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* Copyright (C) 2009 Char Software Inc., DBA Localytics
* This code is provided under the Localytics Modified BSD License.
* A copy of this license has been distributed in a file called LICENSE
* with this source code.
* Please visit for more information.
import android.content.Context;
import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;
import android.util.Log;
import android.os.Build;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.Arrays;
* The class which manages creating, collecting, & uploading a Localytics session.
* Please see the following guides for information on how to best use this
* library, sample code, and other useful information:
* <ul>
* <li><a href="'s_Integration_Guide">Main Developer's Integration Guide</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Android 2 minute integration Guide</a></li>
* <li><a href="">Android Integration Guide</a></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Permissions required or recommended for this class:
* <ul>
* <li>android.permission.INTERNET</li> - Required. Necessary to upload data to the webservice.</li>
* <li>android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE</li> - Optional. Without this users connecting via WIFI will show up as
* having a connection type of 'unknown' on the webservice</li>
* </ul>
* <strong>Best Practices</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>Instantiate the LocalyticsSession object in onCreate.</li>
* <li>Create a new LocalyticsSession object, and open it in the onCreaet
* of every activity in your application. This will cause every new
* activity you display to reconnect to the running session.</li>
* <li>Open your session and begin your uploads in onCreate. This way the
* upload has time to complete and it all happens before your users have a
* chance to begin any data intensive actions of their own.</li>
* <li>Close the session in onPause. This is the last terminating function
* which is guaranteed to be called. The final close is the only one
* considered so worrying about activity re-entrance is not a problem.</li>
* <li>Do not call any Localytics functions inside a loop. Instead, calls
* such as <code>tagEvent</code> should follow user actions. This limits the
* amount of data which is stored and uploaded.</li>
* <li>Do not use multiple LocalticsSession objects to upload data with
* multiple application keys. This can cause invalid state.</li>
* </ul>
* @author Localytics
* @version 1.5
public final class LocalyticsSession
// Member Variables ////////////////////
private String _localyticsDirPath; // Path for this app's Localytics Files
private String _sessionFilename = null; // Filename for this session
private String _closeFilename = null; // Filename for this session's close events
private String _sessionUUID; // Unique identifier for this session.
private String _applicationKey; // Unique identifier for the instrumented application
private Context _appContext; // The context used to access device resources
private boolean _isSessionOpen = false; // Whether or not this session has been opened.
private static boolean _isUploading = false; // Only allow one instance of the app to upload at once.
private static boolean _isOptedIn = false; // Optin/out needs to be shared by all instances of this class.
// Constants ///////////////////////////
private static final String CLIENT_VERSION = "1.5"; // The version of this library.
private static final int MAX_NUM_SESSIONS = 10; // Number of sessions to store on the disk
private static final int MAX_NUM_ATTRIBUTES = 10; // Maximum attributes per event session
protected static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 128; // Maximum characters in an event name or attribute key/value
// Filename and directory constants.
private static final String LOCALYTICS_DIR = "localytics";
private static final String SESSION_FILE_PREFIX = "s_";
private static final String UPLOADER_FILE_PREFIX = "u_";
private static final String CLOSE_FILE_PREFIX = "c_";
private static final String OPTOUT_FILNAME = "opted_out";
private static final String DEVICE_ID_FILENAME = "device_id";
private static final String SESSION_ID_FILENAME = "last_session_id";
// All session opt-in / opt-out events need to be written to same place to gaurantee ordering on the server.
private static final String OPT_SESSION = LocalyticsSession.SESSION_FILE_PREFIX + "opt_session";
// The tag used for identifying Localytics Log messages.
private static final String LOG_TAG = "Localytics_Session";
// The number of milliseconds after which a session is considered closed and can't be reattached to
// 15 seconds * 1000ms
private static int SESSION_EXPIRATION = 15 * 1000;
// Public Methods //////////////////////
* Creates the Localytics Object. If Localytics is opted out at the time
* this object is created, no data will be collected for the lifetime of
* this session.
* @param appContext The context used to access resources on behalf of the app.
* It is recommended to use <code>getApplicationContext</code> to avoid the potential
* memory leak incurred by maintaining references to activities.
* @param applicationKey The key unique for each application generated
* at
public LocalyticsSession(final Context appContext, final String applicationKey)
this._appContext = appContext;
this._applicationKey = applicationKey;
// Put each application key's files inside a different directory. This
// makes it possible to have multiple app keys inside a single application.
