You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2951 lines
97 KiB

unstable class Firebase {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable var crashlytics: FirebaseCrashlytics?
unstable var analytics: FirebaseAnalytics?
unstable var remoteConfig: FirebaseRemoteConfig?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BillingClientImpl {
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val firebase: Firebase
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val billingClient: BillingClient
stable var connected: Boolean
unstable var onPurchasesUpdated: OnPurchasesUpdated?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Purchase {
unstable val purchase: Purchase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Security {
stable val KEY_FACTORY_ALGORITHM: String
stable val SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class SignatureVerifier {
stable val billingKey: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class FlavorModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Broadcast {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class GoogleGeofenceTransitionIntentService {
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var notifier: Notifier
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GoogleMapFragment {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val markers: MutableList<Marker>
runtime var callback: MapFragmentCallback
stable var dark: Boolean
unstable var map: GoogleMap?
unstable var circle: Circle?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LocationServiceGooglePlay {
unstable val context: Context
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PlayServices {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class AndroidUtilities {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class DateUtilities {
stable var is24HourOverride: Boolean?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MainActivity {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var theme: Theme
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable var alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable var eventBus: MutableSharedFlow<MainActivityEvent>
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<MainActivityViewModel>
stable var currentNightMode: Int
stable var currentPro: Boolean
unstable var actionMode: ActionMode?
unstable var binding: TaskListActivityBinding
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class State {
stable val begForMoney: Boolean
unstable val filter: Filter
unstable val task: Task?
stable val drawerOpen: Boolean
runtime val drawerItems: ImmutableList<DrawerItem>
runtime val searchItems: ImmutableList<DrawerItem>
stable val menuQuery: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MainActivityViewModel {
unstable val defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable val filterProvider: FilterProvider
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val _state: MutableStateFlow<State>
unstable val state: StateFlow<State>
stable val refreshReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ShareLinkActivity {
unstable var taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskEditFragment {
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var context: Activity
unstable var taskEditControlSetFragmentManager: TaskEditControlSetFragmentManager
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var linkify: Linkify
unstable var markdownProvider: MarkdownProvider
unstable var taskEditEventBus: MutableSharedFlow<TaskEditEvent>
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var chipProvider: ChipProvider
unstable var playServices: PlayServices
unstable val editViewModel$delegate: Lazy<TaskEditViewModel>
unstable var binding: FragmentTaskEditBinding
stable var showKeyboard: Boolean
unstable val beastMode: ActivityResultLauncher<@[FlexibleNullability] Intent?>
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskListFragment {
stable val repeatConfirmationReceiver: RepeatConfirmationReceiver
unstable var syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable var timerPlugin: TimerPlugin
unstable var viewHolderFactory: ViewHolderFactory
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var device: Device
unstable var taskMover: TaskMover
unstable var taskAdapterProvider: TaskAdapterProvider
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var taskDuplicator: TaskDuplicator
unstable var tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var defaultThemeColor: ThemeColor
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable var shortcutManager: ShortcutManager
unstable var taskCompleter: TaskCompleter
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var repeatTaskHelper: RepeatTaskHelper
unstable var taskListEventBus: MutableSharedFlow<TaskListEvent>
unstable var taskEditEventBus: MutableSharedFlow<TaskEditEvent>
unstable var database: Database
unstable var markdown: MarkdownProvider
unstable val listViewModel$delegate: Lazy<TaskListViewModel>
unstable val mainViewModel$delegate: Lazy<MainActivityViewModel>
unstable var taskAdapter: TaskAdapter
unstable var recyclerAdapter: DragAndDropRecyclerAdapter?
unstable var filter: Filter
unstable var search: MenuItem
unstable var mode: ActionMode?
unstable var themeColor: ThemeColor
unstable var binding: FragmentTaskListBinding
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
unstable val sortRequest: ActivityResultLauncher<@[FlexibleNullability] Intent?>
unstable val listSettingsRequest: ActivityResultLauncher<@[FlexibleNullability] Intent?>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AstridTaskAdapter {
unstable val list: TaskListMetadata
unstable val filter: AstridOrderingFilter
unstable val updater: SubtasksFilterUpdater
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val chainedCompletions: @[FlexibleNullability] @[FlexibleMutability] MutableMap<@[FlexibleNullability] String?, @[FlexibleNullability] ArrayList<String>?>?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class CaldavManualSortTaskAdapter {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class FilterViewHolder {
stable val navigationDrawer: Boolean
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val context: Context
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
stable val onClick: Function1<Filter, Unit>
unstable val row: View
unstable val text: CheckedTextView
unstable val icon: ImageView
unstable val size: TextView
unstable val shareIndicator: ImageView
unstable var filter: Filter
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class GoogleTaskManualSortAdapter {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class NavigationDrawerAdapter {
unstable val activity: Activity
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable val subheaderClickHandler: SubheaderClickHandler
stable var onClick: Function1<FilterListItem?, Unit>
unstable val channel: Channel<ArrayList<FilterListItem>>
unstable val updates: Queue<Pair<ArrayList<FilterListItem>, DiffResult?>>
unstable val scope: CoroutineScope
unstable var items: ArrayList<FilterListItem>
stable var dragging: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SubheaderClickHandler {
unstable val activity: Activity
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SubheaderViewHolder {
runtime val clickHandler: ClickHandler
unstable val text: TextView
unstable val chevron: ImageView
unstable val add: ImageView
unstable val errorIcon: ImageView
stable var rotation: Float
runtime var subheader: NavigationDrawerSubheader
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskAdapter {
stable val newTasksOnTop: Boolean
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val taskMover: TaskMover
unstable val selected: HashSet<Long>
runtime var dataSource: TaskAdapterDataSource
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskAdapterProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskListMetadataDao: TaskListMetadataDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val taskMover: TaskMover
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AlarmCalculator {
stable val isDefaultDueTimeEnabled: Boolean
unstable val random: Random
stable val defaultDueTime: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AlarmService {
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val alarmCalculator: AlarmCalculator
unstable val preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class BooleanCriterion {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class CustomFilter {
unstable val filter: Filter
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BuiltInFilterExposer {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CriterionInstance {
unstable var criterion: CustomFilterCriterion
stable var selectedIndex: Int
stable var selectedText: String?
