/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Todoroo Inc * * See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. */ package com.todoroo.astrid.adapter import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper.SORT_DUE import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper.SORT_IMPORTANCE import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper.SORT_LIST import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper.SORT_START import com.todoroo.astrid.dao.TaskDao import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Task import com.todoroo.astrid.data.Task.Companion.HIDE_UNTIL_SPECIFIC_DAY import com.todoroo.astrid.service.TaskMover import org.tasks.BuildConfig import org.tasks.LocalBroadcastManager import org.tasks.data.CaldavDao import org.tasks.data.CaldavTask import org.tasks.data.GoogleTaskDao import org.tasks.data.TaskContainer import org.tasks.date.DateTimeUtils.toAppleEpoch import org.tasks.date.DateTimeUtils.toDateTime import org.tasks.tasklist.SectionedDataSource.Companion.HEADER_COMPLETED import org.tasks.time.DateTimeUtils.millisOfDay open class TaskAdapter( private val newTasksOnTop: Boolean, private val googleTaskDao: GoogleTaskDao, private val caldavDao: CaldavDao, private val taskDao: TaskDao, private val localBroadcastManager: LocalBroadcastManager, private val taskMover: TaskMover, ) { private val selected = HashSet() private val collapsed = mutableSetOf(HEADER_COMPLETED) private lateinit var dataSource: TaskAdapterDataSource val count: Int get() = dataSource.getTaskCount() fun setDataSource(dataSource: TaskAdapterDataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource } val numSelected: Int get() = selected.size fun getSelected(): ArrayList = ArrayList(selected) fun setSelected(ids: Collection) { clearSelections() selected.addAll(ids) } fun clearSelections() = selected.clear() fun getCollapsed() = HashSet(collapsed) fun setCollapsed(groups: LongArray?) { clearCollapsed() groups?.toList()?.let(collapsed::addAll) } fun clearCollapsed() = collapsed.retainAll(listOf(HEADER_COMPLETED)) open fun getIndent(task: TaskContainer): Int = task.indent open fun canMove(source: TaskContainer, from: Int, target: TaskContainer, to: Int): Boolean { if (target.isGoogleTask) { return if (!source.hasChildren() || to <= 0 || to >= count - 1) { true } else if (from < to) { when { target.hasChildren() -> false target.hasParent() -> !getTask(to + 1).hasParent() else -> true } } else { when { target.hasChildren() -> true target.hasParent() -> target.parent == source.id && target.secondarySort == 0L else -> true } } } else { return !taskIsChild(source, to) } } open fun maxIndent(previousPosition: Int, task: TaskContainer): Int { val previous = getTask(previousPosition) return if (previous.isGoogleTask) { if (task.hasChildren()) 0 else 1 } else { previous.indent + 1 } } fun minIndent(nextPosition: Int, task: TaskContainer): Int { (nextPosition until count).forEach { if (isHeader(it)) { return 0 } val next = getTask(it) if (next.isGoogleTask) { return if (task.hasChildren() || !next.hasParent()) 0 else 1 } if (!taskIsChild(task, it)) { return next.indent } } return 0 } fun isSelected(task: TaskContainer): Boolean = selected.contains(task.id) fun toggleSelection(task: TaskContainer) { val id = task.id if (selected.contains(id)) { selected.remove(id) } else { selected.add(id) } } fun toggleCollapsed(group: Long) { if (collapsed.contains(group)) { collapsed.remove(group) } else { collapsed.add(group) } } open fun supportsAstridSorting(): Boolean = false open suspend fun moved(from: Int, to: Int, indent: Int) { val task = getTask(from) val newParent = findParent(indent, to) if ((newParent?.id ?: 0) == task.parent) { if (indent == 0) { changeSortGroup(task, if (from < to) to - 1 else to) } return } else if (newParent != null) { if (task.caldav != newParent.caldav) { caldavDao.markDeleted(listOf(task.id)) } } when { newParent == null -> { moveToTopLevel(task) changeSortGroup(task, if (from < to) to - 1 else to) } newParent.isGoogleTask -> changeGoogleTaskParent(task, newParent) newParent.isCaldavTask() -> changeCaldavParent(task, newParent) } } fun