You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1480 lines
61 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Container Label -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_label">알람</string>
<!-- Task Edit Activity: Add New Alarm -->
<string name="alarm_ACS_button">알람 추가</string>
<string-array name="reminders_alarm">
<!-- reminders related to alarm -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in backup plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= BackupPreferences == -->
<!-- Backup Preferences Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_header">백업</string>
<!-- Backup: Status Header -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_status">상태</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last backup was a success (%s -> last date). Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_success">마지막:%s</string>
<!-- Backup Status: last error failed. Keep it short! -->
<string name="backup_status_failed">마지막 백업 실패</string>
<!-- Backup Status: error subtitle -->
<string name="backup_status_failed_subtitle">(오류 내용을 보려면 탭하세요)</string>
<!-- Backup Status: never backed up -->
<string name="backup_status_never">백업한 적이 없습니다!</string>
<!-- Backup Options Group Label -->
<string name="backup_BPr_group_options">옵션</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Title -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_title">자동 백업</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_disabled">자동 백업 실행 안함</string>
<!-- Preference: Automatic Backup Description (when enabled) -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_enabled">백업 매일 할껀가요?</string>
<!-- Preference screen restoring Tasks Help -->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore">백업 어떻게 하실껀가요?</string>
<!-- Preference screen Restoring Tasks Help Dialog Text-->
<string name="backup_BPr_how_to_restore_dialog">당신은 관리 및 복원 백업 Astrid Power Pack을 추가해야합니다. 그리고 Astrid는 혹시나 모를 상황에 대비하여 이전 상태를 자동으로 백업합니다.</string>
<!-- ================================================= BackupActivity == -->
<!-- backup activity label -->
<string name="backup_BAc_label">백업</string>
<!-- backup activity title -->
<string name="backup_BAc_title">백업 관리</string>
<!-- backup activity import button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_import">작업 가져오기</string>
<!-- backup activity export button -->
<string name="backup_BAc_export">작업 내보내기</string>
<!-- ============================================== Importer / Exporter == -->
<!-- Message displayed when error occurs -->
<string name="backup_TXI_error">가져오기 오류</string>
<string name="export_toast">%1$s 에서 %2$s (을)를 백업하다.</string>
<string name="export_toast_no_tasks">내보낼 작업 없음.</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for exporting -->
<string name="export_progress_title">내보내는 중...</string>
<!-- Backup: Title of Import Summary Dialog -->
<string name="import_summary_title">간편 복원</string>
<!-- Backup: Summary message for import. (%s => file name, %s => total # tasks, %s => imported, %s => skipped, %s => errors) -->
<string name="import_summary_message">%1$s 파일은 %2$s 개의 할일을 포함하고 있습니다. \n\n %3$s 개 가져오기 성공,\n %4$s 개 이미 존재, \n %5$s 개 에러 발생\n</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog Title for importing -->
<string name="import_progress_title">가져오는 중...</string>
<!-- Progress Dialog text for import reading task (%d -> task number)-->
<string name="import_progress_read">작업 %d 읽는 중...</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open a file -->
<string name="DLG_error_opening">파일을 찾지 못했습니다</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card folder (%s => folder) -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard">폴더에 접근할 수 없습니다.: %s</string>
<!-- Backup: Dialog when unable to open SD card in general -->
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard_general">SD 카드 접근할 수 없잖아요!</string>
<!-- Backup: File Selector dialog for import -->
<string name="import_file_prompt">복원할 파일을 선택하세요.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== AndroidManifest == -->
<!-- Application Name (shown on home screen & in launcher) -->
<string name="app_name">Astrid 작업</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_label">Astrid 권한</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="read_permission_desc">작업 읽기, 필터 보여주기</string>
<!-- permission title for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_label">Astrid 권한</string>
<!-- permission description for READ_TASKS -->
<string name="write_permission_desc">새 작업 생성, 작업 편집</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- question for deleting tasks -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_task_question">작업을 삭제하시겠습니까?</string>
<!-- question for deleting items (%s => item name) -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_item_question">이 작업을 지우시겠습니까: %s?</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when upgrading -->
<string name="DLG_upgrading">작업 업그래이드 중....</string>
<!-- Title for dialog selecting a time (hours and minutes) -->
<string name="DLG_hour_minutes">시간(시:분)</string>
<!-- Dialog for Astrid having a critical update -->
<string name="DLG_please_update">Astrid를 Android Market에서 새로운 버전으로 업그래이드 하셔야되요! 직접 다운로드 하시거나, 조금만 기다려주세요.</string>
<!-- Button for going to Market -->
<string name="DLG_to_market">Market 가기</string>
<!-- Button for accepting EULA -->
<string name="DLG_accept">동의</string>
<!-- Button for declining EULA -->
<string name="DLG_decline">거절</string>
<!-- EULA title -->
<string name="DLG_eula_title">Astrid 사용 약관</string>
<!-- =============================================================== UI == -->
<!-- Label for DateButtons with no value -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonUnset">직접 입력</string>
<!-- String formatter for DateButtons ($D => date, $T => time) -->
<string name="WID_dateButtonLabel">$D $T</string>
<!-- String formatter for Disable button -->
<string name="WID_disableButton">사용 안 함</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskListActivity == -->
<!-- Task List: Displayed instead of list when no items present -->
<string name="TLA_no_items">작업이 없네요!</string>
<!-- Menu: Add-ons -->
