分享 聯絡人或電郵地址 聯絡人或已分享清單 已存到伺服器 抱歉,共享標籤並不支持此項操作。 You are the owner of this shared list! If you delete it, it will be deleted for all list members. Are you sure you want to continue? 拍下照片 從圖庫選擇 清除圖片 重新整理清單 檢視工作? 工作已被送到 %s!您目前正在查看自己的任務,你要查看你其餘被指派的工作嗎? 查看被指派的工作 留下來吧 My Shared Tasks 未有共享工作 添加評論 %1$s 關於: %2$s 工作 活動 清單設定 %s的工作,點擊以檢視所有 Unassigned tasks. Tap for all. Private: tap to edit or share list 重新整理 List 新增清單 Shared With Share with anyone who has an email address 清單圖片 靜音提醒 清單圖示 Description 設定 Type a description here Enter list name 您需要登錄 Astrid.com 以共享清單!請登錄或把清單列為私密。 使用Astrid分享購物清單,派對計劃,或團隊項目。當其他人把事情做完就能立刻看到! 分享/指派 Save & Share 參與人 Who should do this? Me Unassigned Choose a contact Outsource it! 自訂… 加入合作者: 與朋友分享 清單:%s 聯絡人名稱 邀請訊息: 請幫我完成這分工作! List Members Astrid Friends 新建一個共享的標籤嗎? 例如:俱樂部 Facebook Twitter 工作已與 %s 共享 已更新參與人設定 無效的電郵地址:%s 無效的清單: %s You need to be logged in to Astrid.com to share tasks! 登入 Don\'t share 嘿喲!歡迎來到 Astrid.com! Astrid.com讓你在線上存取你的工作表,與朋友分享或委派工作。 連接到Facebook賬戶 連接到Google賬戶 沒有 Google 或 Facebook 賬戶? 在此登入 建立新帳號 已有帳戶? 姓名 名字 姓氏 電郵地址 用戶名稱/電郵地址 密碼 建立新帳號 登入Asrid.com 選擇您要使用的Google帳戶: Please log in: Status - Logged in as %s Astrid.com 使用 HTTPS 使用 HTTPS (緩慢) 不使用 HTTPS (較快) Astrid.com 同步 收到新的備註 / 點擊觀看 You are currently synchronizing with Google Tasks. Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results. Are you sure you want to sync with Astrid.com? 警示 加入警示 警示! 備份 狀態 上次備份:\n%s 上次備份失敗 (點選查看錯誤) 從未備份 選項 自動備份 停用自動備份 備份將每天執行 如何還原備份? 你需要使用Astrid強化套件去管理和還原您的備份.Astrid會自動備份您的工作以防萬一. Manage Backups 管理備份 匯入工作 匯出工作 匯入錯誤 備份 %1$s 至 %2$s. 沒有工作需匯出 匯出中... 還原摘要 檔案 %1$s 已包含 %2$s.\n\n %3$s 已匯入,\n %4$s 已存在\n %5$s 有問題\n 匯入中... 讀取工作 %d... 無法找到此項目 無法開啟資料夾: %s 無法存取您的SD卡! 選取欲還原的檔案 Astrid工作 Astrid權限 讀取工作, 顯示工作篩選 Astrid權限 建立新工作, 修改現行工作 確認刪除? 刪除此項目: %s? 升級您的工作... 時間 (小時:分鐘) Astrid應該要從Android市集下載最新版本! 請執行以繼續, 或稍待片刻. 前往市集 接受 不接受 Astrid 使用條款 Please Wait 載入中... Dismiss OK Cancel More Undo Warning 點選 $D $T 停用 備註 Comments No activity yet Someone Refresh Comments 無工作! %s has no\ntasks shared with you 附加程式 排序 Sync Now Search Lists People Suggestions Tutorial 設定 Support 尋找此列表 自訂 Add a task Add something for %s Notifications are muted. You won\'t be able to hear Astrid! Astrid reminders are disabled! You will not receive any reminders Active 今天 Soon Late 完成 編輯工作 你說: \"%s\" 我建立的「%1$s」%3$s 將於 %2$s 到期 為 %s 不再詢問確認 New repeating task %s I\'ll remind you about this %s. 最優先 優先 普通 低優先權 所有活動 %s [隱藏] %s [刪除] %s\n完成 編輯 編輯工作 Copy Task Get help 刪除工作 還原工作刪除 清除工作 排序和隱藏工作 Hidden Tasks 顯示已完成工作 顯示隱藏的工作 顯示已刪除工作 Drag & Drop with Subtasks Astrid智慧排序 依主旨 依到期日 依重要性 依最後修改 反向排序 僅一次 總是 Astrid List or Filter 清單 啟動篩選... 在桌面建立捷徑 搜尋工作... 幫助 建立捷徑 捷徑名稱 工作搜尋 比對 \'%s\' 建立捷徑: %s New Filter New List No filter selected! Please select a filter or list. Astrid: 編輯 \'%s\' New Task 主旨 When 工作摘要 重要性 截止日期 指定時間? None Show Task Task will be hidden until %s 載入中... 備註 輸入工作備註 要花多久時間? 已經用掉的時間 儲存變更 不要儲存 刪除工作 Comments 工作已儲存: %s 到期 工作已儲存 編輯工作已取消 Task deleted! Activity 更多 Ideas 無截止日 指定哪天 今天 明天 (天之後) 下週 In Two Weeks 下個月 No time 總是 At due date 到期前天數 到期前週數 指定日期/時間 Task Title Who When ----More Section---- 重要性 清單 備註 Files Reminders Timer Controls Share With Friends Show in my list 尋找更多功能嗎? 