_prices) || sell_prices.length !== 14) {
return null;
window.price_from_query = true;
return sell_prices;
} catch (e) {
return null;
const getPrices = function () {
return getPricesFromQuery() || getPricesFromLocalstorage();
const getSellPrices = function () {
//Checks all sell inputs and returns an array with their values
return res = (input) {
return parseInt(input.value || '');
const calculateOutput = function (data, first_buy, previous_pattern) {
if (isEmpty(data)) {
let output_possibilities = "";
for (let poss of analyze_possibilities(data, first_buy, previous_pattern)) {
var out_line = "<tr><td class='table-pattern'>" + poss.pattern_description + "</td>"
out_line += `<td>${Number.isFinite(poss.probability) ? ((poss.probability * 100).toPrecision(3) + '%') : '—'}</td>`;
for (let day of poss.prices.slice(1)) {
if (day.min !== day.max) {
out_line += `<td>${day.min} to ${day.max}</td>`;
} else {
out_line += `<td>${day.min}</td>`;
out_line += `<td>${poss.weekGuaranteedMinimum}</td><td>${poss.weekMax}</td></tr>`;
output_possibilities += out_line
const update = function () {
const sell_prices = getSellPrices();
const buy_price = parseInt(buy_input.val());
const first_buy = getCheckedRadio(first_buy_radios) == 'true';
const previous_pattern = parseInt(getCheckedRadio(previous_pattern_radios));
buy_input[0].disabled = first_buy;
buy_input[0].placeholder = first_buy ? '—' : '...'
const prices = [buy_price, buy_price, ...sell_prices];
if (!window.price_from_query) {
updateLocalStorage(prices, first_buy, previous_pattern);
calculateOutput(prices, first_buy, previous_pattern);
$(document).on("input", update);
$('input[type = radio]').on("change", update);