/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc * * See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */ package com.todoroo.astrid.dao; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException; import com.todoroo.andlib.data.AbstractModel; import com.todoroo.andlib.data.Callback; import com.todoroo.andlib.data.Property; import com.todoroo.andlib.data.TodorooCursor; import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Criterion; import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Functions; import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Query; import com.todoroo.andlib.utility.DateUtilities; import com.todoroo.astrid.api.Filter; import com.todoroo.astrid.api.PermaSql; import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.MetadataDao.MetadataCriteria; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.RemoteModel; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.SyncFlags; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Task; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.TaskApiDao; import com.todoroo.astrid.reminders.ReminderService; import org.tasks.Broadcaster; import org.tasks.R; import org.tasks.injection.ApplicationScope; import org.tasks.location.GeofenceService; import org.tasks.notifications.NotificationManager; import org.tasks.preferences.Preferences; import org.tasks.scheduling.RefreshScheduler; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import timber.log.Timber; /** * Data Access layer for {@link Task}-related operations. * * @author Tim Su * */ @ApplicationScope public class TaskDao { public static final String TRANS_SUPPRESS_REFRESH = "suppress-refresh"; private final RemoteModelDao dao; private final RefreshScheduler refreshScheduler; private final MetadataDao metadataDao; private final Broadcaster broadcaster; private final ReminderService reminderService; private final NotificationManager notificationManager; private final Preferences preferences; private final GeofenceService geofenceService; @Inject public TaskDao(Database database, MetadataDao metadataDao, final Broadcaster broadcaster, ReminderService reminderService, NotificationManager notificationManager, Preferences preferences, GeofenceService geofenceService, RefreshScheduler refreshScheduler) { this.geofenceService = geofenceService; this.preferences = preferences; this.metadataDao = metadataDao; this.broadcaster = broadcaster; this.reminderService = reminderService; this.notificationManager = notificationManager; dao = new RemoteModelDao<>(database, Task.class); this.refreshScheduler = refreshScheduler; } public TodorooCursor query(Query query) { return dao.query(query); } public void forEach(Query query, Callback callback) { query(query).forEach(callback); } public void selectActive(Criterion criterion, Callback callback) { dao.query(Query.select(Task.PROPERTIES).where(Criterion.and(TaskCriteria.isActive(), criterion)), callback); } public Task fetch(long id, Property... properties) { return dao.fetch(id, properties); } public int count(Filter filter) { String query = PermaSql.replacePlaceholders(filter.getSqlQuery()); return count(Query.select(Task.ID).withQueryTemplate(query)); } public int count(Query query) { return dao.count(query); } public List query(Filter filter) { String query = PermaSql.replacePlaceholders(filter.getSqlQuery()); return dao.toList(Query.select(Task.PROPERTIES).withQueryTemplate(query)); } public List rawQuery(String selection, String[] selectionArgs, Property.LongProperty id) { return dao.rawQuery(selection, selectionArgs, id).toList(); } /** * Update all matching a clause to have the values set on template object. *