<string name="TLA_menu_addons">확장기능</string>
<!-- Menu: Adjust Sort and Hidden Task Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sort">정렬 &amp; 숨김</string>
<!-- Menu: Sync Now -->
<string name="TLA_menu_sync">지금 싱크!</string>
<!-- Menu: Settings -->
<string name="TLA_menu_settings">설정</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="TLA_menu_help">도움말</string>
<!-- Search Label-->
<string name="TLA_search_label">이 목록 검색</string>
<!-- Window title for displaying Custom Filter -->
<string name="TLA_custom">사용자 설정</string>
<!-- Quick Add Edit Box Hint-->
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint">목록 추가...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TaskAdapter == -->
<!-- Format string to indicate task is hidden (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_hiddenFormat">%s [숨김]</string>
<!-- Format string to indicate task is deleted (%s => task name) -->
<string name="TAd_deletedFormat">%s [삭제]</string>
<!-- Displayed when adapter is flung (scrolled quickly) -->
<string name="TAd_flingText"/>
<!-- indicates task was completed. %s => date or time ago -->
<string name="TAd_completed">%s 전에 완료됨</string>
<!-- Action Button: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_actionEditTask">편집</string>
<!-- Context Item: edit task -->
<string name="TAd_contextEditTask">작업 편집</string>
<!-- Context Item: delete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextDeleteTask">작업 삭제</string>
<!-- Context Item: undelete task -->
<string name="TAd_contextUndeleteTask">작업 삭제 취소</string>
<!-- Context Item: purge task -->
<string name="TAd_contextPurgeTask">작업 정리</string>
<!-- ============================================== SortSelectionDialog == -->
<!-- Sort Selection: dialog title -->
<string name="SSD_title">작업 정렬 및 숨김</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show completed tasks -->
<string name="SSD_completed">완료한 작업 보여주기</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show hidden tasks -->
<string name="SSD_hidden">숨긴 작업 보여주기</string>
<!-- Hidden Task Selection: show deleted tasks -->
<string name="SSD_deleted">지운 작업 보여주기</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort options header -->
<string name="SSD_sort_header">정렬 옵션</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: smart sort -->
<string name="SSD_sort_auto">Astrid 스마트 정렬</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by alpha -->
<string name="SSD_sort_alpha">제목순</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by due date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_due">완료일자 순</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by importance -->
<string name="SSD_sort_importance">중요도 순</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: sort by modified date -->
<string name="SSD_sort_modified">최종수정일 순</string>
<!-- Sort Selection: reverse -->
<string name="SSD_sort_reverse">역순 정렬</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort temporarily -->
<string name="SSD_save_temp">임시 정렬</string>
<!-- Sort Button: sort permanently -->
<string name="SSD_save_always">항상 정렬</string>
<!-- =============================================== FilterListActivity == -->
<!-- Filter List Activity Title -->
<string name="FLA_title">Astrid: 필터</string>
<!-- Displayed when loading filters -->
<string name="FLA_loading">필터 로딩중...</string>
<!-- Context Menu: Create Shortcut -->
<string name="FLA_context_shortcut">바탕화면 바로가기 만들기</string>
<!-- Menu: Search -->
<string name="FLA_menu_search">작업 검색...</string>
<!-- Menu: Help -->
<string name="FLA_menu_help">도움말</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog Title -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog_title">바로가기 만들기</string>
<!-- Create Shortcut Dialog (asks to name shortcut) -->
<string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog">바로가기 이름:</string>
<!-- Search Hint-->
<string name="FLA_search_hint">작업 검색</string>
<!-- Search Filter name (%s => query) -->
<string name="FLA_search_filter">\'%s\' 검색중</string>
<!-- Toast: created shortcut (%s => label) -->
<string name="FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut">바로가기 생성 완료: %s</string>
<!-- ================================================= TaskEditActivity == -->
<!-- Title when editing a task (%s => task title) -->
<string name="TEA_view_title">Astrid: \'%s\' 편집중</string>
<!-- Title when creating a new task -->
<string name="TEA_view_titleNew">Astrid: 새로운 작업</string>
<!-- First Tab - basic task details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_basic">기본 정보</string>
<!-- Second Tab - extra details -->
<string name="TEA_tab_extra">세부 정보</string>
<!-- Third Tab - add-ons -->
<string name="TEA_tab_addons">확장기능</string>
<!-- Task title label -->
<string name="TEA_title_label">작업명</string>
<!-- Task title hint (displayed when edit box is empty) -->
<string name="TEA_title_hint">요약정보</string>
<!-- Task importance label -->
<string name="TEA_importance_label">중요도</string>
<!-- Task urgency label -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_label">마감일</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time checkbox -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_specific_time">정해진 시간에?</string>
<!-- Task urgency specific time title when specific time false -->
<string name="TEA_urgency_time_none">시간 설정 안함</string>
<!-- Task hide until label -->
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_label">숨김 시간</string>
<!-- Task editing data being loaded label -->
<string-array name="TEA_loading"><item>로딩중...</item></string-array>
<!-- Task note label -->
<string name="TEA_note_label">노트</string>
<!-- Task note hint -->
<string name="TEA_notes_hint">작업 노트 입력...</string>
<!-- Estimated time label -->
<string name="TEA_estimatedDuration_label">얼마나 오래 걸릴 일입니까?</string>
<!-- Elapsed time label -->
<string name="TEA_elapsedDuration_label">작업에 이미 쓴 시간</string>
<!-- Menu: Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_save">변경사항 저장</string>
<!-- Menu: Don't Save -->
<string name="TEA_menu_discard">저장하지 않음</string>
<!-- Menu: Delete Task -->
