Share Contact or Email Contact or Shared List Saved on Server Save Failed: %s Sorry, this operation is not yet supported for shared tags. Take a Picture Pick from Gallery Clear Picture Refresh Lists Add a comment... %1$s re: %2$s Tasks Activity List Settings %s\'s tasks. Tap for all. Private: tap to share this list Refresh List Name: List Creator: none Collaborators: List Picture Silence Notifications Use Astrid to share shopping lists, party plans, or team projects and instantly see when people get stuff done! Share / Assign Save & Share Who Me Anyone Custom... Add Collaborators: Share with Friends List: %s Contact Name Invitation Message: Help me get this done! Create a shared tag? (i.e. Silly Hats Club) Facebook Twitter Task shared with %s People Settings Saved Invalid E-mail: %s List Not Found: %s Welcome to! lets you access your tasks online, share, and delegate with others. Login with Facebook Login with Google Don\'t use Google or Facebook? Sign In Here Create a new account? Already have an account? Name Email Username / Email Password Create New Account Login to Please connect to Google: Astrid won\'t send messages e-mails without permission. (Beta!) Use HTTPS HTTPS enabled (slower) HTTPS disabled (faster) Sync New comments received / click for more details התראות הוסף התראה התראה! גיבויים מצב עדכני ביותר: %s הגיבוי האחרון נכשל (יש ללחוץ כדי להציג את השגיאה) מעולם לא גובה! אפשרויות גיבויים אוטומטיים הגיבויים האוטומטיים נוטרלו הגיבוי יתבצע מדי יום איך משחזרים גיבויים? You need to add the Astrid Power Pack to manage and restore your backups. As a favor, Astrid also automatically backs up your tasks, just in case. Manage Backups ניהול הגיבויים שלך ייבוא משימות ייצוא משימות שגיאת ייבוא Backed Up %1$s to %2$s. אין משימות לייצוא. מתבצע ייצוא... תקציר השחזור File %1$s contained %2$s.\n\n %3$s imported,\n %4$s already exist\n %5$s had errors\n מתבצע ייבוא... קורא משימה %d... לא ניתן למצוא פריט זה: לא ניתן לגשת לתיקיה: %s לא ניתן לגשת לכרטיס ה־SD שלך! נא לבחור קובץ לשחזור משימות Astric הרשאות Astrid קריאת משימות, הצגת מסנני משימות הרשאות Astrid יצירת משימות חדשות, עריכת משימות קיימות. האם למחוק משימה זו? למחוק את: %s? משדרג את משימותיך... זמן (שעות : דקות) Astrid should to be updated to the latest version in the Android market! Please do that before continuing, or wait a few seconds. מעבר לשוק אני מקבל אני מסרב Astrid תנאי שימוש Please Wait בטעינה... Dismiss OK Cancel לחיצה להגדרה $D $T נטרול Accept EULA to get started! הערות Comments Nothing To Show Refresh Comments אין משימות! תוספים Sort & Hidden סנכרן עכשיו! הגדרות Support חיפוש ברשימה זו מותאם אישית Add a task Tap to assign %s a task Notifications are muted. You won\'t be able to hear Astrid! Astrid reminders are disabled! You will not receive any reminders Active היום Soon Late בוצע Hidden %s [מוסתרת] %s [נמחקה] הסתיימה %s עריכה עריכת משימה Copy Task מחיקת משימה החזרת המשימה Purge Task ממיין ומסתיר משימות Show Completed Tasks הצג משימות מוסתרות הצג משימות מחוקות מיון אפשרויות Astrid מיון חכם לפי כותרת לפי תאריך הפקיעה לפי חשיבות עפ\"י עודכן לאחרונה מיון הפוך רק פעם אחת תמיד Astrid: מסננים המסננים נטענים יצירת קיצור על שולחן העבודה חיפוש במשימות... עזרה יצירת קיצור שם הקיצור: חיפוש אחר משימות Matching \'%s\' נוצר קיצור: %s New Filter Astrid:‏ \'%s\' בעריכה משימה חדשה בסיסי Share התראות עוד כותרת When תקציר המשימה חשיבות מועד הסף בזמן מסויים? None Show Task בטעינה... הערות הזנת הערות למשימה... כמה זמן היא תארוך? זמן שכבר הושקע במשימה שמירת השינויים לא לשמור מחיקת משימה Task Saved: due %s המשימה נשמרה עריכת המשימה בוטלה המשימה נמחקה! אין מועד סף יום מסוים היום מחר (ביום שלאחר) בשבוע הבא In Two Weeks Next Month No time תמיד At due date יום לפקיעה שבוע לפקיעה תאריך/שעה מסוימים Task Title Who When More Section חשיבות Lists הערות Reminders Timer Controls Share With Friends @string/TEA_control_title @string/TEA_control_who @string/TEA_control_when @string/TEA_control_more_section @string/TEA_control_importance @string/TEA_control_lists @string/TEA_control_notes @string/TEA_control_reminders @string/TEA_control_timer @string/TEA_control_share Show in my list מחפש אחר תכונות נוספות? Get the Power Pack! עוד When is this due? Date/Time ברוך בואך ל־Astrid! מוסכם!! לא מוסכם קבלת תמיכה מה חדש ב־Astrid? חדשות Astrid אחרונות הגדרות Astrid deactivated מראה גודל רשימת המשימות גודל הגופן בדף הרישום הראשי הצג פתקים במשימות Beast Mode Customize the layout of the Task Edit Page Reset to defaults Notes will be displayed in quick action bar Notes will always be displayed Color Theme Currently: %s Setting requires Android 2.0+ @string/TEA_reminder_mode_once @string/TEA_reminder_mode_five @string/TEA_reminder_mode_nonstop Day Night Transparent (White Text) Transparent (Black Text) Manage Old Tasks Delete Completed Tasks Do you really want to delete all your completed tasks? Deleted tasks can be undeleted one-by-one Deleted %d tasks! Purge Deleted Tasks Do you really want to purge all your deleted tasks?\n\nThese tasks will be gone forever! Purged %d tasks! Caution! Purged tasks can\'t be recovered without backup file! Delete Calendar Events for Completed Tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for completed tasks? Deleted %d calendar events! Delete All Calendar Events for Tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for tasks? Deleted %d calendar events! Astrid: Add Ons צוות Astrid Installed Available Free Visit Website Android Market Empty List! בטעינה... Select tasks to view... About Astrid Current version: %s\n\n Astrid is open-source and proudly maintained by Todoroo, Inc. עזרה It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you can, add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn\'t get killed. Otherwise, Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n I Won\'t Kill Astrid! Astrid Task/Todo List Astrid is the much loved open-source todo list / task manager designed to help you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, Locale plug-in, a widget and more. ברירות המחדל למשימה חדשה דחיפות ברירת המחדל Currently: %s דחיפות ברירת המחדל Currently: %s הסתרה עד אשר כברירת המחדל Currently: %s Default Reminders Currently: %s Default Add To Calendar New tasks will not create an event in the Google Calendar New tasks will be in the calendar: \"%s\" Default Ring/Vibrate type Currently: %s !!! (Highest) !! ! o (Lowest) אין מועד סף היום מחר מחרתיים בשבוע הבא לא להסתיר המשימה פקעה יום לפקיעה שבוע לפקיעה No deadline reminders At deadline When overdue At deadline or overdue @string/EPr_deactivated משימות פעילות Search... שונו לאחרונה Custom Filter... Filters Delete Filter Custom Filter Name this filter to save it... Copy of %s משימות פעילות or not also %s has criteria Delete Row This screen lets you create a new filters. Add criteria using the button below, short or long-press them to adjust, and then click \"View\"! Add Criteria View Save & View Due By: ? Due By... No Due Date Yesterday היום מחר מחרתיים בשבוע הבא Next Month Importance at least ? Importance... List: ? List... List name contains... List name contains: ? Title contains... Title contains: ? שגיאה בהוספת המשימה ללוח השנה! שילוב בלוח השנה: יצירת אירוע בלוח השנה פתיחת אירוע בלוח השנה Error opening event! Calendar event also updated! Don\'t add %s (הושלמה) לוח שנה כברירת מחדל Google Tasks By List Google Tasks: %s Creating list... New List Name: Error creating new list Welcome to Google Tasks! Drag the grabber on the left side of a task to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation. In List: ? In GTasks List... Clearing completed tasks... Clear Completed Log In to Google Tasks Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Non-migrated Google Apps accounts are currently unsupported. No available Google accounts to sync with. To view your tasks with indentation and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list. By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks. Sign In E-mail Password Authenticating... Google Apps for Domain account Error: fill out all fields! Error authenticating! Please check your username and password in your phone\'s account manager You may have encountered a captcha. Try logging in from the browser, then come back to try again: Google Tasks (Beta!) Sync on Save Sync individual tasks as they are saved Astrid: Google Tasks Google\'s Task API is in beta and has encountered an error. The service may be down, please try again later. Account %s not found--please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Unable to authenticate with Google Tasks. Please check your account password or try again later. Error in your phone\'s account manager. Please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Intro: Press me to see notes Create your first task Two ways to add a task:\n 1) Quick Add: Type the task into the quick entry box at bottom of screen and press the + button on the right.\n 2) Regular Add: Press the + button of the quick entry box. Add as much detail as you want. Then press \"Save\" or use your phone\'s back button.\n Add a widget to your desktop 1) Long Press on your phone\'s desktop\n      2) Choose \"Widget\"\n      3) Choose the Astrid widget\n      4) Select the list you want and press OK.