package flags import ( "errors" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "time" log "" "" "" "" ) // DockerAPIMinVersion is the minimum version of the docker api required to // use watchtower const DockerAPIMinVersion string = "1.25" // RegisterDockerFlags that are used directly by the docker api client func RegisterDockerFlags(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { flags := rootCmd.PersistentFlags() flags.StringP("host", "H", viper.GetString("DOCKER_HOST"), "daemon socket to connect to") flags.BoolP("tlsverify", "v", viper.GetBool("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY"), "use TLS and verify the remote") flags.StringP("api-version", "a", viper.GetString("DOCKER_API_VERSION"), "api version to use by docker client") } // RegisterSystemFlags that are used by watchtower to modify the program flow func RegisterSystemFlags(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { flags := rootCmd.PersistentFlags() flags.IntP( "interval", "i", viper.GetInt("WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL"), "Poll interval (in seconds)") flags.StringP( "schedule", "s", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE"), "The cron expression which defines when to update") flags.DurationP( "stop-timeout", "t", viper.GetDuration("WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT"), "Timeout before a container is forcefully stopped") flags.BoolP( "no-pull", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NO_PULL"), "Do not pull any new images") flags.BoolP( "no-restart", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NO_RESTART"), "Do not restart any containers") flags.BoolP( "no-startup-message", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NO_STARTUP_MESSAGE"), "Prevents watchtower from sending a startup message") flags.BoolP( "cleanup", "c", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP"), "Remove previously used images after updating") flags.BoolP( "remove-volumes", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_REMOVE_VOLUMES"), "Remove attached volumes before updating") flags.BoolP( "label-enable", "e", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_LABEL_ENABLE"), "Watch containers where the com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable label is true") flags.BoolP( "debug", "d", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_DEBUG"), "Enable debug mode with verbose logging") flags.BoolP( "trace", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_TRACE"), "Enable trace mode with very verbose logging - caution, exposes credentials") flags.BoolP( "monitor-only", "m", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_MONITOR_ONLY"), "Will only monitor for new images, not update the containers") flags.BoolP( "run-once", "R", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_RUN_ONCE"), "Run once now and exit") flags.BoolP( "include-restarting", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_RESTARTING"), "Will also include restarting containers") flags.BoolP( "include-stopped", "S", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_STOPPED"), "Will also include created and exited containers") flags.BoolP( "revive-stopped", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_REVIVE_STOPPED"), "Will also start stopped containers that were updated, if include-stopped is active") flags.BoolP( "enable-lifecycle-hooks", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_LIFECYCLE_HOOKS"), "Enable the execution of commands triggered by pre- and post-update lifecycle hooks") flags.BoolP( "rolling-restart", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_ROLLING_RESTART"), "Restart containers one at a time") flags.BoolP( "http-api-update", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_UPDATE"), "Runs Watchtower in HTTP API mode, so that image updates must to be triggered by a request") flags.BoolP( "http-api-metrics", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_METRICS"), "Runs Watchtower with the Prometheus metrics API enabled") flags.StringP( "http-api-token", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_TOKEN"), "Sets an authentication token to HTTP API requests.") flags.BoolP( "http-api-periodic-polls", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_HTTP_API_PERIODIC_POLLS"), "Also run periodic updates (specified with --interval and --schedule) if HTTP API is enabled") // flags.BoolP( "no-color", "", viper.IsSet("NO_COLOR"), "Disable ANSI color escape codes in log output") flags.StringP( "scope", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_SCOPE"), "Defines a monitoring scope for the Watchtower instance.") } // RegisterNotificationFlags that are used by watchtower to send notifications func RegisterNotificationFlags(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { flags := rootCmd.PersistentFlags() flags.StringSliceP( "notifications", "n", viper.GetStringSlice("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS"), " Notification types to send (valid: email, slack, msteams, gotify, shoutrrr)") flags.String( "notifications-level", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_LEVEL"), "The log level used for sending notifications. Possible values: panic, fatal, error, warn, info or debug") flags.IntP( "notifications-delay", "", viper.GetInt("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_DELAY"), "Delay before sending notifications, expressed in seconds") flags.StringP( "notifications-hostname", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_HOSTNAME"), "Custom hostname for notification titles") flags.StringP( "notification-email-from", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_FROM"), "Address to send notification emails from") flags.StringP( "notification-email-to", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_TO"), "Address to send notification emails to") flags.IntP( "notification-email-delay", "", viper.GetInt("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_DELAY"), "Delay before sending notifications, expressed in seconds") flags.StringP( "notification-email-server", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER"), "SMTP server to send notification emails through") flags.IntP( "notification-email-server-port", "", viper.GetInt("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER_PORT"), "SMTP server port to send notification emails through") flags.BoolP( "notification-email-server-tls-skip-verify", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY"), `Controls whether watchtower verifies the SMTP server's certificate chain and host name. Should only be used for testing.