You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

618 lines
22 KiB

* Copyright 2007, MetaDimensional Technologies Inc.
* This file is part of the RememberTheMilk Java API.
* The RememberTheMilk Java API is free software; you can redistribute it
* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* The RememberTheMilk Java API is distributed in the hope that it will be
* useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.weloveastrid.rmilk.api;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* A major part of the RTM API implementation is here.
* @author Will Ross Jun 21, 2007
* @author Edouard Mercier, since 2008.04.15
* @author timsu January 2009
public class ServiceImpl
public final static String SERVER_HOST_NAME = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
public final static int SERVER_PORT_NUMBER = 80;
public final static String REST_SERVICE_URL_POSTFIX = "/services/rest/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final ApplicationInfo applicationInfo;
private final Invoker invoker;
private final Prefs prefs;
private String currentAuthToken;
RtmFrob tempFrob;
public ServiceImpl(ApplicationInfo applicationInfo)
throws ServiceInternalException
this.applicationInfo = applicationInfo;
prefs = new Prefs();
if (applicationInfo.getAuthToken() != null)
currentAuthToken = applicationInfo.getAuthToken();
currentAuthToken = prefs.getAuthToken();
public boolean isServiceAuthorized()
throws ServiceException
if (currentAuthToken == null)
return false;
/* RtmAuth auth = */auth_checkToken(currentAuthToken);
return true;
catch (ServiceException e)
if (e.getResponseCode() != 98)
throw e;
// Bad token.
currentAuthToken = null;
return false;
public String beginAuthorization(RtmAuth.Perms permissions)
throws ServiceException
// Instructions from the "User authentication for desktop applications"
// section at
tempFrob = auth_getFrob();
return beginAuthorization(tempFrob, permissions);
public String beginAuthorization(RtmFrob frob, RtmAuth.Perms permissions)
throws ServiceException
String authBaseUrl = "http://" + SERVER_HOST_NAME + "/services/auth/";
Param[] params = new Param[] { new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()), new Param("perms", permissions.toString()),
new Param("frob", frob.getValue()) };
Param sig = new Param("api_sig", invoker.calcApiSig(params));
StringBuilder authUrl = new StringBuilder(authBaseUrl);
for (Param param : params)
return authUrl.toString();
public String completeAuthorization()
throws ServiceException
return completeAuthorization(tempFrob);
public String completeAuthorization(RtmFrob frob)
throws ServiceException
currentAuthToken = auth_getToken(frob.getValue());
return currentAuthToken;
public RtmAuth auth_checkToken(String authToken)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.auth.checkToken"), new Param("auth_token", authToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmAuth(response);
public RtmFrob auth_getFrob()
throws ServiceException
return new RtmFrob(invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.auth.getFrob"), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey())));
public String auth_getToken(String frob)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.auth.getToken"), new Param("frob", frob), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmAuth(response).getToken();
public void contacts_add()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void contacts_delete()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void contacts_getList()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void groups_add()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void groups_addContact()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void groups_delete()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void groups_getList()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void groups_removeContact()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public RtmList lists_add(String timelineId, String listName)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.lists.add"), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()), new Param("name", listName), new Param("timeline", timelineId));
return new RtmList(response);
public void lists_archive()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void lists_delete(String timelineId, String listId)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.lists.delete"), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()),
new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId));
public RtmLists lists_getList()
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.lists.getList"), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmLists(response);
public RtmList lists_getList(String listName)
throws ServiceException
RtmLists fullList = lists_getList();
for (Entry<String, RtmList> entry : fullList.getLists().entrySet())
if (entry.getValue().getName().equals(listName))
return entry.getValue();
return null;
public void lists_setDefaultList()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public RtmList lists_setName(String timelineId, String listId, String newName)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.lists.setName"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("name", newName), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmList(response);
public void lists_unarchive()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void reflection_getMethodInfo()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void reflection_getMethods()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void settings_getList()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
* Adds a task, name, to the list specified by list_id.
