You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

615 lines
21 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<!-- Translation Note:
Guidelines to those translating the resources
1) Quality over Quantity: the quality of the phrases is important not the number of phrases used in any given
2) Dynamic Equivalence not necessary literal translation but capture the idea and create the same desired effect
<resources xmlns:android="">
Goal: Maximize the chance that they will perform the task while minimizing the annoyance.-->
<string-array name="reminders">
<!-- reminders: Make these < 20 chars so the task name is displayed -->
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>잠깐 볼 수 있을까요?</item>
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>언제 시간되나요?</item>
<item>당신의 일정에</item>
<item>잠깐 시간있나요?</item>
<item>Astrid가 여기있습니다!</item>
<item>안녕! 시간있어?</item>
<item>시간 있어요?</item>
<item>하기 좋은 날이네요</item>
<string-array name="reminder_responses">
<!-- reminder_responses: Astrid says... (user should answer yes or no) -->
<item>널 위해 준비한게 있어!</item>
<item>이거 끝낼 준비 됬어?</item>
<item>이걸 끝내는게 어때?</item>
<item>이건 어때?</item>
<item>이거할 준비 됬어?</item>
<item>이거 처리할 수 있어?</item>
<item>이걸 끝내면 행복해 질 수 있어!</item>
<item>이걸 끝내면 기분이 나아질꺼라고 확신해!</item>
<item>이거 오늘 할꺼야?</item>
<item>제발 이걸끝내줘 이제 지겨워</item>
<item>이걸 끝낼수있어? 그럼 넌 끝낼 수 있어!</item>
<item>이거 안할꺼야?</item>
<item>너자신에 대해 자신감을 가져! 가자!</item>
<item>난 니가 정말 자랑스러워! 이걸 끝내자!</item>
<item>이걸 끝내고 약간의 간식 어때?</item>
<item>그냥 이일 하나만? 응?</item>
<item>너의 할일목록을 줄일때야!</item>
<string-array name="postpone_nags">
<!-- Astrid's nagging when user clicks postpone -->
<item>니가 느림보라는건 거짓말이라고 내게 말해줘!</item>
<item>게으르게 굴면 늙는다</item>
<item>어딘가 누군가가 이일을 끝내가위해 너가 필요해!</item>
<item>이걸 연기한다는건 니가 정말 이걸 지금 하고있다는거지?응?</item>
<item>이게 마지막으로 미루는거지?응?</item>
<item>이걸 오늘끝내자. 더이상 말 안할께</item>
<item>니가 할수 있을때 왜 미루니..미루지마!</item>
<item>넌 이걸 결국 끝낼꺼야. 그렇지?</item>
<item>내생각에 넌 정말 대단한것같에!. 이걸 미루지 않는게 어때?</item>
<item>그렇게 하면 니 목표를 이룰 수 있어?</item>
<item>미루고, 미루고, 또미루고, 언제 바뀔래!</item>
<item>너의 변명은 이제 충분해! 이제 그냥해!</item>
<item>지난번에도 그렇게 말하지 않았어?</item>
<item>너가 그렇게 하면 난 니 삶을 도와줄 수 없어</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_start">
<!-- quiet_hours_start: options for preference menu -->
<item>사용 불가능</item>
<string-array name="EPr_quiet_hours_end">
<!-- quiet_hours_end: options for preference menu -->
ASTRID: Android's Simple Task Recording Dashboard
Copyright (c) 2009 Tim Su
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
<!-- General String Constants -->
<!-- Importance Labels -->
<!-- Repeat Interval Labels -->
<string-array name="repeat_interval"><item></item>
<!-- Plurals -->
<plurals name="Ntasks">
<!-- plurals: tasks -->
<item quantity="one">할일</item>
<item quantity="other">할일 %d개</item>
<!-- vertical labels are used in dialog boxes -->
<plurals name="DUt_days">
<!-- plurals: days -->
<item quantity="one">1일 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d일 후</item>
<plurals name="NdaysPreposition">
<!-- plurals: days (used after a preopsition, i.e. due in 5 days) -->
<item quantity="one">1일 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d일 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hours">
<!-- plurals: hours -->
<item quantity="one">1시간 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d시간 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutes">
<!-- plurals: minutes -->
<item quantity="one">1 분</item>
<item quantity="other">%d분 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_seconds">
<!-- plurals: seconds -->
<item quantity="one">1초 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d초 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_hoursShort">
<!-- plurals: hours (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1시간 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d시간 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_minutesShort">
<!-- plurals: minutes (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1분 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d 분 후</item>
<plurals name="DUt_secondsShort">
<!-- plurals: seconds (abbreviated) -->
<item quantity="one">1초 후</item>
<item quantity="other">%d초 후</item>
<!-- indicates time in past. %s is replaced by time unit i.e. 1 minute -->
<!-- TaskList -->
<!-- title bar -->
<string name="tag_FEx_name">태그된 \"%s\" 할일</string>
<string name="TAd_hiddenFormat">%s [나중에 할일]</string>
<!-- text displayed in task list item -->
<!-- prefix to show that a task is hidden -->
<!-- i.e. Due in 4 days -->
<!-- i.e. Due on Jan 2 -->
<!-- prefix to deadline -->
<!-- i.e. Finished 4 days ago -->