* Example (updates "joe" => "bob" in metadata value1): * {code} * Metadata item = new Metadata(); * item.setVALUE1("bob"); * update(item, Metadata.VALUE1.eq("joe")); * {code} * @param where sql criteria * @param template set fields on this object in order to set them in the db. * @return # of updated items */ public int update(Criterion where, Task template) { return dao.update(where, template); } public int deleteWhere(Criterion criterion) { return dao.deleteWhere(criterion); } public List toList(Query query) { return dao.toList(query); } public void persist(Task task) { dao.persist(task); } // --- SQL clause generators /** * Generates SQL clauses */ public static class TaskCriteria { /** @return tasks that were not deleted */ public static Criterion notDeleted() { return Task.DELETION_DATE.eq(0); } public static Criterion notCompleted() { return Task.COMPLETION_DATE.eq(0); } /** @return tasks that have not yet been completed or deleted */ public static Criterion activeAndVisible() { return Criterion.and(Task.COMPLETION_DATE.eq(0), Task.DELETION_DATE.eq(0), Task.HIDE_UNTIL.lt(Functions.now())); } /** @return tasks that have not yet been completed or deleted */ public static Criterion isActive() { return Criterion.and(Task.COMPLETION_DATE.eq(0), Task.DELETION_DATE.eq(0)); } /** @return tasks that are not hidden at current time */ public static Criterion isVisible() { return Task.HIDE_UNTIL.lt(Functions.now()); } /** @return tasks that have a blank or null title */ public static Criterion hasNoTitle() { return Criterion.or(Task.TITLE.isNull(), Task.TITLE.eq("")); } } public String uuidFromLocalId(long localId) { TodorooCursor cursor = dao.query(Query.select(RemoteModel.UUID_PROPERTY).where(AbstractModel.ID_PROPERTY.eq(localId))); try { if (cursor.getCount() == 0) { return RemoteModel.NO_UUID; } cursor.moveToFirst(); return cursor.get(RemoteModel.UUID_PROPERTY); } finally { cursor.close(); } } // --- delete /** * Delete the given item * * @return true if delete was successful */ public boolean delete(long id) { boolean result = dao.delete(id); if(!result) { return false; } // delete all metadata metadataDao.deleteWhere(MetadataCriteria.byTask(id)); broadcaster.refresh(); return true; } // --- save /** * Saves the given task to the database.getDatabase(). Task must already * exist. Returns true on success. * */ public void save(Task task) { ContentValues modifiedValues = createOrUpdate(task); if (modifiedValues != null) { afterSave(task, modifiedValues); } else if (task.checkTransitory(SyncFlags.FORCE_SYNC)) { broadcaster.taskUpdated(task, null); } } private ContentValues createOrUpdate(Task task) { if (task.getId() == Task.NO_ID) { try { return createNew(task); } catch (SQLiteConstraintException e) { Timber.e(e, e.getMessage()); return handleSQLiteConstraintException(task); // Tried to create task with remote id that already exists } } else { return saveExisting(task); } } private ContentValues handleSQLiteConstraintException(Task task) { TodorooCursor cursor = dao.query(Query.select(Task.ID).where( Task.UUID.eq(task.getUUID()))); if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); task.setId(cursor.get(Task.ID)); return saveExisting(task); } return null; } public ContentValues createNew(Task item) { if(!item.containsValue(Task.CREATION_DATE)) { item.setCreationDate(DateUtilities.now()); } item.setModificationDate(DateUtilities.now()); // set up task defaults if(!item.containsValue(Task.IMPORTANCE)) { item.setImportance(preferences.getIntegerFromString( R.string.p_default_importance_key, Task.IMPORTANCE_SHOULD_DO)); } if(!item.containsValue(Task.DUE_DATE)) { int setting = preferences.getIntegerFromString(R.string.p_default_urgency_key, Task.URGENCY_NONE); item.setDueDate(Task.createDueDate(setting, 0)); } createDefaultHideUntil(preferences, item); setDefaultReminders(preferences, item); ContentValues values = item.getSetValues(); if(dao.createNew(item)) { return values; } return null; } private static void createDefaultHideUntil(Preferences preferences, Task item) { if(!item.containsValue(Task.HIDE_UNTIL)) { int setting = preferences.getIntegerFromString(R.string.p_default_hideUntil_key, Task.HIDE_UNTIL_NONE); item.setHideUntil(item.createHideUntil(setting, 0)); } } /** * Sets default reminders for the given task if reminders are not set */ public static void setDefaultReminders(Preferences preferences, Task item) { if(!item.containsValue(Task.REMINDER_PERIOD)) { item.setReminderPeriod(DateUtilities.ONE_HOUR * preferences.getIntegerFromString(R.string.p_rmd_default_random_hours, 0)); } if(!item.containsValue(Task.REMINDER_FLAGS)) { item.setReminderFlags(preferences.getDefaultReminders() | preferences.getDefaultRingMode()); } } public ContentValues saveExisting(Task item) { ContentValues values = item.getSetValues(); if(values == null || values.size() == 0) { return