取得強化套件 更多 No Activity to Show. Load more... When is this due? Date/Time New Task Tap me to search for ways to get this done! I can do more when connected to the Internet. Please check your connection. Sorry! We couldn\'t find an email address for the selected contact. 歡迎使用Astrid! 我同意!! 我不同意!! %1$s\ncalled at %2$s Call now Call later Ignore Ignore all missed calls? You\'ve ignored several missed calls. Should Astrid stop asking you about them? Ignore all calls Ignore this call only Field missed calls Astrid will notify you about missed calls and offer to remind you to call back Astrid will not notify you about missed calls Call %1$s back at %2$s Call %s back Call %s back in... It must be nice to be so popular! Yay! People like you! Make their day, give \'em a call! Wouldn\'t you be happy if people called you back? You can do it! You can always send a text... 取得協助 Astrid 有哪些最新消息? Astrid 最新消息 Log in to see a record of\nyour progress as well as\nactivity on shared lists. Astrid: 偏好 deactivated 外觀 工作清單大小 Show confirmation for smart reminders 清單主頁面字型大小 在工作顯示備註 Customize Task Edit Screen Customize the layout of the Task Edit Screen Reset to defaults Notes will be accessible from the Task Edit Page 總是顯示備註 Compact Task Row Compress task rows to fit title Use legacy importance style Use legacy importance style Show full task title Full task title will be shown First two lines of task title will be shown Auto-load Ideas Tab Web searches for Ideas tab will be performed when tab is clicked Web searches for Ideas tab will be performed only when manually requested Color Theme 目前設定: %s Setting requires Android 2.0+ Widget Theme Task Row Appearance Astrid Labs Try and configure experimental features Swipe between lists Controls the memory performance of swipe between lists Use contact picker The system contact picker option will be displayed in the task assignment window The system contact picker option will not be displayed Enable Third Party Add-ons Third party add-ons will be enabled Third party add-ons will be disabled Task Ideas Get ideas to help you complete tasks Calendar event time End calendar events at due time Start calendar events at due time You will need to restart Astrid for this change to take effect No swipe Conserve Memory Normal Performance High Performance Swipe between lists is disabled Slower performance Default setting Uses more system resources %1$s - %2$s Day - Blue Day - Red Night Transparent (White Text) Transparent (Black Text) Same as app Day - Blue Day - Red Night Transparent (White Text) Transparent (Black Text) Old Style Manage Old Tasks Delete Completed Tasks Do you really want to delete all your completed tasks? Deleted tasks can be undeleted one-by-one Deleted %d tasks! Purge Deleted Tasks Do you really want to purge all your deleted tasks?\n\nThese tasks will be gone forever! Purged %d tasks! Caution! Purged tasks can\'t be recovered without backup file! 清除 刪除所有Astrid任務和設置\n\n警告:不可復原! Delete Calendar Events for Completed Tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for completed tasks? 清除%d個日曆事件! Delete All Calendar Events for Tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for tasks? Deleted %d calendar events! Astrid: 附加程式 Astrid團隊 已安裝 可用 免費 訪問網站 Android市集 空的清單! 載入中... 選擇工作顯示... About Astrid Current version: %s\n\n Astrid is open-source and proudly maintained by Todoroo, Inc. Support Forums 似乎您有使用會刪除程序的應用程式 (%s)! 