<string name="TEA_menu_delete">작업 삭제</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved with deadline (%s => preposition + time units) -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_due">작업 저장 완료: 완료일 %s</string>
<!-- Toast: task saved without deadlines -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_notDue">작업 저장 완료</string>
<!-- Toast: task was not saved -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskCancel">작업 편집 취소</string>
<!-- Toast: task was deleted -->
<string name="TEA_onTaskDelete">작업 삭제 완료!</string>
<string-array name="TEA_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for edit page. item #4 -> auto filled -->
<item>정해진 일자/시간</item>
<item>(몇일 후)</item>
<item>마감일 없음</item>
<string-array name="TEA_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for edit page. -->
<item>숨기지 않기</item>
<item>작업 마감일</item>
<item>작업 마감일 몇일전</item>
<item>작업 마감일 1주일 전</item>
<item>정해진 일자/시간</item>
<!-- Add Ons tab when no add-ons found -->
<string name="TEA_addons_text">Looking for more features?</string>
<!-- Add Ons button -->
<string name="TEA_addons_button">Get the Power Pack!</string>
<!-- ============================================= IntroductionActivity == -->
<!-- Introduction Window title -->
<string name="InA_title">Astrid 사용을 환영합니다!</string>
<!-- Button to agree to EULA -->
<string name="InA_agree">동의합니다!!</string>
<!-- Button to disagree with EULA -->
<string name="InA_disagree">동의하지 않습니다.</string>
<!-- ===================================================== HelpActivity == -->
<!-- Help: Button to get support from our website -->
<string name="HlA_get_support">고객지원 받기</string>
<!-- ==================================================== UpdateService == -->
<!-- Changelog Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_changelog_title">Astrid 의 새로운 기능</string>
<!-- Updates Window Title -->
<string name="UpS_updates_title">Latest Astrid News</string>
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Window Title -->
<string name="EPr_title">Astrid: 환경 설정</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Appearance Title -->
<string name="EPr_appearance_header">모양</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Title -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_title">작업 목록 폰트크기</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Font Size Description -->
<string name="EPr_fontSize_desc">작업 메인목록 폰트 크기</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_title">작업과 함께 노트 보이기</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_disabled">노트는 작업을 누르면 보입니다.</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Notes Description (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_showNotes_desc_enabled">노트 항상 보여주기</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Defaults Title -->
<string name="EPr_defaults_header">새 작업 기본값</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_title">기본 중요도</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Urgency Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_urgency_desc">현재 설정: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_title">기본 중요도</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Importance Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_importance_desc">현재 설정: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_title">기본 숨기기 기간</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_hideUntil_desc">현재 설정: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_title">기본 알림</string>
<!-- Preference: Default Hide Until Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="EPr_default_reminders_desc">현재 설정: %s</string>
<string-array name="EPr_default_importance">
<!-- importance: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>!!! (최고 중요도)</item>
<item>! (최저 중요도)</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_urgency">
<!-- urgency: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>마감일 없음</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_hideUntil">
<!-- hideUntil: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>숨기지 않기</item>
<item>작업 마감일</item>
<item>작업 마감일 몇일전</item>
<item>작업 마감일 1주일 전</item>
<string-array name="EPr_default_reminders">
<!-- reminders: labels for "Task Defaults" preference item. -->
<item>마감일 알림 없음</item>
<item>마감일 지난 후</item>
<item>마감일 혹은 지난 후</item>
<!-- ==================================================== AddOnActivity == -->
<!-- Add Ons Activity Title -->
<string name="AOA_title">Astrid: 확장기능</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: author for internal authors -->
<string name="AOA_internal_author">Astrid 개발팀</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity: installed add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_installed">설치된 항목</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - available add-ons tab -->
<string name="AOA_tab_available">추가 가능</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - free add-ons label -->
<string name="AOA_free">무료</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit add-on website -->
<string name="AOA_visit_website">웹사이트 방문</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - menu item to visit android market -->
<string name="AOA_visit_market">안드로이드 마켓</string>
<!-- Add-on Activity - when list is empty -->
<string name="AOA_no_addons">Empty List!</string>
<!-- ====================================================== TasksWidget == -->
<!-- Widget text when loading tasks -->
<string name="TWi_loading">로딩중...</string>
<!-- Widget configuration activity title: select a filter -->
<string name="WCA_title">보여줄 작업리스트 선택</string>
<!-- ============================================================= Misc == -->
<!-- Displayed when task killer found. %s => name of the application -->
<string name="task_killer_help">프로세스를 강제종료 할 수 있는 (%s) 앱을 사용하고 있는 것 같습니다! 가능하시면, 강제종료가 안되도록 제외목록에 포함시켜 주시기 바랍니다. 그렇지 않으면, Astrid 가 당신에게 마감일이 되어도 알려줄 수 없을 수 있습니다. \n</string>
<!-- Task killer dialog ok button -->
<string name="task_killer_help_ok">Astrid 를 강제종료하지 않겠습니다!</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_title">Astrid 작업/할일 목록</string>
<!-- Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_description">Astrid 는 많은 사람들로부터 사랑받는 할일/작업 관리 프로그램입니다. 이 프로그램은 당신이 작업들을 마칠 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 마감일 알려주기, 태그기능, 싱크, 언어 추가 기능, 위젯 등 다양한 기능을 제공합니다.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in filter plug-in -->
