You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
9.2 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
** See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- ==================================================== Generic Units == -->
<plurals name="DUt_years">
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="one">1 Jahr</item>
<!-- plurals: years -->
<item quantity="other">%d Jahre</item>
<plurals name="DUt_months">
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="one">1 Monat</item>
<!-- plurals: months -->
<item quantity="other">%d Monate</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weeks">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Woche</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochen</item>
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Tag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Tage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_weekdays">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">Ein Wochentag</item>
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="other">%d Wochentage</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Stunde</item>
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="other">%d Stunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Minute</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="other">%d Minuten</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Sekunde</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sekunden</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Std</item>
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Std</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Min</item>
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d min</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1 Sek</item>
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="other">%d Sek</item>
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">1 Aufgabe</item>
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="other">%d Aufgaben</item>
<plurals name="Npeople">
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="one">Eine Person</item>
<!-- plurals: people -->
<item quantity="other">%d Personen</item>
<!-- slide 10a, 12c: today -->
<string name="today">Heute</string>
<!-- tomorrow -->
<string name="tomorrow">Morgen</string>
<!-- yesterday -->
<string name="yesterday">Gestern</string>
<!-- slide 12c: tomorrow, abbreviated -->
<string name="tmrw">Morg.</string>
<!-- slide 12c: yesterday, abbreviated -->
<string name="yest">Gest.</string>
<!-- ================================================== Generic Dialogs == -->
<!-- confirmation dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_confirm_title">Bestätigen?</string>
<!-- question dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_question_title">Frage:</string>
<!-- information dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">Informationen</string>
<!-- error dialog title -->
<string name="DLG_error_title">Fehler!</string>
<!-- general dialog save-->
<string name="DLG_save">Speichern</string>
<!-- general dialog yes-->
<string name="DLG_yes">Ja</string>
<!-- general dialog no-->
<string name="DLG_no">Nein</string>
<!-- general dialog close-->
<string name="DLG_close">Schließen</string>
<!-- general dialog done -->
<string name="DLG_done">Erledigt</string>
<!-- error dialog (%s => error message)-->
<string name="DLG_error">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist! Folgendes ist passiert:\n\n%s</string>
<!-- error dialog (no message indicated)-->
<string name="DLG_error_generic">Ups, sieht aus, als ob ein Fehler aufgetreten ist!</string>
<!-- Progress dialog shown when doing something slow -->
<string name="DLG_wait">Bitte warten...</string>
<!-- ====================================================== SyncProvider == -->
<!-- Sync Notification: message when sync service active -->
<string name="SyP_progress">Synchronisiere deine Aufgaben</string>
<!-- Sync Notification: toast when sync activated from activity -->
<string name="SyP_progress_toast">Synchronisiere…</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="SyP_label">Synchronisation</string>
<!-- Sync Label: used in menu to denote synchronization -->
<string name="Sync_now_label">Sync now</string>
<!-- Sync label subtitle -->
<string name="SyP_summary">, Google Tasks, gespeicherte Daten, lokale Backups</string>
<!-- Error msg when io exception -->
<string name="SyP_ioerror">Verbindungsfehler! Überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung.</string>
<!-- ================================================== SyncPreferences == -->
<!-- Status Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_status">Status</string>
<!-- Sync status subtitle, %s-> status message -->
<string name="sync_SPr_status_subtitle">Status: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: log in -->
<string name="sync_status_loggedout">Nicht angemeldet</string>
<!-- Status: ongoing -->
<string name="sync_status_ongoing">Synchronisierung läuft...</string>
<!-- Sync Status: success status (%s -> last sync date). Keep it short!-->
<string name="sync_status_success">Letzte Synchronisierung:\n%s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: failure status (%s -> last attempted sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed">Fehlgeschlagen am: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error status (%s -> last sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_errors">Synchronisation m. Fehler: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: error subtitle (%s -> last successful sync date) -->
<string name="sync_status_failed_subtitle">Letzte erfolgreiche Synchronisierung: %s</string>
<!-- Sync Status: never sync\'d -->
<string name="sync_status_never">Noch nie synchronisiert!</string>
<!-- Options Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_options">Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_title">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (when disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung ist deaktiviert</string>
<!-- Preference: Synchronization Interval Description (%s => setting) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_interval_desc">Gesetzt auf: %s</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_title">WLAN-Einstellungen</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (enabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung nur bei WLAN-Verbindung</string>
<!-- Preference: Background Wifi Description (disabled) -->
<string name="sync_SPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">Hintergrund-Synchronisierung findet immer statt</string>
<!-- Actions Group Label -->
<string name="sync_SPr_group_actions">Aktionen</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync">Jetzt synchronisieren</string>
<!-- Synchronize Now Button if not logged in-->
<string name="sync_SPr_sync_log_in">Einloggen &amp; synchronisieren!</string>
<!-- Sync: Prefix string before logged in identifier -->
<string name="sync_SPr_logged_in_prefix">Angemeldet als:</string>
<!-- Sync: Last error -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error">Statusbericht</string>
<!-- Sync: last error click for more -->
<string name="sync_SPr_last_error_subtitle">Klicke um einen Bericht ans Astrid-Team zu senden</string>
<!-- Sync: send error report button -->
<string name="sync_SPr_send_report">Bericht senden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Title -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget">Abmelden</string>
<!-- Sync: Clear Data Description -->
<string name="sync_SPr_forget_description">Alle Synchronisationsdaten löschen</string>
<!-- confirmation dialog for sync log out -->
<string name="sync_forget_confirm">Ausloggen/synchronisierte Daten löschen?</string>
<!-- Sync error: network connectivity problems. %s-> name of sync service-->
<string name="sync_error_offline">Es gab ein Problem mit der Netzwerkverbindung während der letzten Synchronisation mit %s. Versuche es bitte später noch einmal.</string>
<string-array name="sync_SPr_interval_entries">
<!-- sync_SPr_interval_entries: Synchronization Intervals -->
<item>alle 15 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 30 Minuten</item>
<item>alle 3 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 6 Stunden</item>
<item>alle 12 Stunden</item>
<item>jeden dritten Tag</item>