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package container
import (
8 years ago
t ""
sdkClient ""
log ""
const defaultStopSignal = "SIGTERM"
// A Client is the interface through which watchtower interacts with the
// Docker API.
type Client interface {
ListContainers(t.Filter) ([]Container, error)
GetContainer(containerID t.ContainerID) (Container, error)
StopContainer(Container, time.Duration) error
StartContainer(Container) (t.ContainerID, error)
RenameContainer(Container, string) error
IsContainerStale(Container) (stale bool, latestImage t.ImageID, err error)
ExecuteCommand(containerID t.ContainerID, command string, timeout int) (SkipUpdate bool, err error)
RemoveImageByID(t.ImageID) error
WarnOnHeadPullFailed(container Container) bool
// NewClient returns a new Client instance which can be used to interact with
// the Docker API.
// The client reads its configuration from the following environment variables:
// * DOCKER_HOST the docker-engine host to send api requests to
// * DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY whether to verify tls certificates
// * DOCKER_API_VERSION the minimum docker api version to work with
func NewClient(pullImages, includeStopped, reviveStopped, removeVolumes, includeRestarting bool, warnOnHeadFailed string) Client {
cli, err := sdkClient.NewClientWithOpts(sdkClient.FromEnv)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error instantiating Docker client: %s", err)
return dockerClient{
api: cli,
pullImages: pullImages,
removeVolumes: removeVolumes,
includeStopped: includeStopped,
reviveStopped: reviveStopped,
includeRestarting: includeRestarting,
warnOnHeadFailed: warnOnHeadFailed,
type dockerClient struct {
api sdkClient.CommonAPIClient
pullImages bool
removeVolumes bool
includeStopped bool
reviveStopped bool
includeRestarting bool
warnOnHeadFailed string
func (client dockerClient) WarnOnHeadPullFailed(container Container) bool {
if client.warnOnHeadFailed == "always" {
return true
if client.warnOnHeadFailed == "never" {
return false
return registry.WarnOnAPIConsumption(container)
func (client dockerClient) ListContainers(fn t.Filter) ([]Container, error) {
cs := []Container{}
bg := context.Background()
if client.includeStopped && client.includeRestarting {
log.Debug("Retrieving running, stopped, restarting and exited containers")
} else if client.includeStopped {
log.Debug("Retrieving running, stopped and exited containers")
} else if client.includeRestarting {
log.Debug("Retrieving running and restarting containers")
} else {
log.Debug("Retrieving running containers")
filter := client.createListFilter()
containers, err := client.api.ContainerList(
Filters: filter,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, runningContainer := range containers {
c, err := client.GetContainer(t.ContainerID(runningContainer.ID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
8 years ago
if fn(c) {
9 years ago
cs = append(cs, c)
return cs, nil
func (client dockerClient) createListFilter() filters.Args {
filterArgs := filters.NewArgs()
filterArgs.Add("status", "running")
if client.includeStopped {
filterArgs.Add("status", "created")
filterArgs.Add("status", "exited")
if client.includeRestarting {
filterArgs.Add("status", "restarting")
return filterArgs
func (client dockerClient) GetContainer(containerID t.ContainerID) (Container, error) {
bg := context.Background()
containerInfo, err := client.api.ContainerInspect(bg, string(containerID))
if err != nil {
return Container{}, err
imageInfo, _, err := client.api.ImageInspectWithRaw(bg, containerInfo.Image)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to retrieve container image info: %v", err)
return Container{containerInfo: &containerInfo, imageInfo: nil}, nil
return Container{containerInfo: &containerInfo, imageInfo: &imageInfo}, nil
func (client dockerClient) StopContainer(c Container, timeout time.Duration) error {
bg := context.Background()
signal := c.StopSignal()
if signal == "" {
signal = defaultStopSignal
idStr := string(c.ID())
shortID := c.ID().ShortID()
if c.IsRunning() {
log.Infof("Stopping %s (%s) with %s", c.Name(), shortID, signal)
if err := client.api.ContainerKill(bg, idStr, signal); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: This should probably be checked.
