// PWA Code adapted from https://github.com/pwa-builder/PWABuilder const CACHE = "pwa-precache"; const precacheFiles = [ "/index.html", "/js/predictions.js", "/js/scripts.js", "/css/styles.css", "https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.min.js", ]; self.addEventListener("install", function (event) { console.log("[PWA] Install Event processing"); console.log("[PWA] Skip waiting on install"); self.skipWaiting(); event.waitUntil( caches.open(CACHE).then(function (cache) { console.log("[PWA] Caching pages during install"); return cache.addAll(precacheFiles); }) ); }); // Allow sw to control of current page self.addEventListener("activate", function (event) { console.log("[PWA] Claiming clients for current page"); event.waitUntil(self.clients.claim()); }); // If any fetch fails, it will look for the request in the cache and serve it from there first self.addEventListener("fetch", function (event) { if (event.request.method !== "GET") return; event.respondWith( (async () => { let response; try { // Fetch from network first. response = await fetch(event.request); event.waitUntil(updateCache(event.request, response.clone())); } catch (error) { try { // Try if there's locally cached version. response = await fromCache(event.request); } catch (error) { console.log("[PWA] Network request failed and no cache." + error); throw error; } } return response; })() ); }); function fromCache(request) { // Check to see if you have it in the cache // Return response // If not in the cache, then return return caches.open(CACHE).then(function (cache) { return cache.match(request).then(function (matching) { if (!matching || matching.status === 404) { return Promise.reject("no-match"); } return matching; }); }); } function updateCache(request, response) { return caches.open(CACHE).then(function (cache) { return cache.put(request, response); }); }