Kontaktperson eller email Kontaktperson eller delt liste Du er ejeren af dette delte nøgleord! Hvis du sletter det, bliver det slettet for alle liste medlemmer. Er du sikker på du vil fortsætte? Tag et billede Vælg fra galleri Ryd markering Vis opgave? Opgaven blev sendt til %s! Du ser lige nu dine egne opgaver. Vil du se disse og andre opgaver, du har tildelt? Vis tildelte Bliv her Mine delte opgaver Ingen delte opgaver Tilføj en kommentar Opgaver Aktivitet Listeindstillinger %s\'s opgaver. Tryk for alle Ufordelte opgaver. Tryk for alle Privat: tryk for at redigere eller dele listen Opdater Listenavn Delt med Share with anyone who has an email address Liste billede Silence Notifications Description Settings Type a description here Enter list name You need to be logged in to Astrid.com to share lists! Please log in or make this a private list. Brug Astrid til at dele indkøbssedler, festplaner eller projektplaner og følg løbende med i, hvornår folk får afsluttet opgaver! Who should do this? Mig Hvem som helst Choose a contact Outsource it! Del med: Del med venner List: %s Invitation Message: Hjælp mig med at få opgaven færdig! List Members Astrid Friends Facebook Twitter Forkert emailadresse: %s You need to be logged in to Astrid.com to share tasks! Log in Don\'t share Velkommen til Astrid.com Astrid.com lets you access your tasks online, share, and delegate with others. Connect with Facebook Connect with Google First Name Last Name E-mail Adgangskode Opret ny brugerkonto Login på Astrid.com Select the Google account you want to use: Forbind venligst til Google: Copy list (Copy) Copying... Success! Task copied No tasks to copy Status - Logged in as %s Astrid.com Brug HTTPS HTTPS aktiveret (langsommere) HTTPS deaktiveret (hurtigere) You are currently synchronizing with Google Tasks. Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results. Are you sure you want to sync with Astrid.com? Account type Account info Status and options Sign up for a free account Access tasks online, share lists and delegate Premium Basic Upgrade to Premium Attach files, voice backups, premium support & more Like on Facebook Follow on Twitter Share on Google+ Share the love! By sharing, you\'ll help others be more productive! Alarmer Tilføj en alarm Alarm! Backup Status Sidste sikkerhedskopi:\n%s Seneste backup fejlede (tryk for at vise fejl) Har aldrig taget backup! Indstillinger Automatisk backup Automatisk backup deaktiveret Backup vil ske dagligt You already have cloud backup on Astrid.com! Håndter sikkerhedskopier Håndter dine sikkerhedskopier Importér opgaver Eksportér opgaver Click for free cloud backup on Astrid.com Importfejl Sikkerhedskopierede %1$s til %2$s. Ingen opgaver at eksportere Eksporterer... Opsummering af gendannelse Filen %1$s indeholdt %2$s.\n\n %3$s importeret,\n %4$s findes allerede\n %5$s indeholdt fejl\n Importerer... Læser opgave %d... Kan ikke få adgang til mappen: %s Kan ikke få adgang til dig SD-kort! Vælg en fil for at gendanne Astrid Opgaver Astrid Tilladelser læs opgaver, vis opgavefiltre Astrid Tilladelser opret nye opgaver, rediger eksisterende opgaver Slet denne opgave? Slet dette element: %s? Opgraderer dine opgaver... Tid (timer : minutter) Astrid bør opdateres til den seneste version på Android Market! Gør venligst dette før du fortsætter, eller vent nogle få sekunder. Jeg accepterer Jeg accepterer ikke Astrid Brugsbetingelser Please Wait Indlæser... OK Cancel More Undo Warning Tryk for at indstille No activity yet Someone Refresh Comments You have no tasks! \n Want to add something? %s has no\ntasks shared with you Tilføjelser Sorter & skjulte Sync Now Search Lists People Featured Lists Suggestions Opsætning Support Tilpasset Add a task Add something for %s Notifications are muted. You won\'t be able to hear Astrid! Astrid reminders are disabled! You will not receive any reminders Active I dag Soon Late Færdig Hidden You said, \"%s\" I created a task called \"%1$s\" %2$s at %3$s for %s Don\'t display future confirmations New repeating task %s I\'ll remind you about this %s. highest priority high priority medium priority low priority All Activity %s [skjult] %s [slettet] Finished\n%s Rediger Rediger opgave Copy Task Gendan opgave Ryd opgave Sortering og skjulte opgaver Hidden Tasks Vis færdiggjorte opgaver Vis skjulte opgaver Vis slettede opgaver Drag & Drop with Subtasks Astrid Intelligent sortering Efter titel Efter deadline Efter vigtighed Efter senest ændret Omvendt sortering Kun en gang Altid Astrid List or Filter Opret genvej på skrivebordet Opret genvej Navn på genvej: Søg efter opgaver Matcher \'%s\' Oprettede genvej: %s New Filter New List No filter selected! Please select a filter or list. When Opgave Overskrift Vigtighed På bestemt tidspunkt? None Show Task Task will be hidden until %s Indlæser... Noter Indtast opgavenoter... Hvor lang tid tager det? Tid allerede brugt på denne opgave Gem ændringer Gem ikke Slet opgave Comments Opgave gemt: deadline %s Opgave gemt Aktivitet Mere Ideas No deadline Specific day I dag I morgen (dag efter) Næste uge In two weeks Næste måned No time Altid At due date Dag før deadline Uge før deadline Specifik dag/tid Hvem When ----More Section---- Vigtighed Lists Noter Files Reminders Timer Controls Share With Friends ----Hide Always---- Show in my list No activity Load more... When is this due? New Task Tap me to search for ways to get this done! I can do more when connected to the Internet. Please check your connection. Sorry! We couldn\'t find an email address for the selected contact. %1$s\ncalled at %2$s Call now Call later Ignore Ignore all missed calls? You\'ve ignored several missed calls. Should Astrid stop asking you about them? Ignore all calls Ignore this call only Field missed calls Astrid will notify you about missed calls and offer to remind you to call back Astrid will not notify you about missed calls Call %1$s back at %2$s Call %s back Call %s back in... It must be nice to be so popular! Yay! People like you! Make their day, give \'em a call! Wouldn\'t you be happy if people called you back? You can do it! You can always send a text... Hvad er nyt i Astrid Seneste Astrid-nyheder Log in to see a record of\nyour progress as well as\nactivity on shared lists. Astrid: Opsætning Settings Tell others about Astrid Share about Astrid on your favorite social network deactivated Udseende Themes, widgets, task rows, edit screen FAQ Account: %s Tutorial, FAQ, about Opgavelistestørrelse Show confirmation for smart reminders Skriftstørrelse på den centrale liste Vis noter i opgave Customize task edit screen Customize the layout of the task edit screen Reset to defaults Notes will be accessible from the task edit screen Noter vises altid Compact task row Compress task rows to fit title Show full task title Full task title will be shown First two lines of task title will be shown Auto-load ideas tab Web searches for ideas tab will be performed when tab is clicked Web searches for ideas tab will be performed only when manually requested Row style: Simple Row style: Original Truncate title to one line with date and lists below Truncate title to two lines with date on right Color theme Nuværende: %s Setting requires Android 2.0+ Widget theme Task row appearance Use contact picker The system contact picker option will be displayed in the task assignment window The system contact picker option will not be displayed Enable third party add-ons Third party add-ons will be enabled Third party add-ons will be disabled Task ideas Get ideas to help you complete tasks Calendar event time End calendar events at due time Start calendar events at due time Use phone layout Show featured lists Swipe between lists No swipe Conserve Memory Normal Performance High Performance Swipe between lists is disabled Slower performance Default setting Uses more system resources Swipe between lists Swipe left or right to quickly move between lists Change settings in Settings -> Appearance Day - Blue Day - Red Night Transparent (White Text) Transparent (Black Text) Same as app Day - Blue Day - Red Night Transparent (White Text) Transparent (Black Text) Old Style Manage old tasks Delete completed tasks Do you really want to delete all your completed tasks? Deleted tasks can be undeleted one-by-one Deleted %d tasks! Purge deleted tasks Do you really want to purge all your deleted tasks?