You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

164 lines
4.5 KiB

package notifications_test
import (
. ""
. ""
log ""
func TestActions(t *testing.T) {
RunSpecs(t, "Notifier Suite")
var _ = Describe("notifications", func() {
// TODO: Either, we delete this test or we need to pass it valid URLs in the cobra command.
// ---
// When("getting notifiers from a types array", func() {
// It("should return the same amount of notifiers a string entries", func() {
// notifier := &notifications.Notifier{}
// notifiers := notifier.GetNotificationTypes(&cobra.Command{}, []log.Level{}, []string{"slack", "email"})
// Expect(len(notifiers)).To(Equal(2))
// })
// })
Describe("the slack notifier", func() {
When("converting a slack service config into a shoutrrr url", func() {
builderFn := notifications.NewSlackNotifier
It("should return the expected URL", func() {
username := "containrrrbot"
tokenA := "aaa"
tokenB := "bbb"
tokenC := "ccc"
password := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", tokenA, tokenB, tokenC)
hookURL := fmt.Sprintf("", tokenA, tokenB, tokenC)
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf("slack://%s:%s@%s/%s/%s", username, password, tokenA, tokenB, tokenC)
args := []string{
testURL(builderFn, args, expectedOutput)
Describe("the gotify notifier", func() {
When("converting a gotify service config into a shoutrrr url", func() {
builderFn := notifications.NewGotifyNotifier
It("should return the expected URL", func() {
token := "aaa"
host := "shoutrrr.local"
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf("gotify://%s/%s", host, token)
args := []string{
fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", host),
testURL(builderFn, args, expectedOutput)
Describe("the teams notifier", func() {
When("converting a teams service config into a shoutrrr url", func() {
builderFn := notifications.NewMsTeamsNotifier
It("should return the expected URL", func() {
tokenA := "aaa"
tokenB := "bbb"
tokenC := "ccc"
hookURL := fmt.Sprintf("", tokenA, tokenB, tokenC)
expectedOutput := fmt.Sprintf("teams://%s:%s@%s", tokenA, tokenB, tokenC)
args := []string{
testURL(builderFn, args, expectedOutput)
Describe("the email notifier", func() {
builderFn := notifications.NewEmailNotifier
When("converting an email service config into a shoutrrr url", func() {
It("should set the from address in the URL", func() {
fromAddress := ""
expectedOutput := buildExpectedURL("", "", "", 25, fromAddress, "", "None")
args := []string{
testURL(builderFn, args, expectedOutput)
It("should return the expected URL", func() {
fromAddress := ""
toAddress := ""
expectedOutput := buildExpectedURL("", "", "", 25, fromAddress, toAddress, "None")
args := []string{
testURL(builderFn, args, expectedOutput)
func buildExpectedURL(username string, password string, host string, port int, from string, to string, auth string) string {
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
subject := fmt.Sprintf("Watchtower updates on %s", hostname)
var template = "smtp://%s:%s@%s:%d/?fromAddress=%s&fromName=Watchtower&toAddresses=%s&auth=%s&subject=%s&startTls=Yes&useHTML=No"
return fmt.Sprintf(template, username, password, host, port, from, to, auth, subject)
type builderFn = func(c *cobra.Command, acceptedLogLevels []log.Level) types.ConvertableNotifier
func testURL(builder builderFn, args []string, expectedURL string) {
command := cmd.NewRootCommand()
notifier := builder(command, []log.Level{})
actualURL := notifier.GetURL()