<string name="TAd_completed">%s 전에 완료됨</string>
<!-- i.e. Estimated: 4 hours -->
<!-- i.e. Spent: 88 minutes. used to indicate time spent on task -->
<!-- time interval to set frequency to remind user -->
<!-- time interval to set repeated tasks-->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">마다 반복 %s</string>
<!-- displayed when repeat is on remote server-->
<string name="tag_TLA_detail">태그: %s</string>
<!-- i.e. Created: <create date> -->
<!-- i.e. Deleted: <delete date> -->
<string name="TAd_deletedFormat">%s [삭제됨]</string>
<string name="TLA_quick_add_hint">새로운 할일 추가</string>
<!-- menu items -->
<string name="tag_FEx_header">태그</string>
<string name="TLA_menu_settings">설정</string>
<string name="TLA_menu_help">도움말(브라우저에 열기)</string>
<string name="backup_BAc_export">Backup Tasks</string>
<string name="backup_BAc_import">Restore Tasks</string>
<string name="TAd_contextEditTask">할일수정</string>
<string name="TAd_contextDeleteTask">할일삭제</string>
<string name="TAE_startTimer">타이머 시작</string>
<string name="TAE_stopTimer">타이머 정지</string>
<!-- filter menu items -->
<string name="FLA_title">정렬/필터</string>
<string name="BFE_Hidden">나중에 할일</string>
<string name="BFE_Completed">완료된 할일</string>
<string name="BFE_Alphabetical">이름순 정렬</string>
<string name="BFE_DueDate">D-Day순 정렬</string>
<!-- TaskEdit -->
<!-- title bar -->
<string name="TEA_view_title">Astrid :수정 %s</string>
<string name="TEA_view_titleNew">Astrid : 새로운 할일</string>
<!-- tabs -->
<string name="TEA_tab_basic">기본</string>
<!-- labels -->
<string name="TEA_title_label">요약</string>
<string name="TEA_title_hint">할일명</string>
<string name="TEA_importance_label">얼마나 중요한 일입니까?</string>
<string name="TEA_tags_label">태그:</string>
<string name="TEA_tag_hint">태그명</string>
<string name="TEA_estimatedDuration_label">얼마나 오래 걸릴 일입니까?</string>
<string name="TEA_elapsedDuration_label">이미 일에 시간을 썼습니다.</string>
<string name="TEA_urgency_label">최종 마감일</string>
<string name="gcal_TEA_addToCalendar_label">할일을 달력에 추가</string>
<string name="gcal_TEA_showCalendar_label">달력에 일정 열기</string>
<string name="TEA_hideUntil_label">이날까지 숨기기</string>
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">반복주기:</string>
<string name="TEA_note_label">노트</string>
<string name="TEA_notes_hint">할일에 노트 입력</string>
<string name="TEA_reminder_label">나에게 알리기...</string>
<string name="TEA_reminder_due">마감일에</string>
<string name="TEA_reminder_overdue">최종 마감일이 지난 후에</string>
<!-- dialog boxes -->
<string name="TEA_reminder_random">마다 알리기</string>
<!-- buttons -->
<string name="TEA_menu_save">저장</string>
<string name="TEA_menu_discard">무시</string>
<string name="TEA_menu_delete">삭제</string>
<string name="WID_dateButtonUnset">설정하기</string>
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_due">할일 저장됨:D- %s</string>
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_overdue">할일 저장됨: D+%s</string>
<string name="TEA_onTaskSave_notDue">할일 저장됨</string>
<!-- TaskView -->
<!-- Tag List -->
<string name="FLA_context_shortcut">바로가기 만들기</string><string name="FLA_shortcut_dialog_title">바로가기 만들기</string>
<string name="FLA_toast_onCreateShortcut">바탕화면에 바로가기 만들기 %s</string>
<string name="tag_FEx_untagged">[태그미지정]</string>
<string name="tag_FEx_alpha">이름순 정렬</string>
<string name="tag_FEx_by_size">크기순 정렬</string>
<!-- Synchronization -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_group_actions">설정</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_group_options">옵션</string>
<!-- Proper noun - don't translate -->
<string name="rmilk_MPr_header">Remember The Milk</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_interval_title">자동동기화</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_interval_desc_disabled">설정되어있다면, 동기화는 주어진 기간에 자동으로 실행됩니다.</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_title">Wifi에만 자동 동기화</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_desc_enabled">설정이 되어있다면, 자동 동기화는 Wifi가 가능할때만 발생합니다.</string><string name="rmilk_MPr_bgwifi_desc_disabled">설정이 되어있다면, 자동 동기화는 Wifi가 가능할때만 발생합니다.</string>
<string name="rmilk_ioerror">동기화에러! 불편함을드려서 죄송합니다! 에러:</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_sync">동기화 시작!</string><string name="rmilk_MPr_sync_log_in">동기화 시작!</string>
<string name="rmilk_MPr_forget">개인 자료 지우기</string>
<string name="rmilk_forget_confirm">선택한 서비스의 자료를 지우시겠습니까?</string>
<string name="rmilk_status_success">마지막 동기화 날짜: %s</string>
<string name="rmilk_status_failed">마지막 자동동기화 시도: %s</string>
<string name="rmilk_status_never">안함</string>
<string name="rmilk_status_loggedout">RTM에 로그인 해주세요</string><string name="rmilk_MLA_label">RTM에 로그인 해주세요</string>
