diff --git a/astrid/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/astrid/res/values-ca/strings.xml deleted file mode 100644 index e4fe4b3d6..000000000 --- a/astrid/res/values-ca/strings.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1497 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - Alarmes - - - Afegir una Alarma - - - - Alarma!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Còpies de seguretat - - - Estat - - - Més recent: - - Còpia de seguretat Fallida - - Premi per veure l\'Error - - Encara sense Còpies! - - - Opcions - - - Còpies de seguretat automàtiques - - Còpies de seguretat automàtiques desactivades - - Còpies de seguretat diàries - - - Com restauro les còpies de seguretat? - - Necessites afegir l\'Astrid Power Pack per administrar i restaurar les teves còpies de seguretat. Per conveniència, Astrid farà còpies de seguretat automàtiques de les teves tasques, només per si de cas. - - - - - Còpies de seguretat - - - Administrar Còpies de seguretat - - - Importar Tasques - - - Exportar Tasques - - - - - Error al importar - - Còpia de seguretat %s per %s. - - Sense tasques que exportar - - - Exportant... - - - Resum de Restauració - - - L\'arxiu %s conté %s.\n\n %s importades,\n %s ja existien\n %s amb errors\n - - - S\'està important... - - - Llegint tasca %d - - - No s\'ha pogut trobar el següent element: - - - No es pot accedir a la carpeta: %s - - - No s\'ha pogut accedir a la teva tarja SD! - - - Tria un Fitxer per Restaurar - - - - - - - - - - Tasques Astrid - - - Permís Astrid - - - llegir tasques, mostrar filtres de tasques - - - Permís Astrid - - - crear noves tasques, editar tasques existents - - - - - Eliminar aquesta tasca? - - - Eliminar aquest - - - Actualitzant les seves tasques... - - - Temps (hores : minuts) - - - Astrid tindria que actualitzar-se a l\'última versió disponible al Android Market! Si us plau, faci-ho abans de continuar, o esperi uns segons. - - - Anar al Market - - - I Accept - - - I Decline - - - Astrid Terms Of Use - - - - - Prem per establir - - - $D $T - - - Deshabilitar - - - - - Sense Tasques! - - - Complements - - - Ordenar & Ocultar - - - Sincronitzar ara! - - - Paràmetres - - - Ajuda - - - Busca en aquesta llista - - - Personalitzat - - - Afegir a aquesta llista... - - - - - %s [ocult] - - - % [eliminat] - - - - - - Acabat fa %s - - - Edita - - - Editar Tasca - - - Eliminar Tasca - - - Restaurar Tasca - - - Purgar tasques - - - - - Classificar i Filtrar Tasques - - - Mostra tasques completades - - - Mostra tasques filtrades - - - Mostra tasques eliminades - - - Opcions de Clasificació - - - Clasificació Inteligent Astrid - - - Per títol - - - Per data de venciment - - - Per importància - - - Per última modificació - - - Invertir l\'ordre - - - Només una vegada - - - Sempre - - - - - Filtres Astrid - - - Carregant Filtres... - - - Afegir un enllaç al escriptori... - - - Cercar tasques... - - - Ajuda - - - Crear un enllaç - - - Nom del enllaç - - - Cercar tasques - - - Coincidència \'%s\' - - - Enllaç crea: %s - - - - - Astrid: Editant \'%s\' - - - Astrid: Nova Tasca - - - Bàsic - - - Avançat - - - Complements - - - Títol - - - Resum de la tasca - - - Importància - - - Data límit - - - A l\'hora específica? - - - Hora no específicada - - - Amagar fins - - - Carregant... - - - Notes - - - Introdueix notes a la tasca... - - - Quant temps es trigarà? - - - Temps que ja s\'ha invertit en la Tasca - - - Desar els canvis - - - No desar els canvis - - - Eliminar Tasca - - - Tasca desada: venç %s - - - Tasca Desada - - - L\'edició de la tasca ha estat cancel·lada - - - Tasca eliminada! - - - - Dia/Hora Específics - Avui - Demà - (Dia després) - Propera setmana - Sense venciment - - - - - No amagar - Tasca vençuda - Dia abans del venciment - Setmana abans del venciment - Dia/Hora Específics - - - - No s\'han trobat complements! - - - Obtenir alguns complements - - - - - Benvingut a Astrid - - - Estic d\'acord!! - - - No estic d\'acord - - - - - Obtingui suport - - - - - Què hi ha de nou en Astrid? - - - Latest Astrid News - - - - - Astrid: Preferècies - - - Apariència - - - Mida de la Llista de Tasques - - Mida de lletra en la pàgina de llista principal - - - Mostra notes a tasques - - Les notes es mostren quan es toca una tasca - - Les notes es mostren sempre - - - Configuració inicial en noves tasques - - - Importància per defecte - - Actualment: %s - - - Importància per defecte - - Actualment: %s - - - Amagat Fins per defecte - - Actualment: %s - - - Recordatoris per Defecte - - Actualment: %s - - - - !!!! (Màxim) - !!! - !! - ! (Mínim) - - - - - Sense venciment - Avui - Demà - Demà passat - Propera setmana - - - - - No amagar - Tasca vençuda - Dia abans del venciment - Setmana abans del venciment - - - - - Sense recordatoris de data límit - Al venciment - Quan està endarrerida - Al venciment o endarrerida - - - - - - Astrid: Complements - - - Equip d\'Astrid - - - Instal·lat - - - Disponible - - - Gratuït - - - Visitar pàgina web - - - Android Market - - - - - Carregant... - - - Seleccionar les tasques a veure ... - - - - - Sembla que utilitzes una aplicació que pot matar pocessos (%s)! Si pots, afegeix l\'Astrid a la llista d\'exclusió per tal de no ser morta. En cas contrari podria ser que l\'Astrid no t\'informés de les tasques quan vencin.