#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'FileUtils' $:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__) require 'clean_translations' # Script for invoking the GetLocalization tools # IMPORTANT: Right now, must be invoked from the project's root directory. # Usage: ./bin/getloc.rb [cmd] [lang] # cmd: 'export' or 'import' # lang: Language code or 'master' PROJECT_NAME='tasks_android' LANGUAGE_MAP = { "el" => "grk" } # Converts astrid language codes to GetLocalization language codes (which don't use -r) def astrid_code_to_getloc_code(lang) (LANGUAGE_MAP[lang] || lang).sub("-r", "-") end # Inverse of the above function def getloc_code_to_astrid_code(lang) (LANGUAGE_MAP.invert[lang] || lang).sub("-", "-r") end # Uploads files for the specified language to GetLocalization # tmp_files (Array): temporary strings files to use # lang (String): language code # src_files_block (lambda): Block for computing the source file list from the language code def export(tmp_files, lang, src_files_block) src_files = src_files_block.call(lang) for i in 0...tmp_files.length %x(cp #{src_files[i]} #{tmp_files[i]}) if src_files[i] != tmp_files[i] end tmp_files.each do |f| %x(sed -i '' "s/\\\\\\'/'/g" #{f}) end if lang == "master" tmp_files.each do |f| puts "Updating master file #{f}" %x(curl --form file=@#{f} --user "#{@user}:#{@password}" https://api.getlocalization.com/#{PROJECT_NAME}/api/update-master/) end else raise "dont do this if you already exported your translations" lang_tmp = astrid_code_to_getloc_code(lang) tmp_files.each do |f| puts "Updating language file #{f}" name = File.basename(f) %x(curl --form file=@#{f} --user "#{@user}:#{@password}" https://api.getlocalization.com/#{PROJECT_NAME}/api/translations/file/#{name}/#{lang_tmp}/) end end end # Downloads and imports files for the specified language # tmp_files (Array): temporary strings files to use # lang (String): language code # dst_files_block (lambda): Block for computing the destination files list from the language code def import(tmp_files, lang, dst_files_block) if lang == "master" tmp_dir = File.dirname(tmp_files[0]) tmp_all = File.join(tmp_dir, "all.zip") tmp_all_dir = File.join(tmp_dir, "all") %x(curl --user "#{@user}:#{@password}" https://api.getlocalization.com/#{PROJECT_NAME}/api/translations/zip/ -o #{tmp_all}) %x(mkdir #{tmp_all_dir}) %x(tar xzf #{tmp_all} -C #{tmp_all_dir}) # Get all translations Dir.foreach(tmp_all_dir) do |l| if (l != "." && l != "..") lang_local = getloc_code_to_astrid_code(l) dst_files = dst_files_block.call(lang_local) for i in 0...tmp_files.length file = File.join(tmp_all_dir, l, File.basename(tmp_files[i])) %x(sed -i '' "s/\\([^\\\\\\]\\)'/\\1\\\\\\'/g" #{file}) puts "Moving #{file} to #{dst_files[i]}" %x(mv #{file} #{dst_files[i]}) end end end %x(rm -rf #{tmp_all_dir}) %x(rm #{tmp_all}) else lang_tmp = astrid_code_to_getloc_code(lang) dst_files = dst_files_block.call(lang) for i in 0...tmp_files.length name = File.basename(tmp_files[i]) %x(curl --user "#{@user}:#{@password}" https://api.getlocalization.com/#{PROJECT_NAME}/api/translations/file/#{name}/#{lang_tmp}/ -o #{tmp_files[i]}) %x(sed -i '' "s/\\([^\\\\\\]\\)'/\\1\\\\\\'/g" #{tmp_files[i]}) `sed -i '' '/\s*\s*$/d' #{tmp_files[i]}` # strip comments puts "Moving #{tmp_files[i]} to #{dst_files[i]}" %x(mv #{tmp_files[i]} #{dst_files[i]}) end remove_untranslated_strings(*dst_files) end end class Android def self.tmp_files FileUtils.mkdir_p "translations" ["translations/strings.xml", "translations/strings-api.xml"] end def self.src_files(cmd, type) if cmd == :export && type == "master" %x[./bin/catxml astrid/src/main/res/values/strings*.xml > #{self.tmp_files[0]}] lambda { |l| ["translations/strings.xml", "api/src/main/res/values/strings.xml"] } else lambda { |l| ["astrid/src/main/res/values-#{l}/strings.xml", "api/src/main/res/values-#{l}/strings.xml"] } end end end # Main function for invoking the GetLocalization tools # cmd (String): Command to invoke. Must be 'import' or 'export' # lang (String): Language code. Can also be 'master' to specify master files for export or all languages for import. def getloc(cmd, languages) cmd = cmd.to_sym raise "must set GETLOC_USER and GETLOC_PASS environment variables" if ENV['GETLOC_USER'].nil? or ENV['GETLOC_PASS'].nil? @user = ENV['GETLOC_USER'] @password = ENV['GETLOC_PASS'] platform_class = Android languages.split(',').each do |lang| case cmd when :export puts "Exporting #{lang} files" export(platform_class.tmp_files, lang, platform_class.src_files(cmd, lang)) when :import puts "Importing #{lang} files" import(platform_class.tmp_files, lang, platform_class.src_files(cmd, lang)) else puts "Command #{cmd} not recognized. Should be one of 'export' or 'import'." return end platform_class.tmp_files.each do |f| %x(rm -f #{f}) end end end getloc(*ARGV)