Refactor upgrade service

Tim Su 13 years ago
parent f5a631ca0d
commit e6a5e98570

@ -135,115 +135,104 @@ public final class UpgradeService {
StringBuilder changeLog = new StringBuilder();
if(from <= V2_14_4) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.7.2 (3/04/11)", new String[] {
"Astrid is brand new inside and out! In addition to a new " +
"look and feel, a new add-on system allows Astrid to become " +
"more powerful, while other improvements have made it faster " +
"and easier to use. Hope you like it!",
"If you liked the old version, you can also go back by " +
"<a href=''>clicking here</a>",
// current message
if(from >= V3_8_0 && from < V3_8_0_3) {
newVersionString(changeLog, " (7/19/11)", new String[] {
"Improved Google Tasks Sync migration process",
"Handle service errors in Google Tasks sync gracefully",
"Fixed sync would sometimes send unchanged tasks",
"Fix for crashes. Keep on reporting them!",
} else {
// current message
if(from >= V3_8_0 && from < V3_8_0_3) {
newVersionString(changeLog, " (7/19/11)", new String[] {
"Improved Google Tasks Sync migration process",
"Handle service errors in Google Tasks sync gracefully",
"Fixed sync would sometimes send unchanged tasks",
"Fix for crashes. Keep on reporting them!",
if(from >= V3_8_0 && from < V3_8_0_2) {
newVersionString(changeLog, " (7/16/11)", new String[] {
"Fix for due time lost during sync",
"Fix for disappearing Producteev workspace editor",
"Fix for crashes. Keep on reporting them!",
if(from < V3_8_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.8.0 (7/15/11)", new String[] {
" sync & share tasks / lists with others!",
"GTasks Sync using Google's official task API! Gtasks users " +
"will need to perform a manual sync to set everything up.",
"Renamed \"Tags\" to \"Lists\" (see for details)",
"New style for \"Task Edit\" page!",
"Purge completed or deleted tasks from settings menu!",
if(from >= V3_8_0 && from < V3_8_0_2) {
newVersionString(changeLog, " (7/16/11)", new String[] {
"Fix for due time lost during sync",
"Fix for disappearing Producteev workspace editor",
"Fix for crashes. Keep on reporting them!",
if(from < V3_8_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.8.0 (7/15/11)", new String[] {
" sync & share tasks / lists with others!",
"GTasks Sync using Google's official task API! Gtasks users " +
"will need to perform a manual sync to set everything up.",
"Renamed \"Tags\" to \"Lists\" (see for details)",
"New style for \"Task Edit\" page!",
"Purge completed or deleted tasks from settings menu!",
// --- old messages
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_7_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.7.0 (2/7/11)", new String[] {
"Improved UI for displaying task actions. Tap a task to " +
"bring up actions, tap again to dismiss.",
"Task notes can be viewed by tapping the note icon to " +
"the right of the task.",
"Added Astrid as 'Send-To' choice in Android Browser and " +
"other apps.",
"Add tags and importance in quick-add, e.g. " +
"\"call mom #family @phone !4\"",
"Fixed bug with custom filters & tasks being hidden.",
Preferences.setBoolean(Eula.PREFERENCE_EULA_ACCEPTED, true);
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_6_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.6.0 (11/13/10)", new String[] {
"Astrid Power Pack is now launched to the Android Market. " +
"New Power Pack features include 4x2 and 4x4 widgets and voice " +
"task reminders and creation. Go to the add-ons page to find out more!",
"Fix for Google Tasks: due times got lost on sync, repeating tasks not repeated",
"Fix for task alarms not always firing if multiple set",
"Fix for various force closes",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_5_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.5.0 (10/25/10)", new String[] {
"Google Tasks Sync (beta!)",
"Bug fix with RMilk & new tasks not getting synced",
"Fixed Force Closes and other bugs",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_4_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.4.0 (10/08/10)", new String[] {
"End User License Agreement",
"Option to disable usage statistics",
"Bug fixes with Producteev",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_3_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.3.0 (9/17/10)", new String[] {
"Fixed some RTM duplicated tasks issues",
"UI updates based on your feedback",
"Snooze now overrides other alarms",
"Added preference option for selecting snooze style",
"Hide until: now allows you to pick a specific time",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_2_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.2.0 (8/16/10)", new String[] {
"Build your own custom filters from the Filter page",
"Easy task sorting (in the task list menu)",
"Create widgets from any of your filters",
"Synchronize with Producteev! (",
"Select tags by drop-down box",
"Cosmetic improvements, calendar & sync bug fixes",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_1_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.1.0 (8/9/10)", new String[] {
"Linkify phone numbers, e-mails, and web pages",
"Swipe L => R to go from tasks to filters",
"Moved task priority bar to left side",
"Added ability to create fixed alerts for a task",
"Restored tag hiding when tag begins with underscore (_)",
"FROYO: disabled moving app to SD card, it would break alarms and widget",
"Also gone: a couple force closes, bugs with repeating tasks",
// --- old messages
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_7_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.7.0 (2/7/11)", new String[] {
"Improved UI for displaying task actions. Tap a task to " +
"bring up actions, tap again to dismiss.",
"Task notes can be viewed by tapping the note icon to " +
"the right of the task.",
"Added Astrid as 'Send-To' choice in Android Browser and " +
"other apps.",
"Add tags and importance in quick-add, e.g. " +
"\"call mom #family @phone !4\"",
"Fixed bug with custom filters & tasks being hidden.",
Preferences.setBoolean(Eula.PREFERENCE_EULA_ACCEPTED, true);
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_6_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.6.0 (11/13/10)", new String[] {
"Astrid Power Pack is now launched to the Android Market. " +
"New Power Pack features include 4x2 and 4x4 widgets and voice " +
"task reminders and creation. Go to the add-ons page to find out more!",
"Fix for Google Tasks: due times got lost on sync, repeating tasks not repeated",
"Fix for task alarms not always firing if multiple set",
"Fix for various force closes",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_5_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.5.0 (10/25/10)", new String[] {
"Google Tasks Sync (beta!)",
"Bug fix with RMilk & new tasks not getting synced",
"Fixed Force Closes and other bugs",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_4_0) {
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.4.0 (10/08/10)", new String[] {
"End User License Agreement",
"Option to disable usage statistics",
"Bug fixes with Producteev",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_3_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.3.0 (9/17/10)", new String[] {
"Fixed some RTM duplicated tasks issues",
"UI updates based on your feedback",
"Snooze now overrides other alarms",
"Added preference option for selecting snooze style",
"Hide until: now allows you to pick a specific time",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_2_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.2.0 (8/16/10)", new String[] {
"Build your own custom filters from the Filter page",
"Easy task sorting (in the task list menu)",
"Create widgets from any of your filters",
"Synchronize with Producteev! (",
"Select tags by drop-down box",
"Cosmetic improvements, calendar & sync bug fixes",
if(from >= V3_0_0 && from < V3_1_0)
newVersionString(changeLog, "3.1.0 (8/9/10)", new String[] {
"Linkify phone numbers, e-mails, and web pages",
"Swipe L => R to go from tasks to filters",
"Moved task priority bar to left side",
"Added ability to create fixed alerts for a task",
"Restored tag hiding when tag begins with underscore (_)",
"FROYO: disabled moving app to SD card, it would break alarms and widget",
"Also gone: a couple force closes, bugs with repeating tasks",
if(changeLog.length() == 0)
