package org.tasks.gtasks import android.content.Context import import import import import import com.todoroo.astrid.api.GtasksFilter import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.TaskDao import import com.todoroo.astrid.gtasks.GtasksListService import com.todoroo.astrid.gtasks.api.GtasksApiUtilities import com.todoroo.astrid.gtasks.api.GtasksInvoker import com.todoroo.astrid.gtasks.api.HttpNotFoundException import com.todoroo.astrid.service.TaskCreator import com.todoroo.astrid.service.TaskCreator.Companion.getDefaultAlarms import com.todoroo.astrid.service.TaskDeleter import import org.tasks.LocalBroadcastManager import org.tasks.R import org.tasks.Strings.isNullOrEmpty import import org.tasks.billing.Inventory import* import import org.tasks.googleapis.InvokerFactory import org.tasks.preferences.DefaultFilterProvider import org.tasks.preferences.PermissionChecker import org.tasks.preferences.Preferences import timber.log.Timber import import import import import import import java.util.* import javax.inject.Inject import import kotlin.math.max class GoogleTaskSynchronizer @Inject constructor( @param:ApplicationContext private val context: Context, private val googleTaskListDao: GoogleTaskListDao, private val caldavDao: CaldavDao, private val gtasksListService: GtasksListService, private val preferences: Preferences, private val taskDao: TaskDao, private val firebase: Firebase, private val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao, private val taskCreator: TaskCreator, private val defaultFilterProvider: DefaultFilterProvider, private val permissionChecker: PermissionChecker, private val googleAccountManager: GoogleAccountManager, private val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager, private val inventory: Inventory, private val taskDeleter: TaskDeleter, private val invokers: InvokerFactory, private val alarmDao: AlarmDao, ) { suspend fun sync(account: CaldavAccount, i: Int) { Timber.d("%s: start sync", account) try { if (i == 0 || inventory.hasPro) { synchronize(account) } else { account.error = CaldavAccount.ERROR_PAYMENT_REQUIRED } } catch (e: SocketTimeoutException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: SSLException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: SocketException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: UnknownHostException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: HttpRetryException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: EOFException) { Timber.e(e) account.error = e.message } catch (e: GoogleJsonResponseException) { account.error = e.message when (e.statusCode) { 401, 503 -> Timber.e(e) else -> firebase.reportException(e) } } catch (e: Exception) { account.error = e.message firebase.reportException(e) } finally { caldavDao.update(account) localBroadcastManager.broadcastRefreshList() Timber.d("%s: end sync", account) } } @Throws(IOException::class) private suspend fun synchronize(account: CaldavAccount) { if (!permissionChecker.canAccessAccounts() || googleAccountManager.getAccount(account.username) == null) { account.error = context.getString(R.string.cannot_access_account) return } val gtasksInvoker = invokers.getGtasksInvoker(account.username!!) pushLocalChanges(account, gtasksInvoker) val gtaskLists: MutableList = ArrayList() var nextPageToken: String? = null var eTag: String? = null do { val remoteLists = gtasksInvoker.allGtaskLists(nextPageToken) ?: break eTag = remoteLists.etag val items = remoteLists.items if (items != null) { gtaskLists.addAll(items) } nextPageToken = remoteLists.nextPageToken } while (!isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) gtasksListService.updateLists(account, gtaskLists) val defaultRemoteList = defaultFilterProvider.defaultList if (defaultRemoteList is GtasksFilter) { val list = googleTaskListDao.getByRemoteId(defaultRemoteList.remoteId) if (list == null) { preferences.setString(R.string.p_default_list, null) } } for (list in googleTaskListDao.getByRemoteId( { })) { if (isNullOrEmpty(list.uuid)) { firebase.reportException(RuntimeException("Empty remote id")) continue } fetchAndApplyRemoteChanges(gtasksInvoker, list) if (!preferences.isPositionHackEnabled) { googleTaskDao.reposition(caldavDao, list.uuid!!) } } if (preferences.isPositionHackEnabled) { for (list in gtaskLists) { val tasks = fetchPositions(gtasksInvoker, for (task in tasks) { googleTaskDao.updatePosition(, task.parent, task.position) } googleTaskDao.reposition(caldavDao, } } // account.etag = eTag account.error = "" } @Throws(IOException::class) private suspend fun fetchPositions( gtasksInvoker: GtasksInvoker, listId: String): List { val tasks: MutableList = ArrayList() var nextPageToken: String? = null do { val taskList = gtasksInvoker.getAllPositions(listId, nextPageToken) taskList?.items?.let { tasks.addAll(it) } nextPageToken = taskList?.nextPageToken } while (!isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) return tasks } @Throws(IOException::class) private suspend fun pushLocalChanges(account: CaldavAccount, gtasksInvoker: GtasksInvoker) { val tasks = taskDao.getGoogleTasksToPush(account.uuid!!) for (task in tasks) { pushTask(task, gtasksInvoker) } } @Throws(IOException::class) private suspend fun pushTask(task:, gtasksInvoker: GtasksInvoker) { for (deleted in googleTaskDao.getDeletedByTaskId( { deleted.remoteId?.let { try { gtasksInvoker.deleteGtask(deleted.calendar, it) } catch (e: GoogleJsonResponseException) { when (e.statusCode) { 400 -> Timber.e(e) else -> throw e } } } googleTaskDao.delete(deleted) } val gtasksMetadata = googleTaskDao.getByTaskId( ?: return val remoteModel = Task() var newlyCreated = false val remoteId: String? val defaultRemoteList = defaultFilterProvider.defaultList var listId = if (defaultRemoteList is GtasksFilter) defaultRemoteList.remoteId else DEFAULT_LIST if (isNullOrEmpty(gtasksMetadata.remoteId)) { // Create case val selectedList = gtasksMetadata.calendar if (!isNullOrEmpty(selectedList)) { listId = selectedList } newlyCreated = true } else { // update case remoteId = gtasksMetadata.remoteId listId = gtasksMetadata.calendar = remoteId } // If task was newly created but without a title, don't sync--we're in the middle of // creating a task which may end up being cancelled. Also don't sync new but already // deleted tasks if (newlyCreated && (isNullOrEmpty(task.title) || task.deletionDate > 0)) { return } // Update the remote model's changed properties if (task.isDeleted) { remoteModel.deleted = true } remoteModel.title = truncate(task.title, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) remoteModel.notes = truncate(task.notes, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) if (task.hasDueDate()) { remoteModel.due = GtasksApiUtilities.unixTimeToGtasksDueDate(task.dueDate).toStringRfc3339() } if (task.isCompleted) { remoteModel.completed = GtasksApiUtilities.unixTimeToGtasksCompletionTime(task.completionDate).toStringRfc3339() remoteModel.status = "completed" // $NON-NLS-1$ } else { remoteModel.completed = null remoteModel.status = "needsAction" // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (newlyCreated) { val parent = task.parent val localParent = if (parent > 0) googleTaskDao.getRemoteId(parent) else null val previous = googleTaskDao.getPrevious( listId!!, if (isNullOrEmpty(localParent)) 0 else parent, task.order ?: 0) val created: Task? = try { gtasksInvoker.createGtask(listId, remoteModel, localParent, previous) } catch (e: HttpNotFoundException) { gtasksInvoker.createGtask(listId, remoteModel, null, null) } if (created != null) { // Update the metadata for the newly created task gtasksMetadata.remoteId = gtasksMetadata.calendar = listId setOrderAndParent(gtasksMetadata, created, task) } else { return } } else { try { if (!task.isDeleted && gtasksMetadata.isMoved) { try { val parent = task.parent val localParent = if (parent > 0) googleTaskDao.getRemoteId(parent) else null val previous = googleTaskDao.getPrevious( listId!!, if (localParent.isNullOrBlank()) 0 else parent, task.order ?: 0) gtasksInvoker .moveGtask(listId,, localParent, previous) ?.let { setOrderAndParent(gtasksMetadata, it, task) } } catch (e: GoogleJsonResponseException) { if (e.statusCode == 400) { Timber.e(e) } else { throw e } } } // TODO: don't updateGtask if it was only moved gtasksInvoker.updateGtask(listId, remoteModel) } catch (e: HttpNotFoundException) { googleTaskDao.delete(gtasksMetadata) return } } gtasksMetadata.isMoved = false write(task, gtasksMetadata) } @Throws(IOException::class) private suspend fun fetchAndApplyRemoteChanges( gtasksInvoker: GtasksInvoker, list: CaldavCalendar ) { val listId = list.uuid var lastSyncDate = list.lastSync val tasks: MutableList = ArrayList() var nextPageToken: String? = null do { val taskList: Tasks = try { gtasksInvoker.getAllGtasksFromListId(listId, lastSyncDate + 1000L, nextPageToken) } catch (e: HttpNotFoundException) { firebase.reportException(e) return } ?: break val items = taskList.items if (items != null) { tasks.addAll(items) } nextPageToken = taskList.nextPageToken } while (!isNullOrEmpty(nextPageToken)) Collections.sort(tasks, PARENTS_FIRST) for (gtask in tasks) { val remoteId = var googleTask = googleTaskDao.getByRemoteId(remoteId) var task: = null if (googleTask == null) { googleTask = CaldavTask( task = 0, calendar = "", remoteId = null, ) } else if (googleTask.task > 0) { task = taskDao.fetch(googleTask.task) } gtask.updated?.let { lastSyncDate = max(lastSyncDate, DateTime(it).value) } val isDeleted = gtask.deleted val isHidden = gtask.hidden if (isDeleted != null && isDeleted) { if (task != null) { taskDeleter.delete(task) } continue } else if (isHidden != null && isHidden) { if (task == null) { continue } if (task.isRecurring) { googleTask.remoteId = "" } else { taskDeleter.delete(task) continue } } else { if (task == null) { task = taskCreator.createWithValues("") } setOrderAndParent(googleTask, gtask, task) googleTask.remoteId = } task.title = getTruncatedValue(task.title, gtask.title, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH) task.completionDate = GtasksApiUtilities.gtasksCompletedTimeToUnixTime(gtask.completed?.let(::DateTime)) val dueDate = GtasksApiUtilities.gtasksDueTimeToUnixTime(gtask.due?.let(::DateTime)) mergeDates(createDueDate(, dueDate), task) task.notes = getTruncatedValue(task.notes, gtask.notes, MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) googleTask.calendar = listId if (task.title?.isNotBlank() == true || task.notes?.isNotBlank() == true) { write(task, googleTask) } } googleTaskListDao.insertOrReplace( list.copy( lastSync = lastSyncDate ) ) } private suspend fun setOrderAndParent(googleTask: CaldavTask, task: Task, local: { task.position?.toLongOrNull()?.let { googleTask.remoteOrder = it } googleTask.remoteParent = task.parent?.takeIf { it.isNotBlank() } local.parent = googleTask.remoteParent?.let { googleTaskDao.getTask(it) } ?: 0L } private suspend fun write(task:, googleTask: CaldavTask) { task.suppressSync() task.suppressRefresh() if (task.isNew) { taskDao.createNew(task) alarmDao.insert(task.getDefaultAlarms()) } googleTask.lastSync = task.modificationDate googleTask.task = if ( == 0L) { googleTaskDao.insert(googleTask) } else { googleTaskDao.update(googleTask) } } companion object { private const val DEFAULT_LIST = "@default" // $NON-NLS-1$ private const val MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 1024 private const val MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 8192 private val PARENTS_FIRST = Comparator { o1: Task, o2: Task -> if (isNullOrEmpty(o1.parent)) { if (isNullOrEmpty(o2.parent)) 0 else -1 } else { if (isNullOrEmpty(o2.parent)) 1 else 0 } } fun mergeDates(remoteDueDate: Long, local: { if (remoteDueDate > 0 && local!!.hasDueTime()) { val oldDate = newDateTime(local.dueDate) val newDate = newDateTime(remoteDueDate) .withHourOfDay(oldDate.hourOfDay) .withMinuteOfHour(oldDate.minuteOfHour) .withSecondOfMinute(oldDate.secondOfMinute) local.setDueDateAdjustingHideUntil( createDueDate(, newDate.millis)) } else { local!!.setDueDateAdjustingHideUntil(remoteDueDate) } } fun truncate(string: String?, max: Int): String? = if (string == null || string.length <= max) string else string.substring(0, max) fun getTruncatedValue(currentValue: String?, newValue: String?, maxLength: Int): String? = if (isNullOrEmpty(newValue) || newValue!!.length < maxLength || isNullOrEmpty(currentValue) || !currentValue!!.startsWith(newValue)) newValue else currentValue } }