isHeader(position: Int): Boolean = dataSource.isHeader(position) fun getTask(position: Int): TaskContainer = dataSource.getItem(position)!! fun getItemUuid(position: Int): String = getTask(position).uuid open suspend fun onCompletedTask(task: TaskContainer, newState: Boolean) {} open suspend fun onTaskCreated(uuid: String) {} open suspend fun onTaskDeleted(task: Task) {} open fun supportsHiddenTasks(): Boolean = true private fun taskIsChild(source: TaskContainer, destinationIndex: Int): Boolean { (destinationIndex downTo 0).forEach { if (isHeader(it)) { return false } when (getTask(it).parent) { 0L -> return false source.parent -> return false source.id -> return true } } return false } internal fun findParent(indent: Int, to: Int): TaskContainer? { if (indent == 0 || to == 0) { return null } for (i in to - 1 downTo 0) { val previous = getTask(i) if (indent > previous.indent) { return previous } } return null } private suspend fun changeSortGroup(task: TaskContainer, pos: Int) { when(dataSource.sortMode) { SORT_IMPORTANCE -> { val newPriority = dataSource.nearestHeader(if (pos == 0) 1 else pos).toInt() if (newPriority != task.priority) { val t = task.task t.priority = newPriority taskDao.save(t) } } SORT_LIST -> taskMover.move(task.id, dataSource.nearestHeader(if (pos == 0) 1 else pos)) SORT_DUE -> applyDueDate(task.task, dataSource.nearestHeader(if (pos == 0) 1 else pos)) SORT_START -> applyStartDate(task.task, dataSource.nearestHeader(if (pos == 0) 1 else pos)) } } private suspend fun applyDueDate(task: Task, date: Long) { val original = task.dueDate task.setDueDateAdjustingHideUntil(when { date == 0L -> 0L task.hasDueTime() -> date.toDateTime().withMillisOfDay(original.millisOfDay()).millis else -> Task.createDueDate(Task.URGENCY_SPECIFIC_DAY, date) }) if (original != task.dueDate) { taskDao.save(task) } } private suspend fun applyStartDate(task: Task, date: Long) { val original = task.hideUntil task.hideUntil = when { date == 0L -> 0L task.hasStartDate() -> date.toDateTime().withMillisOfDay(original.millisOfDay()).millis else -> task.createHideUntil(HIDE_UNTIL_SPECIFIC_DAY, date) } if (original != task.hideUntil) { taskDao.save(task) } } private suspend fun moveToTopLevel(task: TaskContainer) { when { task.isGoogleTask -> changeGoogleTaskParent(task, null) task.isCaldavTask() -> changeCaldavParent(task, null) } } private suspend fun changeGoogleTaskParent(task: TaskContainer, newParent: TaskContainer?) { val list = newParent?.caldav ?: task.caldav!! if (newParent == null || task.caldav == newParent.caldav) { googleTaskDao.move( task.task, list, newParent?.id ?: 0, if (newTasksOnTop) 0 else googleTaskDao.getBottom(list, newParent?.id ?: 0) ) } else { task.parent = newParent.id googleTaskDao.insertAndShift( task = task.task, caldavTask = CaldavTask( task = task.id, calendar = list, remoteId = null ), top = newTasksOnTop ) } taskDao.touch(task.id) if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { googleTaskDao.validateSorting(list) } } private suspend fun changeCaldavParent(task: TaskContainer, newParent: TaskContainer?) { val list = newParent?.caldav ?: task.caldav!! val caldavTask = task.caldavTask ?: CaldavTask( task = task.id, calendar = list, ) val newParentId = newParent?.id ?: 0 if (newParentId == 0L) { caldavTask.remoteParent = "" } else { val parentTask = caldavDao.getTask(newParentId) ?: return caldavTask.calendar = list caldavTask.remoteParent = parentTask.remoteId } task.task.order = if (newTasksOnTop) { caldavDao.findFirstTask(list, newParentId) ?.takeIf { task.creationDate.toAppleEpoch() >= it} ?.minus(1) } else { caldavDao.findLastTask(list, newParentId) ?.takeIf { task.creationDate.toAppleEpoch() <= it } ?.plus(1) } if (caldavTask.id == 0L) { val newTask = CaldavTask( task = task.id, calendar = list, ) newTask.remoteParent = caldavTask.remoteParent caldavDao.insert(newTask) } else { caldavDao.update(caldavTask) } taskDao.setOrder(task.id, task.task.order) taskDao.setParent(newParentId, listOf(task.id)) taskDao.touch(task.id) localBroadcastManager.broadcastRefresh() } }