\n\nThese tasks will be gone forever! Purged %d tasks! Caution! Purged tasks can\'t be recovered without backup file! Clear all data Delete all tasks and settings in Astrid?\n\nWarning: can\'t be undone! Delete calendar events for completed tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for completed tasks? Deleted %d calendar events! Delete all calendar events for tasks Do you really want to delete all your events for tasks? Deleted %d calendar events! Tilføjelser Astrid team Installerede Tilgængelige Gratis Tom liste! Astrid Power Pack Support Astrid and get more productive with the Astrid Power Pack. 4x2 and 4x4 widgets and voice integration. Power up today! Astrid Locale Plugin Allows Astrid to make use of the Locale application to send you notifications based on filter conditions. Requires Locale. Indlæser... Vælg opgaver der skal vises... About Astrid Current version: %s\n\n Astrid is open-source and proudly maintained by Todoroo, Inc. Support Forums Premium Det ser ud som om du bruger en app der kan dræbe processer (%s)! Hvis du kan, så tilføj Astrid til udelukkelseslisten så den ikke bliver dræbt. Ellers kan Astrid muligvis ikke fortælle dig hvornår dine opgaver tidsfrist er.\n Jeg vil ikke dræbe Astrid! Astrid er den højtelskede open-source huskeliste / opgavehåndtering designet til at hjælpe dig med at få ting ordnet. Den har påmindelser, tags, synkronisering, Locale-plug-in, et widget og meget mere. Corrupted Database Uh oh! It looks like you may have a corrupted database. If you see this error regularly, we suggest you clear all data (Settings->Sync and backup->Manage old tasks->Clear all data) and restore your tasks from a backup (Settings->Sync and backup->Backup->Import tasks) in Astrid. Unfortunately the market is not available for your system. Standard for nye opgaver Importance, due date, add to calendar Standard Deadline Nuværende: %s Standard Vigtighed Nuværende: %s Standard Skjul Indtil Nuværende: %s Standardpåmindelser Nuværende: %s Default add to calendar New tasks will not create an event in the Google Calendar New tasks will be in the calendar: \"%s\" Default ring/vibrate type Nuværende: %s !!! (Highest) !! ! o (Lowest) Ingen deadline I dag I morgen I overmorgen Næste uge Skjul ikke Opgave når deadline Dag før deadline Uge før deadline Ingen deadline-påmindelser Ved deadline Ved overskredet deadline Ved deadline eller overskredet Aktive opgaver Senest ændrede I\'ve Assigned Slet filter Tilpasset filter Navngiv dette filter for at gemme det... Aktive opgaver eller ikke også %s har kriterier Slet række Denne skærm lader dig oprette et nyt filter. Tilføj kriterier ved hjælp af knappen nedenfor, tryk kort eller langt på dem for at justere, og tryk derefter \"Vis\"! Tilføj kriterier Vis Gem & vis Deadline: ? Deadline... Ingen deadline I går I dag I morgen I overmorgen Næste uge Næste måned Vigtighed mindst ? Vigtighed... List: ? List... List name contains... List name contains: ? Titel indeholder... Titel indeholder: ? Fejl ved tilføjelse af opgave til kalender! Add to Calendar Åbn kalender-begivenhed Kalenderbegivenhed også opdateret! Don\'t add Add to cal... Cal event %s (fuldført) Standardkalender Google Tasks Google Tasks: %s Creating list... New List Name: Error creating new list In List: ? In GTasks List... Clearing completed tasks... Clear Completed Vær venlig at logge ind to Google Tasks-synkronisering (beta!). Google Apps for Domain understøttes i øjeblikket ikke, men vi arbejder på sagen! No available Google accounts to sync with. For at vise dine opgaver med indryk og orden bevaret, skal du gå til Filtre-siden og vælge en Google Tasks-liste. Som standard bruger Astrid sin egen sorteringsopsætning til opgaver. Authenticating... Error authenticating! Please check your username and password in your phone\'s account manager Sorry, we had trouble communicating with Google servers. Please try again later. Du har muligvis støt på en captcha. Prøv at logge ind fra din standard browser, log da ind her igen: Google Tasks (beta!) Google\'s Task