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* Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc
* See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code.
package com.todoroo.astrid.reminders;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import com.todoroo.andlib.service.Autowired;
import com.todoroo.andlib.service.ContextManager;
import com.todoroo.andlib.service.DependencyInjectionService;
import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Criterion;
import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Query;
import com.todoroo.andlib.utility.DateUtilities;
import com.todoroo.andlib.utility.Preferences;
import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.TaskDao;
import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.TaskDao.TaskCriteria;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.tasks.R;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Random;
import static;
import static;
* Data service for reminders
* @author Tim Su <>
public final class ReminderService {
// --- constants
public static final Property<?>[] NOTIFICATION_PROPERTIES = new Property<?>[] {
/** flag for due date reminder */
public static final int TYPE_DUE = 0;
/** flag for overdue reminder */
public static final int TYPE_OVERDUE = 1;
/** flag for random reminder */
public static final int TYPE_RANDOM = 2;
/** flag for a snoozed reminder */
public static final int TYPE_SNOOZE = 3;
/** flag for an alarm reminder */
public static final int TYPE_ALARM = 4;
static final Random random = new Random();
// --- instance variables
@Autowired private TaskDao taskDao;
private AlarmScheduler scheduler = new ReminderAlarmScheduler();
private long now = -1; // For tracking when reminders might be scheduled all at once
ReminderService() {
// --- singleton
private static ReminderService instance = null;
public static synchronized ReminderService getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new ReminderService();
return instance;
void clearInstance() {
instance = null;
// --- preference handling
private static boolean preferencesInitialized = false;
private static final int MILLIS_PER_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000;
/** Set preference defaults, if unset. called at startup */
public void setPreferenceDefaults() {
if(preferencesInitialized) {
Context context = ContextManager.getContext();
SharedPreferences prefs = Preferences.getPrefs(context);
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
Resources r = context.getResources();
Preferences.setIfUnset(prefs, editor, r, R.string.p_rmd_default_random_hours, 0);
Preferences.setIfUnset(prefs, editor, r, R.string.p_rmd_persistent, true);
preferencesInitialized = true;
// --- reminder scheduling logic
* Schedules all alarms
public void scheduleAllAlarms() {
TodorooCursor<Task> cursor = getTasksWithReminders(NOTIFICATION_PROPERTIES);
try {
Task task = new Task();
now =; // Before mass scheduling, initialize now variable
for(cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) {
scheduleAlarm(task, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
// suppress
} finally {
now = -1; // Signal done with now variable
private long getNowValue() {
// If we're in the midst of mass scheduling, use the prestored now var
return (now == -1 ? : now);
public static final long NO_ALARM = Long.MAX_VALUE;
* Schedules alarms for a single task
public void scheduleAlarm(Task task) {
scheduleAlarm(task, true);
public void clearAllAlarms(Task task) {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, NO_ALARM, TYPE_SNOOZE);
scheduler.createAlarm(task, NO_ALARM, TYPE_RANDOM);
scheduler.createAlarm(task, NO_ALARM, TYPE_DUE);
scheduler.createAlarm(task, NO_ALARM, TYPE_OVERDUE);
* Schedules alarms for a single task
* @param shouldPerformPropertyCheck
* whether to check if task has requisite properties
private void scheduleAlarm(Task task, boolean shouldPerformPropertyCheck) {
if(task == null || !task.isSaved()) {
// read data if necessary
if(shouldPerformPropertyCheck) {
for(Property<?> property : NOTIFICATION_PROPERTIES) {
if(!task.containsValue(property)) {
task = taskDao.fetch(task.getId(), NOTIFICATION_PROPERTIES);
if(task == null) {
// Make sure no alarms are scheduled other than the next one. When that one is shown, it
// will schedule the next one after it, and so on and so forth.