stable var type: Int
stable var end: Int
stable var start: Int
stable var max: Int
stable var id: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CriterionViewHolder {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val locale: Locale
stable val onClick: Function1<String, Unit>
unstable val divider: View
unstable val icon: ImageView
unstable val name: TextView
unstable val filterCount: TextView
unstable val row: View
unstable var criterion: CriterionInstance
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CustomFilterItemTouchHelper {
unstable val context: Context
stable val onMove: Function2<Int, Int, Unit>
stable val onDelete: Function1<Int, Unit>
stable val onClear: Function0<Unit>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskDao {
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable val geofenceApi: GeofenceApi
unstable val timerPlugin: TimerPlugin
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class FilesControlSet {
unstable var taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GCalHelper {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val calendarEventProvider: CalendarEventProvider
unstable val cr: ContentResolver
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GtasksListService {
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GtasksInvoker {
unstable val service: @[FlexibleNullability] Tasks?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class HttpCredentialsAdapter {
unstable val googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
stable val account: String
stable val scope: String
unstable var credentials: GoogleCredentials?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GtasksLoginActivity {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable var permissionRequestor: ActivityPermissionRequestor
unstable var firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Astrid2TaskProvider {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class RepeatControlSet {
unstable var repeatRuleToString: RepeatRuleToString
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RepeatTaskHelper {
unstable val gcalHelper: GCalHelper
unstable val alarmService: AlarmService
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskCompleter {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val database: Database
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val repeatTaskHelper: RepeatTaskHelper
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val gCalHelper: GCalHelper
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskCreator {
unstable val gcalHelper: GCalHelper
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskDeleter {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val database: Database
unstable val deletionDao: DeletionDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable val geofenceApi: GeofenceApi
unstable val userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskDuplicator {
unstable val gcalHelper: GCalHelper
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskMover {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Upgrade_11_12_3 {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Upgrade_11_3 {
unstable val upgraderDao: UpgraderDao
unstable val openTaskDao: OpenTaskDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Upgrade_12_4 {
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val upgraderDao: UpgraderDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Upgrade_13_2 {
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val filterCriteriaProvider: FilterCriteriaProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Upgrader {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable val taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val iCal: iCalendar
unstable val widgetManager: AppWidgetManager
unstable val taskMover: TaskMover
unstable val upgraderDao: UpgraderDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
unstable val upgrade_11_3: Lazy<Upgrade_11_3>
unstable val upgrade_11_12_3: Lazy<Upgrade_11_12_3>
unstable val upgrade_12_4: Lazy<Upgrade_12_4>
unstable val upgrade_13_2: Lazy<Upgrade_13_2>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Node {
stable var uuid: String
unstable var parent: Node?
stable var indent: Int
unstable val children: ArrayList<Node>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SubtasksFilterUpdater {
unstable val taskListMetadataDao: TaskListMetadataDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val idToNode: HashMap<String, Node?>
unstable var treeRoot: Node?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SubtasksHelper {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val taskListMetadataDao: TaskListMetadataDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TagsControlSet {
unstable var chipProvider: ChipProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TimerControlSet {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var theme: Theme
unstable var timerPlugin: TimerPlugin
unstable var estimated: TimeDurationControlSet
unstable var elapsed: TimeDurationControlSet
unstable var dialog: AlertDialog?
unstable var dialogView: View
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TimerPlugin {
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ReminderControlSet {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var locale: Locale
stable val ringMode: MutableState<Int>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewState {
stable val showAddAlarm: Boolean
stable val showCustomDialog: Boolean
stable val showRandomDialog: Boolean
unstable val replace: Alarm?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ReminderControlSetViewModel {
unstable val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class StartDateControlSet {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable val vm$delegate: Lazy<StartDateViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class StartDateViewModel {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val _selectedDay: MutableStateFlow<Long>
unstable val _selectedTime: MutableStateFlow<Int>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TimeDurationControlSet {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val theme: Theme
unstable val timeButton: TextView
stable var timeDurationInSeconds: Int
unstable var initialValues: IntArray?
unstable var dialog: NNumberPickerDialog?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TitleParser {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class LocalBroadcastManager {
unstable val appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Notifier {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable val telephonyManager: TelephonyManager
unstable val audioManager: AudioManager
unstable val voiceOutputAssistant: VoiceOutputAssistant
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class PermissionUtil {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ShortcutManager {
unstable val shortcutManager: ShortcutManager?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Strings {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Tasks {
unstable var context: Context
unstable var preferences: Preferences
stable var buildSetup: BuildSetup
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var upgrader: Lazy<Upgrader>
runtime var workManager: Lazy<WorkManager>
unstable var geofenceApi: Lazy<GeofenceApi>
unstable var appWidgetManager: Lazy<AppWidgetManager>
unstable var workerFactory: HiltWorkerFactory
unstable var contentObserver: Lazy<OpenTaskContentObserver>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseListSettingsActivity {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
stable var selectedColor: Int
stable var selectedIcon: Int
unstable var clear: View
unstable var color: TextView
unstable var icon: TextView
unstable var toolbar: Toolbar
unstable var colorRow: ViewGroup
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CreateListViewModel {
unstable val invoker: InvokerFactory
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DateAndTimePickerActivity {
unstable var themeAccent: ThemeAccent
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var initial: DateTime?
unstable var dateSelected: DateTime?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DeleteListViewModel {
unstable val invoker: InvokerFactory
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class FilterSettingsActivity {
unstable var filterDao: FilterDao
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var database: Database
unstable var filterCriteriaProvider: FilterCriteriaProvider
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var name: TextInputEditText
unstable var nameLayout: TextInputLayout
unstable var recyclerView: RecyclerView
unstable var fab: ExtendedFloatingActionButton
unstable var filter: CustomFilter?
unstable var adapter: CustomFilterAdapter
unstable var criteria: MutableList<CriterionInstance>
stable val defaultIcon: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GoogleTaskListSettingsActivity {
unstable var googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable var taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var name: TextInputEditText
unstable var progressView: ProgressBar
stable var isNewList: Boolean
unstable var gtasksList: CaldavCalendar
unstable val createListViewModel$delegate: Lazy<CreateListViewModel>
unstable val renameListViewModel$delegate: Lazy<RenameListViewModel>
unstable val deleteListViewModel$delegate: Lazy<DeleteListViewModel>
stable val defaultIcon: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NavigationDrawerCustomization {
unstable var filterProvider: FilterProvider
unstable var adapter: NavigationDrawerAdapter
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable var googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable var filterDao: FilterDao
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var binding: ActivityTagOrganizerBinding
unstable var toolbar: Toolbar
stable val refreshReceiver: RefreshReceiver
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PlaceSettingsActivity {
unstable var name: TextInputEditText
unstable var nameLayout: TextInputLayout
unstable var slider: Slider
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
runtime var map: MapFragment
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var place: Place
stable val defaultIcon: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RenameListViewModel {
unstable val invoker: InvokerFactory
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TagSettingsActivity {
unstable var tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable var tagDao: TagDao
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var name: TextInputEditText
unstable var nameLayout: TextInputLayout
unstable var tagData: TagData
stable val defaultIcon: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class UriHandler {
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Constants {
stable val SYNC_TYPE_CALDAV: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_DAVX5: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_DAVX5_MANAGED: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_GOOGLE_TASKS: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_ETESYNC_OT: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_ETEBASE: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_DECSYNC: String
stable val SYNC_TYPE_MICROSOFT: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class AuthStateManager {
unstable val currentAuthState: AtomicReference<AuthState>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AuthorizationService {
stable val iss: String
stable val isGitHub: Boolean
unstable val authStateManager: AuthStateManager
unstable val configuration: Configuration
unstable val authorizationService: AuthorizationService
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class InvalidConfigurationException {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Configuration {
unstable val context: Context
stable val authConfig: Int
unstable val prefs: @[FlexibleNullability] SharedPreferences?