假如可以,將Astrid加入到例外清單避免被關閉.\n 我不會中止Astrid! Astricd工作/待辦清單 Astrid工作管理是受到高度喜愛的開放源碼應用程式且可以非常簡單的完成工作。內含工作標籤、提醒、同步 、本地端插件、widget和其他功能。 Corrupted Database Uh oh! It looks like you may have a corrupted database. If you see this error regularly, we suggest you clear all data (Settings->Manage All Tasks->Clear all data) and restore your tasks from a backup (Settings->Backup->Import Tasks) in Astrid. 工作預設值 預設嚴重性 目前設定: %s 預設重要性 目前設定: %s 預設隱藏直到... 目前設定: %s 預設提醒 目前設定: %s Default Add To Calendar New tasks will not create an event in the Google Calendar New tasks will be in the calendar: \"%s\" Default Ring/Vibrate type 目前設定: %s !!! (Highest) !! ! o (Lowest) 無截止日 今天 明天 後天 下週 不隱藏 工作到期 到期前天數 到期前週數 無截止期限提醒 在截止期限時 當過期時 在截止期限或過期時 進行中的工作 搜尋... 最近修改過 I\'ve Assigned 自訂篩選... Filters 刪除篩選 自訂篩選 命名篩選並儲存... 複製 %s 進行中的工作 %s 含條件 刪除列 本視窗可讓您建立新的篩選。使用以下按鍵加入條件、排序或長按調整,之後請按 \"檢視\"! 加入條件 檢視 儲存 期限: ? 期限... 無期限 昨天 今天 明天 後天 下週 下個月 最低重要性? 重要性... List: ? List... List name contains... List name contains: ? 主旨含... 主旨含: ? 工作加入行事曆錯誤 整合行事曆 建立行事曆事項 打開行事曆事項 事件開啟錯誤! 行事曆事件也更新了! 事件開啟錯誤! 加到日曆... 日曆活動 %s (已完成) 預設行事曆 Google Tasks 依清單 Google Tasks: %s Creating list... New List Name: Error creating new list 歡迎使用Google Tasks! In List: ? In GTasks List... Clearing completed tasks... Clear Completed 登入Google Tasks Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Non-migrated Google Apps accounts are currently unsupported. No available Google accounts to sync with. 檢視工作時若想保留縮排與排序,請到篩選頁面選擇Google Tasks的工作清單。Astrid預設採用自有的工作排序。 登入 電子郵件 密碼 Authenticating... Google Apps for Domain帳號 錯誤: 所有欄位需要填寫! Error authenticating! Please check your username and password in your phone\'s account manager Sorry, we had trouble communicating with Google servers. Please try again later. 您可能需要輸入captcha(驗證碼)。嘗試從瀏覽器登入後再回來重試: Google Tasks (測試中!) Astrid: Google Tasks Google\'s Task API is in beta and has encountered an error. The service may be down, please try again later. Account %s not found--please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Unable to authenticate with Google Tasks. Please check your account password or try again later. Error in your phone\'s account manager. Please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Error authenticating in background. Please try initiating a sync while Astrid is running. You are currently synchronizing with Astrid.com. Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results. Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks? Start by adding a task or two Tap task to edit and share Tap to edit or share this list People you share with can help you build your list or finish tasks Tap add a list Tap to add a list or switch between lists Tap this shortcut to quick select date and time Tap anywhere on this row to access options like repeat 歡迎使用Astrid! By using Astrid you agree to the \"Terms of Service\" Login with Username/Password Connect Later Why not sign in? I\'ll do it! No thanks Sign in to get the most out of Astrid! For free, you get online backup, full synchronization with Astrid.com, the ability to add tasks via email, and you can even share task lists with friends! Change the type of task Astrid篩選警示 當您有工作在篩選內時,Astrid將送出提醒 篩選: 限制提醒: 每小時一次 6小時一次 20小時一次 每天一次 3天一次 每週一次 您有 $NUM 符合: $FILTER 請安裝Astrid地區插件 OpenCRX 工作區 指派給 指派給 \'%s\' 來自 %s 新增註解 Creator Assigned to OpenCRX 不要同步 Default ActivityCreator New activities will be created by: %s New activities will not be synchronized by default OpenCRX server Host OpenCRX host "For example: "mydomain.com Segment Synchronized segment "For example: "Standard Standard Provider OpenCRX data provider "For example: "CRX CRX Log In to OpenCRX Sign in with your OpenCRX account 登入 Login 密碼 Error: fillout all fields Error: login or password incorrect! OpenCRX %s 工作已更新/點選檢視細節 連結錯誤! 