You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.todoroo.astrid.api
import android.os.Parcelable
import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize
interface Filter : FilterListItem, Parcelable {
val valuesForNewTasks: String?
get() = null
val sql: String?
val icon: Int
get() = -1
val title: String?
val tint: Int
get() = 0
@Deprecated("Remove this")
val count: Int
get() = NO_COUNT
val order: Int
get() = NO_ORDER
override val itemType: FilterListItem.Type
get() = FilterListItem.Type.ITEM
val isReadOnly: Boolean
get() = false
val isWritable: Boolean
get() = !isReadOnly
fun supportsManualSort(): Boolean = false
fun supportsHiddenTasks(): Boolean = true
fun supportsSubtasks(): Boolean = true
fun supportsSorting(): Boolean = true
companion object {
const val NO_ORDER = -1
const val NO_COUNT = -1
@Deprecated("Use manual ordering")
interface AstridOrderingFilter : Filter {
var filterOverride: String?
fun getSqlQuery(): String = filterOverride ?: sql!!
data class FilterImpl(
override val title: String? = null,
override val sql: String? = null,
override val valuesForNewTasks: String? = null,
override val icon: Int = -1,
override val tint: Int = 0,
) : Filter {
override fun areItemsTheSame(other: FilterListItem): Boolean {
return other is Filter && sql == other.sql