unstable var configJson: JSONObject?
stable var configHash: String?
stable var configurationError: String?
stable var clientId: String?
stable var mScope: String?
unstable var mRedirectUri: Uri?
unstable var discoveryUri: Uri?
unstable var authEndpointUri: Uri?
unstable var tokenEndpointUri: Uri?
unstable var registrationEndpointUri: Uri?
unstable var userInfoEndpointUri: Uri?
stable var isHttpsRequired: Boolean
unstable val connectionBuilder: ConnectionBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DebugConnectionBuilder {
unstable val context: Context
stable var appInForeground: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class IdToken {
unstable val parts: List<String>
unstable val json: JSONObject
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class IdentityProvider {
stable val name: String
unstable val discoveryEndpoint: Uri
stable val clientId: String
unstable val redirectUri: Uri
stable val scope: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MicrosoftAuthenticationActivity {
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
unstable var httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
unstable var firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SignInActivity {
unstable var themeColor: ThemeColor
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<SignInViewModel>
unstable val mClientId: AtomicReference<String?>
unstable val mAuthRequest: AtomicReference<AuthorizationRequest>
unstable val mAuthIntent: AtomicReference<CustomTabsIntent>
unstable var mAuthIntentLatch: CountDownLatch
unstable val mExecutor: ExecutorService
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SignInViewModel {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
unstable val debugConnectionBuilder: DebugConnectionBuilder
unstable val error: MutableLiveData<Throwable>
unstable var authService: AuthorizationService?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BackupConstants {
stable val INTERNAL_BACKUP: String
stable val EXPORT_FILE_NAME: String
stable val BACKUP_FILE_NAME: String
unstable val MATCHER: @[FlexibleNullability] Pattern?
unstable val BACKUP_CLEANUP_MATCHER: Regex
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskBackup {
unstable val task: Task
unstable val alarms: List<Alarm>?
unstable val geofences: List<Geofence>?
unstable val tags: List<Tag>?
unstable val comments: List<UserActivity>?
unstable val attachments: List<Attachment>?
unstable val caldavTasks: List<CaldavTask>?
stable val vtodo: String?
unstable val google: List<GoogleTask>?
unstable val locations: List<LegacyLocation>?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BackupContainer {
unstable val tasks: List<TaskBackup>?
unstable val places: List<Place>?
unstable val tags: List<TagData>?
unstable val filters: List<Filter>?
unstable val caldavAccounts: List<CaldavAccount>?
unstable val caldavCalendars: List<CaldavCalendar>?
unstable val taskListMetadata: List<TaskListMetadata>?
unstable val taskAttachments: List<TaskAttachment>?
unstable val intPrefs: Map<String, Integer>?
unstable val longPrefs: Map<String, Long>?
unstable val stringPrefs: Map<String, String>?
unstable val boolPrefs: Map<String, Boolean>?
unstable val setPrefs: Map<String, Set<String>>?
unstable val googleTaskAccounts: List<GoogleTaskAccount>?
unstable val googleTaskLists: List<GoogleTaskList>?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TasksBackupAgent {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TasksFileBackupHelper {
unstable val context: Context
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksJsonExporter {
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val taskListMetadataDao: TaskListMetadataDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
unstable var context: Context?
stable var exportCount: Int
unstable var progressDialog: ProgressDialog?
unstable var handler: Handler?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ImportResult {
stable var taskCount: Int
stable var importCount: Int
stable var skipCount: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LegacyLocation {
stable var name: String?
stable var address: String?
stable var phone: String?
stable var url: String?
stable var latitude: Double
stable var longitude: Double
stable var radius: Int
stable var arrival: Boolean
stable var departure: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksJsonImporter {
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskMover: TaskMover
unstable val taskListMetadataDao: TaskListMetadataDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
unstable val filterCriteriaProvider: FilterCriteriaProvider
unstable val result: ImportResult
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Inventory {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val signatureVerifier: SignatureVerifier
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val purchases: MutableMap<String, Purchase>
unstable val subscription: MutableLiveData<Purchase?>
stable var hasTasksAccount: Boolean
stable var hasPro: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PurchaseActivity {
unstable var theme: Theme
runtime var billingClient: BillingClient
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var currentSubscription: Purchase?
unstable val purchaseReceiver: BroadcastReceiver
stable val nameYourPrice: MutableState<Boolean>
stable val sliderPosition: MutableState<Float>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseCaldavAccountSettingsActivity {
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var caldavAccount: CaldavAccount?
unstable var binding: ActivityCaldavAccountSettingsBinding
stable var serverType: MutableState<Int>
stable val description: Int
stable val menuRes: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseCaldavCalendarSettingsActivity {
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable var root: LinearLayout
unstable var name: TextInputEditText
unstable var nameLayout: TextInputLayout
unstable var progressView: ProgressBar
unstable var caldavCalendar: CaldavCalendar?
unstable var caldavAccount: CaldavAccount
stable val defaultIcon: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavAccountSettingsActivity {
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<CaldavAccountViewModel>
stable val helpUrl: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavAccountViewModel {
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavCalendarSettingsActivity {
unstable var principalDao: PrincipalDao
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<CaldavCalendarViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavCalendarViewModel {
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val principalDao: PrincipalDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
stable var ignoreFinish: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavClient {
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val httpClient: OkHttpClient
unstable val httpUrl: HttpUrl?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavClientProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
stable val tasksUrl: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavSynchronizer {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val iCal: iCalendar
unstable val principalDao: PrincipalDao
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CaldavViewModel {
unstable val error: MutableLiveData<Throwable?>
unstable val inFlight: MutableLiveData<@[FlexibleNullability] Boolean?>
unstable val finish: MutableLiveData<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class FileStorage {
unstable val root: File
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class GeoUtils {
stable val PLACE_ACCURACY: Int
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class LocalListSettingsActivity {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TasksBasicAuth {
stable val user: String
unstable val inventory: Inventory
stable val credentials: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksClient {
unstable val httpUrl: HttpUrl?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksCookieJar {
unstable val cache: CookieCache
unstable val persistor: CookiePersistor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class VtodoCache {
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val fileStorage: FileStorage
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class iCalendar {
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val geofenceApi: GeofenceApi
unstable val taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val alarmService: AlarmService
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
unstable val notificationManager: NotificationManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Factory {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Invite {
unstable val sharees: List<Sharee>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class OCAccess {
unstable var access: Name
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Factory {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OCInvite {
unstable val users: List<OCUser>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Factory {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class OCOwnerPrincipal {
stable val owner: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OCUser {
stable var href: String
stable var commonName: String?
unstable var access: OCAccess
unstable var response: Name
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class PropertyUtils {
stable val NS_OWNCLOUD: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Factory {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ShareAccess {
unstable val access: Name
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Sharee {
stable var href: String?
unstable var access: ShareAccess?
unstable var response: Name?
stable var comment: String?