<!-- ================================================= Filter Exposer == -->
<!-- Active Tasks Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Active">처리할 작업들</string>
<!-- Search Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Search">검색...</string>
<!-- Recently Modified -->
<string name="BFE_Recent">최근에 수정된 작업</string>
<!-- Build Your Own Filter -->
<string name="BFE_Custom">필터 만들기...</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Header -->
<string name="BFE_Saved">저장된 필터</string>
<!-- Saved Filters Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="BFE_Saved_delete">필터 삭제</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterActivity == -->
<!-- Build Your Own Filter Activity Title-->
<string name="CFA_title">필터 만들기</string>
<!-- Filter Name edit box hint (if user types here, filter will be saved) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_hint">필터의 저장할 이름을 정하세요...</string>
<!-- Filter Name default for copied filters (%s => old filter name) -->
<string name="CFA_filterName_copy">%s의 복사</string>
<!-- Filter Starting Universe: all tasks -->
<string name="CFA_universe_all">처리할 작업들</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: add (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_add">or</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: subtract (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_subtract">not</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Type: intersect (at the begging of title of the criteria) -->
<string name="CFA_type_intersect">also</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: chaining (%s chain type as above) -->
<string name="CFA_context_chain">%s has criteria</string>
<!-- Filter Criteria Context Menu: delete -->
<string name="CFA_context_delete">행 삭제</string>
<!-- Filter Screen Help Text -->
<string name="CFA_help">이 화면은 당신이 새로운 필터를 생성하도록 도와줍니다. 아래의 버튼을 통해 새로운 필터 기준을 추가하시고, 길게 혹은 짧게 눌러서 수정하실 수 있습니다. 모두 마친후에는 \"보기\" 버튼을 눌어주세요.</string>
<!-- Filter Button: add new -->
<string name="CFA_button_add">기준 추가</string>
<!-- Filter Button: view without saving -->
<string name="CFA_button_view">보기</string>
<!-- Filter Button: save & view filter -->
<string name="CFA_button_save">저장 &amp; 보기</string>
<!-- =========================================== CustomFilterCriteria == -->
<!-- Criteria: due by X - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_text">마감일: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: due by X - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_dueBefore_name">마감일...</string>
<string-array name="CFC_dueBefore_entries">
<!-- Criteria: due by X - options -->
<item>마감일 없음</item>
<!-- Criteria: importance - display text (? -> user input)-->
<string name="CFC_importance_text">중요도 기준 ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: importance - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_importance_name">중요도...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - display text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_text">태그: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_name">태그...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_name">다음 태그를 포함...</string>
<!-- Criteria: tag_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_tag_contains_text">다음 태그를 포함: ?</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - name of criteria -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_name">다음 제목을 포함...</string>
<!-- Criteria: title_contains - text (? -> user input) -->
<string name="CFC_title_contains_text">다음 제목을 포함: ?</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Error message for adding to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_error">캘린더에 작업 추가가 실패하였습니다!</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_label">캘린더 연동:</string>
<!-- Label for adding task to calendar -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label">캘린더에 일정 생성하기</string>
<!-- Label when calendar event already exists -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label">캘린더 일정 열기</string>
<!-- Toast when unable to open calendar event -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_error">일정 열기 실패!</string>
<!-- Toast when calendar event updated because task changed -->
<string name="gcal_TEA_calendar_updated">캘린더 일정도 함께 업데이트 되었습니다!</string>
<!-- ======================================================== Calendars == -->
<!-- Calendar event name when task is completed (%s => task title) -->
<string name="gcal_completed_title">%s (완료)</string>
<!-- System Default Calendar (displayed if we can't figure out calendars) -->
<string name="gcal_GCP_default">기본 캘린더</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ============================================================= UI == -->
<!-- filters header: GTasks -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_header">Google Tasks</string>
<!-- filter category for GTasks lists -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_list">리스트 순</string>
<!-- filter title for GTasks lists (%s => list name) -->
<string name="gtasks_FEx_title">Google Tasks: %s</string>
<!-- short help title for Gtasks -->
<string name="gtasks_help_title">Welcome to Google Tasks!</string>
<!-- short help for GTasks list activity -->
<string name="gtasks_help_body">Drag the grabber on the left side of a task
to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation.</string>
<!-- ============================================ GtasksLoginActivity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Gtasks Login -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_title">Log In to Google Tasks</string>
<!-- Instructions: Gtasks login -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_body">Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Google Apps
for Domain is currently unsupported, we\'re working on that!</string>
<!-- Instructions: Gtasks further help -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_further_help">To view your tasks with indentation
and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list.
