You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

148 lines
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package notifications
import (
ty ""
log ""
// NewNotifier creates and returns a new Notifier, using global configuration.
func NewNotifier(c *cobra.Command) ty.Notifier {
f := c.Flags()
level, _ := f.GetString("notifications-level")
logLevel, err := log.ParseLevel(level)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Notifications invalid log level: %s", err.Error())
reportTemplate, _ := f.GetBool("notification-report")
stdout, _ := f.GetBool("notification-log-stdout")
tplString, _ := f.GetString("notification-template")
urls, _ := f.GetStringArray("notification-url")
data := GetTemplateData(c)
urls, delay := AppendLegacyUrls(urls, c)
return createNotifier(urls, logLevel, tplString, !reportTemplate, data, stdout, delay)
// AppendLegacyUrls creates shoutrrr equivalent URLs from legacy notification flags
func AppendLegacyUrls(urls []string, cmd *cobra.Command) ([]string, time.Duration) {
// Parse types and create notifiers.
types, err := cmd.Flags().GetStringSlice("notifications")
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Fatal("could not read notifications argument")
legacyDelay := time.Duration(0)
for _, t := range types {
var legacyNotifier ty.ConvertibleNotifier
var err error
switch t {
case emailType:
legacyNotifier = newEmailNotifier(cmd)
case slackType:
legacyNotifier = newSlackNotifier(cmd)
case msTeamsType:
legacyNotifier = newMsTeamsNotifier(cmd)
case gotifyType:
legacyNotifier = newGotifyNotifier(cmd)
case shoutrrrType:
log.Fatalf("Unknown notification type %q", t)
// Not really needed, used for nil checking static analysis
shoutrrrURL, err := legacyNotifier.GetURL(cmd)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create notification config: ", err)
urls = append(urls, shoutrrrURL)
if delayNotifier, ok := legacyNotifier.(ty.DelayNotifier); ok {
legacyDelay = delayNotifier.GetDelay()
log.WithField("URL", shoutrrrURL).Trace("created Shoutrrr URL from legacy notifier")
delay := GetDelay(cmd, legacyDelay)
return urls, delay
// GetDelay returns the legacy delay if defined, otherwise the delay as set by args is returned
func GetDelay(c *cobra.Command, legacyDelay time.Duration) time.Duration {
if legacyDelay > 0 {
return legacyDelay
delay, _ := c.PersistentFlags().GetInt("notifications-delay")
if delay > 0 {
return time.Duration(delay) * time.Second
return time.Duration(0)
// GetTitle formats the title based on the passed hostname and tag
func GetTitle(hostname string, tag string) string {
tb := strings.Builder{}
if tag != "" {
tb.WriteRune(' ')
tb.WriteString("Watchtower updates")
if hostname != "" {
tb.WriteString(" on ")
return tb.String()
// GetTemplateData populates the static notification data from flags and environment
func GetTemplateData(c *cobra.Command) StaticData {
f := c.PersistentFlags()
hostname, _ := f.GetString("notifications-hostname")
if hostname == "" {
hostname, _ = os.Hostname()
title := ""
if skip, _ := f.GetBool("notification-skip-title"); !skip {
tag, _ := f.GetString("notification-title-tag")
if tag == "" {
// For legacy email support
tag, _ = f.GetString("notification-email-subjecttag")
title = GetTitle(hostname, tag)
return StaticData{
Host: hostname,
Title: title,
// ColorHex is the default notification color used for services that support it (formatted as a CSS hex string)
const ColorHex = "#406170"
// ColorInt is the default notification color used for services that support it (as an int value)
const ColorInt = 0x406170