// However, this is not a recommended practice!
this._localyticsDirPath = appContext.getFilesDir() + "/"
+ LocalyticsSession.LOCALYTICS_DIR + "/"
+ this._applicationKey + "/";
// All Localytics API calls are wrapped in try / catch blobs which swallow
// all exceptions. This way if there is a problem with the library the
// integrating application does not crash.
// If there is an opt-out file, everything is opted out.
File optOutFile = new File(this._localyticsDirPath + LocalyticsSession.OPTOUT_FILNAME);
LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn = false;
// Otherwise, everything is opted in.
LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn = true;
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Sets the Localytics Optin state for this application. This
* call is not necessary and is provided for people who wish to allow
* their users the ability to opt out of data collection. It can be
* called at any time. Passing false causes all further data collection
* to stop, and an opt-out event to be sent to the server so the user's
* data is removed from the charts.
* <br>
* There are very serious implications to the quality of your data when
* providing an opt out option. For example, users who have opted out will appear
* as never returning, causing your new/returning chart to skew.
* <br>
* If two instances of the same application are running, and one
* is opted in and the second opts out, the first will also become opted
* out, and neither will collect any more data.
* <br>
* If a session was started while the app was opted out, the session open
* event has already been lost. For this reason, all sessions started
* while opted out will not collect data even after the user opts back in
* or else it taints the comparisons of session lengths and other metrics.
* @param optedIn True if the user wishes to be opted in, false if they
* wish to be opted out and have all their Localytics data deleted.
public void setOptIn(final boolean optedIn)
// Do nothing if optin is unchanged
if(optedIn == LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn)
LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn = optedIn;
File fp;
if(optedIn == true)
// To opt in, delete the opt out file if it exists.
fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath + LocalyticsSession.OPTOUT_FILNAME);
// Create the opt-out file. If it can't be written this is fine because
// it means session files can't be written either so the user is effectively opted out.
fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath);
fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath + LocalyticsSession.OPTOUT_FILNAME);
catch (IOException e) { }
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Checks whether or not this session is opted in.
* It is not recommended that an application branch on analytics code
* because this adds an unnecessary testing burden to the developer.
* However, this function is provided for developers who wish to
* pre-populate check boxes in settings menus.
* @return True if the user is opted in, false otherwise.
public boolean isOptedIn()
return LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn;
* Opens the Localytics session. The session time as presented on the
* website is the time between the first <code>open</code> and the final <code>close</code>
* so it is recommended to open the session as early as possible, and close
* it at the last moment. The session must be opened before any tags can
* be written. It is recommended that this call be placed in <code>onCreate</code>.
* <br>
* If for any reason this is called more than once every subsequent open call
* will be ignored.
* <br>
* For applications with multiple activites, every activity should call <code>open</code>
* in <code>onCreate</code>. This will cause each activity to reconnect to the currently
* running session.
public void open()
// Allow only one open call to happen.
if(LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn == false || // do nothing if opted out
this._isSessionOpen == true) // do nothing if already open
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Session not opened");
this._isSessionOpen = true;
// Check if this session was closed within the last 15 seconds. If so, reattach
// to that session rather than open a new one. This will be the case whenever
// a new activity is loaded, or the current one is redrawn. Otherwise, create
// a new session
this._sessionUUID = getOldSessionUUId();
if(this._sessionUUID != null)
this._sessionFilename = LocalyticsSession.SESSION_FILE_PREFIX + this._sessionUUID;
this._closeFilename = LocalyticsSession.CLOSE_FILE_PREFIX + this._sessionUUID;;
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Reconnected to existing session");
// if there are too many files on the disk already, return w/o doing anything.
// All other session calls, such as tagEvent and close will return because isSessionOpen == false
File fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath);
// Get a list of all the session files.
FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter()
public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
// accept any session or uploader files, but ignore the close files b/c they are tiny.
return (name.startsWith(LocalyticsSession.SESSION_FILE_PREFIX)
|| name.startsWith(LocalyticsSession.UPLOADER_FILE_PREFIX));
// If that list is larger than the max number, don't create a new session.
if( fp.list(filter).length >= LocalyticsSession.MAX_NUM_SESSIONS)
this._isSessionOpen = false;
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Queue full, session not created");
// Otherwise, prepare the session.
this._sessionUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
this._sessionFilename = LocalyticsSession.SESSION_FILE_PREFIX + this._sessionUUID;
this._closeFilename = LocalyticsSession.CLOSE_FILE_PREFIX + this._sessionUUID;;
// It isn't necessary to have each session live in its own file because every event
// has the session_id in it. However, this makes maintaining a queue much simpler,
// and it simplifies multithreading because different instances write to different files
fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(this._sessionFilename);
if(fp == null)
this._isSessionOpen = false;
// If the file already exists then an open event has already been written.
else if(fp.length() != 0)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Session already opened");
appendDataToFile(fp, getOpenSessionString());
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Session opened");
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Closes the Localytics session. This should be done when the application or
* activity is ending. Because of the way the Android lifecycle works, this
* call could end up in a place which gets called multiple times (such as
* <code>onPause</code> which is the recommended location). This is
* fine because only the last close is processed by the server.
