If you have any questions feel free to join our [Discord server](https://discord.gg/bRh74X8) to ask or [open a new issue](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/issues).
If you have a prediction issue, please open an issue describing your problem and give the permalink to your prediction. Otherwise, please search the issues before opening a new one to make sure you are not opening a duplicate issue.
If your idea, suggestment or improvement is anything out of the above named, feel free to [open a new issue](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/issues) or contribute by a [new pull request](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/pulls).
To run the project locally you will have to clone it and then, from the folder your just cloned, you will have to execute a command. There are multiple options, listed below:
Turnip Prophet is already available in some languages. If your local language is not listed you may go on to create a JSON file corresponding to your language in the folder [locales](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/tree/master/locales). You may copy the [English localisation](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/blob/master/locales/en.json) and translate it.
Please make sure **not to translate** "Turnip Prophet" and include the new language in the selector inside [js/translations.js](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/blob/master/js/scripts.js).
A special thanks to all who [contribute](https://github.com/mikebryant/ac-nh-turnip-prices/graphs/contributors) to this project, helping improve it and spend their time.