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# Animal Crossing: Turnip Prophet Turnip Prophet is a price calculator/price predictor for Animal Crossing turnip prices. ### Support If you have any questions feel free to join our Discord server ([discord.gg/bRh74X8](https://discord.gg/bRh74X8)) to ask or [open a new issue](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/issues). Before opening a new issue, we would appreciate it if you would briefly use the search to avoid duplicate questions, because every duplicate question causes other functions to wait ;-) Please create issues in English language only. ### Adding a new language Turnip Prophet is already available in some languages. If your local language is not listed you may go on to create a language file for it (requires basic git and development skills). For details don't hesitate to talk to us, e.g. using our Discord server. ### What's about feature X? At first please have a look at our current project scope:
Turnip Prophet is for Turnip Prophet is not for
  • A predictor for future prices that week
  • Able to calculate probabilities for different futures
  • Able to show data from a query string
  • A single page web-based app
  • A calculator for how much money you'll make
  • A way to count your turnips
  • A way to store multiple people's islands
  • Something with a backend
If your idea, suggestment or improvement is anything out of the above named, feel free to [open a new issue](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/issues) or contribute by a [new pull request](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/pulls). ### Final statement A special thanks to all who [contribute](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/graphs/contributors) to this project, helping improve it and spend their time. Stay awesome guys.