package container import ( "fmt" "io/ioutil" "time" t "" "" "" "" "" dockerclient "" log "" "" ) const ( defaultStopSignal = "SIGTERM" ) // A Client is the interface through which watchtower interacts with the // Docker API. type Client interface { ListContainers(t.Filter) ([]Container, error) StopContainer(Container, time.Duration) error StartContainer(Container) error RenameContainer(Container, string) error IsContainerStale(Container) (bool, error) RemoveImage(Container) error } // NewClient returns a new Client instance which can be used to interact with // the Docker API. // The client reads its configuration from the following environment variables: // * DOCKER_HOST the docker-engine host to send api requests to // * DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY whether to verify tls certificates // * DOCKER_API_VERSION the minimum docker api version to work with func NewClient(pullImages bool, includeStopped bool, removeVolumes bool) Client { cli, err := dockerclient.NewClientWithOpts(dockerclient.FromEnv) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error instantiating Docker client: %s", err) } return dockerClient{ api: cli, pullImages: pullImages, removeVolumes: removeVolumes, includeStopped: includeStopped, } } type dockerClient struct { api dockerclient.CommonAPIClient pullImages bool removeVolumes bool includeStopped bool } func (client dockerClient) ListContainers(fn t.Filter) ([]Container, error) { cs := []Container{} bg := context.Background() if client.includeStopped { log.Debug("Retrieving containers including stopped and exited") } else { log.Debug("Retrieving running containers") } filter := client.createListFilter() containers, err := client.api.ContainerList( bg, types.ContainerListOptions{ Filters: filter, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, runningContainer := range containers { containerInfo, err := client.api.ContainerInspect(bg, runningContainer.ID) if err != nil { return nil, err } imageInfo, _, err := client.api.ImageInspectWithRaw(bg, containerInfo.Image) if err != nil { return nil, err } c := Container{containerInfo: &containerInfo, imageInfo: &imageInfo} if fn(c) { cs = append(cs, c) } } return cs, nil } func (client dockerClient) createListFilter() filters.Args { filterArgs := filters.NewArgs() filterArgs.Add("status", "running") if client.includeStopped { filterArgs.Add("status", "created") filterArgs.Add("status", "exited") } return filterArgs } func (client dockerClient) StopContainer(c Container, timeout time.Duration) error { bg := context.Background() signal := c.StopSignal() if signal == "" { signal = defaultStopSignal } if c.IsRunning() { log.Infof("Stopping %s (%s) with %s", c.Name(), c.ID(), signal) if err := client.api.ContainerKill(bg, c.ID(), signal); err != nil { return err } } // TODO: This should probably be checked. _ = client.waitForStopOrTimeout(c, timeout) if c.containerInfo.HostConfig.AutoRemove { log.Debugf("AutoRemove container %s, skipping ContainerRemove call.", c.ID()) } else { log.Debugf("Removing container %s", c.ID()) if err := client.api.ContainerRemove(bg, c.ID(), types.ContainerRemoveOptions{Force: true, RemoveVolumes: client.removeVolumes}); err != nil { return err } } // Wait for container to be removed. In this case an error is a good thing if err := client.waitForStopOrTimeout(c, timeout); err == nil { return fmt.Errorf("Container %s (%s) could not be removed", c.Name(), c.ID()) } return nil } func (client dockerClient) StartContainer(c Container) error { bg := context.Background() config := c.runtimeConfig() hostConfig := c.hostConfig() networkConfig := &network.NetworkingConfig{EndpointsConfig: c.containerInfo.NetworkSettings.Networks} // simpleNetworkConfig is a networkConfig with only 1 network. // see: simpleNetworkConfig := func() *network.NetworkingConfig { oneEndpoint := make(map[string]*network.EndpointSettings) for k, v := range networkConfig.EndpointsConfig { oneEndpoint[k] = v // we only need 1 break } return &network.NetworkingConfig{EndpointsConfig: oneEndpoint} }() name := c.Name() log.Infof("Creating %s", name) creation, err := client.api.ContainerCreate(bg, config, hostConfig, simpleNetworkConfig, name) if err != nil { return err } if !(hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost()) { for k := range simpleNetworkConfig.EndpointsConfig { err = client.api.NetworkDisconnect(bg, k, creation.ID, true) if err != nil { return err } } for k, v := range networkConfig.EndpointsConfig { err = client.api.NetworkConnect(bg, k, creation.ID, v) if err != nil { return err } } } return client.startContainerIfPreviouslyRunning(bg, c, creation) } func (client dockerClient) startContainerIfPreviouslyRunning(bg context.Context, c Container, creation container.ContainerCreateCreatedBody) error { name := c.Name() if !c.IsRunning() { return nil } log.Debugf("Starting container %s (%s)", name, creation.ID) err := client.api.ContainerStart(bg, creation.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{}) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (client dockerClient) RenameContainer(c Container, newName string) error { bg := context.Background() log.Debugf("Renaming container %s (%s) to %s", c.Name(), c.ID(), newName) return client.api.ContainerRename(bg, c.ID(), newName) } func (client dockerClient) IsContainerStale(c Container) (bool, error) { bg := context.Background() oldImageInfo := c.imageInfo imageName := c.ImageName() if client.pullImages { log.Debugf("Pulling %s for %s", imageName, c.Name()) var opts types.ImagePullOptions // ImagePullOptions can take a RegistryAuth arg to authenticate against a private registry auth, err := EncodedAuth(imageName) log.Debugf("Got auth value: %s", auth) log.Debugf("Got image name: %s", imageName) if err != nil { log.Debugf("Error loading authentication credentials %s", err) return false, err } else if auth == "" { log.Debugf("No authentication credentials found for %s", imageName) opts = types.ImagePullOptions{} // empty/no auth credentials } else { opts = types.ImagePullOptions{RegistryAuth: auth, PrivilegeFunc: DefaultAuthHandler} } response, err := client.api.ImagePull(bg, imageName, opts) if err != nil { log.Debugf("Error pulling image %s, %s", imageName, err) return false, err } defer response.Close() // the pull request will be aborted prematurely unless the response is read if _, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response); err != nil { log.Error(err) } } newImageInfo, _, err := client.api.ImageInspectWithRaw(bg, imageName) if err != nil { return false, err } if newImageInfo.ID != oldImageInfo.ID { log.Infof("Found new %s image (%s)", imageName, newImageInfo.ID) return true, nil } log.Debugf("No new images found for %s", c.Name()) return false, nil } func (client dockerClient) RemoveImage(c Container) error { imageID := c.ImageID() log.Infof("Removing image %s", imageID) _, err := client.api.ImageRemove(context.Background(), imageID, types.ImageRemoveOptions{Force: true}) return err } func (client dockerClient) waitForStopOrTimeout(c Container, waitTime time.Duration) error { bg := context.Background() timeout := time.After(waitTime) for { select { case <-timeout: return nil default: if ci, err := client.api.ContainerInspect(bg, c.ID()); err != nil { return err } else if !ci.State.Running { return nil } } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } }