Google Tasks
By List
Google Tasks: %s
Welcome to Google Tasks!
Drag the grabber on the left side of a task
to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation.
In List: ?
In GTasks List...
Log In to Google Tasks
Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Non-migrated Google Apps
accounts are currently unsupported.
To view your tasks with indentation
and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list.
By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks.
Sign In
Google Apps for Domain account
Error: fill out all fields!
Error: e-mail or password incorrect!
You may have encountered a captcha.
Try logging in from the browser, then come back to try again:
Google Tasks (Beta!)
Astrid: Google Tasks