By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks.</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_signIn">로그인</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_password">비밀번호</string>
<!-- Google Apps for Domain checkbox -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_domain">Google Apps for Domain account</string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorEmpty">Error: 모든 필드값을 입력하세요!</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="gtasks_GLA_errorAuth">Error: 이메일주소나 비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다!</string>
<!-- ============================================== GtasksPreferences == -->
<!-- GTasks Preferences Title -->
<string name="gtasks_GPr_header">Google Tasks (Beta!)</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="gtasks_notification_title">Astrid: Google Tasks</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources initial tasks added -->
<!-- Intro Tag or click prompt -->
<string name="intro_click_prompt">Intro: Press me to see details</string>
<!-- Task 1 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_1_summary">Create your first task</string>
<!-- Task 1 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_1_note">Two ways to add a task:\n
1) Quick Add: Just type the task into the quick entry box and press the +
button that appears on the left.\n\n
2) Regular add: Press the button to the right of the quick entry box.
Add basic details (due date, tags, notes) or set more advanced options.
Save the task with the save button or your phone\'s back button.\n\n
<!-- Task 2 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_2_summary">Add a widget to your desktop</string>
<!-- Task 2 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_2_note">A desktop widget is a great way to keep
track of your what you have to do as well as a way to quickly add new
How to add a widget:\n
1) Long press on your phone\'s desktop.\n
2) Choose \"Widget\" form resulting menu\n
3) Choose the Astrid widget.\n
4) You can select a Astrid filter. Choose \"Active Tasks\" for all your
Bonus: Use the widget to add a task!</string>
<!-- Task 3 Summary -->
<string name="intro_task_3_summary">Setup sync with Gmail Tasks or
<!-- Task 3 Note -->
<string name="intro_task_3_note">Astrid makes it possible for you to sync
your tasks with the simple task list provided by Gmail. For more advanced
task features we recommend synchronization with Producteev.\n\n
To enable sync from Astrid press \"Menu\" -&gt; \"Settings\" -&gt; \"Synchronization\" and
choose the sync provider you prefer.
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in locale plug-in -->
<!-- Locale Alert Editing Window Title -->
<string name="locale_edit_alerts_title">Astrid Filter Alert</string>
<!-- Locale Window Help -->
<string name="locale_edit_intro">다음 필터에 맞는 작업이 있을 때 Astrid 가 당신께 알려드리도록 하겠습니다.:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Filter Picker UI -->
<string name="locale_pick_filter">필터:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Label -->
<string name="locale_interval_label">Limit notifications to:</string>
<!-- Locale Window Interval Values -->
<string-array name="locale_interval">
<item>한시간에 한번</item>
<item>여섯시간에 한번</item>
<item>열두시간에 한번</item>
<item>하루에 한번</item>
<item>3일에 한번</item>
<item>일주일에 한번</item>
<!-- Locale Notification text -->
<string name="locale_notification">$NUM 개의 작업이 일치합니다: $FILTER</string>
<!-- Locale Plugin was not found, it is required -->
<string name="locale_plugin_required">Astrid Locale plugin 을 설치하시기 바랍니다.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ================================================== EditPreferences == -->
<!-- Preference Category: Power Pack -->
<string name="EPr_powerpack_header">Astrid Power Pack</string>
<!-- Preference: Anonymous User Statistics -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_title">사용 통계정보(익명보장)</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (disabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_disabled">사용 정보가 보고되지 않습니다.</string>
<!-- Preference: User Statistics (enabled) -->
<string name="EPr_statistics_desc_enabled">익명성이 보장되는 사용 통계정보 전송으로 우리가 Astrid 를 더욱 발전시킬 수 있도록 도와주세요.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- filters header: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev dashboards -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_dashboard">Workspaces</string>
<!-- filter category for Producteev responsible person -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible">Assigned To</string>
<!-- Producteev dashboard filter title (%s => dashboardname) -->
<string name="producteev_FEx_responsible_title">Assigned To \'%s\'</string>
<!-- detail for showing tasks created by someone else (%s => person name) -->
<string name="producteev_PDE_task_from">from %s</string>
<!-- replacement string for task edit "Notes" when using Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_notes">Add a Comment</string>
<!-- ==================================================== Preferences == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: Producteev -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_header">Producteev</string>
<!-- dashboard title for producteev default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_default_dashboard">Default Workspace</string>
<!-- dashboard title for tasks that are not synchronized -->
<string name="producteev_no_dashboard">싱크 중지</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard">Add new Workspace...</string>
<!-- dashboard spinner entry on TEA for adding a new dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_create_dashboard_name">Name for new Workspace</string>
<!-- preference title for default dashboard -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_title">Default Workspace</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (%s -> setting) -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary">New tasks will be added to: %s</string>
<!-- preference description for default dashboard (when set to 'not synchronized') -->
<string name="producteev_PPr_defaultdash_summary_none">New tasks will not be synchronized by default</string>
<!-- ================================================= Login Activity == -->
<!-- Activity Title: Producteev Login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_title">Producteev 로그인 하기</string>
<!-- Instructions: Producteev login -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_body">Producteev 계정으로 로그인 하시거나 새로운 계정을 만드세요!</string>