API is in beta and has encountered an error. The service may be down, please try again later. Account %s not found--please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Unable to authenticate with Google Tasks. Please check your account password or try again later. Error in your phone\'s account manager. Please log out and log back in from the Google Tasks settings. Error authenticating in background. Please try initiating a sync while Astrid is running. You are currently synchronizing with Astrid.com. Be advised that synchronizing with both services can in some cases lead to unexpected results. Are you sure you want to sync with Google Tasks? Start by adding a task or two Tap task to edit and share Tap to edit or share this list People you share with can help\nyou build your list or finish tasks Tap to add a list Tap to add a list or switch between lists By using Astrid you agree to the Terms of Service Sign up with email Sign in Connect Later Why not sign in? I\'ll do it! No thanks Sign in to get the most out of Astrid! For free, you get online backup, full synchronization with Astrid.com, the ability to add tasks via email, and you can even share task lists with friends! Change the type of task Astrid filter alarm Astrid vil sende dig en påmindelse når du har opgaver i det følgende filter: Begræns påmindelser til: en gang i timen en gang hver sjette time en gang hver tolvte time dagligt en gang hver tredje dag ugentligt Du har $NUM der matcher: $FILTER Installer venligst Astrid Locale-plugin! OpenCRX Arbejdsområder Assigned To Assigned To \'%s\' fra %s Tilføj en kommentar Creator Assigned to OpenCRX (Synkroniser ikke) Default ActivityCreator New activities will be created by: %s New activities will not be synchronized by default OpenCRX server Host OpenCRX host "For example: "mydomain.com Segment Synchronized segment "For example: "Standard Standard Provider OpenCRX data provider "For example: "CRX CRX Log In to OpenCRX Sign in with your OpenCRX account Log ind Login Adgangskode Error: fillout all fields Error: login or password incorrect! OpenCRX %s opgaver opdateret / tryk for flere detaljer Forbindelsesfejl! Tjek din internetforbindelse. Login was not specified! Adgangskode blev ikke angivet! Assign this task to this person: <Unassigned> Assign this task to this creator: <Standard> OpenCRX Controls I arbejdsområde: ? I arbejdsområde... Assigned to: ? Assigned to... Premium and misc. settings Missed call reminders, voice input and miscellaneous settings Anonymous usage stats Ingen data om brug vil blive rapporteret Hjælp os med at forbedre Astrid ved at sende anonyme data om brug Network error! Speech recognition requires a network connection to work. Sorry, I couldn\'t understand that! Please try again. Sorry, speech recognition encountered an error. Please try again. Attach a file Record a note No files attached Are you sure? Cannot be undone Recording Audio Stop Recording Speak Now! Encoding... Error encoding audio Sorry, the system does not support this type of audio file No player found to handle that audio type. Would you like to download an audio player from the Android Market? No audio player found No PDF reader was found. Would you like to download a PDF reader from the Android Market? No PDF reader found No MS Office reader was found. Would you like to download an MS Office reader from the Android Market? No MS Office reader found Sorry! No application was found to handle this file type. No application found Image Voice Up Choose a file Choose a directory Permissions error! Please make sure you have not blocked Astrid from accessing the SD card. Attach a picture Attach a file from your SD card Download file? This file has not been downloaded to your SD card. Download now? Downloading... Image is too large to fit in memory Error copying file for attachment Error downloading file Whoops! Looks like the files directory doesn\'t exist. Please choose a directory to save files to in the Astrid Preferences. Sorry, the system does not yet support this type of file Use this directory Reset to default Premium downloads directory Task attachments saved