* <br>
* Closing does not cause the session to stop collecting data. This is a result
* of the application life cycle. It is possible for onPause to be called long
* before the application is actually ready to close the session.
public void close()
if(LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn == false || // do nothing if opted out
this._isSessionOpen == false) // do nothing if session is not open
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Session not closed.");
// Create the session close blob
StringBuffer closeString = new StringBuffer();
// Overwrite the existing close event with the new one
File fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(this._closeFilename);
overwriteFile(fp, closeString.toString());
// Write this session id to disk along with a timestamp. This is used to
// determine whether a session is reconnnecting to an existing session or
// being created fresh.
fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(LocalyticsSession.SESSION_ID_FILENAME);
this._sessionUUID + "\n" + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Close event written.");
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Allows a session to tag a particular event as having occurred. For
* example, if a view has three buttons, it might make sense to tag
* each button click with the name of the button which was clicked.
* For another example, in a game with many levels it might be valuable
* to create a new tag every time the user gets to a new level in order
* to determine how far the average user is progressing in the game.
* <br>
* <strong>Tagging Best Practices</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>DO NOT use tags to record personally identifiable information.</li>
* <li>The best way to use tags is to create all the tag strings as predefined
* constants and only use those. This is more efficient and removes the risk of
* collecting personal information.</li>
* <li>Do not set tags inside loops or any other place which gets called
* frequently. This can cause a lot of data to be stored and uploaded.</li>
* </ul>
* <br>
* @param event The name of the event which occurred.
public void tagEvent(final String event)
tagEvent(event, null);
* Allows a session to tag a particular event as having occurred, and
* optionally attach a collection of attributes to it. For example, if a
* view has three buttons, it might make sense to tag each button with the
* name of the button which was clicked.
* For another example, in a game with many levels it might be valuable
* to create a new tag every time the user gets to a new level in order
* to determine how far the average user is progressing in the game.
* <br>
* <strong>Tagging Best Practices</strong>
* <ul>
* <li>DO NOT use tags to record personally identifiable information.</li>
* <li>The best way to use tags is to create all the tag strings as predefined
* constants and only use those. This is more efficient and removes the risk of
* collecting personal information.</li>
* <li>Do not set tags inside loops or any other place which gets called
* frequently. This can cause a lot of data to be stored and uploaded.</li>
* </ul>
* <br>
* @param event The name of the event which occurred.
* @param attributes The collection of attributes for this particular event.
public void tagEvent(final String event, final Map<String, String> attributes)
if(LocalyticsSession._isOptedIn == false || // do nothing if opted out
this._isSessionOpen == false) // do nothing if session is not open
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Tag not written");
// Create the YML for the event
StringBuffer eventString = new StringBuffer();
DatapointHelper.PARAM_APP_UUID, this._applicationKey, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_UUID, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_SESSION_UUID, this._sessionUUID, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_CLIENT_TIME, DatapointHelper.getTimeAsDatetime(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_EVENT_NAME, event, 3));
if (attributes != null)
// Iterate through the map's elements and append a line for each one
Iterator<String> attr_it = attributes.keySet().iterator();
for (int currentAttr = 0; attr_it.hasNext() && (currentAttr < MAX_NUM_ATTRIBUTES); currentAttr++)
String key = (String);
String value = (String) attributes.get(key);
eventString.append(DatapointHelper.formatYAMLLine(key, value, 4));
File fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(this._sessionFilename);
appendDataToFile(fp, eventString.toString());
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Tag written.");
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Sorts an int value into a set of regular intervals as defined by the
* minimum, maximum, and step size. Both the min and max values are
* inclusive, and in the instance where (max - min + 1) is not evenly
* divisible by step size, the method guarantees only the minimum and the
* step size to be accurate to specification, with the new maximum will be
* moved to the next regular step.
* @param actualValue The int value to be sorted.
* @param minValue The int value representing the inclusive minimum interval.
* @param maxValue The int value representing the inclusive maximum interval.