`) flags.StringP( "notification-email-server-user", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER_USER"), "SMTP server user for sending notifications") flags.StringP( "notification-email-server-password", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD"), "SMTP server password for sending notifications") flags.StringP( "notification-email-subjecttag", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECTTAG"), "Subject prefix tag for notifications via mail") flags.StringP( "notification-slack-hook-url", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_HOOK_URL"), "The Slack Hook URL to send notifications to") flags.StringP( "notification-slack-identifier", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_IDENTIFIER"), "A string which will be used to identify the messages coming from this watchtower instance") flags.StringP( "notification-slack-channel", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_CHANNEL"), "A string which overrides the webhook's default channel. Example: #my-custom-channel") flags.StringP( "notification-slack-icon-emoji", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_ICON_EMOJI"), "An emoji code string to use in place of the default icon") flags.StringP( "notification-slack-icon-url", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_ICON_URL"), "An icon image URL string to use in place of the default icon") flags.StringP( "notification-msteams-hook", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_MSTEAMS_HOOK_URL"), "The MSTeams WebHook URL to send notifications to") flags.BoolP( "notification-msteams-data", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_MSTEAMS_USE_LOG_DATA"), "The MSTeams notifier will try to extract log entry fields as MSTeams message facts") flags.StringP( "notification-gotify-url", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_GOTIFY_URL"), "The Gotify URL to send notifications to") flags.StringP( "notification-gotify-token", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_GOTIFY_TOKEN"), "The Gotify Application required to query the Gotify API") flags.BoolP( "notification-gotify-tls-skip-verify", "", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_GOTIFY_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY"), `Controls whether watchtower verifies the Gotify server's certificate chain and host name. Should only be used for testing.`) flags.String( "notification-template", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_TEMPLATE"), "The shoutrrr text/template for the messages") flags.StringArray( "notification-url", viper.GetStringSlice("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL"), "The shoutrrr URL to send notifications to") flags.Bool("notification-report", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_REPORT"), "Use the session report as the notification template data") flags.StringP( "notification-title-tag", "", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_TITLE_TAG"), "Title prefix tag for notifications") flags.Bool("notification-skip-title", viper.GetBool("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SKIP_TITLE"), "Do not pass the title param to notifications") flags.String( "warn-on-head-failure", viper.GetString("WATCHTOWER_WARN_ON_HEAD_FAILURE"), "When to warn about HEAD pull requests failing. Possible values: always, auto or never") } // SetDefaults provides default values for environment variables func SetDefaults() { day := (time.Hour * 24).Seconds() viper.AutomaticEnv() viper.SetDefault("DOCKER_HOST", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") viper.SetDefault("DOCKER_API_VERSION", DockerAPIMinVersion) viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL", day) viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT", time.Second*10) viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS", []string{}) viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATIONS_LEVEL", "info") viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SERVER_PORT", 25) viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL_SUBJECTTAG", "") viper.SetDefault("WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SLACK_IDENTIFIER", "watchtower") } // EnvConfig translates the command-line options into environment variables // that will initialize the api client func EnvConfig(cmd *cobra.Command) error { var err error var host string var tls bool var version string flags := cmd.PersistentFlags() if host, err = flags.GetString("host"); err != nil { return err } if tls, err = flags.GetBool("tlsverify"); err != nil { return err } if version, err = flags.GetString("api-version"); err != nil { return err } if err = setEnvOptStr("DOCKER_HOST", host); err != nil { return err } if err = setEnvOptBool("DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY", tls); err != nil { return err } if err = setEnvOptStr("DOCKER_API_VERSION", version); err != nil { return err } return nil } // ReadFlags reads common flags used in the main program flow of watchtower func ReadFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) (bool, bool, bool, time.Duration) { flags := cmd.PersistentFlags() var err error var cleanup bool var noRestart bool var monitorOnly bool var timeout time.Duration if cleanup, err = flags.GetBool("cleanup"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if noRestart, err = flags.GetBool("no-restart"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if monitorOnly, err = flags.GetBool("monitor-only"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if timeout, err = flags.GetDuration("stop-timeout"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return cleanup, noRestart, monitorOnly, timeout } func setEnvOptStr(env string, opt string) error { if opt == "" || opt == os.Getenv(env) { return nil } err := os.Setenv(env, opt) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func setEnvOptBool(env string, opt bool) error { if opt { return setEnvOptStr(env, "1") } return nil } // GetSecretsFromFiles checks if passwords/tokens/webhooks have been passed as a file instead of plaintext. // If so, the value of the flag will be replaced with the contents of the file. func GetSecretsFromFiles(rootCmd *cobra.Command) { flags := rootCmd.PersistentFlags() secrets := []string{ "notification-email-server-password", "notification-slack-hook-url", "notification-msteams-hook", "notification-gotify-token", } for _, secret := range secrets { getSecretFromFile(flags, secret) } } // getSecretFromFile will check if the flag contains a reference to a file; if it does, replaces the value of the flag with the contents of the file. func getSecretFromFile(flags *pflag.FlagSet, secret string) { value, err := flags.GetString(secret) if err != nil { log.Error(err) } if value != "" && isFile(value) { file, err := ioutil.ReadFile(value) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = flags.Set(secret, strings.TrimSpace(string(file))) if err != nil { log.Error(err) } } } func isFile(s string) bool { firstColon := strings.IndexRune(s, ':') if firstColon != 1 && firstColon != -1 { // If the string contains a ':', but it's not the second character, it's probably not a file // and will cause a fatal error on windows if stat'ed // This still allows for paths that start with 'c:\' etc. return false } _, err := os.Stat(s) return !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) }