_ = client.waitForStopOrTimeout(c, timeout)
if c.containerInfo.HostConfig.AutoRemove {
log.Debugf("AutoRemove container %s, skipping ContainerRemove call.", shortID)
} else {
log.Debugf("Removing container %s", shortID)
if err := client.api.ContainerRemove(bg, idStr, types.ContainerRemoveOptions{Force: true, RemoveVolumes: client.removeVolumes}); err != nil {
return err
// Wait for container to be removed. In this case an error is a good thing
if err := client.waitForStopOrTimeout(c, timeout); err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("container %s (%s) could not be removed", c.Name(), shortID)
return nil
func (client dockerClient) StartContainer(c Container) (t.ContainerID, error) {
8 years ago
bg := context.Background()
config := c.runtimeConfig()
hostConfig := c.hostConfig()
networkConfig := &network.NetworkingConfig{EndpointsConfig: c.containerInfo.NetworkSettings.Networks}
// simpleNetworkConfig is a networkConfig with only 1 network.
// see:
simpleNetworkConfig := func() *network.NetworkingConfig {
oneEndpoint := make(map[string]*network.EndpointSettings)
for k, v := range networkConfig.EndpointsConfig {
oneEndpoint[k] = v
// we only need 1
return &network.NetworkingConfig{EndpointsConfig: oneEndpoint}
name := c.Name()
log.Infof("Creating %s", name)
createdContainer, err := client.api.ContainerCreate(bg, config, hostConfig, simpleNetworkConfig, nil, name)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if !(hostConfig.NetworkMode.IsHost()) {
for k := range simpleNetworkConfig.EndpointsConfig {
err = client.api.NetworkDisconnect(bg, k, createdContainer.ID, true)
if err != nil {
return "", err
for k, v := range networkConfig.EndpointsConfig {
err = client.api.NetworkConnect(bg, k, createdContainer.ID, v)
if err != nil {
return "", err
createdContainerID := t.ContainerID(createdContainer.ID)
if !c.IsRunning() && !client.reviveStopped {
return createdContainerID, nil
return createdContainerID, client.doStartContainer(bg, c, createdContainer)
func (client dockerClient) doStartContainer(bg context.Context, c Container, creation container.ContainerCreateCreatedBody) error {
name := c.Name()
log.Debugf("Starting container %s (%s)", name, t.ContainerID(creation.ID).ShortID())
err := client.api.ContainerStart(bg, creation.ID, types.ContainerStartOptions{})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (client dockerClient) RenameContainer(c Container, newName string) error {
bg := context.Background()
log.Debugf("Renaming container %s (%s) to %s", c.Name(), c.ID().ShortID(), newName)
return client.api.ContainerRename(bg, string(c.ID()), newName)
func (client dockerClient) IsContainerStale(container Container) (stale bool, latestImage t.ImageID, err error) {
ctx := context.Background()
if !client.pullImages {
log.Debugf("Skipping image pull.")
} else if err := client.PullImage(ctx, container); err != nil {
return false, container.SafeImageID(), err
8 years ago
return client.HasNewImage(ctx, container)
func (client dockerClient) HasNewImage(ctx context.Context, container Container) (hasNew bool, latestImage t.ImageID, err error) {
currentImageID := t.ImageID(container.containerInfo.ContainerJSONBase.Image)
imageName := container.ImageName()
8 years ago
newImageInfo, _, err := client.api.ImageInspectWithRaw(ctx, imageName)
if err != nil {
return false, currentImageID, err
newImageID := t.ImageID(newImageInfo.ID)
if newImageID == currentImageID {
log.Debugf("No new images found for %s", container.Name())
return false, currentImageID, nil
log.Infof("Found new %s image (%s)", imageName, newImageID.ShortID())
return true, newImageID, nil
// PullImage pulls the latest image for the supplied container, optionally skipping if it's digest can be confirmed
// to match the one that the registry reports via a HEAD request
func (client dockerClient) PullImage(ctx context.Context, container Container) error {
containerName := container.Name()
imageName := container.ImageName()
fields := log.Fields{
"image": imageName,
"container": containerName,
log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("Trying to load authentication credentials.")
