package import androidx.paging.DataSource import import import import import import import androidx.sqlite.db.SimpleSQLiteQuery import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Criterion import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Field import com.todoroo.andlib.sql.Functions import import com.todoroo.astrid.api.Filter import com.todoroo.astrid.api.PermaSql import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.Database import import import com.todoroo.astrid.helper.UUIDHelper import org.tasks.BuildConfig import org.tasks.db.SuspendDbUtils.chunkedMap import org.tasks.db.SuspendDbUtils.eachChunk import org.tasks.preferences.Preferences import org.tasks.time.DateTimeUtils.currentTimeMillis import timber.log.Timber @Dao abstract class TaskDao(private val database: Database) { @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE completed = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND (hideUntil > :now OR dueDate > :now)") internal abstract suspend fun needsRefresh(now: Long = now()): List @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE _id = :id LIMIT 1") abstract suspend fun fetch(id: Long): Task? suspend fun fetch(ids: List): List = ids.chunkedMap(this::fetchInternal) @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE _id IN (:ids)") internal abstract suspend fun fetchInternal(ids: List): List @Query("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tasks WHERE timerStart > 0 AND deleted = 0") abstract suspend fun activeTimers(): Int @Query("SELECT tasks.* FROM tasks INNER JOIN notification ON tasks._id = notification.task") abstract suspend fun activeNotifications(): List @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE remoteId = :remoteId") abstract suspend fun fetch(remoteId: String): Task? @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE completed = 0 AND deleted = 0") abstract suspend fun getActiveTasks(): List @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE remoteId IN (:remoteIds) " + "AND recurrence IS NOT NULL AND LENGTH(recurrence) > 0") abstract suspend fun getRecurringTasks(remoteIds: List): List @Query("UPDATE tasks SET completed = :completionDate, modified = :updateTime WHERE remoteId IN (:remoteIds)") abstract suspend fun setCompletionDate(remoteIds: List, completionDate: Long, updateTime: Long = now()) @Query("UPDATE tasks SET snoozeTime = :snoozeTime, modified = :updateTime WHERE _id in (:taskIds)") internal abstract suspend fun snooze(taskIds: List, snoozeTime: Long, updateTime: Long = now()) @Query("SELECT tasks.* FROM tasks " + "LEFT JOIN google_tasks ON tasks._id = google_tasks.gt_task " + "WHERE gt_list_id IN (SELECT gtl_remote_id FROM google_task_lists WHERE gtl_account = :account)" + "AND (tasks.modified > google_tasks.gt_last_sync OR google_tasks.gt_remote_id = '' OR google_tasks.gt_deleted > 0) " + "ORDER BY CASE WHEN gt_parent = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, gt_order ASC") abstract suspend fun getGoogleTasksToPush(account: String): List @Query(""" SELECT tasks.* FROM tasks INNER JOIN caldav_tasks ON tasks._id = caldav_tasks.cd_task WHERE caldav_tasks.cd_calendar = :calendar AND cd_deleted = 0 AND (tasks.modified > caldav_tasks.cd_last_sync OR caldav_tasks.cd_last_sync = 0) ORDER BY created""") abstract suspend fun getCaldavTasksToPush(calendar: String): List @Query("SELECT * FROM TASKS " + "WHERE completed = 0 AND deleted = 0 AND (notificationFlags > 0 OR notifications > 0)") abstract suspend fun getTasksWithReminders(): List // --- SQL clause generators @Query("SELECT * FROM tasks") abstract suspend fun getAll(): List @Query("SELECT calendarUri FROM tasks " + "WHERE calendarUri IS NOT NULL AND calendarUri != ''") abstract suspend fun getAllCalendarEvents(): List @Query("UPDATE tasks SET calendarUri = '' " + "WHERE calendarUri IS NOT NULL AND calendarUri != ''") abstract suspend fun clearAllCalendarEvents(): Int @Query("SELECT calendarUri FROM tasks " + "WHERE completed > 0 AND calendarUri IS NOT NULL AND calendarUri != ''") abstract suspend fun getCompletedCalendarEvents(): List @Query("UPDATE tasks SET calendarUri = '' " + "WHERE completed > 0 AND calendarUri IS NOT NULL AND calendarUri != ''") abstract suspend fun clearCompletedCalendarEvents(): Int open suspend fun fetchTasks(callback: suspend (SubtaskInfo) -> List): List { return fetchTasks(getSubtaskInfo(), callback) } open suspend fun fetchTasks(subtasks: SubtaskInfo, callback: suspend (SubtaskInfo) -> List): List = database.withTransaction { val start = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) now() else 0 val queries = callback(subtasks) val last = queries.size - 1 for (i in 0 until last) { query(SimpleSQLiteQuery(queries[i])) } val