檢查您的網際網路連線. Login was not specified! 密碼未指定! 指派工作給此人: 反指派 Assign this task to this creator: 預設 OpenCRX Controls 在工作區: ? 在工作區... 指派改: ? 指派給... Astrid強化套件 匿名使用統計 沒有使用資料會被回傳 傳送匿名使用資料以協助我們改進Astrid Network error! Speech recognition requires a network connection to work. Sorry, I couldn\'t understand that! Please try again. Sorry, speech recognition encountered an error. Please try again. Attach a file Record a note No files attached Are you sure? Cannot be undone Recording Audio Stop Recording Speak Now! Encoding... Error encoding audio Sorry, the system does not support this type of audio file No player found to handle that audio type. Would you like to download an audio player from the Android Market? No audio player found No PDF reader was found. Would you like to download a PDF reader from the Android Market? No PDF reader found No MS Office reader was found. Would you like to download an MS Office reader from the Android Market? No MS Office reader found Sorry! No application was found to handle this file type. No application found Image Voice Up Choose a file Permissions error! Please make sure you have not blocked Astrid from accessing the SD card. Attach a picture Attach a file from your SD card Download file? This file has not been downloaded to your SD card. Download now? Downloading... Image is too large to fit in memory Error copying file for attachment Error downloading file Sorry, the system does not yet support this type of file Producteev 工作區 指派給 Assigned by others to 指派給 \'%s\' 來自 %s 新增註解 Producteev 預設工作區 不要同步 新增工作區 命名新工作區 預設工作區 新工作將加入: %s 新工作預設將不會執行同步 登入Producteev 使用Producteev帳號登入或建立新帳號! 條款及條件 登入 新建使用者 電子郵件 密碼 時區 確認密碼 名字 姓氏 錯誤: 所有欄位需要填寫! 錯誤: 密碼不一致! 錯誤: 電子郵件或密碼不正確! Producteev %s 工作已更新/點選檢視細節 連結錯誤! 檢查您的網際網路連線. 電子郵件未指定! 密碼未指定! Producteev Assignment 指派工作給此人: 反指派 指派工作給此工作區: 預設 在工作區: ? 在工作區... 指派改: ? 指派給... Reminders Remind Me: When task is due When task is overdue Randomly once 鈴響/震動類型: 響鈴一次 Ring Five Times 響鈴直到關閉鬧鈴 an hour a day a week in two weeks a month in two months 提醒! 已完成! 晚點提醒... Congratulations on finishing! Reminder: A note from Astrid Memo for %s. Your Astrid digest Reminders from Astrid you Snooze all Add a task Time to shorten your to-do list! Dear sir or madam, some tasks await your inspection! Hi there, could you take a look at these? I\'ve got some tasks with your name on them! A fresh batch of tasks for you today! You look fabulous! Ready to get started? A lovely day for getting some work done, I think! Don\'t you want to get organized? I\'m Astrid! I\'m here to help you do more! You look busy! Let me take some of those tasks off of your plate. I can help you keep track of all of the details in your life. You\'re serious about getting more done? So am I! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! 