<!-- Producteev Terms Link -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_terms">사용약관</string>
<!-- Sign In Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_signIn">로그인</string>
<!-- Create New User Button -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_createNew">새 사용자 생성</string>
<!-- E-mail Address Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_email">E-mail</string>
<!-- Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_password">비밀번호</string>
<!-- Timezone Spinner -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_timezone">표준 시간대</string>
<!-- Confirm Password Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_confirmPassword">비밀번호 확인</string>
<!-- First Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_firstName">이름</string>
<!-- Last Name Label -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_lastName"></string>
<!-- Error Message when fields aren't filled out -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorEmpty">Error: 모든 필드값을 입력하세요!</string>
<!-- Error Message when passwords don't match -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorMatch">Error: 비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다!</string>
<!-- Error Message when we receive a HTTP 401 Unauthorized -->
<string name="producteev_PLA_errorAuth">Error: 이메일주소나 비밀번호가 맞지 않습니다!</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_title">Producteev</string>
<!-- text for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="producteev_notification_text">%s 작업 업데이트 완료 / 더 자세한 내용은 클릭</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="producteev_ioerror">연결 오류! 인터넷 연결을 확인하세요.</string>
<!-- Prod Login email not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_email_empty">E-Mail was not specified!</string>
<!-- Prod Login password not specified-->
<string name="producteev_MLA_password_empty">Password was not specified!</string>
<!-- ================================================ labels for layout-elements == -->
<!-- label for task-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_assign_label">Assign this task to this person:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for unassigned tasks on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_task_unassigned">&lt;Unassigned&gt;</string>
<!-- label for dashboard-assignment spinner on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_assign_label">Assign this task to this workspace:</string>
<!-- Spinner-item for default dashboard on taskeditactivity -->
<string name="producteev_TEA_dashboard_default">&lt;Default&gt;</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_text">In workspace: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_in_workspace_name">In workspace...</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_text">Assigned to: ?</string>
<string name="CFC_producteev_assigned_to_name">Assigned to...</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in reminders plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== task edit activity == -->
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder header label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_label">알려주세요...</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder @ deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_due">... 마감일이 되었을 때</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder after deadline -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_overdue">... 마감일을 지났을 때</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder at random times (%s => time plural)-->
<string name="TEA_reminder_random">... 아무때나 한번</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock label -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_label">소리/진동 선택:</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: off -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_off">한번 소리내기</string>
<!-- Task Edit: Reminder alarm clock toggle: on -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_alarm_on">알람끌 때까지 소리내기</string>
<string-array name="TEA_reminder_random">
<!-- random reminder choices for task edit page. -->
<item>2주 후에</item>
<item>한 달</item>
<item>두달 후에</item>
<!-- ==================================================== notifications == -->
<!-- Name of filter when viewing a reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_filter">Reminder!</string>
<!-- Reminder: Task was already done -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_done">이미 마침!</string>
<!-- Reminder: Snooze button (remind again later) -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_snooze">Snooze...</string>
<!-- Reminder: Cancel reminder -->
<string name="rmd_NoA_goAway">알림 취소!</string>
<!-- ============================================= reminder preferences == -->
<!-- Reminder Preference Screen Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_alerts_header">알림 설정</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title">알람 꺼짐 시작시간</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc">%s 후에는 알림 기능이 꺼집니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours Start/End Description (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_desc_none">알람 꺼짐 설정이 꺼졌습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title">알람 꺼짐 시간 종료</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Quiet Hours End Description (%s => time set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc">%s 이후에 알림이 다시 시작됩니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_title">알림 벨소리</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom">벨소리가 설정되었습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when silence is set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_silent">벨소리가 소리안남으로 설정되었습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Ringtone Description (when custom tone is not set) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default">기본 벨소리가 사용됩니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_title">알람 지속시간</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true">알람은 반드시 개별적으로 봐야 지워집니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Persistence Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false">\"모두 지우기\" 버튼으로 알람을 일괄삭제합니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_notificon_title">알람 아이콘 설정</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Notification Icon Description -->
