Alarms Add an Alarm Alarm %s Alarm! Säkerhetskopior Status Senaste %s Senaste säkerhetskopian misslyckades klicka för att se felet Aldrig säkerhetskopierat! Alternativ Automatisk Säkerhetskopiering Automatisk backup avstängd Backup kommer att ske dagligen How do I restore backups? You need to add the Astrid Power Pack to manage and restore your backups. As a favor, Astrid also automatically backs up your tasks, just in case. Säkerhetskopior Manage Your Backups Import Tasks Export Tasks Import Error Säkerhetskopierade %s till %s. Exporting... Återställningssammanfattning File %s contained %s.\n\n %s imported,\n %s already exist\n %s had errors\n Importing... Läser uppgift %d... Kunde inte hitta följande: Mappåtkomst nekad: %s SD-kort ej tillgängligt! Välj en fil att återställa Astrid Tasks Astrid Permission read tasks, display task filters Astrid Permission create new tasks, edit existing tasks 1 Year %d Years 1 Month %d Months 1 Week %d Weeks 1 dygn %d Dagar 1 Timme %d Timmar 1 Minut %d Minuter 1 Sekund %d Sekunder 1 Tim %d Tim 1 Min %d Min 1 Sek %d Sek 1 task %d tasks Confirm? Question: Information Yes No Close Oops, looks like some trouble occurred! Here\'s what happened:\n\n%s Radera denna uppgift? Delete this item: %s? Klar Cancel Please wait... Upgrading your tasks... Tid (timmar : minuter) Astrid should to be updated to the latest version in the Android market! Please do that before continuing, or wait a few seconds. Go To Market Click To Set $D $T Disable No Tasks! Add-ons Sort & Hidden Inställningar Help Search This List Custom Add to this list...

Help: Task Listing

bar at the top: shows the name of this filter, and a button to go back to your list of filters.

middle: shows all your tasks.

bottom: quick add tasks. left button: add straight to the list. right button: add task & go to the edit page. ]]> %s [hidden] %s [deleted] Avslutad %s Redigera Redigera uppgift Ta bort uppgift Undelete Task Sorting and Hidden Tasks Show Completed Tasks Show Hidden Tasks Show Deleted Tasks Sort Options Astrid Smart Sort By Title By Due Date By Importance By Last Modified Reverse Sort Just Once Always Astrid: Filters Loading Filters... Create Shortcut On Desktop Search Tasks... Help Skapa genväg Name of shortcut: Search For Tasks Matching \'%s\'

Help: Filters Page

On the Filters page you can see all of the filters that you can use to organize your tasks. Some Astrid Add-ons will add new filters to this list.

You can turn any filter into a shortcut on your desktop by long-pressing to bring up the context menu, then selecting "Create Shortcut". Other options that are displayed will depend on the particular plugins that you are using.

If you are having trouble with a particular plugin, please report errors to the plugin creator for fastest service.