提醒設定 Reminders Enabled? Astrid reminders are enabled (this is normal) Astrid reminders will never appear on your phone 無聲開始時間 %s 後將不會進行提醒動作 未設定無聲功能 無聲結束時間 Notifications will stop being silent starting at %s Default Reminder Notifications for tasks without duetimes will appear at %s 提醒鈴聲 自定鈴聲已設定 鈴聲設定為靜音 使用預設鈴聲 持續通知 通知必須個別地清除 通知可經由點選 \"清除全部\" 清除 通知圖示集 選擇Astrid通知列圖示 Max volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will max out the volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will use the system-setting for the volume 震動提醒 傳送通知時會震動 傳送通知震動關閉 Astrid提醒 Astrid提醒時給鼓勵訊息!! Astrid停止傳送任何鼓勵訊息 晚點提醒對話框 小時:分鐘 選擇晚點提醒的時間 (小時:分鐘) 選擇幾天/小時後再提醒 隨機提醒 隨機提醒功能關閉 工作將隨機提醒: %s 工作預設值 停用 每小時 每天 每週 每2週 每月 每2個月 停用 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 24:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 你好! 有點時間? 能借用一點時間? 有幾分鐘? 忘了什麼嗎? 不好意思! 當您有時間: 在您的議程: 有空嗎? 注意一下Astrid! 可打擾一下嗎? 能借一分鐘? 這是重要的一天 該工作囉! 期限快到了! 要開始了? 您說過您將會: 假設您開始: 該開始: 時候到了! 抱歉! 該做 有空?是時候該做 別想偷懶喔! 休息時間過囉! 別再睡囉! 您現在準備好了? 不能再延後了! 我有些事想麻煩您! 是時候該讓這事成為過去了? 為何這事還沒完成? 現在狀況如何了? 準備執行這件事了嗎? 您能處理這件事? 當您完成這件事,您會感到愉快! 我保證,這事做完您會覺得好過些! 您今天還不做? 我受夠了!麻煩完成這事! 您可完成這事?絕對可以! 您曾經開始過執行這件事? 來個自我感覺良好吧! 我以你為榮! 讓我們完成吧! 當您完成,給你的小獎勵如何? 只有這件事?別鬧了! 是時候清理工作清單了! Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos? Team Order! Let\'s go! Have I mentioned you are awesome recently? Keep it up! A task a day keeps the clutter away... Goodbye clutter! How do you do it? Wow, I\'m impressed! You can\'t just get by on your good looks. Let\'s get to it! Lovely weather for a job like this, isn\'t it? A spot of tea while you work on this? If only you had already done this, then you could go outside and play. It\'s time. You can\'t put off the inevitable. I die a little every time you ignore me. 別告訴我事實上你是會拖延的人! 有時懶散會使人變老! 有些人正在哪裡等你完成這件事呢! 當你說要延期時,是表示你正在做是嗎? 這是您最後一次延期對吧? 今天完成我不會告訴任何人! 您可以完成時為何需要延期?別延期! 我可以假設你有潛力完成? 我覺得您很棒!何不把這完成? 假如您做了將會達到您的目標? 老是延期,何時才會改變? 受夠藉口了! 快點做! 上次你用過這藉口吧? 假如你這樣,我無法協助你... 重複工作 允許工作重複 重複 每 %d 重複間隔 No Repeat Don\'t repeat d wk mo hr min yr 小時 Minute(s) Year(s) Forever Specific Day Today Tomorrow (day after) Next Week In Two Weeks Next Month Repeat until... Keep going 由到期日 由完成日 $I 的 $D 每隔 %s Every %1$s\nuntil %2$s %s 完成後 Repeat forever Repeat until %s Rescheduling task \"%s\" Completed repeating task \"%s\" %1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task from %2$s to %3$s %1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task to %2$s You had this repeating until %1$s, and now you\'re all done. %2$s Good job! Wow… I\'m so proud of you! I love when you\'re productive! Doesn\'t it feel good to check something off? Good job! I\'m so proud of you! I love when you\'re productive! Remember the Milk 設定 RTM重複工作 需要與RTM同步 Remember the Milk 清單 RTM清單 \'%s\' Remember the Milk RTM清單: RTM重複狀態: 例如, 每星期, 14天後 Remember the Milk 請登入並授權Astrid: 抱歉, 登入錯誤. 請再試一次. \n\n 錯誤訊息: %s Astrid: Remember the Milk 連線錯誤! 