<string name="rmilk_MLA_error">죄송합니다, 로그인하는데 에러가 발생하였습니다. 다시 시도해주세요. 에러 메세지: %s</string>
<!-- Dialog Boxes -->
<string name="DLG_information_title">정보</string>
<string name="DLG_question_title">질문:</string>
<string name="DLG_done">마침</string>
<string name="rmd_NoA_snooze">Snooze...</string>
<string name="rmd_NoA_goAway">Go Away!</string>
<string name="DLG_delete_this_task_question">할일을 삭제하시겠습니까?</string>
<!-- %s => name of the application -->
<string name="task_killer_help">
It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you can,
add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn\'t get killed. Otherwise,
Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n
<string name="task_killer_help_ok">I Won\'t Kill Astrid!</string>
<!-- Restore/Backup -->
<string name="export_toast">Backed Up %s to %s.</string>
<string name="import_summary_title">Restore Summary</string>
<string name="import_progress_title">Restore</string>
<string name="import_progress_read">Reading task %d...</string>
<string name="import_file_prompt">Select a File to Restore</string>
<!-- Locale Plugin -->
<string name="locale_edit_alerts_title">Astrid 태그 알림</string>
<string name="locale_edit_intro">Astird가 아래 판단기준에 의해서 완료되지 않은 일들에대한 알림을 보내드립니다.</string>
<!-- Notification -->
<!-- $NUM is replaced with # of tasks + units, i.e. "1 task", $FILTER is replaced with tag name -->
<string name="locale_notification">You have $NUM tagged $FILTER!</string>
<!-- Error Messages -->
<string name="DLG_error_opening">아이템을 찾을 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard">Cannot access folder: %s</string>
<string name="DLG_error_sdcard_general">Cannot access your SD card!</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_alerts_header">공지</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_title">침묵 시간 시작</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_start_desc">침묵 시간이 시작되어야 하는 시간: %s</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_title">침묵 시간 종료</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_quiet_hours_end_desc">침묵 시간이 종료되어야 하는 시간: %s</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_title">기본 알림</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_defaultRemind_desc">새로운 할일의 기본 마감일은 설정일로부터 7일후입니다. 만약 기본 마감일을 원하시지 않는다면 빈칸으로남겨두세요: %s</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_title">영구 모드</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_true">체크 되있으면, LED와 공지는 한번에 하나씩 삭제해야합니다.</string><string name="rmd_EPr_persistent_desc_false">체크 되있으면, LED와 공지는 한번에 하나씩 삭제해야합니다.</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_title">공지 벨소리</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_custom">Astrid 알람을 위한 벨소리를 선택하세요</string><string name="rmd_EPr_ringtone_desc_default">Astrid 알람을 위한 벨소리를 선택하세요</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_title">Vibrate on Alert</string>
<string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_true">If checked, Astrid will vibrate when sounding an alarm</string><string name="rmd_EPr_vibrate_desc_false">If checked, Astrid will vibrate when sounding an alarm</string>
<string name="EPr_appearance_header">모양</string>
<string name="EPr_fontSize_title">할일목록 글씨체</string>
<string name="EPr_fontSize_desc">메인목록에서 글씨체</string>
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_title">Automatic Backups</string>
<!-- backup summary when there is no backup message -->
<string name="backup_BPr_auto_disabled">Perform daily backups to sdcard.</string><string name="backup_BPr_auto_enabled">Perform daily backups to sdcard.</string>
<!-- backup failure message (%s -> error message) -->
<string name="backup_status_failed">Last backup failed: </string>
<!-- backup failure error when error message is null -->
<!-- backup success message (%s -> date) -->
<string name="backup_status_success">Latest backup was on %s</string>
<string name="gcal_GCP_default">Astrid default</string>
<!-- This string is Astrid's Android Marketplace title. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_title">Astrid Task/Todo List</string>
<!-- This string is Astrid's Android Marketplace description. It never appears in the app itself. -->
<string name="marketplace_description">Astrid는 당신을 방해하지 않을정도로 간단하고 당신의 할일을 달성시켜줄정도로 강력한 오픈-소스 일정관리 플렛폼입니다. 태그, 알림, RememberTheMilk sync, Locale plug-in &amp; 그 이상!</string>
<!-- Automatically filled in by Launchpad: -->
<string name="about_translators">Launchpad Contributions:
Jon Paris
<!-- Widget text when loading tasks -->
<string name="TWi_loading">로딩중...</string>
<!-- Permissions -->