* @param timelineId
* @param listId can be null to omit this parameter (assumes Inbox)
* @param name
* @return
* @throws ServiceException
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_add(String timelineId, String listId, String name)
throws ServiceException
Element response;
if(listId != null)
response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.add"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("name", name), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.add"), new Param("timeline", timelineId),
new Param("name", name), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
RtmTaskList rtmTaskList = new RtmTaskList(response);
if (rtmTaskList.getSeries().size() == 1)
return rtmTaskList.getSeries().get(0);
else if (rtmTaskList.getSeries().size() > 1)
throw new ServiceInternalException("Internal error: more that one task (" + rtmTaskList.getSeries().size() + ") has been created");
throw new ServiceInternalException("Internal error: no task has been created");
public void tasks_addTags()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void tasks_complete(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.complete"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_delete(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.delete"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public RtmTasks tasks_getList(String listId, String filter, Date lastSync)
throws ServiceException
Set<Param> params = new HashSet<Param>();
params.add(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.getList"));
if (listId != null)
params.add(new Param("list_id", listId));
if (filter != null)
params.add(new Param("filter", filter));
if (lastSync != null)
params.add(new Param("last_sync", lastSync));
params.add(new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken));
params.add(new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmTasks(invoker.invoke(params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])));
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_getTask(String taskName)
throws ServiceException
return tasks_getTask(null, taskName);
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_getTask(String taskSeriesId, String taskName)
throws ServiceException
Set<Param> params = new HashSet<Param>();
params.add(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.getList"));
params.add(new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken));
params.add(new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
params.add(new Param("filter", "name:\"" + taskName+"\""));
RtmTasks rtmTasks = new RtmTasks(invoker.invoke(params.toArray(new Param[params.size()])));
return findTask(taskSeriesId, rtmTasks);
private RtmTaskSeries findTask(String taskId, RtmTasks rtmTasks)
for (RtmTaskList list : rtmTasks.getLists())
for (RtmTaskSeries series : list.getSeries())
if (taskId != null)
if (series.getId().equals(taskId))
return series;
return series;
return null;
public void tasks_movePriority()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_moveTo(String timelineId, String fromListId, String toListId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId)
throws ServiceException
return null;
Element elt = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.moveTo"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("from_list_id", fromListId),
new Param("to_list_id", toListId), new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
RtmTaskList rtmTaskList = new RtmTaskList(elt);
return findTask(taskSeriesId, taskId, rtmTaskList);
public void tasks_postpone()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void tasks_removeTags()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void tasks_setDueDate(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, Date due, boolean hasDueTime)
throws ServiceException
final boolean setDueDate = (due != null);
if (setDueDate == true)
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setDueDate"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("due", due), new Param("has_due_time", hasDueTime ? "1" : "0"),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setDueDate"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_setEstimate(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String newEstimate)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setEstimate"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("estimate", newEstimate), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_setName(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String newName)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setName"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("name", newName), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
private RtmTaskSeries findTask(String taskSeriesId, String taskId, RtmTaskList rtmTaskList)
for (RtmTaskSeries series : rtmTaskList.getSeries())
if (series.getId().equals(taskSeriesId) && series.getTask().getId().equals(taskId))
return series;
return null;
public void tasks_setPriority(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, Priority priority)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setPriority"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("priority", RtmTask.convertPriority(priority)),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_setRecurrence(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String repeat)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setRecurrence"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("repeat", repeat),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_setTags(String timelineId, String listId,
String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String[] tags) throws ServiceException
StringBuilder tagString = new StringBuilder();
if(tags != null) {
for(int i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
tagString.append(tags[i].replace(" ", "_"));
if(i < tags.length - 1)
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setTags"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("tags", tagString.toString()), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public void tasks_setURL()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void tasks_uncomplete(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.uncomplete"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public RtmTaskNote tasks_notes_add(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String title, String text)
throws ServiceException
Element elt = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.notes.add"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("note_title", title), new Param("note_text", text),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmTaskNote(elt);
public void tasks_notes_delete(String timelineId, String noteId)
throws ServiceException
invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.notes.delete"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("note_id", noteId),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
public RtmTaskNote tasks_notes_edit(String timelineId, String noteId, String title, String text)
throws ServiceException
Element elt = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.notes.edit"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("note_id", noteId),
new Param("note_title", title), new Param("note_text", text), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
return new RtmTaskNote(elt);
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_setLocation(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String locationId)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setLocation"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("location_id", locationId),
new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken), new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
RtmTaskList rtmTaskList = new RtmTaskList(response);
return findTask(taskSeriesId, taskId, rtmTaskList);
public RtmTaskSeries tasks_setURL(String timelineId, String listId, String taskSeriesId, String taskId, String url)
throws ServiceException
Element response = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.tasks.setURL"), new Param("timeline", timelineId), new Param("list_id", listId),
new Param("taskseries_id", taskSeriesId), new Param("task_id", taskId), new Param("url", url), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
RtmTaskList rtmTaskList = new RtmTaskList(response);
return findTask(taskSeriesId, taskId, rtmTaskList);
public void test_echo()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void test_login()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void time_convert()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void time_parse()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public String timelines_create()
throws ServiceException
return new RtmTimeline(invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.timelines.create"), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()))).getId();
public void timezones_getList()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public void transactions_undo()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public List<RtmLocation> locations_getList()
throws ServiceException
Element result = invoker.invoke(new Param("method", "rtm.locations.getList"), new Param("auth_token", currentAuthToken),
new Param("api_key", applicationInfo.getApiKey()));
List<RtmLocation> locations = new ArrayList<RtmLocation>();
for (Element child : RtmData.children(result, "location"))
locations.add(new RtmLocation(child));
return locations;