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package org.tasks.makers
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.Instantiator
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.Property
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.Property.newProperty
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.PropertyLookup
import com.natpryce.makeiteasy.PropertyValue
import org.tasks.Strings
import org.tasks.makers.Maker.make
import org.tasks.time.DateTime
object TaskMaker {
val ID: Property<Task, Long> = newProperty()
val DUE_DATE: Property<Task, DateTime?> = newProperty()
val DUE_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime?> = newProperty()
val REMINDER_LAST: Property<Task, DateTime?> = newProperty()
val RANDOM_REMINDER_PERIOD: Property<Task, Long> = newProperty()
val HIDE_TYPE: Property<Task, Int> = newProperty()
val REMINDERS: Property<Task, Int> = newProperty()
val MODIFICATION_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime> = newProperty()
val CREATION_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime> = newProperty()
val COMPLETION_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime> = newProperty()
val DELETION_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime?> = newProperty()
val SNOOZE_TIME: Property<Task, DateTime?> = newProperty()
val RECUR: Property<Task, String?> = newProperty()
val AFTER_COMPLETE: Property<Task, Boolean> = newProperty()
val TITLE: Property<Task, String?> = newProperty()
val PRIORITY: Property<Task, Int> = newProperty()
val PARENT: Property<Task, Long> = newProperty()
val UUID: Property<Task, String> = newProperty()
val COLLAPSED: Property<Task, Boolean> = newProperty()
private val instantiator = Instantiator { lookup: PropertyLookup<Task> ->
val task = Task()
val title = lookup.valueOf(TITLE, null as String?)
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(title)) {
task.title = title!!
val id = lookup.valueOf(ID, Task.NO_ID)
if (id != Task.NO_ID) { = id
val priority = lookup.valueOf(PRIORITY, -1)
if (priority >= 0) {
task.priority = priority
val dueDate = lookup.valueOf(DUE_DATE, null as DateTime?)
if (dueDate != null) {
task.dueDate = Task.createDueDate(Task.URGENCY_SPECIFIC_DAY, dueDate.millis)
val dueTime = lookup.valueOf(DUE_TIME, null as DateTime?)
if (dueTime != null) {
task.dueDate = Task.createDueDate(Task.URGENCY_SPECIFIC_DAY_TIME, dueTime.millis)
val completionTime = lookup.valueOf(COMPLETION_TIME, null as DateTime?)
if (completionTime != null) {
task.completionDate = completionTime.millis
val deletedTime = lookup.valueOf(DELETION_TIME, null as DateTime?)
if (deletedTime != null) {
task.deletionDate = deletedTime.millis
val snoozeTime = lookup.valueOf(SNOOZE_TIME, null as DateTime?)
if (snoozeTime != null) {
task.reminderSnooze = snoozeTime.millis
val hideType = lookup.valueOf(HIDE_TYPE, -1)
if (hideType >= 0) {
task.hideUntil = task.createHideUntil(hideType, 0)
val reminderFlags = lookup.valueOf(REMINDERS, -1)
if (reminderFlags >= 0) {
task.ringFlags = reminderFlags
val reminderLast = lookup.valueOf(REMINDER_LAST, null as DateTime?)
if (reminderLast != null) {
task.reminderLast = reminderLast.millis
val randomReminderPeriod = lookup.valueOf(RANDOM_REMINDER_PERIOD, 0L)
if (randomReminderPeriod > 0) {
task.reminderPeriod = randomReminderPeriod
lookup.valueOf(RECUR, null as String?)?.let {
task.setRecurrence(it, lookup.valueOf(AFTER_COMPLETE, false))
task.isCollapsed = lookup.valueOf(COLLAPSED, false)
task.uuid = lookup.valueOf(UUID, NO_UUID)
val creationTime = lookup.valueOf(CREATION_TIME, DateTimeUtils.newDateTime())
task.creationDate = creationTime.millis
task.modificationDate = lookup.valueOf(MODIFICATION_TIME, creationTime).millis
task.parent = lookup.valueOf(PARENT, 0L)
fun newTask(vararg properties: PropertyValue<in Task?, *>): Task {
return make(instantiator, *properties)