Created Shortcut: %s Astrid: Editing \'%s\' Astrid: Ny uppgift Basic Advanced Add-ons Title Task Summary Viktighetsgrad Deadline Due at specific time? No Due Time Hide Until Anteckningar Enter Task Notes... Hur lång tid kommer det att ta? Tid spenderad på uppgiften Save Changes Don\'t Save Ta bort uppgift Uppgift sparad: färdigt senast om %s Uppgift sparad: färdigt senast för %s sedan Uppgift sparad Task Editing Was Canceled Task Deleted! Specific Day/Time Today Tomorrow (day after) Next Week No Deadline Don\'t hide Task is due Day before due Week before due Specific Day No Add-ons Found! Get Some Add-ons Welcome to Astrid! I Agree!! I Disagree Get Support What\'s New In Astrid? Astrid: Preferences Utseende Storlek för Uppgiftslista Textstorlek för huvudlistan Show Notes In Task Notes will be displayed when you tap a task Notes will always displayed New Task Defaults Default Urgency Currently Set To: %s Default Importance Currently Set To: %s Default Hide Until Currently Set To: %s !!!! (Highest) !!! !! ! (Lowest) No Deadline Today Tomorrow Day After Tomorrow Next Week Don\'t hide Task is due Day before due Week before due Astrid: Add Ons Astrid Team Installed Available Free Visit Website Android Market Synchronizing your tasks... Synchronizing... Laddar... Select tasks to view... It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you can, add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn\'t get killed. Otherwise, Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n I Won\'t Kill Astrid! Astrid att-göra-lista Astrid is the much loved open-source todo list / task manager designed to help you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, a widget and more. Active Tasks Search... Recently Modified Custom Filter... Saved Filters Delete Filter Custom Filter Name this filter to save it... Copy of %s Active Tasks or not also Chaining: %s Delete Row This screen lets you create a new filters. Add criteria using the button below, short or long-press them to adjust, and then click \"View\"! Add Criteria View Save & View Due By: ? Due By... No Due Date Yesterday Today Tomorrow Day After Tomorrow Next Week Importance at least ? Importance... Tagged: ? Tagged... Error adding task to calendar! Calendar Integration: Create Calendar Event Öppna kalender-händelse Error opening event! %s (completed) Default Calendar Astrid Filter Alert Astrid will send you a reminder when you have any tasks in the following filter: Filter: Limit notifications to: once an hour once every six hours once every twelve hours once a day once every three days once a week You have $NUM matching: $FILTER Please install the Astrid Locale plugin! Producteev Workspaces Assigned To Assigned To \'%s\' Producteev Default Workspace Do Not Synchronize Default Workspace New tasks will be added to: %s New tasks will not be synchronized by default Log In to Producteev Sign in with your existing Producteev account, or create a new account! Terms & Conditions Sign In Create New User E-mail Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Error: fill out all fields! Error: passwords don\'t match! Error: e-mail or password incorrect! Astrid: Producteev Connection Error! Check your Internet connection. E-Mail was not specified! Password was not specified! Assign this task to this person: <Unassigned> Assign this task to this workspace: <Default> Remind me... ... when task is due ... when task is overdue ... randomly once Ring/Vibrate Type: Ring Once Ring Until I Dismiss Alarm an hour a day a week in two weeks a month in two months Reminder! Vänta... Försvinn! Reminder Settings Tyst period börjar No notifications will appear after %s Quiet hours is disabled Tyst period slutar Notifications will begin appearing starting at %s Signal för påminnelser Custom ringtone has been set Ringtone set to silent Default ringtone will be used Notification Persistence Notifications must be viewed individually to be cleared Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button Notification Icon Set Choose Astrid\'s notification bar icon Vibrera vid Alarm Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications Astrid Reminders Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders Astrid not give you any encouragement messages Random Reminders New tasks will have no random reminders New tasks will remind randomly: %s New Task Defaults inaktiverad varje timme varje dag varje vecka bi-weekly monthly bi-monthly inaktiverad 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM Hej där! Har du en sekund? Får jag träffa dig en sekund? Har du ett par minuter? Har du glömt? Ursäkta mig! När du har en minut: På din agenda: Ledig ett ögonblick? Astrid här! Hej! Får jag störa dig? En minut av din tid? It\'s a great day to Time to work! Due date is here! Ready to start? You said you would do: You\'re supposed to start: Time to start: It\'s time! Excuse me! Time for You free? Time to Don\'t be lazy now! Snooze time is up! No more snoozing! Now are you ready? No more postponing! I\'ve got something for you! Redo att lägga detta i det förflutna? Why don\'t you get this done? Vad sägs? Redo, tiger? Redo att göra detta? Kan du hantera detta? Du kan bli lycklig! Avsluta bara detta! I promise you\'ll feel better if you finish this! Won\'t you do this today? Please finish this, I\'m sick of it! Kan du avsluta detta? Ja det kan du! Kommer du göra detta? Feel good about yourself! Let\'s go! Jag är så stolt över dig! Få det gjort! En liten munsbit efter att du avslutat detta? Bara den här uppgiften? Snälla? Dags att korta ned din att-göra-lista! Please tell me it isn\'t true that you\'re a procrastinator! Doesn\'t being lazy get old sometimes? Någonstans är någon beroende av att du avslutar detta! When you said postpone, you really meant \'I\'m doing this\', right? Det här är sista gången du skjuter upp detta, eller hur? Just finish this today, I won\'t tell anyone! Varför skjuta upp när du kan eh... inte skjuta upp! You\'ll finish this eventually, I presume? I think you\'re really great! How about not putting this off? Kommer du att kunna uppnå dina mål om du gör sådär? Skjut upp, skjut upp, skjut upp. När ska du förändra dig! I\'ve had enough with your excuses! Just do it already! Didn\'t you make that excuse last time? I can\'t help you organize your life if you do that... Repeating Tasks Allows tasks to repeat Upprepningar Every %d Repeat Interval Dag(ar) Vecka/veckor Månad(er) Timme/timmar from due date from completion date $I on $D Every %s %s after completion Remember the Milk Settings RTM Repeating Task Needs synchronization with RTM Remember the Milk Lists RTM List \'%s\' Remember the Milk RTM List: RTM Repeat Status: i.e. every week, after 14 days Remember the Milk Status Not Logged In! Sync Ongoing... Last Sync: %s Failed On: %s Last Successful Sync: %s Never Synchronized! Alternativ Background Sync Background synchronization is disabled Currently set to: %s Wifi Only Setting Background synchronization only happens when on Wifi Background synchronization will always occur Åtgärder Synkronisera Nu! Log In & Synchronize! Log Out Clears all synchronization data Log out / clear synchronization data? inaktivera every fifteen minutes every thirty minutes every hour every three hours every six hours every twelve hours every day every three days every week Please Log In and Authorize Astrid: Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. \n\n Error Message: %s Astrid: Remember the Milk Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, or maybe RTM servers (, for possible solutions. Taggar: Etikett-namn Select a tag Etiketter Sorted By Size Untagged Tagged \'%s\' Starta Timer Stoppa Timer Timers Active for %s! Timer Filters Tasks Being Timed