unstable val properties: ArrayList<Property>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CalendarPicker {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewState {
unstable val calendars: List<AndroidCalendar>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CalendarPickerViewModel {
unstable val calendarProvider: CalendarProvider
unstable val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AddReminderDialog {
unstable val options: List<Int>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Constants {
stable val ICON_ALPHA: Float
stable val KEYLINE_FIRST: Dp
stable val HALF_KEYLINE: Dp
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class FilterSelectionActivity {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PagerState {
stable var _minPage$delegate: MutableState<Int>
stable var _maxPage$delegate: MutableState<Int>
stable var _currentPage$delegate: MutableState<Int>
stable var selectionState$delegate: MutableState<SelectionState>
runtime var _currentPageOffset: Animatable<Float, AnimationVector1D>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class PagerScope {
stable val page: Int
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ListSettingsComposables {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ShareInvite {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class CarouselItem {
stable val title: Int
stable val icon: Int
stable val description: Int
stable val tint: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class PurchaseText {
stable val POPPER: String
unstable val featureList: List<CarouselItem>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DraggableAnchorsConfig {
unstable val anchors: MutableMap<T, Float>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class AnchoredDraggableState {
stable val positionalThreshold: Function1<@[ParameterName(name = 'totalDistance')] Float, Float>
stable val velocityThreshold: Function0<Float>
unstable val animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>
stable val confirmValueChange: Function1<@[ParameterName(name = 'newValue')] T, Boolean>
stable val dragMutex: InternalMutatorMutex
unstable val draggableState: DraggableState
stable var currentValue$delegate: MutableState<T>
stable val targetValue$delegate: State<T>
stable val closestValue$delegate: State<T>
stable var offset$delegate: MutableFloatState
stable val progress$delegate: State<Float>
stable var lastVelocity$delegate: MutableFloatState
stable var dragTarget$delegate: MutableState<T?>
stable var anchors$delegate: MutableState<DraggableAnchors<T>>
runtime val anchoredDragScope: AnchoredDragScope
stable class AnchoredDraggableDefaults {
stable val AnimationSpec: SpringSpec<Float>
stable class Filter {
stable val title: String
stable val icon: Int
stable val color: Int
stable val count: Int
stable val shareCount: Int
stable val selected: Boolean
stable val type: Function0<Filter>
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Header {
stable val title: String
stable val collapsed: Boolean
stable val hasError: Boolean
stable val canAdd: Boolean
stable val type: Function0<NavigationDrawerSubheader>
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class InternalMutatorMutex {
unstable val currentMutator: AtomicReference<Mutator?>
unstable val mutex: Mutex
stable class ModalBottomSheetProperties {
stable val securePolicy: SecureFlagPolicy
stable val isFocusable: Boolean
stable val shouldDismissOnBackPress: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ModalBottomSheetDefaults {
stable class SheetState {
stable val skipPartiallyExpanded: Boolean
stable val skipHiddenState: Boolean
stable var anchoredDraggableState: AnchoredDraggableState<SheetValue>
stable var density: Density?
stable class BottomSheetDefaults {
stable val Elevation: Dp
stable val SheetPeekHeight: Dp
stable val SheetMaxWidth: Dp
unstable class DashClockExtension {
unstable val job: CompletableJob
unstable val scope: CoroutineScope
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val refreshReceiver: BroadcastReceiver
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class DashClockSettings {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ContentProviderDaoBlocking {
unstable val dao: Astrid2ContentProviderDao
unstable val database: Database
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class MyAndroidTask {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OpenTaskDao {
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val cr: ContentResolver
stable val authority: String
unstable val tasks: Uri
unstable val taskLists: Uri
unstable val properties: Uri
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class DateTimeUtils {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Migrations {
unstable val MIGRATION_35_36: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_36_37: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_37_38: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_38_39: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_46_47: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_47_48: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_48_49: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_49_50: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_50_51: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_51_52: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_52_53: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_53_54: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_54_58: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_58_59: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_59_60: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_60_61: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_61_62: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_62_63: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_63_64: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_64_65: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_65_66: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_66_67: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_67_68: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_68_69: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_69_70: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_70_71: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_71_72: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_72_73: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_73_74: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_74_75: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_75_76: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_76_77: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_77_78: Migration
unstable val MIGRATION_78_79: Migration
stable val MIGRATION_79_80: <no name provided>
stable val MIGRATION_80_81: <no name provided>
stable val MIGRATION_82_83: <no name provided>
stable val MIGRATION_84_85: <no name provided>
stable val MIGRATION_85_86: <no name provided>
stable val MIGRATION_86_87: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AddAttachmentDialog {
unstable var context: Activity
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var device: Device
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AlertDialogBuilder {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val builder: Builder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseDateTimePicker {
unstable var theme: Theme
unstable var preferences: Preferences
stable var morning: Int
stable var afternoon: Int
stable var evening: Int
stable var night: Int
runtime var onDismissHandler: OnDismissHandler?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ColorPalettePicker {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable var colors: List<Pickable>
stable var palette: Palette
runtime var callback: ColorPickedCallback?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ColorPickerAdapter {
unstable val activity: Activity
unstable val inventory: Inventory
stable val onSelected: Function1<Int, Unit>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ColorWheelPicker {
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var dialog: AlertDialog?
stable var selected: Int
runtime var callback: ColorPickedCallback?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DateTimePicker {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var binding: DialogDateTimePickerBinding
stable var customDate: Long
stable var customTime: Int
stable var selectedDay: Long
stable var selectedTime: Int
unstable val today: DateTime
unstable val tomorrow: DateTime
unstable val nextWeek: DateTime
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ExportTasksDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var tasksJsonExporter: TasksJsonExporter
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewState {
unstable val filters: List<FilterListItem>
unstable val allFilters: List<Filter>
unstable val searchResults: List<Filter>
stable val query: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class FilterPickerViewModel {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val filterProvider: FilterProvider
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
stable val listsOnly: Boolean
unstable val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
unstable val refreshReceiver: BroadcastReceiver
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ImportTasksDialog {
unstable var jsonImporter: TasksJsonImporter
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var context: Activity
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Linkify {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MyDatePickerDialog {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MyTimePickerDialog {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NewFilterDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var provider: FilterCriteriaProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PriorityPicker {
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var binding: DialogDateTimePickerBinding
unstable val priorityPickerViewModel$delegate: Lazy<PriorityPickerViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PriorityPickerViewModel {
unstable val _priority: MutableStateFlow<Int>
unstable val priority: StateFlow<Int>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SortSettingsActivity {
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<SortSettingsViewModel>
unstable val manualEnabled$delegate: Lazy<Boolean>
unstable val astridEnabled$delegate: Lazy<Boolean>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ViewState {
stable val manualSort: Boolean
stable val astridSort: Boolean
stable val groupMode: Int
stable val groupAscending: Boolean
stable val completedAtBottom: Boolean
stable val sortMode: Int
stable val sortAscending: Boolean
stable val completedMode: Int
stable val completedAscending: Boolean
stable val subtaskMode: Int
stable val subtaskAscending: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class SortSettingsViewModel {
unstable val appPreferences: Preferences
stable val widgetId: Int
unstable val preferences: QueryPreferences
stable val initialState: ViewState
unstable val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
unstable val state: StateFlow<ViewState>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class StartDatePicker {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var binding: DialogStartDatePickerBinding
stable var customDate: Long
stable var customTime: Int
stable var selectedDay: Long
stable var selectedTime: Int
unstable val today: DateTime
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ThemePickerDialog {
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var accent: ThemeAccent
unstable var themeBase: ThemeBase
unstable var adapter: ArrayAdapter<String>?