\n Setup sync with 1) Press your Menu button\n      2) Choose \"Sync Now\"\n      3) Select \"\"\n      4) Log In & Synchronize!\n Add a task here Tap task to edit and share Tap to edit or share this list Collaborators can help you build your list or finish tasks ברוך בואך ל־Astrid! By using Astrid you agree to the \"Terms of Service\" Login with Username/Password Login Later Why not sign in? I\'ll do it! No thanks Sign in to get the most out of Astrid! For free, you get online backup, full synchronization with, the ability to add tasks via email, and you can even share task lists with friends! Astrid Filter Alert Astrid will send you a reminder when you have any tasks in the following filter: מסנן: הגבלת ההתרעות ל־: אחת לשעה אחת לשש שעות אחת ל־12 שעות אחת ליום אחת לשלושה ימים אחת לשבוע You have $NUM matching: $FILTER Please install the Astrid Locale plugin! OpenCRX Workspaces Assigned To Assigned To \'%s\' from %s Add a Comment Creator Assigned to OpenCRX (Do Not Synchronize) Default ActivityCreator New activities will be created by: %s New activities will not be synchronized by default OpenCRX server Host OpenCRX host For example: Segment Synchronized segment For example: Standard Standard Provider OpenCRX data provider For example: CRX CRX Log In to OpenCRX Sign in with your OpenCRX account Sign In Login Password Error: fillout all fields Error: login or password incorrect! OpenCRX %s tasks updated / click for more details Connection Error! Check your Internet connection. Login was not specified! Password was not specified! Assign this task to this person: <Unassigned> Assign this task to this creator: <Default> OpenCRX Controls In workspace: ? In workspace... Assigned to: ? Assigned to... Astrid Power Pack Anonymous Usage Stats No usage data will be reported Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data Producteev Workspaces Assigned by me to Assigned by others to Assigned To \'%s\' from %s Add a Comment Producteev Default Workspace (Do Not Synchronize) Add new Workspace... Name for new Workspace Default Workspace New tasks will be added to: %s New tasks will not be synchronized by default Log In to Producteev Sign in with your existing Producteev account, or create a new account! Terms & Conditions Sign In Create New User E-mail Password Timezone Confirm Password First Name Last Name Error: fill out all fields! Error: passwords don\'t match! Error: e-mail or password incorrect! Producteev %s tasks updated / click for more details Connection Error! Check your Internet connection. E-Mail was not specified! Password was not specified! Producteev Assignment Assign this task to this person: <Unassigned> Assign this task to this workspace: <Default> In workspace: ? In workspace... Assigned to: ? Assigned to... Reminders Remind Me: When task is due When task is overdue Randomly once סוג צלצול/רטט: צלצול יחיד Ring Five Times צלצול עד להתעלמות מהאזעקה an hour a day a week in two weeks a month in two months תזכורת! Already Done! נודניק... חלאס! הגדרות התזכורת Reminders Enabled? Astrid reminders are enabled (this is normal) Astrid reminders will never appear on your phone תחילת שעות השקט לא יופיעו התרעות עד לאחר %s שעות השקט מנוטרלות סיום שעות השקט Notifications will stop being silent starting at %s Default Reminder Notifications for tasks without duetimes will appear at %s Notification Ringtone Custom ringtone has been set Ringtone set to silent Default ringtone will be used Notification Persistence Notifications must be viewed individually to be cleared Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button Notification Icon Set Choose Astrid\'s notification bar icon Max volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will max out the volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will use the system-setting for the volume Vibrate on Alert Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications Astrid Encouragements Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders Astrid will not give you any encouragement messages Snooze Dialog HH:MM Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM) Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze Random Reminders New tasks will have no random reminders New tasks will remind randomly: %s ברירות המחדל למשימה חדשה disabled hourly daily weekly bi-weekly monthly bi-monthly disabled 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM Hi there! Have a sec? Can I see you for a sec? Have a few minutes? Did you