to: %s Default directory Can\'t make purchases The Market billing service is not available at this time. You can continue to use this app but you won\'t be able to make purchases. Can\'t purchase subscriptions The Market billing service on this device does not support subscriptions at this time. You can subscribe to Astrid Premium at http://astrid.com/premium. Can\'t connect to Market This app cannot connect to Market. Your version of Market may be out of date. You can continue to use this app but you won\'t be able to make purchases. Restoring transactions Learn more Astrid Premium 1 Month 1 Year Do more with premium! Attach files to to-dos \n(pdfs, doc, ppt…) Syncs files with astrid.com Add attachments via email Save voice notes as audio files Preview upcoming features Support the Astrid Team! Premium will power up your productivity! Order one year and save 25%! You are already subscribed to Astrid Premium! You need to have an Astrid.com account in order to subscribe to premium. Please log in or sign up. Thanks for subscribing to Astrid Premium! Thanks for subscribing to Astrid Premium! The new features will be unlocked for you on astrid.com soon, and should be available on your phone right away. The premium subscription for this Google Play account is connected to a different user. To link additional emails to your account, visit astrid.com/users/profile Producteev Arbejdsområder Assigned by me to Assigned by others to Assigned To \'%s\' fra %s Tilføj en kommentar Producteev Standard-arbejdsområde (Synkroniser ikke) Tilføj et nyt arbejdsområde... Navn på nyt arbejdsområde Standard-arbejdsområde Nye opgaver vil blive føjet til: %s Nye opgaver vil som udgangspunkt ikke blive synkroniseret Log ind til Producteev Log ind med din eksisterende Producteev-konto eller opret en ny konto! Terms & Conditions Log ind Opret ny bruger E-mail Adgangskode Tidszone Fornavn Efternavn Fejl: Udfyld alle felter! Fejl: E-mail eller adgangskode er forkert! Producteev Producteev Assignment Assign this task to this person: Assign this task to this workspace: I arbejdsområde: ? I arbejdsområde... Assigned to: ? Assigned to... Reminders Remind me: når deadline er nået når deadline er overskredet Randomly once Ring/vibrate type: Ring en gang Ring five times Ring indtil jeg slår alarmen fra an hour a day a week in two weeks a month in two months Påmindelse! Allerede udført! Slumrefunktion... Congratulations on finishing! Reminder: A note from Astrid Memo for %s. Your Astrid digest Reminders from Astrid you Add a task Time to shorten your to-do list! Dear sir or madam, some tasks await your inspection! Hi there, could you take a look at these? I\'ve got some tasks with your name on them! A fresh batch of tasks for you today! You look fabulous! Ready to get started? A lovely day for getting some work done, I think! Don\'t you want to get organized? I\'m Astrid! I\'m here to help you do more! You look busy! Let me take some of those tasks off of your plate. I can help you keep track of all of the details in your life. You\'re serious about getting more done? So am I! Pleasure to make your acquaintance! Påmindelsesopsætning Quiet hours, snooze options, persistence level Reminders enabled? Astrid reminders are enabled (this is normal) Astrid reminders will never appear on your phone Stille timer start Ingen påmindelser vil blive vist efter %s Stille timer er deaktiveret Stille timer slut Notifications will stop being silent starting at %s Default reminder Notifications for tasks without due times will appear at %s Påmindelsesringetone Tilpasset ringetone er blevet sat Ringetone sat til stille Standard ringetone vil blive brugt Notification persistence Påmindelser skal vises individuelt for at blive ryddet Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button Max volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will max out the volume for multiple-ring reminders Astrid will use the system setting for the volume Vibrer ved påmindelse Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications Astrid encouragements Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders Astrid will