package config import ( "time" "" ) // DockerAPIMinVersion is the minimum version of the docker api required to // use watchtower const DockerAPIMinVersion string = "1.25" // DefaultInterval is the default time between the start of update checks const DefaultInterval = int(time.Hour * 24 / time.Second) // RegisterDockerOptions that are used directly by the docker api client func RegisterDockerOptions(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { ob := NewOptBuilder(rootCmd.PersistentFlags()) ob.StringP(DockerHost, "H", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "daemon socket to connect to", "DOCKER_HOST") ob.BoolP(DockerTlSVerify, "v", false, "use TLS and verify the remote", "DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY") ob.StringP(DockerAPIVersion, "a", DockerAPIMinVersion, "api version to use by docker client", "DOCKER_API_VERSION") } // RegisterSystemOptions that are used by watchtower to modify the program flow func RegisterSystemOptions(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { ob := NewOptBuilder(rootCmd.PersistentFlags()) ob.IntP(Interval, "i", DefaultInterval, "poll interval (in seconds)", "WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL") ob.StringP(Schedule, "s", "", "The cron expression which defines when to update", "WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE") ob.DurationP(StopTimeout, "t", time.Second*10, "Timeout before a container is forcefully stopped", "WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT") ob.Bool(NoPull, false, "Do not pull any new images", "WATCHTOWER_NO_PULL") ob.Bool(NoRestart, false, "Do not restart any containers", "WATCHTOWER_NO_RESTART") ob.Bool(NoStartupMessage, false, "Prevents watchtower from sending a startup message", "WATCHTOWER_NO_STARTUP_MESSAGE") ob.BoolP(Cleanup, "c", false, "Remove previously used images after updating", "WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP") ob.BoolP(RemoveVolumes, "", false, "Remove attached volumes before updating", "WATCHTOWER_REMOVE_VOLUMES") ob.BoolP(LabelEnable, "e", false, "Watch containers where the com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable label is true", "WATCHTOWER_LABEL_ENABLE") ob.BoolP(Debug, "d", false, "Enable debug mode with verbose logging", "WATCHTOWER_DEBUG") ob.Bool(Trace, false, "Enable trace mode with very verbose logging - caution, exposes credentials", "WATCHTOWER_TRACE") ob.BoolP(MonitorOnly, "m", false, "Will only monitor for new images, not update the containers", "WATCHTOWER_MONITOR_ONLY") ob.BoolP(RunOnce, "R", false, "Run once now and exit", "WATCHTOWER_RUN_ONCE") ob.BoolP(IncludeRestarting, "", false, "Will also include restarting containers", "WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_RESTARTING") ob.BoolP(IncludeStopped, "S", false, "Will also include created and exited containers", "WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_STOPPED") ob.Bool(ReviveStopped, false, "Will also start stopped containers that were updated, if include-stopped is active", "WATCHTOWER_REVIVE_STOPPED") ob.Bool(EnableLifecycleHooks, false, "Enable the execution of commands triggered by pre- and post-update lifecycle hooks", "WATCHTOWER_LIFECYCLE_HOOKS") ob.Bool(RollingRestart, false, "Restart containers one at a time", "WATCHTOWER_ROLLING_RESTART") ob.Bool(HTTPAPIUpdate, false, "Runs Watchtower in HTTP API mode, so that image updates must to be triggered by a request", "WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_UPDATE") ob.Bool(HTTPAPIMetrics, false, "Runs Watchtower with the Prometheus metrics API enabled", "WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_METRICS") ob.String(HTTPAPIToken, "", "Sets an authentication token to HTTP API requests.", "WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_TOKEN") ob.Bool(HTTPAPIPeriodicPolls, false, "Also run periodic updates (specified with --interval and --schedule) if HTTP API is enabled", "WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_PERIODIC_POLLS") // ob.Bool(NoColor, false, "Disable ANSI color escape codes in log output", "NO_COLOR") ob.String(Scope, "", "Defines a monitoring scope for the Watchtower instance.", "WATCHTOWER_SCOPE") } // RegisterNotificationOptions that are used by watchtower to send notifications func RegisterNotificationOptions(cmd *cobra.Command) { ob := NewOptBuilder(cmd.PersistentFlags()) ob.StringSliceP(Notifications, "n", []string{}, " Notification types to send (valid: email, slack, msteams, gotify, shoutrrr)", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS") ob.String(NotificationsLevel, "info", "The log level used for sending notifications. Possible values: panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_LEVEL") ob.Int(NotificationsDelay, 0, "Delay before sending notifications, expressed in seconds", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_DELAY") ob.String(NotificationsHostname, "", "Custom hostname for notification titles", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_HOSTNAME") ob.String(NotificationTemplate, "", "The shoutrrr text/template for the messages", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE") ob.StringArray(NotificationURL, []string{}, "The shoutrrr URL to send notifications to", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL") ob.Bool(NotificationReport, false, "Use the session report as the notification template data", "WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_REPORT") ob.String(WarnOnHeadFailure, "auto", "When to warn about HEAD pull requests failing. Possible values: always, auto or never", "WATCHTOWER_WARN_ON_HEAD_FAILURE") RegisterLegacyNotificationFlags(cmd) }