forget? Excuse me! When you have a minute: On your agenda: Free for a moment? Astrid here! Hi! Can I bug you? A minute of your time? It\'s a great day to Time to work! Due date is here! Ready to start? You said you would do: You\'re supposed to start: Time to start: It\'s time! Excuse me! Time for You free? Time to Don\'t be lazy now! Snooze time is up! No more snoozing! Now are you ready? No more postponing! I\'ve got something for you! Ready to put this in the past? Why don\'t you get this done? How about it? Ready tiger? Ready to do this? Can you handle this? You can be happy! Just finish this! I promise you\'ll feel better if you finish this! Won\'t you do this today? Please finish this, I\'m sick of it! Can you finish this? Yes you can! Are you ever going to do this? Feel good about yourself! Let\'s go! I\'m so proud of you! Lets get it done! A little snack after you finish this? Just this one task? Please? Time to shorten your todo list! Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos? Team Order! Let\'s go! Have I mentioned you are awesome recently? Keep it up! A task a day keeps the clutter away... Goodbye clutter! How do you do it? Wow, I\'m impressed! You can\'t just get by on your good looks. Let\'s get to it! Lovely weather for a job like this, isn\'t it? A spot of tea while you work on this? If only you had already done this, then you could go outside and play. It\’s time. You can\’t put off the inevitable. I die a little every time you ignore me. Please tell me it isn\'t true that you\'re a procrastinator! Doesn\'t being lazy get old sometimes? Somewhere, someone is depending on you to finish this! When you said postpone, you really meant \'I\'m doing this\', right? This is the last time you postpone this, right? Just finish this today, I won\'t tell anyone! Why postpone when you can um... not postpone! You\'ll finish this eventually, I presume? I think you\'re really great! How about not putting this off? Will you be able to achieve your goals if you do that? Postpone, postpone, postpone. When will you change! I\'ve had enough with your excuses! Just do it already! Didn\'t you make that excuse last time? I can\'t help you organize your life if you do that... Repeating Tasks Allows tasks to repeat Repeats Every %d Repeat Interval Never Don\'t repeat יום/ימים שבוע/(ות) חודש/ים שעה/ות דקה/דקות Year(s) from due date from completion date $I on $D Every %s %s after completion Remember the Milk Settings RTM Repeating Task Needs synchronization with RTM Remember the Milk Lists RTM List \'%s\' Remember the Milk RTM List: RTM Repeat Status: i.e. every week, after 14 days Remember the Milk Please Log In and Authorize Astrid: Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. \n\n Error Message: %s Astrid: Remember the Milk Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, or maybe RTM servers (, for possible solutions. Lists None New list Select a list Lists Show List New List List Saved Please enter a name for this list first! New Lists My Lists Shared With Me Inactive Not in any List Not in an Astrid List List: %s Rename List Delete List Delete this list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) Rename the list %s to: No changes made List %1$s was deleted, affecting %2$d tasks Renamed %1$s with %2$s for %3$d tasks We\'ve noticed that you have some lists that have the same name with different capitalizations. We think you may have intended them to be the same list, so we\'ve combined the duplicates. Don\'t worry though: the original lists are simply renamed with numbers (e.g. Shopping_1, Shopping_2). If you don\'t want this, you can simply delete the new combined list! Settings: %s Activity: %s Timer Stop Timers Active for %s! Timer Filters Tasks Being Timed Timer Controls Speak to create a task Speak to set task title Speak to set task notes Voice-input is not installed.\nDo you want to go to the market and install it? Unfortunately voice-input is not available for your system.\nIf possible, please update Android to 2.1 or later. Unfortunately the market is not available for your system.\nIf possible, try downloading voice search from another source. Voice Input Voice input button will be displayed in task list page Voice input button will be hidden on task list page Directly Create Tasks Tasks will automatically be created from voice input You can edit the task title after voice input finishes Voice Reminders Astrid will speak task names during task reminders Astrid will sound a ringtone during task reminders Voice Input Settings