* @param step The int value representing the increment of each interval.
public String createRangedAttribute(int actualValue, int minValue, int maxValue, int step)
// Confirm there is at least one bucket
if (step < 1)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Step must not be less than zero. Returning null.");
return null;
if (minValue >= maxValue)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "maxValue must not be less than minValue. Returning null.");
return null;
// Determine the number of steps, rounding up using int math
int stepQuantity = (maxValue - minValue + step) / step;
int[] steps = new int[stepQuantity + 1];
for (int currentStep = 0; currentStep <= stepQuantity; currentStep++)
steps[currentStep] = minValue + (currentStep) * step;
return createRangedAttribute(actualValue, steps);
* Sorts an int value into a predefined, pre-sorted set of intervals, returning a string representing the
* new expected value. The array must be sorted in ascending order, with the first element representing
* the inclusive lower bound and the last element representing the exclusive upper bound. For instance,
* the array [0,1,3,10] will provide the following buckets: less than 0, 0, 1-2, 3-9, 10 or greater.
* @param actualValue The int value to be bucketed.
* @param steps The sorted int array representing the bucketing intervals.
public String createRangedAttribute(int actualValue, int[] steps)
String bucket = null;
// if less than smallest value
if (actualValue < steps[0])
bucket = "less than " + steps[0];
// if greater than largest value
else if (actualValue >= steps[steps.length - 1])
bucket = steps[steps.length - 1] + " and above";
// binarySearch returns the index of the value, or (-(insertion point) - 1) if not found
int bucketIndex = Arrays.binarySearch(steps, actualValue);
if (bucketIndex < 0)
// if the index wasn't found, then we want the value before the insertion point as the lower end
// the special case where the insertion point is 0 is covered above, so we don't have to worry about it here
bucketIndex = (- bucketIndex) - 2;
if (steps[bucketIndex] == (steps[bucketIndex + 1] - 1))
bucket = Integer.toString(steps[bucketIndex]);
bucket = steps[bucketIndex] + "-" + (steps[bucketIndex + 1] - 1);
return bucket;
* Creates a low priority thread which uploads any Localytics data already stored
* on the device. This should be done early in the process life in order to
* guarantee as much time as possible for slow connections to complete. It
* is necessary to do this even if the user has opted out because this is how
* the opt out is transported to the webservice.
public void upload()
// Synchronize the check to make sure the upload is not
// already happening. This avoids the possibility of two
// uploader threads being started at once. While this isn't necessary it could
// conceivably reduce the load on the server
// Uploading should still happen even if the session is opted out.
// This way the opt-out event gets sent to the server so we know this
// user is opted out. After that, no data will be collected so nothing
// will get uploaded.
LocalyticsSession._isUploading = true;
File fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath);
UploaderThread uploader = new UploaderThread(
catch (Exception e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Swallowing exception: " + e.getMessage());
// Private Methods /////////////////////
* Gets a file from the application storage, or creates if it isn't there.
* The file is created inside this session's default storage location which
* makes it specific to the app key the user selects.
* @param path relative path to create the file in. should not be seperator_terminated
* @param filename the file to create
* @param path to create the file in
* @return a File object, or null if something goes wrong
private File getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(final String filename)
return getOrCreateFile(filename, this._localyticsDirPath);
* Gets a file from the application storage, or creates if it isn't there.
* @param path relative path to create the file in. should not be seperator_terminated
* @param filename the file to create
* @param path to create the file in
* @return a File object, or null if something goes wrong
private File getOrCreateFile(final String filename, final String path)
// Get the file if it already exists
File fp = new File(path + filename);
return fp;
// Otherwise, create any necessary directories, and the file itself.
new File(path).mkdirs();
return fp;
catch (IOException e)
"Unable to get or create file: " + filename
+ " in path: " + path);
return null;
* Uses an OutputStreamWriter to write and flush a string to the end of a text file.
* @param file Text file to append data to.
* @param data String to be appended
private static void appendDataToFile(final File file, final String data)
if(file != null)
// Only allow one append to happen at a time. This gaurantees files don't get corrupted by
// multiple threads in the same app writing at the same time, and it gaurantees app-wide
// like device_id don't get broken by multiple instance apps.
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file, true);
catch(IOException e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "AppendDataToFile failed with IO Exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Overwrites a given file with new contents
* @param file file to overwrite
* @param contents contents to store in the file
private static void overwriteFile(final File file, final String contents)
if(file != null)
FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file);
catch(IOException e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "Ovewriting file failed with IO Exception: " + e.getMessage());
* Creates the YAML string for the open session event.