unstable var dialog: AlertDialog?
stable var selected: Int
stable var widget: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class WhatsNewDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var markdownProvider: MarkdownProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DriveInvoker {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val service: @[FlexibleNullability] Drive?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DriveLoginActivity {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AddEtebaseAccountViewModel {
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CreateCalendarViewModel {
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DeleteCalendarViewModel {
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseAccountSettingsActivity {
unstable var clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
unstable val addAccountViewModel$delegate: Lazy<AddEtebaseAccountViewModel>
unstable val updateAccountViewModel$delegate: Lazy<UpdateEtebaseAccountViewModel>
stable val helpUrl: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseCalendarSettingsActivity {
unstable val createCalendarViewModel$delegate: Lazy<CreateCalendarViewModel>
unstable val deleteCalendarViewModel$delegate: Lazy<DeleteCalendarViewModel>
unstable val updateCalendarViewModel$delegate: Lazy<UpdateCalendarViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseClient {
unstable val context: Context
stable val username: String
unstable val etebase: Account
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val cache: EtebaseLocalCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseClientProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseLocalCache {
unstable val fsCache: FileSystemCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class EtebaseSynchronizer {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
unstable val iCal: iCalendar
unstable val vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class UpdateCalendarViewModel {
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class UpdateEtebaseAccountViewModel {
unstable val clientProvider: EtebaseClientProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class EteSyncAccountSettingsActivity {
stable val description: Int
stable val helpUrl: Int
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Context {
stable val HTTP: String
stable val HTTPS: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Fragment {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class FileHelper {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class AlphanumComparator {
stable val getTitle: Function1<T, String?>
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class FilterCriteriaProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val r: @[FlexibleNullability] Resources?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class FilterProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val builtInFilterExposer: BuiltInFilterExposer
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class NotificationsFilter {
stable val title: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class PlaceFilter {
unstable val place: Place
stable val count: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class SnoozedFilter {
stable val title: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class SubtaskFilter {
stable val parent: Long
stable val title: String
stable val sql: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class TimerFilter {
stable val title: String?
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TodayFilter {
stable val title: String
stable var filterOverride: String?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CommentBarFragment {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var device: Device
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var themeColor: ThemeColor
unstable var commentButton: View
unstable var commentField: EditText
unstable var pictureButton: ImageView
unstable var commentBar: LinearLayout
unstable var pendingCommentPicture: Uri?
unstable var viewModel: TaskEditViewModel
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskEditControlSetFragmentManager {
unstable val controlSetFragments: MutableMap<String, Int>
unstable val displayOrder: List<String>
stable var visibleSize: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseInvoker {
unstable val credentialsAdapter: HttpCredentialsAdapter
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val interceptor: DebugNetworkInterceptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class InvokerFactory {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val interceptor: DebugNetworkInterceptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GoogleAccountManager {
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val accountManager: AccountManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GoogleTaskSynchronizer {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val gtasksListService: GtasksListService
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable val defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val invokers: InvokerFactory
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class HttpClientFactory {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val interceptor: DebugNetworkInterceptor
unstable val encryption: KeyStoreEncryption
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class HttpException {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class UserAgentInterceptor {
stable val userAgent: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ActivityModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ActivityRetainedModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class ApplicationModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class BaseWorker {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class CoroutinesDispatchersModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class InjectingJobIntentService {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class InjectingPreferenceFragment {
unstable var device: Device
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ProductionModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ThemedInjectingAppCompatActivity {
unstable var tasksTheme: Theme
unstable var themeColor: ThemeColor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ViewModelModule {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class TaskIntents {
stable val FLAGS: Int
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class BackupWork {
unstable val tasksJsonExporter: TasksJsonExporter
unstable val preferences: Preferences
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DriveUploader {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val drive: DriveInvoker
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MigrateLocalWork {
unstable val clientProvider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationReceiver {
runtime var workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationWork {
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val alarmService: AlarmService
unstable val notifier: Notifier
stable var nextAlarm: Long
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RefreshWork {
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
runtime val workManager: WorkManager
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class RemoteConfigWork {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class RepeatingWorker {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ReverseGeocodeWork {
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
runtime val geocoder: Geocoder
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SyncWork {
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val caldavSynchronizer: Lazy<CaldavSynchronizer>
unstable val etebaseSynchronizer: Lazy<EtebaseSynchronizer>
unstable val googleTaskSynchronizer: Lazy<GoogleTaskSynchronizer>
unstable val openTasksSynchronizer: Lazy<OpenTasksSynchronizer>
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val openTaskDao: OpenTaskDao
unstable val inventory: Inventory
stable val syncStatus: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class UpdateCalendarWork {
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val gCalHelper: GCalHelper
unstable val calendarEventProvider: CalendarEventProvider
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class UpdatePurchaseWork {
unstable val inventory: Inventory
runtime val billingClient: BillingClient
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class WorkManagerImpl {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val openTaskDao: OpenTaskDao
unstable val throttle: Throttle
unstable val alarmManager: AlarmManager
unstable val workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LocalePickerDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var locale: Locale
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskerIntentService {
unstable var notifier: Notifier
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var taskerTaskCreator: TaskerTaskCreator
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskerTaskCreator {
unstable val taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class AbstractFragmentPluginPreference {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TaskerSettingsActivity {
stable var filter: String?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Broadcast {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class AndroidGeofenceTransitionIntentService {
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var notifier: Notifier
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AndroidLocationManager {
unstable val context: Context
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GeocoderMapbox {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val interceptor: DebugNetworkInterceptor
stable val token: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GeocoderNominatim {
unstable val httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
stable val url: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GeofenceApi {
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
runtime val locationService: LocationService
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LocationPermissionDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable var permissionRequestor: FragmentPermissionRequestor
unstable var binding: DialogLocationPermissionsBinding
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LocationPickerActivity {
unstable var toolbar: Toolbar
unstable var appBarLayout: AppBarLayout
unstable var toolbarLayout: CollapsingToolbarLayout
unstable var coordinatorLayout: CoordinatorLayout
unstable var searchView: View
unstable var loadingIndicator: ContentLoadingProgressBar
unstable var chooseRecentLocation: View
unstable var recyclerView: RecyclerView
unstable var theme: Theme
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable var permissionRequestor: ActivityPermissionRequestor
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
runtime var map: MapFragment
runtime var geocoder: Geocoder
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
runtime var locationService: LocationService
unstable var firebase: Firebase
unstable var preferences: Preferences
stable var mapPosition: MapPosition?
unstable var recentsAdapter: LocationPickerAdapter?
unstable var searchAdapter: LocationSearchAdapter?
unstable var places: List<PlaceUsage>
stable var offset: Int
unstable var search: MenuItem
unstable var searchJob: Job?