if(task.isCompleted() || task.isDeleted() || !Task.USER_ID_SELF.equals(task.getUserID())) {
// snooze reminder
long whenSnooze = calculateNextSnoozeReminder(task);
// random reminders
long whenRandom = calculateNextRandomReminder(task);
// notifications at due date
long whenDueDate = calculateNextDueDateReminder(task);
// notifications after due date
long whenOverdue = calculateNextOverdueReminder(task);
// For alarms around/before now, increment the now value so the next one will be later
if (whenDueDate <= now || whenOverdue <= now) {
whenDueDate = now;
whenOverdue = now;
now += 30 * DateUtilities.ONE_MINUTE; // Prevents overdue tasks from being scheduled all at once
// if random reminders are too close to due date, favor due date
if(whenRandom != NO_ALARM && whenDueDate - whenRandom < DateUtilities.ONE_DAY) {
whenRandom = NO_ALARM;
// snooze trumps all
if(whenSnooze != NO_ALARM) {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, whenSnooze, TYPE_SNOOZE);
else if(whenRandom < whenDueDate && whenRandom < whenOverdue) {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, whenRandom, TYPE_RANDOM);
else if(whenDueDate < whenOverdue) {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, whenDueDate, TYPE_DUE);
else if(whenOverdue != NO_ALARM) {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, whenOverdue, TYPE_OVERDUE);
else {
scheduler.createAlarm(task, 0, 0);
* Calculate the next alarm time for snooze.
* <p>
* Pretty simple - if a snooze time is in the future, we use that. If it
* has already passed, we do nothing.
private long calculateNextSnoozeReminder(Task task) {
if(task.getReminderSnooze() > {
return task.getReminderSnooze();
return NO_ALARM;
* Calculate the next alarm time for overdue reminders.
* <p>
* We schedule an alarm for after the due date (which could be in the past),
* with the exception that if a reminder was recently issued, we move
* the alarm time to the near future.
private long calculateNextOverdueReminder(Task task) {
// Uses getNowValue() instead of
if(task.hasDueDate() && task.getFlag(Task.REMINDER_FLAGS, Task.NOTIFY_AFTER_DEADLINE)) {
Date due = newDate(task.getDueDate());
if (!task.hasDueTime()) {
long dueDateForOverdue = due.getTime();
long lastReminder = task.getReminderLast();
if(dueDateForOverdue > getNowValue()) {
return dueDateForOverdue + (long) ((0.5f + 2f * random.nextFloat()) * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR);
if(lastReminder < dueDateForOverdue) {
return getNowValue();
if(getNowValue() - lastReminder < 6 * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR) {
return getNowValue() + (long) ((2.0f +
task.getImportance() +
6f * random.nextFloat()) * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR);
return getNowValue();
return NO_ALARM;
* Calculate the next alarm time for due date reminders.
* <p>
* This alarm always returns the due date, and is triggered if
* the last reminder time occurred before the due date. This means it is
* possible to return due dates in the past.
* <p>
* If the date was indicated to not have a due time, we read from
* preferences and assign a time.
long calculateNextDueDateReminder(Task task) {
// Uses getNowValue() instead of
if(task.hasDueDate() && task.getFlag(Task.REMINDER_FLAGS, Task.NOTIFY_AT_DEADLINE)) {
long dueDate = task.getDueDate();
long lastReminder = task.getReminderLast();
long dueDateAlarm = NO_ALARM;
if(task.hasDueTime()) {
dueDateAlarm = dueDate;
} else if ( > lastReminder + DateUtilities.ONE_DAY) {
// return notification time on this day
Date date = new DateTime(dueDate).withMillisOfDay(Preferences.getInt(R.string.p_rmd_time, 18 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR)).toDate();
dueDateAlarm = date.getTime();
if (dueDate > getNowValue() && dueDateAlarm < getNowValue()) {
// this only happens for tasks due today, cause dueDateAlarm wouldn't be in the past otherwise
// if the default reminder is in the past, then reschedule it
// on this day before start of quiet hours or after quiet hours
// randomly placed in this interval
long quietHoursStart = new DateTime().withMillisOfDay(Preferences.getInt(R.string.p_rmd_quietStart, 22 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR)).getMillis();
