@ -426,10 +426,11 @@ class FFmpegPostProcessor(PostProcessor):
class FFmpegExtractAudioPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
COMMON_AUDIO_EXTS = ('wav', 'flac', 'm4a', 'aiff', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'mka', 'opus', 'wma')
FORMAT_RE = create_mapping_re(('best', *SUPPORTED_EXTS))
def __init__(self, downloader=None, preferredcodec=None, preferredquality=None, nopostoverwrites=False):
FFmpegPostProcessor.__init__(self, downloader)
self._preferredcodec = preferredcodec or 'best'
self.mapping = preferredcodec or 'best'
self._preferredquality = float_or_none(preferredquality)
self._nopostoverwrites = nopostoverwrites
@ -469,9 +470,11 @@ class FFmpegExtractAudioPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def run(self, information):
orig_path = path = information['filepath']
target_format = self._preferredcodec
target_format, _skip_msg = resolve_mapping(information['ext'], self.mapping)
if target_format == 'best' and information['ext'] in self.COMMON_AUDIO_EXTS:
self.to_screen(f'Not converting audio {orig_path}; the file is already in a common audio format')
target_format, _skip_msg = None, 'the file is already in a common audio format'
if not target_format:
self.to_screen(f'Not converting audio {orig_path}; {_skip_msg}')
return [], information
filecodec = self.get_audio_codec(path)