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<PlaceSearchViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LocationServiceAndroid {
unstable val context: Context
runtime val locationManager: LocationManager
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable var cached: Location?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class MapPosition {
stable val latitude: Double
stable val longitude: Double
stable val zoom: Float
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OsmMapFragment {
unstable val context: Context
runtime var callback: MapFragmentCallback
unstable var map: MapView
unstable var locationOverlay: MyLocationNewOverlay?
unstable var circle: Polygon?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PlaceSearchGoogle {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
stable val url: String
stable var token: String?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PlaceSearchMapbox {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val interceptor: DebugNetworkInterceptor
stable val token: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PlaceSearchViewModel {
runtime val search: PlaceSearch
unstable val searchResults: MutableLiveData<List<PlaceSearchResult>>
unstable val error: MutableLiveData<Event<String>>
unstable val selection: MutableLiveData<Place>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class MarkdownDisabled {
stable val enabled: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class MarkdownProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Markwon {
unstable val markwon: Markwon
stable val enabled: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationClearedReceiver {
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var scope: CoroutineScope
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var alarmService: AlarmService
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationManager {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val notificationDao: NotificationDao
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val notificationManager: ThrottledNotificationManager
unstable val markdownProvider: MarkdownProvider
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable val queue: NotificationLimiter
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Throttle {
stable val periodMillis: Long
stable val tag: String
unstable val executor: Executor
stable val sleeper: Function1<Long, Unit>
unstable val throttle: LongArray
stable var oldest: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ThrottledNotificationManager {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val notificationManagerCompat: NotificationManagerCompat
unstable val executor: @[FlexibleNullability] ExecutorService?
unstable val throttle: Throttle
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class OpenTaskAccountSettingsActivity {
stable val newPassword: String
stable val helpUrl: Int
stable val menuRes: Int
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OpenTaskContentObserver {
unstable val syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
stable val authority: String
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class OpenTasksListSettingsActivity {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class OpenTasksSynchronizer {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val iCalendar: iCalendar
unstable val openTaskDao: OpenTaskDao
unstable val inventory: Inventory
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BasePreferences {
unstable var toolbar: Toolbar
stable var menu: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DefaultFilterProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val filterDao: FilterDao
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class HelpAndFeedback {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class IconPreference {
unstable var imageView: ImageView?
stable var tint: Int?
unstable var iconClickListener: OnClickListener?
unstable var drawable: Drawable?
stable var iconVisible: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MainPreferences {
unstable var syncAdapters: SyncAdapters
runtime var workManager: WorkManager
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<PreferencesViewModel>
stable val refreshReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ManageSpaceActivity {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class NotificationPreferences {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Preferences {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val prefs: SharedPreferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class PreferencesViewModel {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val driveInvoker: DriveInvoker
unstable val lastBackup: MutableLiveData<Long?>
unstable val lastDriveBackup: MutableLiveData<Long?>
unstable val lastAndroidBackup: MutableLiveData<Long>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Advanced {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var database: Database
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var calendarEventProvider: CalendarEventProvider
unstable var vtodoCache: VtodoCache
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Backups {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var permissionRequestor: FragmentPermissionRequestor
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<PreferencesViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BaseAccountPreference {
runtime var billingClient: BillingClient
unstable var caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable var taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val accountState: MutableStateFlow<CaldavAccount?>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DashClock {
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DateAndTime {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var locale: Locale
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class GoogleTasksAccount {
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
stable val purchaseReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class HelpAndFeedback {
unstable var firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class LookAndFeel {
unstable var themeBase: ThemeBase
unstable var themeColor: ThemeColor
unstable var themeAccent: ThemeAccent
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MainSettingsFragment {
unstable var appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable var inventory: Inventory
runtime var billingClient: BillingClient
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<PreferencesViewModel>
unstable val microsoftVM$delegate: Lazy<MicrosoftSignInViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MicrosoftAccount {
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val microsoftVM$delegate: Lazy<MicrosoftSignInViewModel>
stable val purchaseReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class NavigationDrawer {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Notifications {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var voiceOutputAssistant: VoiceOutputAssistant
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskDefaults {
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var calendarProvider: CalendarProvider
unstable var repeatRuleToString: RepeatRuleToString
unstable var locationDao: LocationDao
unstable var tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable var defaultCalendarPref: Preference
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TaskEditPreferences {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TaskListPreferences {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskerListNotification {
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var filter: Filter
stable var cancelled: Boolean
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksAccount {
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
runtime var workManager: WorkManager
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<TasksAccountViewModel>
stable val refreshReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class AppPassword {
stable val username: String?
stable val password: String?
stable val description: String?
stable val id: Int
stable val createdAt: Long?
stable val lastAccess: Long?
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TasksAccountViewModel {
unstable val provider: CaldavClientProvider
unstable val newPassword: MutableLiveData<AppPassword?>
unstable val appPasswords: MutableLiveData<List<AppPassword>?>
stable var inFlight: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class WidgetSettings {
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var widgetPreferences: WidgetPreferences
stable var appWidgetId: Int
unstable val listPickerLauncher: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Widgets {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TasksContentProvider {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class CompleteTaskReceiver {
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var notificationDao: NotificationDao
unstable var taskCompleter: TaskCompleter
unstable var scope: CoroutineScope
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RefreshReceiver {
unstable var context: Context
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ScheduleExactAlarmsPermissionReceiver {
runtime var workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AlarmToString {
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable val resources: @[FlexibleNullability] Resources?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationActivity {
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var themeAccent: ThemeAccent
stable var taskId: Long
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SnoozeActivity {
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var alarmService: AlarmService
unstable var themeAccent: ThemeAccent
unstable val taskIds: MutableList<Long>
stable var pickingDateTime: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class BasicRecurrenceDialog {
unstable var context: Activity
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var repeatRuleToString: RepeatRuleToString
unstable val customRecurrence: ActivityResultLauncher<@[FlexibleNullability] Intent?>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CustomRecurrenceActivity {
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<CustomRecurrenceViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewState {
stable val interval: Int
stable val frequency: Frequency
stable val dueDate: Long
stable val endSelection: Int
stable val endDate: Long
stable val endCount: Int
unstable val frequencyOptions: List<Frequency>
unstable val daysOfWeek: List<DayOfWeek>
unstable val selectedDays: List<DayOfWeek>
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val monthDay: WeekDay?
stable val isMicrosoftTask: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CustomRecurrenceViewModel {
unstable val _state: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
unstable val state: StateFlow<ViewState>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RecurrenceUtils {
unstable val LEGACY_RRULE_PREFIX: Regex
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class RepeatRuleToString {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val weekdays: List<Day>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class NotificationSchedulerIntentService {
unstable var context: Context
unstable var notificationManager: NotificationManager
runtime var workManager: WorkManager
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class KeyStoreEncryption {
unstable val keyStore: KeyStore
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AddAccountDialog {
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Debouncer {
stable val tag: String
unstable val block: SuspendFunction1<Boolean, Unit>
stable var count: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class SyncAdapters {
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val openTaskDao: OpenTaskDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val scope: CoroutineScope
unstable val sync: Debouncer
unstable val syncStatus: Debouncer
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ErrorBody {
stable val code: String
stable val message: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Error {
stable val error: ErrorBody
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class MicrosoftConverter {
stable val TYPE_TEXT: String
stable val DATE_TIME_FORMAT: String
stable val DATE_TIME_UTC_FORMAT: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class MicrosoftListSettingsActivity {
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<MicrosoftListSettingsActivityViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewState {
stable val requestInFlight: Boolean
unstable val result: CaldavCalendar?