not give you any encouragement messages Snooze dialog HH:MM Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM) Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze Random reminders New tasks will have no random reminders New tasks will remind randomly: %s disabled hourly daglig ugentlig bi-weekly månedlig bi-monthly disabled 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM 6 PM 7 PM 8 PM 9 PM 10 PM 11 PM 12 AM 1 AM 2 AM 3 AM 4 AM 5 AM 6 AM 7 AM 8 AM Hi there! Have a sec? Can I see you for a sec? Have a few minutes? Did you forget? Undskyld mig! When you have a minute: On your agenda: Free for a moment? Astrid here! Hi! Can I bug you? A minute of your time? It\'s a great day to Time to work! Due date is here! Klar til start? You said you would do: You\'re supposed to start: Time to start: It\'s time! Excuse me! Time for You free? Time to Don\'t be lazy now! Snooze time is up! No more snoozing! Now are you ready? No more postponing! I\'ve got something for you! Ready to put this in the past? Why don\'t you get this done? How about it? Ready tiger? Ready to do this? Can you handle this? You can be happy! Just finish this! I promise you\'ll feel better if you finish this! Won\'t you do this today? Please finish this, I\'m sick of it! Can you finish this? Yes you can! Are you ever going to do this? Feel good about yourself! Let\'s go! I\'m so proud of you! Lets get it done! A little snack after you finish this? Just this one task? Please? Time to shorten your todo list! Are you on Team Order or Team Chaos? Team Order! Let\'s go! Have I mentioned you are awesome recently? Keep it up! A task a day keeps the clutter away... Goodbye clutter! How do you do it? Wow, I\'m impressed! You can\'t just get by on your good looks. Let\'s get to it! Lovely weather for a job like this, isn\'t it? A spot of tea while you work on this? If only you had already done this, then you could go outside and play. It\'s time. You can\'t put off the inevitable. I die a little every time you ignore me. Please tell me it isn\'t true that you\'re a procrastinator! Doesn\'t being lazy get old sometimes? Somewhere, someone is depending on you to finish this! When you said postpone, you really meant \'I\'m doing this\', right? This is the last time you postpone this, right? Just finish this today, I won\'t tell anyone! Why postpone when you can um... not postpone! You\'ll finish this eventually, I presume? I think you\'re really great! How about not putting this off? Will you be able to achieve your goals if you do that? Postpone, postpone, postpone. When will you change! I\'ve had enough with your excuses! Just do it already! Didn\'t you make that excuse last time? I can\'t help you organize your life if you do that... Repeating Tasks Allows tasks to repeat Gentagelser Every %d Repeat Interval Make repeating? Don\'t repeat d wk mo hr min yr Dag(e) Uge(r) Måned(er) Time(r) Minut(er) Year(s) Forever Specific Day Today Tomorrow (day after) Next Week In Two Weeks Next Month Repeat until... Keep going from due date from completion date $I on $D Every %s Every %1$s\nuntil %2$s %s after completion Repeat forever Repeat until %s Rescheduling task \"%s\" Completed repeating task \"%s\" %1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task from %2$s to %3$s %1$s I\'ve rescheduled this repeating task to %2$s You had this repeating until %1$s, and now you\'re all done. %2$s Good job! Wow… I\'m so proud of you! I love when you\'re productive! Doesn\'t it feel good to check something off? Good job! I\'m so proud of you! I love when you\'re productive! Remember the Milk-opsætning RTM Repeating Task Needs synchronization with RTM Remember the Milk Lists RTM List \'%s\' Remember the Milk RTM List: RTM Repeat Status: i.e. every week, after 14 days Remember the Milk Please Log In and Authorize Astrid: Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. \n\n Error Message: %s Astrid: Remember the Milk Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, or maybe RTM servers (status.rememberthemilk.com), for possible solutions. Sort and Indent in Astrid Tap and hold to move a task Drag vertically