檢查網路連線或RTM伺服器(status.rememberthemilk.com). Sort and Indent in Astrid Tap and hold to move a task Drag vertically to rearrange Drag horizontally to indent 清單 Put task on one or more lists None New list Select a list 清單 Show List New List List Saved Please enter a name for this list first! New 清單 My Lists Shared With Me Inactive Not in any List Not in an Astrid List List: %s Rename List Delete List Leave List Delete this list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) Leave this shared list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) Rename the list %s to: 沒有變更 List %1$s was deleted, affecting %2$d tasks You left shared list %1$s, affecting %2$d tasks Renamed %1$s with %2$s for %3$d tasks We\'ve noticed that you have some lists that have the same name with different capitalizations. We think you may have intended them to be the same list, so we\'ve combined the duplicates. Don\'t worry though: the original lists are simply renamed with numbers (e.g. Shopping_1, Shopping_2). If you don\'t want this, you can simply delete the new combined list! Settings: Activity: %s Delete List Leave This List Timer Stop %s 啟動計時! 時間篩選 工作已開始計時 Timer Controls started this task: stopped doing this task: Time spent: %1$s is now friends with %2$s %1$s wants to be friends with you %1$s has confirmed your friendship request %1$s created this task %1$s created $link_task %1$s added $link_task to this list %1$s completed $link_task. Huzzah! %1$s un-completed $link_task. %1$s added $link_task to %4$s %1$s added $link_task to this list %1$s assigned $link_task to %4$s %1$s commented: %3$s %1$s Re: $link_task: %3$s %1$s Re: %2$s: %3$s %1$s created this list %1$s created the list %2$s 請說話以建立工作 請說話以設定工作主旨 請說話以設定工作備註 語音輸入功能尚未安裝。您要連上市集並安裝嗎? 很抱歉語音輸入功能不支援您的系統。\n如果可能,請升級至Android 2.1或更新的版本。 很抱歉您的系統無法使用市集。\n如果可能,請嘗試從其他來源下載語音搜尋功能。 語音輸入 語音輸入按鍵會在工作清單畫面上顯示。 語音輸入按鍵會在工作清單畫面上隱藏。 直接建立工作 工作將會自動從語音輸入建立。 語音輸入結束後您可以編輯工作主旨。 語音提醒 Astrid在工作提醒時會以語音說出工作名稱 Astrid在工作提醒時將會播放鈴聲 語音輸入設定 Accept EULA to get started! Show Tutorial 歡迎使用Astrid! Make lists Switch between lists Share lists Divvy up tasks Provide details Connect now\nto get started! That\'s it! The perfect personal to-do list \nthat works great with friends Great for any list:\nread, watch, buy, visit! Tap the list title \nto see all your lists Share lists with \nfriends, housemates,\nor your sweetheart! and much more! Tap to add notes,\nset reminders,\nand much more! Login Tap Astrid to return. Back Next Astrid Premium 4x2 Astrid Premium 4x3 Astrid Premium 4x4 Astrid Scrollable Premium Astrid Scrollable Premium for Custom Launchers Astrid Scrollable Premium 4x4 for Launcher Pro Configure Widget Widget color Show calendar events Hide encouragements Select Filter Due: Past Due: You need at least version 3.6 of Astrid in order to use this widget. Sorry! Hi there! Have time to finish something? Gosh, you are looking suave today! Do something great today! Make me proud today! How are you doing today? Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Late night? It\'s early, get something done! Afternoon tea, perhaps? Enjoy the evening! Sleep is good for you, you know! You\'ve already completed %d tasks! Score in life: %d tasks completed Smile! You\'ve already finished %d tasks! You haven\'t completed any tasks yet! Shall we? Black White Blue Translucent This widget is only available to owners of the PowerPack! Preview Items on %s will go here Power Pack includes Premium Widgets... ...voice add and good feelings! Tap to learn more! Free Power Pack! Sign in! Later Share lists with friends! Unlock the free Power Pack when 3 friends sign up with Astrid. Get the Power Pack for free! Share lists!