unstable val error: Throwable?
stable val deleted: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MicrosoftListSettingsActivityViewModel {
unstable val httpClientFactory: HttpClientFactory
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val _viewState: MutableStateFlow<ViewState>
unstable val viewState: StateFlow<ViewState>
unstable val account: CaldavAccount
unstable val list: CaldavCalendar?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class MicrosoftSignInViewModel {
unstable val debugConnectionBuilder: DebugConnectionBuilder
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class $serializer {
unstable val descriptor: SerialDescriptor
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TaskList {
stable val etag: String?
stable val displayName: String?
stable val isOwner: Boolean?
stable val isShared: Boolean?
stable val wellknownListName: String?
stable val id: String?
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TaskLists {
stable val context: String
unstable val value: List<TaskList>
stable val nextPage: String?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Body {
stable val content: String
stable val contentType: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class LinkedResource {
stable val applicationName: String
stable val displayName: String
stable val externalId: String
stable val id: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Removed {
stable val reason: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class DateTime {
stable val dateTime: String
stable val timeZone: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class Recurrence {
unstable val pattern: Pattern
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Pattern {
stable val type: RecurrenceType
stable val interval: Int
stable val month: Int
stable val dayOfMonth: Int
unstable val daysOfWeek: List<RecurrenceDayOfWeek>
stable val firstDayOfWeek: RecurrenceDayOfWeek
stable val index: RecurrenceIndex
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Task {
stable val etag: String?
stable val id: String?
stable val title: String?
stable val body: Body?
stable val importance: Importance
stable val status: Status
unstable val categories: List<String>?
stable val isReminderOn: Boolean
stable val createdDateTime: String?
stable val lastModifiedDateTime: String?
stable val completedDateTime: DateTime?
stable val dueDateTime: DateTime?
unstable val linkedResources: List<LinkedResource>?
unstable val recurrence: Recurrence?
stable val removed: Removed?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Tasks {
unstable val value: List<Task>
stable val nextPage: String?
stable val nextDelta: String?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TagPickerActivity {
unstable var theme: Theme
unstable var inventory: Inventory
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable val viewModel$delegate: Lazy<TagPickerViewModel>
unstable var taskIds: ArrayList<Long>?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TagPickerViewModel {
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val tags: MutableLiveData<List<TagData>>
unstable val selected: MutableSet<TagData>
unstable val partiallySelected: MutableSet<TagData>
stable val _searchText: MutableState<String>
stable val _tagToCreate: MutableState<String>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DiffCallback {
runtime val old: SectionedDataSource
runtime val new: SectionedDataSource
unstable val adapter: TaskAdapter
stable val refreshDates: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DragAndDropRecyclerAdapter {
unstable val adapter: TaskAdapter
unstable val recyclerView: RecyclerView
unstable val taskList: TaskListFragment
stable val toggleCollapsed: Function1<Long, Unit>
unstable val itemTouchHelper: ItemTouchHelper
unstable val channel: Channel<SectionedDataSource>
unstable val updates: Queue<Pair<SectionedDataSource, DiffResult?>>
stable var dragging: Boolean
unstable val scope: CoroutineScope
runtime var items: SectionedDataSource
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class HeaderFormatter {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val listCache: HashMap<Long, String?>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class HeaderViewHolder {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val headerFormatter: HeaderFormatter
unstable val title: TextView
unstable val chevron: ImageView
unstable val row: @[FlexibleNullability] View?
stable var sortGroup: Long
stable var rotation: Float
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskListRecyclerAdapter {
unstable val adapter: TaskAdapter
unstable val viewHolderFactory: ViewHolderFactory
unstable val taskList: TaskListFragment
unstable val preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskViewHolder {
unstable val context: Activity
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val chipProvider: ChipProvider
unstable val checkBoxProvider: CheckBoxProvider
stable val textColorOverdue: Int
stable val textColorSecondary: Int
runtime val callback: ViewHolderCallbacks
unstable val metrics: DisplayMetrics
stable val background: Int
stable val selectedColor: Int
stable val rowPaddingDp: Int
stable val rowPaddingPx: Int
unstable val linkify: Linkify
unstable val locale: Locale
runtime val markdown: Markdown
unstable val row: ViewGroup
unstable val dueDate: TextView
unstable val rowBody: ViewGroup
unstable val nameView: TextView
unstable val description: TextView
unstable val completeBox: CheckableImageView
runtime val chipGroup: ComposeView
stable val alwaysDisplayFullDate: Boolean
unstable var task: TaskContainer
stable var indent: Int
stable var selected: Boolean
stable var moving: Boolean
stable var minIndent: Int
stable var maxIndent: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ViewHolderFactory {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val chipProvider: ChipProvider
unstable val checkBoxProvider: CheckBoxProvider
unstable val linkify: Linkify
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val headerFormatter: HeaderFormatter
stable val textColorSecondary: Int
stable val textColorOverdue: Int
stable val fontSize: Int
unstable val metrics: DisplayMetrics
stable val background: Int
stable val selectedColor: Int
stable val rowPaddingDp: Int
stable val rowPaddingPx: Int
runtime val markdown: Markdown
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ColorProvider {
unstable val context: Context
stable val isDark: Boolean
stable val desaturate: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CustomIcons {
stable val LABEL: Int
stable val FILTER: Int
stable val ALL_INBOX: Int
stable val HISTORY: Int
stable val TODAY: Int
stable val LIST: Int
stable val PLACE: Int
unstable var ICONS: Map<Int, Int>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class Theme {
unstable val themeBase: ThemeBase
unstable val themeColor: ThemeColor
unstable val themeAccent: ThemeAccent
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class DateTime {
unstable val timeZone: TimeZone
stable val millis: Long
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class DateTimeUtils {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class ActionViewModel {
unstable val completed: MutableLiveData<Boolean>
unstable val error: MutableLiveData<Throwable>
stable var inProgress: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CalendarControlSet {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var calendarProvider: CalendarProvider
unstable var permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CheckBoxProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ChipListCache {
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val caldavCalendars: MutableMap<String?, CaldavCalendar>
unstable val tagDatas: MutableMap<String?, TagFilter>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ChipProvider {
unstable val activity: Activity
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val lists: ChipListCache
unstable val colorProvider: ColorProvider
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class CompletableViewModel {
unstable val data: MutableLiveData<T>
unstable val error: MutableLiveData<Throwable>
stable var inProgress: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class EmptyTaskEditFragment {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class LocationControlSet {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var dialogBuilder: DialogBuilder
unstable var permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class ClearTaskEditFragment {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class SubtaskControlSet {
unstable var activity: Activity
unstable var taskCompleter: TaskCompleter
unstable var googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable var taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var checkBoxProvider: CheckBoxProvider
unstable var chipProvider: ChipProvider
unstable var colorProvider: ColorProvider
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var listViewModel: TaskListViewModel
unstable val mainViewModel$delegate: Lazy<MainActivityViewModel>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskEditControlFragment {
unstable var viewModel: TaskEditViewModel
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class Discard {
stable val id: Long
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class TaskEditViewModel {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val timerPlugin: TimerPlugin
unstable val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker
unstable val calendarEventProvider: CalendarEventProvider
unstable val gCalHelper: GCalHelper
unstable val taskMover: TaskMover
unstable val locationDao: LocationDao
unstable val geofenceApi: GeofenceApi
unstable val tagDao: TagDao
unstable val tagDataDao: TagDataDao
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao
unstable val caldavDao: CaldavDao
unstable val taskCompleter: TaskCompleter
unstable val alarmService: AlarmService
unstable val taskListEvents: MutableSharedFlow<TaskListEvent>
unstable val mainActivityEvents: MutableSharedFlow<MainActivityEvent>
unstable val firebase: Firebase?
