/** * Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc * * See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */ package com.todoroo.astrid.service; import com.google.ical.values.Frequency; import com.google.ical.values.RRule; import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Task; import com.todoroo.astrid.tags.TagService; import com.todoroo.astrid.test.DatabaseTestCase; import com.todoroo.astrid.utility.TitleParser; import org.tasks.R; import org.tasks.preferences.Preferences; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import javax.inject.Inject; import static org.tasks.date.DateTimeUtils.newDate; public class TitleParserTest extends DatabaseTestCase { @Inject TaskService taskService; @Inject TagService tagService; @Inject Preferences preferences; @Override protected void setUp() { super.setUp(); preferences.setStringFromInteger(R.string.p_default_urgency_key, 0); } /** test that completing a task w/ no regular expressions creates a simple task with no date, no repeat, no lists*/ public void testNoRegexes() throws Exception{ Task task = new Task(); Task nothing = new Task(); task.setTitle("Jog"); taskService.save(task); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), nothing.getRecurrence()); } /** Tests correct date is parsed **/ public void testMonthDate() { Task task = new Task(); String[] titleMonthStrings = { "Jan.", "January", "Feb.", "February", "Mar.", "March", "Apr.", "April", "May", "May", "Jun.", "June", "Jul.", "July", "Aug.", "August", "Sep.", "September", "Oct.", "October", "Nov.", "November", "Dec.", "December" }; for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) { String testTitle = "Jog on " + titleMonthStrings[i] + " 12."; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMonth(), i/2); assertEquals(date.getDate(), 12); } } public void testMonthSlashDay() { Task task = new Task(); for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++) { String testTitle = "Jog on " + i + "/12/13"; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMonth(), i-1); assertEquals(date.getDate(), 12); assertEquals(date.getYear(), 113); } } public void testArmyTime() { Task task = new Task(); String testTitle = "Jog on 23:21."; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 21); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 23); } public void test_AM_PM() { Task task = new Task(); String testTitle = "Jog at 8:33 PM."; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 33); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 20); } public void test_at_hour() { Task task = new Task(); String testTitle = "Jog at 8 PM."; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 0); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 20); } public void test_oclock_AM() { Task task = new Task(); String testTitle = "Jog at 8 o'clock AM."; insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 0); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 8); } public void test_several_forms_of_eight() { Task task = new Task(); String[] testTitles = { "Jog 8 AM", "Jog 8 o'clock AM", "at 8:00 AM" }; for (String testTitle: testTitles) { insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 0); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 8); } } public void test_several_forms_of_1230PM() { Task task = new Task(); String[] testTitles = { "Jog 12:30 PM", "at 12:30 PM", "Do something on 12:30 PM", "Jog at 12:30 PM Friday" }; for (String testTitle: testTitles) { insertTitleAddTask(testTitle, task); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getMinutes(), 30); assertEquals(date.getHours(), 12); } } private void insertTitleAddTask(String title, Task task) { task.clear(); task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); } // ----------------Days begin----------------// public void testDays() throws Exception{ Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance(); Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog today"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); Date date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getDay()+1, today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)); //Calendar starts 1-6, date.getDay() starts at 0 task = new Task(); title = "Jog tomorrow"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals((date.getDay()+1) % 7, (today.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)+1) % 7); String[] days = { "sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", }; String[] abrevDays = { "sun.", "mon.", "tue.", "wed.", "thu.", "fri.", "sat." }; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ task = new Task(); title = "Jog "+ days[i]; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getDay(), i); task = new Task(); title = "Jog "+ abrevDays[i]; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); date = newDate(task.getDueDate()); assertEquals(date.getDay(), i); } } //----------------Days end----------------// //----------------Priority begin----------------// /** tests all words using priority 0 */ public void testPriority0() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStrings = { "priority 0", "least priority", "lowest priority", "bang 0" }; Task task; for (String acceptedString:acceptedStrings){ task = new Task(); String title = "Jog " + acceptedString; task.setTitle(title); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_LEAST); } for (String acceptedString:acceptedStrings){ task = new Task(); String title = acceptedString + " jog"; task.setTitle(title); //test at beginning of task. should not set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertNotSame(task.getImportance(),Task.IMPORTANCE_LEAST); } } public void testPriority1() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStringsAtEnd = { "priority 1", "low priority", "bang", "bang 1" }; String[] acceptedStringsAnywhere = { "!1", "!" }; Task task; for (String acceptedStringAtEnd:acceptedStringsAtEnd){ task = new Task(); task.setTitle("Jog " + acceptedStringAtEnd); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.save(task); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_SHOULD_DO); } for (String acceptedStringAtEnd:acceptedStringsAtEnd){ task = new Task(); task.setTitle(acceptedStringAtEnd + " jog"); //test at beginning of task. should not set importance. taskService.save(task); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_SHOULD_DO); } for (String acceptedStringAnywhere:acceptedStringsAnywhere){ task = new Task(); task.setTitle("Jog " + acceptedStringAnywhere); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.save(task); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_SHOULD_DO); task.setTitle(acceptedStringAnywhere + " jog"); //test at beginning of task. should set importance. taskService.save(task); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_SHOULD_DO); } } public void testPriority2() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStringsAtEnd = { "priority 2", "high priority", "bang bang", "bang 2" }; String[] acceptedStringsAnywhere = { "!2", "!!" }; Task task; for (String acceptedStringAtEnd:acceptedStringsAtEnd){ task = new Task(); String title = "Jog " + acceptedStringAtEnd; task.setTitle(title); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_MUST_DO); task = new Task(); title = acceptedStringAtEnd + " jog"; task.setTitle(title); //test at beginning of task. should not set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertNotSame(task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_MUST_DO); } for (String acceptedStringAnywhere:acceptedStringsAnywhere){ task = new Task(); String title = "Jog " + acceptedStringAnywhere; task.setTitle(title); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_MUST_DO); title = acceptedStringAnywhere + " jog"; task.setTitle(title); //test at beginning of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_MUST_DO); } } public void testPriority3() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStringsAtEnd = { "priority 3", "highest priority", "bang bang bang", "bang 3", "bang bang bang bang bang bang bang" }; String[] acceptedStringsAnywhere = { "!3", "!!!", "!6", "!!!!!!!!!!!!!" }; Task task; for (String acceptedStringAtEnd:acceptedStringsAtEnd){ task = new Task(); String title = "Jog " + acceptedStringAtEnd; task.setTitle(title); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_DO_OR_DIE); task = new Task(); title = acceptedStringAtEnd + " jog"; task.setTitle(title); //test at beginning of task. should not set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertNotSame(task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_DO_OR_DIE); } for (String acceptedStringAnywhere:acceptedStringsAnywhere){ task = new Task(); String title = "Jog " + acceptedStringAnywhere; task.setTitle(title); //test at end of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_DO_OR_DIE); title = acceptedStringAnywhere + " jog"; task.setTitle(title); //test at beginning of task. should set importance. taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals((int)task.getImportance(), Task.IMPORTANCE_DO_OR_DIE); } } //----------------Priority end----------------// //----------------Repeats begin----------------// /** test daily repeat from due date, but with no due date set */ public void testDailyWithNoDueDate() throws Exception { Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog daily"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); RRule rrule = new RRule(); rrule.setFreq(Frequency.DAILY); rrule.setInterval(1); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); title = "Jog every day"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ title = "Jog every " + i + " days."; task.setTitle(title); rrule.setInterval(i); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); task = new Task(); } } /** test weekly repeat from due date, with no due date & time set */ public void testWeeklyWithNoDueDate() throws Exception { Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog weekly"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); RRule rrule = new RRule(); rrule.setFreq(Frequency.WEEKLY); rrule.setInterval(1); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); title = "Jog every week"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ title = "Jog every " + i + " weeks"; task.setTitle(title); rrule.setInterval(i); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); task = new Task(); } } /** test hourly repeat from due date, with no due date but no time */ public void testMonthlyFromNoDueDate() throws Exception { Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog monthly"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); RRule rrule = new RRule(); rrule.setFreq(Frequency.MONTHLY); rrule.setInterval(1); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); title = "Jog every month"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ title = "Jog every " + i + " months"; task.setTitle(title); rrule.setInterval(i); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertFalse(task.hasDueTime()); assertFalse(task.hasDueDate()); task = new Task(); } } public void testDailyFromDueDate() throws Exception { Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog daily starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); RRule rrule = new RRule(); rrule.setFreq(Frequency.DAILY); rrule.setInterval(1); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); task.clearValue(Task.ID); task.clearValue(Task.UUID); title = "Jog every day starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ title = "Jog every " + i + " days starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); rrule.setInterval(i); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); task = new Task(); } } public void testWeeklyFromDueDate() throws Exception { Task task = new Task(); String title = "Jog weekly starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); RRule rrule = new RRule(); rrule.setFreq(Frequency.WEEKLY); rrule.setInterval(1); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); task.clearValue(Task.ID); task.clearValue(Task.UUID); title = "Jog every week starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); for (int i = 1; i <= 12; i++){ title = "Jog every " + i + " weeks starting from today"; task.setTitle(title); rrule.setInterval(i); taskService.createWithValues(task, null, title); assertEquals(task.getRecurrence(), rrule.toIcal()); assertTrue(task.hasDueDate()); task = new Task(); } } //----------------Repeats end----------------// //----------------Tags begin----------------// /** tests all words using priority 0 */ public void testTagsPound() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStrings = { "#tag", "#a", "#(a cool tag)", "#(cool)" }; Task task; for (String acceptedString : acceptedStrings) { task = new Task(); task.setTitle("Jog " + acceptedString); //test at end of task. should set importance. ArrayList tags = new ArrayList<>(); TitleParser.listHelper(tagService, task, tags); String tag = TitleParser.trimParenthesis(acceptedString); assertTrue("test pound at failed for string: " + acceptedString + " for tags: " + tags.toString(), tags.contains(tag)); } } /** tests all words using priority 0 */ public void testTagsAt() throws Exception { String[] acceptedStrings = { "@tag", "@a", "@(a cool tag)", "@(cool)" }; Task task; for (String acceptedString : acceptedStrings) { task = new Task(); task.setTitle("Jog " + acceptedString); //test at end of task. should set importance. ArrayList tags = new ArrayList<>(); TitleParser.listHelper(tagService, task, tags); String tag = TitleParser.trimParenthesis(acceptedString); assertTrue("testTagsAt failed for string: " + acceptedString+ " for tags: " + tags.toString(), tags.contains(tag)); } } //----------------Priority end----------------// }