function get_prices_from_localstorage() { const sell_prices = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("sell_prices")); if (!Array.isArray(sell_prices) || sell_prices.length !== 14) { return null; } return sell_prices; } function get_prices_from_query() { const params = new URLSearchParams(; const sell_prices = params.get("prices").split(".").map((x) => parseInt(x, 10)); if (!Array.isArray(sell_prices) || sell_prices.length !== 14) { return null; } return sell_prices; } $(document).ready(function () { try { // load sell_prices from URL hash first, then local storage const sell_prices = get_prices_from_query() || get_prices_from_localstorage(); if (sell_prices == null) { return; } sell_prices.forEach((sell_price, index) => { if (!sell_price) { return; } const buyInput = $("#buy"); if (index === 0) { buyInput.focus(); buyInput.val(sell_price); buyInput.blur(); return; } const element = $("#sell_" + index); if (element.length) { element.focus(); element.val(sell_price); element.blur(); } }); $(document).trigger("input"); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } $("#reset").on("click", function() { $("input").val(null).trigger("input"); }) }); $(document).on("input", function() { // Update output on any input change var buy_price = parseInt($("#buy").val()); var sell_prices = [buy_price, buy_price]; for (var i = 2; i < 14; i++) { sell_prices.push(parseInt($("#sell_" + i).val())); } localStorage.setItem("sell_prices", JSON.stringify(sell_prices)); const params = {"prices": => isNaN(x) ? "" : x).join(".")}; const query_string = `?${new URLSearchParams(params).toString()}`; window.history.replaceState(null, null, query_string); const is_empty = sell_prices.every(sell_price => !sell_price); if (is_empty) { $("#output").html(""); return; } let output_possibilities = ""; for (let poss of analyze_possibilities(sell_prices)) { var out_line = "" + poss.pattern_description + "" for (let day of poss.prices.slice(1)) { if (day.min !== day.max) { out_line += `${day.min}..${day.max}`; } else { out_line += `${day.min}`; } } out_line += `${poss.weekMin}${poss.weekMax}`; output_possibilities += out_line } $("#output").html(output_possibilities) });