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28 lines
879 B

object Versions {
const val kotlin = "1.8.0"
const val compileSdk = 33
const val targetSdk = 33
const val minSdk = 24
const val work = "2.7.1"
const val leakcanary = "2.10"
const val room = "2.4.2"
const val crashlytics = "18.2.11"
const val analytics = "20.1.0"
const val remote_config = "21.0.1"
const val okhttp = "4.10.0"
const val flipper = "0.177.0"
const val mockito = "3.9.0"
const val androidx_test = "1.3.0"
const val make_it_easy = "4.0.1"
const val hilt = "2.44.2"
const val hilt_androidx = "1.0.0"
const val lifecycle = "2.4.1"
const val markwon = "4.6.2"
const val compose_compiler = "1.4.0"
const val compose_bom = "2023.01.00"
const val compose_theme_adapter = "1.1.11"
const val accompanist = "0.24.12-rc"
const val coil = "2.2.0"
const val retrofit = "2.9.0"