- notification icon themes
- add to calendar (no event title yet)
- delete is sped up
- fixed bug with repeat double-happening
- fixed bug with task completion % not displaying
- fixed bug with date being prematurely marked as overdue
- Persisting sort status
- Sync:
- per-list sync happens only if one-list sync fails
- adding some delay between grabbing the task list
- tags
- estimated time
- reuse taskcontroller crash solved
- sync dialog gets the name of the task
- no more double-synchronizing, which gives "Service invocation failed" error
- better logging
- notes are now pushed to RTM if they don't already exist. this is a small hack
- auto synchronization option
- hacky screen gesture animations. they're really terrible, but kinda cool
- completed tasks are marked as done on RTM, not deleted
- tag-to-list conversion is now case insensitive
Also, restored full tabs, and added animation xml's.