Date quietHoursStartDate = newDate(quietHoursStart);
long quietHoursEnd = new DateTime().withMillisOfDay(Preferences.getInt(R.string.p_rmd_quietEnd, 10 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR)).getMillis();
Date quietHoursEndDate = newDate(quietHoursEnd);
boolean quietHoursEnabled = Preferences.getBoolean(R.string.p_rmd_enable_quiet, false);
long millisToQuiet;
long millisToEndOfDay = dueDate - getNowValue();
int periodDivFactor = 4;
if(quietHoursEnabled) {
long now = currentTimeMillis();
if(quietHoursStart <= quietHoursEnd) {
if(now >= quietHoursStart && now < quietHoursEnd) {
// its quiet now, quietHoursEnd is 23 max,
// so put the default reminder to the end of the quiethours
date = quietHoursEndDate;
dueDateAlarm = date.getTime();
} else if (now < quietHoursStart) {
// quietHours didnt start yet
millisToQuiet = quietHoursStartDate.getTime() - getNowValue();
long millisAfterQuiet = dueDate - quietHoursEndDate.getTime();
// if there is more time after quiethours today, select quiethours-end for reminder
if (millisAfterQuiet > (millisToQuiet / ((float)(1-(1/periodDivFactor))) )) {
dueDateAlarm = quietHoursEndDate.getTime();
} else {
dueDateAlarm = getNowValue() + (millisToQuiet / periodDivFactor);
} else {
// after quietHours, reuse dueDate for end of day
dueDateAlarm = getNowValue() + (millisToEndOfDay / periodDivFactor);
} else { // wrap across 24/hour boundary
if(now >= quietHoursStart) {
// do nothing for the end of day, dont let it even vibrate
dueDateAlarm = NO_ALARM;
} else if (now < quietHoursEnd) {
date = quietHoursEndDate;
dueDateAlarm = date.getTime();
} else {
// quietHours didnt start yet
millisToQuiet = quietHoursStartDate.getTime() - getNowValue();
dueDateAlarm = getNowValue() + (millisToQuiet / periodDivFactor);
} else {
// Quiet hours not activated, simply schedule the reminder on 1/periodDivFactor towards the end of day
dueDateAlarm = getNowValue() + (millisToEndOfDay / periodDivFactor);
if(dueDate > getNowValue() && dueDateAlarm < getNowValue()) {
dueDateAlarm = dueDate;
if(lastReminder > dueDateAlarm) {
return NO_ALARM;
return dueDateAlarm;
return NO_ALARM;
* Calculate the next alarm time for random reminders.
* <p>
* We take the last reminder time and add approximately the reminder
* period. If it's still in the past, we set it to some time in the near
* future.
private long calculateNextRandomReminder(Task task) {
long reminderPeriod = task.getReminderPeriod();
if((reminderPeriod) > 0) {
long when = task.getReminderLast();
if(when == 0) {
when = task.getCreationDate();
when += (long)(reminderPeriod * (0.85f + 0.3f * random.nextFloat()));
if(when < {
when = + (long)((0.5f +
6 * random.nextFloat()) * DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR);
return when;
return NO_ALARM;
// --- alarm manager alarm creation
* Interface for testing
public interface AlarmScheduler {
public void createAlarm(Task task, long time, int type);
public void setScheduler(AlarmScheduler scheduler) {
this.scheduler = scheduler;
public AlarmScheduler getScheduler() {
return scheduler;
private static class ReminderAlarmScheduler implements AlarmScheduler {
* Create an alarm for the given task at the given type
public void createAlarm(Task task, long time, int type) {
if(task.getId() == Task.NO_ID) {
Context context = ContextManager.getContext();
Intent intent = new Intent(context, Notifications.class);
intent.putExtra(Notifications.ID_KEY, task.getId());
intent.putExtra(Notifications.EXTRAS_TYPE, type);
// calculate the unique requestCode as a combination of the task-id and alarm-type:
// concatenate id+type to keep the combo unique
String rc = String.format("%d%d", task.getId(), type);
int requestCode;
try {
requestCode = Integer.parseInt(rc);
} catch (Exception e) {
requestCode = type;
AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, requestCode,
intent, 0);
if (time == 0 || time == NO_ALARM) {
} else {
if(time < {
time = + 5000L;
am.set(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, time, pendingIntent);
// --- data fetching methods
* Gets a listing of all tasks that are active &
* @return todoroo cursor. PLEASE CLOSE THIS CURSOR!
private TodorooCursor<Task> getTasksWithReminders(Property<?>... properties) {
return taskDao.query(