You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

81 lines
2.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- Resources for built-in repeat plug-in -->
<!-- repeating plugin name -->
<string name="repeat_plugin">Repeating Tasks</string>
<!-- repeating plugin description -->
<string name="repeat_plugin_desc">Allows tasks to repeat</string>
<!-- checkbox for turning on/off repeats -->
<string name="repeat_enabled">Repeats</string>
<!-- button for "every x" part of repeat (%d -> repeat value) -->
<string name="repeat_every">Every %d</string>
<!-- hint when opening repeat interval -->
<string name="repeat_interval_prompt">Repeat Interval</string>
<string name="repeat_never">Make Repeating?</string>
<string name="repeat_dont">Don\'t repeat</string>
<string-array name="repeat_interval_short">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours,minutes,years) -->
<string-array name="repeat_interval">
<!-- repeat interval (days,weeks,months,hours,minutes,years) -->
<string-array name="repeat_type">
<!-- repeat type (date to repeat from) -->
<item>from due date</item>
<item>from completion date</item>
<!-- task detail weekly by day ($I -> interval, i.e. 1 week, $D -> days, i.e. Monday, Tuesday) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_byday">$I on $D</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from due date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_duedate">Every %s</string>
<!-- task detail for repeat from completion date (%s -> interval) -->
<string name="repeat_detail_completion">%s after completion</string>
<!-- text for confirmation dialog after repeating a task -->
<string name="repeat_rescheduling_dialog_title">Rescheduling task \"%s\"</string>
<!-- text for when a repeating task was rescheduled -->
<string name="repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble">%1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task from %2$s to %3$s</string>
<!-- text for when a repeating task was rescheduled but didn't have a due date yet -->
<string name="repeat_rescheduling_dialog_bubble_no_date">%1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task to %2$s</string>
<string-array name="repeat_encouragement">
<!-- Encouragement in rescheduling dialog bubble -->
<item>Good job!</item>
<item>Wow… I\'m so proud of you!</item>
<item>I love when you\'re productive!</item>
<item>Doesn\'t it feel good to check something off?</item>