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83 lines
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"x-bnet-information": "This version of the <b>Turnip Prophet</b> app is hosted by the <a href=\"\"></a>. Everyone is allowed to use it for free. You can find the official version at <a href=\"\"></a>. Please consider thanking and sponsoring the developers and contributors to this project.",
"general": {
"daisy-mae": "曹賣"
"welcome": {
"salutation": "你好,歡迎使用 Nook 手機上的 <b>Turnip Prophet</b>。",
"description": "這個工具可以讓你每天追蹤自己島上的大頭菜價格,但你必須自己輸入價格!",
"conclusion": "接下來Turnip Prophet 將 <b>神奇地</b> 預測本週剩餘時間的大頭菜價格。"
"first-time": {
"title": "首次購買",
"description": "這是你第一次從自己島上和曹賣購買大頭菜嗎?<i>(將影響這次的模型)</i>",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否"
"patterns": {
"title": "上次的模型",
"description": "上週大頭菜的價格模型是什麼?<i>(將影響這次的模型)</i>",
"pattern": "模型",
"all": "所有模型",
"decreasing": "遞減型",
"fluctuating": "波型",
"unknown": "不知道",
"large-spike": "三期型",
"small-spike": "四期型"
"prices": {
"description": "本週自己島上的大頭菜買價?",
"open": {
"am": "上午 - 08:00 到 11:59",
"pm": "下午 - 12:00 到 22:00"
"copy-permalink": "複製價格分享網址",
"permalink-copied": "網址已複製!",
"reset": "清除資料",
"reset-warning": "是否確定要清除所有資料?\n\n此動作無法復原"
"weekdays": {
"monday": "星期一",
"tuesday": "星期二",
"wednesday": "星期三",
"thursday": "星期四",
"friday": "星期五",
"saturday" : "星期六",
"sunday": "星期日",
"abr": {
"monday": "週一",
"tuesday": "週二",
"wednesday": "週三",
"thursday": "週四",
"friday": "週五",
"saturday" : "週六"
"times": {
"morning": "上午",
"afternoon": "下午"
"output": {
"title": "結果",
"chance": "機率(%)",
"to": "~",
"minimum": "保底價格",
"maximum": "最高價格",
"chart": {
"input": "輸入價格",
"minimum": "保底價格",
"maximum": "最高價格"
"textbox": {
"description": "在你記錄了一些大頭菜價格後Turnip Prophet 會預測,並顯示自己島上可能出現的不同模型。",
"development": "此工具仍在開發中,但會隨著時間的推移而改善!",
"thanks": "要不是 <a href=\"\">Ninji</a> 協助釐清豆狸和粒狸的大頭菜估價方式,這一切都不可能實現。",
"support": "可於 <a href=\"\">GitHub</a> 取得支援、討論及貢獻。",
4 years ago
"sponsor": "想要贊助這個專案的開發者?進入 <a href=\"\">GitHub</a> 並按下 ❤ Sponsor",
"contributors-text": "嘿!別忘了感謝那些迄今為止作出貢獻的人!",
"contributors": "貢獻者",
"language": "語言"