package container import ( "testing" "" "" "" "" cli "" . "" . "" ) func TestContainer(t *testing.T) { RegisterFailHandler(Fail) RunSpecs(t, "Container Suite") } var _ = Describe("the container", func() { Describe("the client", func() { var docker *cli.Client var client Client BeforeSuite(func() { server := mocks.NewMockAPIServer() docker, _ = cli.NewClientWithOpts( cli.WithHost(server.URL), cli.WithHTTPClient(server.Client())) client = dockerClient{ api: docker, pullImages: false, } }) It("should return a client for the api", func() { Expect(client).NotTo(BeNil()) }) When("listing containers without any filter", func() { It("should return all available containers", func() { containers, err := client.ListContainers(filters.NoFilter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(len(containers) == 2).To(BeTrue()) }) }) When("listing containers with a filter matching nothing", func() { It("should return an empty array", func() { filter := filters.FilterByNames([]string{"lollercoaster"}, filters.NoFilter) containers, err := client.ListContainers(filter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(len(containers) == 0).To(BeTrue()) }) }) When("listing containers with a watchtower filter", func() { It("should return only the watchtower container", func() { containers, err := client.ListContainers(filters.WatchtowerContainersFilter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(len(containers) == 1).To(BeTrue()) Expect(containers[0].ImageName()).To(Equal("containrrr/watchtower:latest")) }) }) When(`listing containers with the "include stopped" option`, func() { It("should return both stopped and running containers", func() { client = dockerClient{ api: docker, pullImages: false, includeStopped: true, } containers, err := client.ListContainers(filters.NoFilter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(len(containers) > 0).To(BeTrue()) }) }) When(`listing containers with the "include restart" option`, func() { It("should return both stopped, restarting and running containers", func() { client = dockerClient{ api: docker, pullImages: false, includeRestarting: true, } containers, err := client.ListContainers(filters.NoFilter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) RestartingContainerFound := false for _, ContainerRunning := range containers { if ContainerRunning.containerInfo.State.Restarting { RestartingContainerFound = true } } Expect(RestartingContainerFound).To(BeTrue()) Expect(RestartingContainerFound).NotTo(BeFalse()) }) }) When(`listing containers without restarting ones`, func() { It("should not return restarting containers", func() { client = dockerClient{ api: docker, pullImages: false, includeRestarting: false, } containers, err := client.ListContainers(filters.NoFilter) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) RestartingContainerFound := false for _, ContainerRunning := range containers { if ContainerRunning.containerInfo.State.Restarting { RestartingContainerFound = true } } Expect(RestartingContainerFound).To(BeFalse()) Expect(RestartingContainerFound).NotTo(BeTrue()) }) }) }) When("asked for metadata", func() { var c *Container BeforeEach(func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable": "true", "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower": "true", }) }) It("should return its name on calls to .Name()", func() { name := c.Name() Expect(name).To(Equal("test-containrrr")) Expect(name).NotTo(Equal("wrong-name")) }) It("should return its ID on calls to .ID()", func() { id := c.ID() Expect(id).To(Equal("container_id")) Expect(id).NotTo(Equal("wrong-id")) }) It("should return true, true if enabled on calls to .Enabled()", func() { enabled, exists := c.Enabled() Expect(enabled).To(BeTrue()) Expect(enabled).NotTo(BeFalse()) Expect(exists).To(BeTrue()) Expect(exists).NotTo(BeFalse()) }) It("should return false, true if present but not true on calls to .Enabled()", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{"com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable": "false"}) enabled, exists := c.Enabled() Expect(enabled).To(BeFalse()) Expect(enabled).NotTo(BeTrue()) Expect(exists).To(BeTrue()) Expect(exists).NotTo(BeFalse()) }) It("should return false, false if not present on calls to .Enabled()", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{"lol": "false"}) enabled, exists := c.Enabled() Expect(enabled).To(BeFalse()) Expect(enabled).NotTo(BeTrue()) Expect(exists).To(BeFalse()) Expect(exists).NotTo(BeTrue()) }) It("should return false, false if present but not parsable .Enabled()", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{"com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable": "falsy"}) enabled, exists := c.Enabled() Expect(enabled).To(BeFalse()) Expect(enabled).NotTo(BeTrue()) Expect(exists).To(BeFalse()) Expect(exists).NotTo(BeTrue()) }) When("checking if its a watchtower instance", func() { It("should return true if the label is set to true", func() { isWatchtower := c.IsWatchtower() Expect(isWatchtower).To(BeTrue()) }) It("should return false if the label is present but set to false", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{"com.centurylinklabs.watchtower": "false"}) isWatchtower := c.IsWatchtower() Expect(isWatchtower).To(BeFalse()) }) It("should return false if the label is not present", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{"funny.label": "false"}) isWatchtower := c.IsWatchtower() Expect(isWatchtower).To(BeFalse()) }) It("should return false if there are no labels", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{}) isWatchtower := c.IsWatchtower() Expect(isWatchtower).To(BeFalse()) }) }) When("fetching the custom stop signal", func() { It("should return the signal if its set", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.stop-signal": "SIGKILL", }) stopSignal := c.StopSignal() Expect(stopSignal).To(Equal("SIGKILL")) }) It("should return an empty string if its not set", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{}) stopSignal := c.StopSignal() Expect(stopSignal).To(Equal("")) }) }) When("fetching the image name", func() { When("the zodiac label is present", func() { It("should fetch the image name from it", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.zodiac.original-image": "the-original-image", }) imageName := c.ImageName() Expect(imageName).To(Equal(imageName)) }) }) It("should return the image name", func() { name := "image-name:3" c = mockContainerWithImageName(name) imageName := c.ImageName() Expect(imageName).To(Equal(name)) }) It("should assume latest if no tag is supplied", func() { name := "image-name" c = mockContainerWithImageName(name) imageName := c.ImageName() Expect(imageName).To(Equal(name + ":latest")) }) }) When("fetching container links", func() { When("the depends on label is present", func() { It("should fetch depending containers from it", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.depends-on": "postgres", }) links := c.Links() Expect(links).To(SatisfyAll(ContainElement("postgres"), HaveLen(1))) }) It("should fetch depending containers if there are many", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.depends-on": "postgres,redis", }) links := c.Links() Expect(links).To(SatisfyAll(ContainElement("postgres"), ContainElement("redis"), HaveLen(2))) }) It("should fetch depending containers if label is blank", func() { c = mockContainerWithLabels(map[string]string{ "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.depends-on": "", }) links := c.Links() Expect(links).To(HaveLen(0)) }) }) When("the depends on label is not present", func() { It("should fetch depending containers from host config links", func() { c = mockContainerWithLinks([]string{ "redis:test-containrrr", "postgres:test-containrrr", }) links := c.Links() Expect(links).To(SatisfyAll(ContainElement("redis"), ContainElement("postgres"), HaveLen(2))) }) }) }) }) }) func mockContainerWithImageName(name string) *Container { container := mockContainerWithLabels(nil) container.containerInfo.Config.Image = name return container } func mockContainerWithLinks(links []string) *Container { content := types.ContainerJSON{ ContainerJSONBase: &types.ContainerJSONBase{ ID: "container_id", Image: "image", Name: "test-containrrr", HostConfig: &container.HostConfig{ Links: links, }, }, Config: &container.Config{ Labels: map[string]string{}, }, } return NewContainer(&content, nil) } func mockContainerWithLabels(labels map[string]string) *Container { content := types.ContainerJSON{ ContainerJSONBase: &types.ContainerJSONBase{ ID: "container_id", Image: "image", Name: "test-containrrr", }, Config: &container.Config{ Labels: labels, }, } return NewContainer(&content, nil) }