You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.tasks.tasklist
import android.content.Context
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import com.todoroo.andlib.utility.DateUtilities
import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import org.tasks.R
import org.tasks.preferences.Preferences
import java.time.format.FormatStyle
import java.util.Locale
import javax.inject.Inject
class HeaderFormatter @Inject constructor(
@ApplicationContext private val context: Context,
private val preferences: Preferences,
private val locale: Locale,
private val caldavDao: CaldavDao,
) {
private val listCache = HashMap<Long, String?>()
fun headerStringBlocking(
value: Long,
groupMode: Int = preferences.groupMode,
alwaysDisplayFullDate: Boolean = preferences.alwaysDisplayFullDate,
style: FormatStyle = FormatStyle.FULL,
compact: Boolean = false,
) = runBlocking {
headerString(value, groupMode, alwaysDisplayFullDate, style, compact)
private suspend fun headerString(
value: Long,
groupMode: Int = preferences.groupMode,
alwaysDisplayFullDate: Boolean = preferences.alwaysDisplayFullDate,
style: FormatStyle = FormatStyle.FULL,
compact: Boolean = false
): String =
when {
value == SectionedDataSource.HEADER_COMPLETED -> context.getString(R.string.completed)
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_IMPORTANCE -> context.getString(priorityToString(value))
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_LIST ->
listCache.getOrPut(value) { caldavDao.getCalendarById(value)?.name }?: "list: $value"
value == SectionedDataSource.HEADER_OVERDUE -> context.getString(R.string.filter_overdue)
value == 0L -> context.getString(when (groupMode) {
SortHelper.SORT_DUE -> R.string.no_due_date
SortHelper.SORT_START -> R.string.no_start_date
else -> R.string.no_date
else -> {
val dateString = DateUtilities.getRelativeDay(
context, value, locale, style, alwaysDisplayFullDate, !compact
when {
compact -> dateString
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_DUE ->
context.getString(R.string.sort_due_group, dateString)
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_START ->
context.getString(R.string.sort_start_group, dateString)
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_CREATED ->
context.getString(R.string.sort_created_group, dateString)
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_MODIFIED ->
context.getString(R.string.sort_modified_group, dateString)
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
private fun priorityToString(value: Long) = when (value) {
0L -> R.string.filter_high_priority
1L -> R.string.filter_medium_priority
2L -> R.string.filter_low_priority
else -> R.string.filter_no_priority