* Collects all the basic session datapoints and writes them out as a YAML string.
* @return The YAML blob for the open session event.
private String getOpenSessionString()
StringBuffer openString = new StringBuffer();
TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager)this._appContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
// Application and session information
DatapointHelper.PARAM_UUID, this._sessionUUID, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_APP_UUID, this._applicationKey, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_APP_VERSION, DatapointHelper.getAppVersion(this._appContext), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_LIBRARY_VERSION, LocalyticsSession.CLIENT_VERSION, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_CLIENT_TIME, DatapointHelper.getTimeAsDatetime(), 3));
// Other device information
DatapointHelper.PARAM_DEVICE_UUID, getDeviceId(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_DEVICE_PLATFORM, "Android", 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_OS_VERSION, Build.ID, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_DEVICE_MODEL, Build.MODEL, 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_LOCALE_LANGUAGE, defaultLocale.getLanguage(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_LOCALE_COUNTRY, defaultLocale.getCountry(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_DEVICE_COUNTRY, telephonyManager.getSimCountryIso(), 3));
// Network information
DatapointHelper.PARAM_NETWORK_CARRIER, telephonyManager.getNetworkOperatorName(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_NETWORK_COUNTRY, telephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso(), 3));
DatapointHelper.PARAM_DATA_CONNECTION, DatapointHelper.getNetworkType(this._appContext, telephonyManager), 3));
return openString.toString();
* Gets an identifier which is unique to this machine, but generated randomly
* so it can't be traced.
* @return Returns the deviceID as a string
private String getDeviceId()
// Try and get the global device ID. If that fails, maintain an id
// local to this application. This way it is still possible to tell things like
// 'new vs returning users' on the webservice.
String deviceId = DatapointHelper.getGlobalDeviceId(this._appContext);
if(deviceId == null)
deviceId = getLocalDeviceId();
return deviceId;
* Gets an identifier unique to this application on this device. If one is not currently available,
* a new one is generated and stored.
* @return An identifier unique to this application this device.
private String getLocalDeviceId()
String deviceId = null;
final int bufferSize = 100;
// Open the device ID file. This file is stored at the root level so that
// if an application has multiple app keys (which it shouldn't!) all sessions
// will have a common device_id.
//File fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(LocalyticsSession.DEVICE_ID_FILENAME);
File fp = getOrCreateFile(
this._appContext.getFilesDir() + "/"
+ LocalyticsSession.LOCALYTICS_DIR + "/");
// if the file doesn't exist, create one.
if(fp.length() == 0)
deviceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
appendDataToFile(fp, deviceId);
// If it did exist, the file contains the ID.
char[] buf = new char[100];
int numRead;
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fp), bufferSize);
numRead =;
deviceId = String.copyValueOf(buf, 0, numRead);
catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "GetLocalDeviceID failed with FNF: " + e.getMessage()); }
catch (IOException e) { Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "GetLocalDeviceId Failed with IO Exception: " + e.getMessage()); }
return deviceId;
* Creates an event telling the webservice that the user opted in or out.
* @param optState True if they opted in, false if they opted out.
private void createOptEvent(boolean optState)
File fp = getOrCreateFileWithDefaultPath(LocalyticsSession.OPT_SESSION);
if(fp != null)
// Create the session close blob
StringBuffer optString = new StringBuffer();
appendDataToFile(fp, optString.toString());
* Returns the UUID of the last session which was closed if the last session
* was closed within 15 seconds. This allows sessions to be shared between
* activities within the same application.
* @return the UUID of the previous LocalyticsSession or null if the session has been closed for too long.
private String getOldSessionUUId()
final int bufferSize = 100;
// Open the stored session id file
File fp = new File(this._localyticsDirPath + LocalyticsSession.SESSION_ID_FILENAME);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fp), bufferSize);
String storedId = reader.readLine();
String timeStamp = reader.readLine();
if(timeStamp != null)
// Check if the session happened recently enough
long timeSinceSession = System.currentTimeMillis() - Long.parseLong(timeStamp);
if(SESSION_EXPIRATION > timeSinceSession)
return storedId;
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "File Not Found opening stored session");
return null;
catch (IOException e)
Log.v(LocalyticsSession.LOG_TAG, "IO Exception getting stored session: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
return null;
* Runnable which gets passed to the uploader thread so it can
* notify the library when uploads are complete.
private Runnable uploadComplete = new Runnable()
public void run()
LocalyticsSession._isUploading = false;