opts, err := registry.GetPullOptions(imageName)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error loading authentication credentials %s", err)
return err
if opts.RegistryAuth != "" {
log.Debug("Credentials loaded")
log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("Checking if pull is needed")
if match, err := digest.CompareDigest(container, opts.RegistryAuth); err != nil {
headLevel := log.DebugLevel
if client.WarnOnHeadPullFailed(container) {
headLevel = log.WarnLevel
log.WithFields(fields).Logf(headLevel, "Could not do a head request for %q, falling back to regular pull.", imageName)
log.WithFields(fields).Log(headLevel, "Reason: ", err)
} else if match {
log.Debug("No pull needed. Skipping image.")
return nil
} else {
log.Debug("Digests did not match, doing a pull.")
log.WithFields(fields).Debugf("Pulling image")
response, err := client.api.ImagePull(ctx, imageName, opts)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Error pulling image %s, %s", imageName, err)
return err
defer response.Close()
// the pull request will be aborted prematurely unless the response is read
if _, err = ioutil.ReadAll(response); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (client dockerClient) RemoveImageByID(id t.ImageID) error {
log.Infof("Removing image %s", id.ShortID())
_, err := client.api.ImageRemove(
Force: true,
return err
func (client dockerClient) ExecuteCommand(containerID t.ContainerID, command string, timeout int) (SkipUpdate bool, err error) {
bg := context.Background()
clog := log.WithField("containerID", containerID)
// Create the exec
execConfig := types.ExecConfig{
Tty: true,
Detach: false,
Cmd: []string{"sh", "-c", command},
exec, err := client.api.ContainerExecCreate(bg, string(containerID), execConfig)
if err != nil {
return false, err
response, attachErr := client.api.ContainerExecAttach(bg, exec.ID, types.ExecStartCheck{
Tty: true,
Detach: false,
if attachErr != nil {
clog.Errorf("Failed to extract command exec logs: %v", attachErr)
// Run the exec
execStartCheck := types.ExecStartCheck{Detach: false, Tty: true}
err = client.api.ContainerExecStart(bg, exec.ID, execStartCheck)
if err != nil {
return false, err
var output string
if attachErr == nil {
defer response.Close()
var writer bytes.Buffer
written, err := writer.ReadFrom(response.Reader)
if err != nil {
} else if written > 0 {
output = strings.TrimSpace(writer.String())
// Inspect the exec to get the exit code and print a message if the
// exit code is not success.
skipUpdate, err := client.waitForExecOrTimeout(bg, exec.ID, output, timeout)
if err != nil {
return true, err
return skipUpdate, nil
func (client dockerClient) waitForExecOrTimeout(bg context.Context, ID string, execOutput string, timeout int) (SkipUpdate bool, err error) {
const ExTempFail = 75
var ctx context.Context
var cancel context.CancelFunc
if timeout > 0 {
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(bg, time.Duration(timeout)*time.Minute)
defer cancel()
} else {
ctx = bg
for {
execInspect, err := client.api.ContainerExecInspect(ctx, ID)
//goland:noinspection GoNilness
"exit-code": execInspect.ExitCode,
"exec-id": execInspect.ExecID,
"running": execInspect.Running,
"container-id": execInspect.ContainerID,
}).Debug("Awaiting timeout or completion")
if err != nil {
return false, err
if execInspect.Running == true {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
if len(execOutput) > 0 {
log.Infof("Command output:\n%v", execOutput)
if execInspect.ExitCode == ExTempFail {
return true, nil
if execInspect.ExitCode > 0 {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Command exited with code %v %s", execInspect.ExitCode, execOutput)
return false, nil
func (client dockerClient) waitForStopOrTimeout(c Container, waitTime time.Duration) error {
bg := context.Background()
timeout := time.After(waitTime)
for {
select {
case <-timeout:
return nil
if ci, err := client.api.ContainerInspect(bg, string(c.ID())); err != nil {
return err
} else if !ci.State.Running {
return nil
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)