<string name="rmd_Epr_notificon_desc">Astrid 알림바 아이콘 고르기</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_title">알람시 진동</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true">알람시에 진동합니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Vibrate Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false">알람시 진동하지 않습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_title">Astrid 알람</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_true">Astrid 는 알람시에 응원문구를 보여줍니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_nagging_desc_false">Astrid 는 알람시에 응원문구를 보여주지 않습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_title">알람 지연 HH:MM</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Snooze Dialog Description (true) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_true">새로운 시간 선택하여 알람 지연 (HH:MM)</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Nagging Description (false) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_snooze_dialog_desc_false">몇일/몇시간을 선택하여 알람 지연</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title">랜덤 알람</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (disabled) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc_disabled">새로운 작업은 랜덤 알람을 가지지 않습니다.</string>
<!-- Reminder Preference: Default Reminders Setting (%s => setting) -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc">새로운 작업은 랜덤하게 알람을 보여줍니다: %s</string>
<!-- Defaults Title -->
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaults_header">새 작업 기본값</string>
<string-array name="EPr_reminder_random">
<!-- Reminder Preference: random reminder choices for preference page. -->
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_start">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_start: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times!. -->
<item>오후 8시</item>
<item>오후 9시</item>
<item>오후 10시</item>
<item>오후 11시</item>
<item>오후 12시</item>
<item>오전 1시</item>
<item>오전 2시</item>
<item>오전 3시</item>
<item>오전 4시</item>
<item>오전 5시</item>
<item>오전 6시</item>
<item>오전 7시</item>
<item>오전 8시</item>
<item>오전 9시</item>
<item>오전 10시</item>
<item>오전 11시</item>
<item>오후 12시</item>
<item>오후 1시</item>
<item>오후 2시</item>
<item>오후 3시</item>
<item>오후 4시</item>
<item>오후 5시</item>
<item>오후 6시</item>
<item>오후 7시</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_end">
<!-- Reminder Preference: quiet_hours_end: options for preference menu. Translate but don't change the times! -->
<item>오전 9시</item>
<item>오전 10시</item>
<item>오전 11시</item>
<item>오후 12시</item>
<item>오후 1시</item>
<item>오후 2시</item>
<item>오후 3시</item>
<item>오후 4시</item>
<item>오후 5시</item>
<item>오후 6시</item>
<item>오후 7시</item>
<item>오후 8시</item>
<item>오후 9시</item>
<item>오후 10시</item>
<item>오후 11시</item>
<item>오후 12시</item>
<item>오전 1시</item>
<item>오전 2시</item>
<item>오전 3시</item>
<item>오전 4시</item>
<item>오전 5시</item>
<item>오전 6시</item>
<item>오전 7시</item>
<item>오전 8시</item>
<!-- =============================================== random reminders == -->
<string-array name="reminders">
<!-- reminders: Make these < 20 chars so the task name is displayed -->
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>잠깐 볼 수 있을까요?</item>
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>언제 시간되나요?</item>
<item>당신의 일정에</item>
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>Astrid가 여기있습니다!</item>
<item>안녕! 시간있어?</item>
<item>시간 있어요?</item>
<item>It\'s a great day to</item>
<string-array name="reminders_due">
<!-- reminders related to task due date -->
<item>일할 시간입니다!</item>
<item>마감일이 되었어요!</item>
<item>시작할 준비가 되었나요?</item>
<item>다음 작업을 해야합니다:</item>
<item>이걸 시작해야 합니다:</item>
<item>시작할 시가:</item>
<item>시간이 되었어요!</item>
<string-array name="reminders_snooze">
<!-- reminders related to snooze -->
<item>게으름 피우지 마세요!</item>
<item>지연시간이 끝났습니다!</item>
<item>더이상 지연은 없어요!</item>
<item>이제 준비 되었죠?</item>
<item>더이상 연기마세요!</item>
<string-array name="reminder_responses">
<!-- responses to reminder: Astrid says... (user should answer yes or no) -->
<item>당신이 할일이 있습니다!</item>
<item>이거 끝낼 준비 됐어요?</item>
<item>이거 하는게 어때요?</item>
<item>이건 어때?</item>
<item>이거 할 준비 됐어?</item>
<item>이거 할 수 있어?</item>
<item>이걸 끝내면 행복해 질 수 있어!</item>
<item>이거 마치면 기분이 좋아질거에요! 날 믿어요!</item>
<item>이거 오늘 하기로 하지 않았어?</item>
<item>이거 마치세요, 질리지도 않아요!</item>
<item>이걸 끝낼수있어? 그럼 넌 끝낼 수 있어!</item>
<item>이거 안할꺼야?</item>
<item>자신감을 가져요. 해봅시다!</item>
<item>난 니가 정말 자랑스러워! 이걸 끝내자!</item>
<item>이걸 끝내고 약간의 간식 어때?</item>
<item>그냥 이일 하나만? 응?</item>
<item>너의 할일목록을 줄일때야!</item>
<string-array name="postpone_nags">
<!-- Astrid's nagging when user clicks postpone -->
<item>이걸 연기하기로 했다고 말하지마!</item>
<item>늙는거에 대해서는 게으르지 않지?</item>
<item>어딘가에서 누군가가 네가 이 일을 마치길 기다리고 있어!</item>
<item>네가 연기한다고 말했지만, 사실은 이거 다한거지?</item>
<item>이게 마지막으로 미루는거지?응?</item>
<item>이걸 오늘 마쳐. 이제 더이상 얘기 안할께!</item>
<item>니가 할수 있을때 왜 미루니..미루지마!</item>
<item>결국에는 이거 다 할거지? 맞지?</item>
<item>넌 정말 대단하다고 생각해! 이거 연기 안하는게 어때?</item>
<item>그렇게 하면 니 목표를 이룰 수 있어?</item>
<item>미루고, 미루고, 또미루고, 언제 바뀔래!</item>
<item>변명은 충분히 들었어! 벌써 다 했어야 했잖아!</item>
<item>지난번에도 그렇게 변명하지 않았니?</item>
<item>네가 그렇게 하면 나는 네 인생을 잘 정리하는걸 도와줄수가 없어...</item>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->
<!-- repeating plugin name -->
<string name="repeat_plugin">작업 반복하기</string>
<!-- repeating plugin description -->
<string name="repeat_plugin_desc">작업 반복 허락</string>
<!-- checkbox for turning on/off repeats -->
<string name="repeat_enabled">반복</string>
<!-- button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value) -->
<string name="repeat_every">매 %d</string>
<!-- hint when opening repeat interval -->
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">반복 주기</string>
<string-array name="repeat_interval">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours) -->
<string-array name="repeat_type">
<!-- repeat type (date to repeat from) -->
<!-- task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_byday">$I on $D</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">Every %s</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_completion">완료후 %s</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- ====================== Plugin Boilerplate ========================= -->
<!-- label for RMilk button in Task Edit Activity -->
<string name="rmilk_EOE_button">Remember the Milk 설정</string>
<!-- task detail showing RTM repeat information -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_repeat">RTM 반복 작업</string>
<!-- task detail showing item needs to be synchronized -->
<string name="rmilk_TLA_sync">RTM 과 싱크가 필요</string>