null; } if(!TaskApiDao.insignificantChange(values)) { if(!values.containsKey(Task.MODIFICATION_DATE.name)) { item.setModificationDate(DateUtilities.now()); } } if(dao.saveExisting(item)) { return values; } return null; } private static final Property[] SQL_CONSTRAINT_MERGE_PROPERTIES = new Property[] { Task.ID, Task.UUID, Task.TITLE, Task.IMPORTANCE, Task.DUE_DATE, Task.CREATION_DATE, Task.DELETION_DATE, Task.NOTES, Task.HIDE_UNTIL, Task.RECURRENCE }; public void saveExistingWithSqlConstraintCheck(Task item) { try { saveExisting(item); } catch (SQLiteConstraintException e) { Timber.e(e, e.getMessage()); String uuid = item.getUUID(); TodorooCursor tasksWithUUID = dao.query(Query.select( SQL_CONSTRAINT_MERGE_PROPERTIES).where( Task.UUID.eq(uuid))); try { if (tasksWithUUID.getCount() > 0) { for (tasksWithUUID.moveToFirst(); !tasksWithUUID.isAfterLast(); tasksWithUUID.moveToNext()) { Task curr = new Task(tasksWithUUID); if (curr.getId() == item.getId()) { continue; } compareAndMergeAfterConflict(curr, dao.fetch(item.getId(), tasksWithUUID.getProperties())); return; } } else { // We probably want to know about this case, because // it means that the constraint error isn't caused by // UUID throw e; } } finally { tasksWithUUID.close(); } } } private void compareAndMergeAfterConflict(Task existing, Task newConflict) { boolean match = true; for (Property p : SQL_CONSTRAINT_MERGE_PROPERTIES) { if (p.equals(Task.ID)) { continue; } if(existing.containsNonNullValue(p) != newConflict.containsNonNullValue(p)) { match = false; } else if (existing.containsNonNullValue(p) && !existing.getValue(p).equals(newConflict.getValue(p))) { match = false; } } if (!match) { if (existing.getCreationDate().equals(newConflict.getCreationDate())) { newConflict.setCreationDate(newConflict.getCreationDate() + 1000L); } newConflict.clearValue(Task.UUID); saveExisting(newConflict); } else { delete(newConflict.getId()); } } /** * Called after the task is saved. This differs from the call in * TaskApiDao in that it runs hooks that need to be run from within * Astrid. Order matters here! */ private void afterSave(Task task, ContentValues values) { task.markSaved(); boolean completionDateModified = values.containsKey(Task.COMPLETION_DATE.name); boolean deletionDateModified = values.containsKey(Task.DELETION_DATE.name); if(completionDateModified && task.isCompleted()) { afterComplete(task); } else if (deletionDateModified && task.isDeleted()) { afterComplete(task); } else { if (completionDateModified || deletionDateModified) { geofenceService.setupGeofences(task.getId()); } if(values.containsKey(Task.DUE_DATE.name) || values.containsKey(Task.REMINDER_FLAGS.name) || values.containsKey(Task.REMINDER_PERIOD.name) || values.containsKey(Task.REMINDER_LAST.name) || values.containsKey(Task.REMINDER_SNOOZE.name)) { reminderService.scheduleAlarm(this, task); } } // run api save hooks broadcastTaskSave(task, values); } /** * Send broadcasts on task change (triggers things like task repeats) * @param task task that was saved * @param values values that were updated */ private void broadcastTaskSave(Task task, ContentValues values) { if(TaskApiDao.insignificantChange(values)) { return; } if(values.containsKey(Task.COMPLETION_DATE.name) && task.isCompleted()) { broadcaster.taskCompleted(task.getId()); } broadcaster.taskUpdated(task, values); refreshScheduler.scheduleRefresh(task); broadcastRefresh(task); } private void broadcastRefresh(Task task) { if (!task.checkAndClearTransitory(TRANS_SUPPRESS_REFRESH)) { broadcaster.refresh(); } } /** * Called after the task was just completed */ private void afterComplete(Task task) { long taskId = task.getId(); notificationManager.cancel(taskId); geofenceService.cancelGeofences(taskId); } /** * Mark the given task as completed and save it. */ public void setComplete(Task item, boolean completed) { if(completed) { item.setCompletionDate(DateUtilities.now()); } else { item.setCompletionDate(0L); } save(item); } public TodorooCursor fetchFiltered(String queryTemplate, Property... properties) { return query(fetchFilteredQuery(queryTemplate, properties)); } public Query fetchFilteredQuery(String queryTemplate, Property... properties) { if (queryTemplate == null) { return Query.selectDistinct(properties); } String sql = PermaSql.replacePlaceholders(queryTemplate); return Query.select(properties).withQueryTemplate(sql); } }