to rearrange Drag horizontally to indent Lists Put task on one or more lists None New list New List Please enter a name for this list first! New Lists Not in any List Not in an Astrid List Rename List Delete List Leave List Delete this list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) Leave this shared list: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) Rename the list %s to: No changes made List %1$s was deleted, affecting %2$d tasks You left shared list %1$s, affecting %2$d tasks Renamed %1$s with %2$s for %3$d tasks We\'ve noticed that you have some lists that have the same name with different capitalizations. We think you may have intended them to be the same list, so we\'ve combined the duplicates. Don\'t worry though: the original lists are simply renamed with numbers (e.g. Shopping_1, Shopping_2). If you don\'t want this, you can simply delete the new combined list! Settings: Activity: %s Delete list Leave this list Timers Active for %s! Tasks Being Timed Timer Controls started this task: stopped doing this task: Time spent: %1$s is now friends with %2$s %1$s wants to be friends with you %1$s has confirmed your friendship request %1$s created this task %1$s created $link_task %1$s added $link_task to this list %1$s completed $link_task. Huzzah! %1$s un-completed $link_task. %1$s added $link_task to %4$s %1$s added $link_task to this list %1$s assigned $link_task to %4$s %1$s commented: %3$s %1$s Re: $link_task: %3$s %1$s Re: %2$s: %3$s %1$s created this list %1$s created the list %2$s Speak to create a task Speak to set task title Speak to set task notes Voice-input is not installed.\nDo you want to go to the market and install it? Unfortunately voice-input is not available for your system.\nIf possible, please update Android to 2.1 or later. Unfortunately the market is not available for your system.\nIf possible, try downloading voice search from another source. Voice input Voice input button will be displayed in task list page Voice input button will be hidden on task list page Directly create tasks Tasks will automatically be created from voice input You can edit the task title after voice input finishes Voice reminders Astrid will speak task names during task reminders Astrid will sound a ringtone during task reminders Voice input settings Show tutorial Velkommen til Astrid! Make lists Switch between lists Share lists Divvy up tasks Provide details Connect now\nto get started! That\'s it! The perfect personal to-do list \nthat works great with friends Great for any list:\nread, watch, buy, visit! Tap the list title \nto see all your lists Share lists with \nfriends, housemates,\nor your sweetheart! and much more! Tap to add notes,\nset reminders,\nand much more! Login Tap Astrid to return. Next Astrid Premium 4x2 Astrid Premium 4x3 Astrid Premium 4x4 Astrid Scrollable Premium Astrid Custom Launcher Premium Astrid Launcher Pro Premium Konfigurer Widget Widget farve Vis kalenderbegivenheder Hide encouragements Show due dates Vælg filter Forfalder: Efter forfaldsdato: Du skal mindste bruge version 3.6 af Astrid for at bruge denne widget. Beklager! Hi there! Har du tid til at færdiggøre noget? Gosh, you are looking suave today! Lav noget godt i dag! Gør mig stolt i dag! Hvordan har du det i dag? Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Late night? It\'s early, get something done! Afternoon tea, perhaps? Enjoy the evening! Sleep is good for you, you know! You\'ve already completed %d tasks! Score in life: %d tasks completed Smile! You\'ve already finished %d tasks! You haven\'t completed any tasks yet! Shall we? Black White Blue Translucent This widget is only available to owners of the PowerPack! Preview Items on %s will go here Power Pack includes Premium Widgets... ...voice add and good feelings! Tap to learn more! Free Power Pack! Sign in! Later Share lists with friends! Unlock the free Power Pack when 3 friends sign up with Astrid. Get the Power Pack for free! Share lists! Sorry! This widget is only supported on Android 3.0 or higher. Enable/Disable Widgets You may need to restart your phone for this change to take effect.