You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

233 lines
8.5 KiB

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# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..compat import compat_str
from ..utils import (
class PuhuTVIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?puhutv\.com/(?P<id>[a-z0-9-]+)-izle'
IE_NAME = 'puhutv'
_TESTS = [
# A Film
'url': '',
'md5': 'a347470371d56e1585d1b2c8dab01c96',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'sut-kardesler',
'display_id': '5085',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Süt Kardeşler',
'thumbnail': r're:^https?://.*\.jpg$',
'uploader': 'Arzu Film',
'description': 'md5:405fd024df916ca16731114eb18e511a',
'uploader_id': '43',
'upload_date': '20160729',
'timestamp': int,
# An Episode and geo restricted
'url': '',
'only_matching': True,
# Has subtitle
'url': '',
'only_matching': True,
'English': 'en',
'Deutsch': 'de',
'عربى': 'ar'
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
info = self._download_json(
'' % video_id, video_id)['data']
display_id = compat_str(info['id'])
title = info['title']['name']
if info.get('display_name'):
title = '%s %s' % (title, info.get('display_name'))
description = try_get(info, lambda x: x['title']['description'], compat_str) or info.get('description')
timestamp = unified_timestamp(info.get('created_at'))
upload_date = unified_strdate(info.get('created_at'))
uploader = try_get(info, lambda x: x['title']['producer']['name'], compat_str)
uploader_id = str_or_none(try_get(info, lambda x: x['title']['producer']['id']))
view_count = int_or_none(try_get(info, lambda x: x['content']['watch_count']))
duration = float_or_none(try_get(info, lambda x: x['content']['duration_in_ms']), scale=1000)
thumbnail = try_get(info, lambda x: x['content']['images']['wide']['main'], compat_str)
release_year = int_or_none(try_get(info, lambda x: x['title']['released_at']))
webpage_url = info.get('web_url')
season_number = int_or_none(info.get('season_number'))
season_id = int_or_none(info.get('season_id'))
episode_number = int_or_none(info.get('episode_number'))
tags = []
for tag in try_get(info, lambda x: x['title']['genres'], list) or []:
if isinstance(tag.get('name'), compat_str):
thumbnails = []
thumbs_dict = try_get(info, lambda x: x['content']['images']['wide'], dict) or {}
for id, url in thumbs_dict.items():
if not url_or_none(url):
'url': 'https://%s' % url,
'id': id
subtitles = {}
for subtitle in try_get(info, lambda x: x['content']['subtitles'], list) or []:
if not isinstance(subtitle, dict):
lang = subtitle.get('language')
sub_url = url_or_none(subtitle.get('url'))
if not lang or not isinstance(lang, compat_str) or not sub_url:
subtitles[self._SUBTITLE_LANGS.get(lang, lang)] = [{
'url': sub_url
# Some of videos are geo restricted upon request copyright owner and returns 403
req_formats = self._download_json(
'' % display_id,
video_id, 'Downloading video JSON')
formats = []
for format in req_formats['data']['videos']:
media_url = url_or_none(format.get('url'))
if not media_url:
ext = format.get('video_format') or determine_ext(media_url)
quality = format.get('quality')
if format.get('stream_type') == 'hls' and format.get('is_playlist') is True:
m3u8_id = remove_end(url_basename(media_url), '.m3u8')
formats.append(self._m3u8_meta_format(media_url, ext, m3u8_id=m3u8_id))
elif ext == 'mp4' and format.get('is_playlist', False) is False:
'url': media_url,
'format_id': 'http-%s' % quality,
'ext': ext,
'height': quality
return {
'id': video_id,
'display_id': display_id,
'title': title,
'description': description,
'season_id': season_id,
'season_number': season_number,
'episode_number': episode_number,
'release_year': release_year,
'upload_date': upload_date,
'timestamp': timestamp,
'uploader': uploader,
'uploader_id': uploader_id,
'view_count': view_count,
'duration': duration,
'tags': tags,
'subtitles': subtitles,
'webpage_url': webpage_url,
'thumbnail': thumbnail,
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'formats': formats
class PuhuTVSerieIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www\.)?puhutv\.com/(?P<id>[a-z0-9-]+)-detay'
IE_NAME = 'puhutv:serie'
_TESTS = [
'url': '',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Deniz Yıldızı',
'id': 'deniz-yildizi',
'uploader': 'Focus Film',
'uploader_id': 61,
'playlist_mincount': 234,
# a film detail page which is using same url with serie page
'url': '',
'info_dict': {
'title': 'Kaybedenler Kulübü',
'id': 'kaybedenler-kulubu',
'uploader': 'Tolga Örnek, Murat Dörtbudak, Neslihan Dörtbudak, Kemal Kaplanoğlu',
'uploader_id': 248,
'playlist_mincount': 1,
def _extract_entries(self, playlist_id, seasons):
for season in seasons:
season_id = season['id']
season_number = season.get('position')
pagenum = 1
has_more = True
while has_more is True:
season_info = self._download_json(
'' % season_id,
playlist_id, 'Downloading season %s page %s' % (season_number, pagenum), query={
'page': pagenum,
'per': 40,
for episode in season_info.get('episodes'):
video_id = episode['slugPath'].replace('-izle', '')
yield self.url_result(
'' % video_id,
PuhuTVIE.ie_key(), video_id)
pagenum = pagenum + 1
has_more = season_info.get('hasMore', False)
def _real_extract(self, url):
playlist_id = self._match_id(url)
info = self._download_json(
'' % playlist_id, playlist_id)['data']
title = info.get('name')
uploader = try_get(info, lambda x: x['producer']['name'], compat_str)
uploader_id = try_get(info, lambda x: x['producer']['id'])
seasons = info.get('seasons')
if seasons:
entries = self._extract_entries(playlist_id, seasons)
# For films, these are using same url with series
video_id = info['assets'][0]['slug']
return self.url_result(
'' % video_id,
PuhuTVIE.ie_key(), video_id)
return {
'_type': 'playlist',
'id': playlist_id,
'title': title,
'uploader': uploader,
'uploader_id': uploader_id,
'entries': entries,