<!-- filters header: RTM -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- filter category for RTM lists -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list">리스트</string>
<!-- RTM list filter title (%s => list) -->
<string name="rmilk_FEx_list_title">RTM 리스트 \'%s\'</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkEditActivity ========================== -->
<!-- RTM edit activity Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_title">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- RTM edit List Edit Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_list_label">RTM 리스트:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Label -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_label">RTM 반복 설정:</string>
<!-- RTM edit Repeat Hint -->
<string name="rmilk_MEA_repeat_hint">예. 매주, 14일 후</string>
<!-- ======================== MilkPreferences ========================== -->
<!-- Milk Preferences Title -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_header">Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- ======================= MilkLoginActivity ========================= -->
<!-- RTM Login Instructions -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_label">로그인 후 Astrid 를 승인하세요:</string>
<!-- Login Error Dialog (%s => message) -->
<string name="rmilk_MLA_error">로그인 정보 확인헤 실패하였습니다. 다시 시도하세요. \n\n 에러 메시지: %s</string>
<!-- ======================== Synchronization ========================== -->
<!-- title for notification tray when synchronizing -->
<string name="rmilk_notification_title">Astrid: Remember the Milk</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception with rmilk -->
<string name="rmilk_ioerror">연결 오류! 인터넷 연결이나 RTM 서버( 를 확인하세요.</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in tag plug-in -->
<!-- =============================================== Task Edit Controls == -->
<!-- Tags label -->
<string name="TEA_tags_label">태그:</string>
<!-- Tags hint -->
<string name="TEA_tag_hint">태그명</string>
<!-- Tags dropdown -->
<string name="TEA_tag_dropdown">태그 선택</string>
<!-- ========================================================== Filters == -->
<!-- filter header for tags -->
<string name="tag_FEx_header">태그</string>
<!-- filter header for tags, sorted by size -->
<string name="tag_FEx_by_size">크기별 정렬</string>
<!-- filter for untagged tasks -->
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged">태그없음</string>
<!-- %s => tag name -->
<string name="tag_FEx_name">\'%s\' 태그됨</string>
<!-- context menu option to rename a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_rename">태그 이름 변경</string>
<!-- context menu option to delete a tag -->
<string name="tag_cm_delete">태그 삭제</string>
<!-- Dialog to confirm deletion of a tag -->
<string name="DLG_delete_this_tag_question">태그를 삭제살까요: %s? (작업은 지워지지 않습니다.)</string>
<!-- Dialog to rename tag -->
<string name="DLG_rename_this_tag_header">태그 이름 변경 : %s</string>
<!-- Toast notification that no changes have been made -->
<string name="TEA_no_tags_modified">변경 없음.</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been deleted -->
<string name="TEA_tags_deleted">%1$s 태그가 %2$d 작업에서 삭제됨.</string>
<!-- Toast notification that a tag has been renamed -->
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Resources for built-in timers plug-in -->
<!-- Task List: Start Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_startTimer">타이머 시작</string>
<!-- Task List: Stop Timer button -->
<string name="TAE_stopTimer">타이머 정지</string>
<!-- Android Notification Title (%s => # tasks) -->
<string name="TPl_notification">%s 동안 타이머 작동함!</string>
<!-- Filter Header for Timer plugin -->
<string name="TFE_category">타이머 필터</string>
<!-- Filter for Timed Tasks -->
<string name="TFE_workingOn">Tasks Being Timed</string>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<!-- Voice Add Prompt Text -->
<string name="voice_create_prompt">Speak to create a task</string>
<string name="voice_edit_title_prompt">Speak to set task title</string>
<string name="voice_edit_note_prompt">Speak to set task notes</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List recognition-service is not installed, but available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputInstall_dlg">Voice-input is not installed.\nDo you want to go to the market and install it?</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List recognition-service is not available for this system -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputUnavailable_dlg">Unfortunately voice-input is not available for your system.\nIf possible, please update Android to 2.1 or later.</string>
<!-- Preference: Market is not available for this system -->
<string name="EPr_marketUnavailable_dlg">Unfortunately the market is not available for your system.\nIf possible, try downloading voice search from another source.</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Show Voice-button if recognition-service is available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_title">Voice Input</string>
<!-- Preference: voice button description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_enabled">Voice input button will be displayed in task list page</string>
<!-- Preference: voice button description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputEnabled_desc_disabled">Voice input button will be hidden on task list page</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-button directly creates tasks -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_title">Directly Create Tasks</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_enabled">Tasks will automatically be created from voice input</string>
<!-- Preference: Task List Voice-creation description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceInputCreatesTask_desc_disabled">You can edit the task title after voice input finishes</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders if TTS-service is available -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_title">Voice Reminders</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders description (true) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_enabled">Astrid will speak task names during task reminders</string>
<!-- Preference: Voice reminders description (false) -->
<string name="EPr_voiceRemindersEnabled_desc_disabled">Astrid will sound a ringtone during task reminders</string>
<!-- Preference Category: Voice Title -->
<string name="EPr_voice_header">Voice Input Settings</string>