Astrid !!!! !!! !! ! Day(s) Week(s) Month(s) 1 Task %d Tasks %d / %d Active %d / %d Active 1 Tag %d Tags 1 Day %d Days D\na\ny\ns 1 Hour %d Hours H\no\nu\nr\ns 1 Minute %d Minutes 1 Second %d Seconds Astrid: Tagged \"%s\": hidden Due in Goal Finished Overdue by H New Task Tags: No Tags Left Over Time Spent Add Tags Display More Synchronization Settings Help Edit Task Delete Task Start Timer Stop Timer Sort/Filters Hidden/Blocked Tasks Completed Tasks Tagged \'%s\' Auto Sort Sort By Name Sort By Due Date Sort Reverse Astrid: Editing Task Astrid: Editing Basic Dates Alerts Summary Task Description How Important is it? Tags: How Long Will it Take? Time Already Spent on Task Absolute Deadline Goal Deadline Hide Until This Date Repeat Every No Repeat Set Hide Until This Task is Done Notes Enter Task Notes Periodic Reminders Every Notify me... As Deadlines Approach At Deadlines After Absolute Deadline Passes Fixed Reminders Add New Reminder Time (hours : minutes) Remind Me Every Repeat Every (0 to disable) Help: Astrid Repeats To use repeats, set at least one of the deadlines above. When you complete this task, the deadline will be automatically advanced. \n\n If you don\'t want to see the new task right after you complete the old one, you should use the "Hide Until" field, which will also be advanced automatically. \n Don't Show Help Anymore Save Discard Delete Click to Set Save Astrid: Task Properties Astrid says... Start Timer Stop Timer % Done Edit Task Elapsed Time Estimated Time Absolute Deadline Goal Deadline Creation Date Tags Task Notes Overdue Ago % of Task Finished Astrid: Tag View: Create Task With Tag Edit Tag Delete Tag Show on Home Page Hide on Home Page Sort A-Z Sort by Size sync_rtm sync_every Synchronization Services Actions Options Remember The Milk Synchronize Frequency If set, sync every # hours when Astrid starts Sync Error! Sorry for the inconvenience! Error: In order to synchronize, please log in to your %s account and authorize Astrid to read your data. \n\n When finished, restart Astrid and come back here. Welcome to Astrid\'s RTM sync! \n\n - RTM tags are not read. Instead, RTM's lists are mapped to Astrid\'s tags.\n - Task notes are read from RTM, but edits are not written back.\n - Notifications and repeats are not synchronized.\n - Moving tasks in RTM to another list and then renaming them causes dupes.\n - Deleting tasks in RTM is not detected.\n - Having ~50+ tasks in one list might cause that list to not be imported\n Wish me luck!\n Synchronize Now! Clear Personal Data Clear data for selected services? No Synchronizers Enabled! Information Question Let\'s do it! Snooze! No, quit. Hours/minutes to snooze? Delete Delete this task? Remove this tag from all tasks? Stop the timer? Absolute Deadline! Goal Deadline! Couldn't find this item: Couldn't save: notif_qstart notif_qend notif_annoy notif_default_reminder notification_ringtone font_size deadline_time colorize Notifications Quiet Hours Start Starting hour when Astrid should be quiet (e.g. 22) Quiet Hours End Ending hour when Astrid should be quiet (e.g. 08) Default Reminders For new tasks, in days (i.e. 7). Blank to disable Persistent Mode If checked, you must view reminders before clearing them Notification Ringtone Choose how Astrid alerts you! Appearance Task List Font Font on the main listing page (i.e. 22) Colorize Task List Different colors for different priorities Other Default Deadlines # of days from now to set new deadlines