unstable val userActivityDao: UserActivityDao
unstable val alarmDao: AlarmDao
unstable val taskAttachmentDao: TaskAttachmentDao
unstable val resources: @[FlexibleNullability] Resources?
stable var cleared: Boolean
unstable val task: Task
stable val isNew: Boolean
stable var creationDate: Long
stable var modificationDate: Long
stable var completionDate: Long
stable var title: String?
stable var completed: Boolean
unstable var priority: MutableStateFlow<Int>
stable var description: String?
unstable val recurrence: MutableStateFlow<String?>
unstable val repeatAfterCompletion: MutableStateFlow<Boolean>
unstable var eventUri: MutableStateFlow<String?>
unstable val timerStarted: MutableStateFlow<Long>
unstable val estimatedSeconds: MutableStateFlow<Int>
unstable val elapsedSeconds: MutableStateFlow<Int>
unstable var newSubtasks: MutableStateFlow<List<Task>>
unstable val dueDate: MutableStateFlow<Long>
unstable val startDate: MutableStateFlow<Long>
stable var originalCalendar: String?
unstable var selectedCalendar: MutableStateFlow<String?>
unstable val originalList: Filter
unstable var selectedList: MutableStateFlow<Filter>
unstable var originalLocation: Location?
unstable var selectedLocation: MutableStateFlow<Location?>
unstable val originalTags: List<TagData>
unstable val selectedTags: MutableStateFlow<ArrayList<@[FlexibleNullability] TagData?>>
unstable var originalAttachments: List<TaskAttachment>
unstable val selectedAttachments: MutableStateFlow<List<TaskAttachment>>
unstable val originalAlarms: List<Alarm>
unstable var selectedAlarms: MutableStateFlow<List<Alarm>>
stable var ringNonstop: Boolean
stable var ringFiveTimes: Boolean
stable val isReadOnly: Boolean
stable val isWritable: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TaskCreated {
stable val uuid: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class CalendarEventCreated {
stable val title: String?
stable val uri: String
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class State {
unstable val filter: Filter
stable val now: Long
stable val searchQuery: String?
unstable val tasks: TasksResults
stable val begForSubscription: Boolean
stable val warnNotificationsDisabled: Boolean
stable val syncOngoing: Boolean
unstable val collapsed: Set<Long>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TaskListViewModel {
unstable val preferences: Preferences
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter
unstable val deletionDao: DeletionDao
unstable val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable val inventory: Inventory
unstable val firebase: Firebase
unstable val _state: MutableStateFlow<State>
unstable val state: StateFlow<State>
stable val refreshReceiver: <no name provided>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class VoiceCommandActivity {
unstable var taskCreator: TaskCreator
unstable var context: Context
unstable var firebase: Firebase
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class AppWidgetManager {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val appWidgetManager: AppWidgetManager?
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class ShortcutConfigActivity {
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var toolbar: Toolbar
unstable var shortcutList: TextInputEditText
unstable var shortcutName: TextInputEditText
unstable var colorIcon: TextView
unstable var clear: View
unstable var selectedFilter: Filter?
stable var selectedTheme: Int
unstable val listPickerResult: ActivityResultLauncher<Intent>
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksWidget {
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var context: Context
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksWidgetAdapter {
unstable var context: Context
unstable var defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var preferences: Preferences
unstable var subtasksHelper: SubtasksHelper
unstable var locale: Locale
unstable var chipProvider: WidgetChipProvider
unstable var markdownProvider: MarkdownProvider
unstable var headerFormatter: HeaderFormatter
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class TasksWidgetViewFactory {
unstable val subtasksHelper: SubtasksHelper
unstable val widgetPreferences: WidgetPreferences
unstable val filter: Filter
unstable val context: Context
stable val widgetId: Int
unstable val taskDao: TaskDao
unstable val locale: Locale
unstable val chipProvider: WidgetChipProvider
runtime val markdown: Markdown
unstable val headerFormatter: HeaderFormatter
stable val indentPadding: Int
stable val settings: WidgetRowSettings
stable val hPad: Int
stable val disableGroups: Boolean
runtime var tasks: SectionedDataSource
stable val onSurface: Int
stable val onSurfaceVariant: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class TileService {
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class WidgetChipProvider {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val chipListCache: ChipListCache
unstable val locale: Locale
stable var isDark: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class WidgetClickActivity {
unstable var taskCompleter: TaskCompleter
unstable var taskDao: TaskDao
unstable var localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager
unstable var preferences: Preferences
<runtime stability> = Unstable
unstable class WidgetConfigActivity {
stable var appWidgetId: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class WidgetHeaderSettings {
stable val showHeader: Boolean
stable val showTitle: Boolean
stable val showSettings: Boolean
stable val showMenu: Boolean
stable val color: Int
stable val backgroundColor: Int
stable val headerOpacity: Int
stable val headerSpacing: Int
stable val isDark: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class WidgetRowSettings {
stable val showFullTaskTitle: Boolean
stable val showCheckboxes: Boolean
stable val showDescription: Boolean
stable val showFullDescription: Boolean
stable val showDividers: Boolean
stable val showSubtaskChips: Boolean
stable val showStartChips: Boolean
stable val showPlaceChips: Boolean
stable val showListChips: Boolean
stable val showTagChips: Boolean
stable val vPad: Int
stable val textSize: Float
stable val showFullDate: Boolean
stable val compact: Boolean
stable val groupMode: Int
stable val dueDatePosition: Int
stable val isDark: Boolean
<runtime stability> = Stable
unstable class WidgetPreferences {
unstable val context: Context
unstable val preferences: Preferences
stable val widgetId: Int
<runtime stability> = Unstable
stable class BuildSetup {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class DebugNetworkInterceptor {
<runtime stability> = Stable
stable class Debug {
<runtime stability> = Stable