result = fetchTasks(SimpleSQLiteQuery(queries[last])) Timber.v("%sms: %s", now() - start, queries.joinToString(";\n")) result } suspend fun fetchTasks(preferences: Preferences, filter: Filter): List = fetchTasks { TaskListQuery.getQuery(preferences, filter, it) } @RawQuery internal abstract suspend fun query(query: SimpleSQLiteQuery): Int @RawQuery internal abstract suspend fun fetchTasks(query: SimpleSQLiteQuery): List @RawQuery abstract suspend fun count(query: SimpleSQLiteQuery): Int @Query(""" SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tasks WHERE parent > 0 AND deleted = 0) AS hasSubtasks, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM google_tasks INNER JOIN tasks ON gt_task = _id WHERE deleted = 0 AND gt_parent > 0 AND gt_deleted = 0) AS hasGoogleSubtasks """) abstract suspend fun getSubtaskInfo(): SubtaskInfo @RawQuery(observedEntities = [Place::class]) abstract fun getTaskFactory(query: SimpleSQLiteQuery): DataSource.Factory @Query("UPDATE tasks SET modified = :now WHERE _id in (:ids)") abstract suspend fun touch(ids: List, now: Long = currentTimeMillis()) suspend fun setParent(parent: Long, tasks: List) = tasks.eachChunk { setParentInternal(parent, it) } @Query("UPDATE tasks SET parent = :parent WHERE _id IN (:children) AND _id != :parent") internal abstract suspend fun setParentInternal(parent: Long, children: List) @Query("UPDATE tasks SET lastNotified = :timestamp WHERE _id = :id AND lastNotified != :timestamp") abstract suspend fun setLastNotified(id: Long, timestamp: Long): Int suspend fun getChildren(id: Long): List = getChildren(listOf(id)) @Query(""" WITH RECURSIVE recursive_tasks (task) AS ( SELECT _id FROM tasks WHERE parent IN (:ids) UNION ALL SELECT _id FROM tasks INNER JOIN recursive_tasks ON recursive_tasks.task = tasks.parent WHERE tasks.deleted = 0) SELECT task FROM recursive_tasks """) abstract suspend fun getChildren(ids: List): List @Query(""" WITH RECURSIVE recursive_tasks (task, parent) AS ( SELECT _id, parent FROM tasks WHERE _id = :parent UNION ALL SELECT _id, tasks.parent FROM tasks INNER JOIN recursive_tasks ON recursive_tasks.parent = tasks._id WHERE tasks.deleted = 0 ) SELECT task FROM recursive_tasks """) abstract suspend fun getParents(parent: Long): List internal suspend fun setCollapsed(preferences: Preferences, filter: Filter, collapsed: Boolean) { fetchTasks(preferences, filter) .filter(TaskContainer::hasChildren) .map(TaskContainer::getId) .eachChunk { setCollapsed(it, collapsed) } } @Query("UPDATE tasks SET collapsed = :collapsed, modified = :now WHERE _id IN (:ids)") internal abstract suspend fun setCollapsed(ids: List, collapsed: Boolean, now: Long = now()) @Insert abstract suspend fun insert(task: Task): Long suspend fun update(task: Task, original: Task? = null): Boolean { if (!task.insignificantChange(original)) { task.modificationDate = now() } return updateInternal(task) == 1 } @Update internal abstract suspend fun updateInternal(task: Task): Int suspend fun createNew(task: Task): Long { = NO_ID if (task.creationDate == 0L) { task.creationDate = now() } if (Task.isUuidEmpty(task.remoteId)) { task.remoteId = UUIDHelper.newUUID() } if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { require(task.remoteId?.isNotBlank() == true && task.remoteId != "0") } val insert = insert(task) = insert return } suspend fun count(filter: Filter): Int { val query = getQuery(filter.sqlQuery, Field.COUNT) val start = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) now() else 0 val count = count(query) Timber.v("%sms: %s", now() - start, query.sql) return count } suspend fun fetchFiltered(filter: Filter): List = fetchFiltered(filter.getSqlQuery()) suspend fun fetchFiltered(queryTemplate: String): List { val query = getQuery(queryTemplate, Task.FIELDS) val start = if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) now() else 0 val tasks = fetchTasks(query) Timber.v("%sms: %s", now() - start, query.sql) return } @Query(""" SELECT _id FROM tasks LEFT JOIN google_tasks ON _id = gt_task AND gt_deleted = 0 LEFT JOIN caldav_tasks ON _id = cd_task AND cd_deleted = 0 WHERE gt_id IS NULL AND cd_id IS NULL AND parent = 0 """) abstract suspend fun getLocalTasks(): List /** Generates SQL clauses */ object TaskCriteria { /** @return tasks that have not yet been completed or deleted */ @JvmStatic fun activeAndVisible(): Criterion = Criterion.and( Task.COMPLETION_DATE.lte(0), Task.DELETION_DATE.lte(0), Task.HIDE_UNTIL.lte( } companion object { fun getQuery(queryTemplate: String, vararg fields: Field): SimpleSQLiteQuery = SimpleSQLiteQuery(*fields) .withQueryTemplate(PermaSql.replacePlaceholdersForQuery(queryTemplate)) .from(Task.TABLE) .toString()) } }