import hashlib import json import os import platform import subprocess import sys from zipimport import zipimporter from .compat import functools # isort: split from .compat import compat_realpath from .utils import Popen, traverse_obj, version_tuple from .version import __version__ REPOSITORY = 'yt-dlp/yt-dlp' API_URL = f'{REPOSITORY}/releases/latest' @functools.cache def _get_variant_and_executable_path(): """@returns (variant, executable_path)""" if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): path = sys.executable if not hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): return 'py2exe', path if sys._MEIPASS == os.path.dirname(path): return f'{sys.platform}_dir', path return f'{sys.platform}_exe', path path = os.path.dirname(__file__) if isinstance(__loader__, zipimporter): return 'zip', os.path.join(path, '..') elif (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in ('', '-m') and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '../.git/HEAD'))): return 'source', path return 'unknown', path def detect_variant(): return _get_variant_and_executable_path()[0] _FILE_SUFFIXES = { 'zip': '', 'py2exe': '_min.exe', 'win32_exe': '.exe', 'darwin_exe': '_macos', } _NON_UPDATEABLE_REASONS = { **{variant: None for variant in _FILE_SUFFIXES}, # Updatable **{variant: f'Auto-update is not supported for unpackaged {name} executable; Re-download the latest release' for variant, name in {'win32_dir': 'Windows', 'darwin_dir': 'MacOS'}.items()}, 'source': 'You cannot update when running from source code; Use git to pull the latest changes', 'unknown': 'It looks like you installed yt-dlp with a package manager, pip or; Use that to update', 'other': 'It looks like you are using an unofficial build of yt-dlp; Build the executable again', } def is_non_updateable(): return _NON_UPDATEABLE_REASONS.get(detect_variant(), _NON_UPDATEABLE_REASONS['other']) def _sha256_file(path): h = hashlib.sha256() mv = memoryview(bytearray(128 * 1024)) with open(os.path.realpath(path), 'rb', buffering=0) as f: for n in iter(lambda: f.readinto(mv), 0): h.update(mv[:n]) return h.hexdigest() class Updater: def __init__(self, ydl): self.ydl = ydl @functools.cached_property def _new_version_info(self): self.ydl.write_debug(f'Fetching release info: {API_URL}') return json.loads(self.ydl.urlopen(API_URL).read().decode()) @property def current_version(self): """Current version""" return __version__ @property def new_version(self): """Version of the latest release""" return self._new_version_info['tag_name'] @property def has_update(self): """Whether there is an update available""" return version_tuple(__version__) < version_tuple(self.new_version) @functools.cached_property def filename(self): """Filename of the executable""" return compat_realpath(_get_variant_and_executable_path()[1]) def _download(self, name=None): name = name or self.release_name url = traverse_obj(self._new_version_info, ( 'assets', lambda _, v: v['name'] == name, 'browser_download_url'), get_all=False) if not url: raise Exception('Unable to find download URL') self.ydl.write_debug(f'Downloading {name} from {url}') return self.ydl.urlopen(url).read() @functools.cached_property def release_name(self): """The release filename""" label = _FILE_SUFFIXES[detect_variant()] if label and platform.architecture()[0][:2] == '32': label = f'_x86{label}' return f'yt-dlp{label}' @functools.cached_property def release_hash(self): """Hash of the latest release""" hash_data = dict(ln.split()[::-1] for ln in self._download('SHA2-256SUMS').decode().splitlines()) return hash_data[self.release_name] def _report_error(self, msg, expected=False): self.ydl.report_error(msg, tb=False if expected else None) def _report_permission_error(self, file): self._report_error(f'Unable to write to {file}; Try running as administrator', True) def _report_network_error(self, action, delim=';'): self._report_error(f'Unable to {action}{delim} Visit{REPOSITORY}/releases/latest', True) def check_update(self): """Report whether there is an update available""" try: self.ydl.to_screen( f'Latest version: {self.new_version}, Current version: {self.current_version}') except Exception: return self._report_network_error('obtain version info', delim='; Please try again later or') if not self.has_update: return self.ydl.to_screen(f'yt-dlp is up to date ({__version__})') if not is_non_updateable(): self.ydl.to_screen(f'Current Build Hash {_sha256_file(self.filename)}') return True def update(self): """Update yt-dlp executable to the latest version""" if not self.check_update(): return err = is_non_updateable() if err: return self._report_error(err, True) self.ydl.to_screen(f'Updating to version {self.new_version} ...') directory = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not os.access(self.filename, os.W_OK): return self._report_permission_error(self.filename) elif not os.access(directory, os.W_OK): return self._report_permission_error(directory) new_filename, old_filename = f'{self.filename}.new', f'{self.filename}.old' if detect_variant() == 'zip': # Can be replaced in-place new_filename, old_filename = self.filename, None try: if os.path.exists(old_filename or ''): os.remove(old_filename) except OSError: return self._report_error('Unable to remove the old version') try: newcontent = self._download() except OSError: return self._report_network_error('download latest version') except Exception: return self._report_network_error('fetch updates') try: expected_hash = self.release_hash except Exception: self.ydl.report_warning('no hash information found for the release') else: if hashlib.sha256(newcontent).hexdigest() != expected_hash: return self._report_network_error('verify the new executable') try: with open(new_filename, 'wb') as outf: outf.write(newcontent) except OSError: return self._report_permission_error(new_filename) try: if old_filename: os.rename(self.filename, old_filename) except OSError: return self._report_error('Unable to move current version') try: if old_filename: os.rename(new_filename, self.filename) except OSError: self._report_error('Unable to overwrite current version') return os.rename(old_filename, self.filename) if detect_variant() not in ('win32_exe', 'py2exe'): if old_filename: os.remove(old_filename) self.ydl.to_screen(f'Updated yt-dlp to version {self.new_version}; Restart yt-dlp to use the new version') return try: # Continues to run in the background Popen(f'ping -n 5 -w 1000 & del /F "{old_filename}"', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) self.ydl.to_screen(f'Updated yt-dlp to version {self.new_version}') return True # Exit app except OSError: self._report_unable('delete the old version') def run_update(ydl): """Update the program file with the latest version from the repository @returns Whether there was a successfull update (No update = False) """ return Updater(ydl).update() # Deprecated def update_self(to_screen, verbose, opener): import traceback from .utils import write_string write_string( 'DeprecationWarning: "yt_dlp.update.update_self" is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. ' 'Use "yt_dlp.update.run_update(ydl)" instead\n') printfn = to_screen class FakeYDL(): to_screen = printfn def report_warning(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): return printfn(f'WARNING: {msg}', *args, **kwargs) def report_error(self, msg, tb=None): printfn(f'ERROR: {msg}') if not verbose: return if tb is None: # Copied from YoutubeDL.trouble if sys.exc_info()[0]: tb = '' if hasattr(sys.exc_info()[1], 'exc_info') and sys.exc_info()[1].exc_info[0]: tb += ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()[1].exc_info)) tb += traceback.format_exc() else: tb_data = traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_stack()) tb = ''.join(tb_data) if tb: printfn(tb) def write_debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): printfn(f'[debug] {msg}', *args, **kwargs) def urlopen(self, url): return return run_update(FakeYDL())