\n - - - No mataré l\'Astrid! - - - Tasques d\'Astrid/Llista de Tasques - - - Astrid es l\'administrador / llistat de tasques més estimat, dissenyat per ajudar-li a acabar les seves coses pendent. Compte amb recordatoris, etiquetes, sincronització, un complement per Locale, un Widget i moltes més coses. - - - - - - - - - - - - Tasques actives - - - Cercar... - - - Recentment modificat - - - Filtre personalitzat... - - - Filtres dessats - - - Esborra el filtre - - - - - Filtre personalitzat - - - Dona nom al filtre per dessar-lo... - - - Còpia de %s - - - Tasques actives - - - o - - - no - - - també - - - Encadenament: %s - - - Esborra fila - - - Aquesta pantalla li permet crear nous filtres. Afegeix criteris fent servir el botó de sota, premi breu o llarg per ajustar-los, i després premi \"Veure\"! - - - Afegir criteris - - - Veure - - - Desa & Veure - - - - - Vençuda per: ? - - Venciment per... - - - Sense data de venciment - Ahir - Avui - Demà - Demà passat - Propera setmana - Mes següent - - - - Per menys important? - - Importància... - - - Etiquetat: ? - - Etiquetat.. - - - Etiqueta conté... - - Etiqueta conté: ? - - - Títol conté... - - Títol conté: ? - - - - - - - - - - - - Error afegint la tasca al calendari! - - - Integració amb el Calendari: - - - Crea event de calendari - - - Obrir Event del Calendari - - - Error obrint event! - - - Event del calendari també actualitzat - - - - - %s (completat) - - - Calendari per defecte - - - - - - - - - - - Google Tasks - - - By List - - - Google Tasks: %s - - - Welcome to Google Tasks! - - - Drag the grabber on the left side of a task - to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation. - - - - - Log In to Google Tasks - - - Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Google Apps - for Domain is currently unsupported, we\'re working on that! - - - To view your tasks with indentation - and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list. - By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks. - - - Ingresar - - - Adreça electrònica - - - Contrasenya - - - Google Apps for Domain account - - - Error: ompli tots els camps - - - Error: l\'adreça electrònica o contrasenya incorrectes! - - - - - Google Tasks (Beta!) - - - - - Astrid: Google Tasks - - - - - - - - - - - Intro: Press me to see details - - - Create your first task - - - Two ways to add a task:\n - 1) Quick Add: Just type the task into the quick entry box and press the + - button that appears on the left.\n\n - - 2) Regular add: Press the button to the right of the quick entry box. - Add basic details (due date, tags, notes) or set more advanced options. - Save the task with the save button or your phone\'s back button.\n\n - - - - Add a widget to your desktop - - - A desktop widget is a great way to keep - track of your what you have to do as well as a way to quickly add new - tasks.\n\n - How to add a widget:\n - 1) Long press on your phone\'s desktop.\n - 2) Choose \"Widget\" form resulting menu\n - 3) Choose the Astrid widget.\n - 4) You can select a Astrid filter. Choose \"Active Tasks\" for all your - tasks\n\n - - Bonus: Use the widget to add a task! - - - Setup sync with Gmail Tasks or - Producteev - - - Astrid makes it possible for you to sync - your tasks with the simple task list provided by Gmail. For more advanced - task features we recommend synchronization with Producteev.\n\n - - To enable sync from Astrid press \"Menu\" -> \"Settings\" -> \"Synchronization\" and - choose the sync provider you prefer. - - - - - - - - - - Astrid alerta de filtre - - - Astrid l\'hi enviarà una notificació quan tingui qualsevol tasca al següent filtre: - - - Filtre: - - - Limitar notificacions a: - - - - una vegada cada hora - una vegada cada sis hores - una vegada cada dotze hores - una vegada al dia - una vegada cada tres dies - una vegada cada setmana - - - - Té $NUM coincidència: $FILTER - - - Si us plau, instal·la el complement Astrid Locale! - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Power Pack - - - Anonymous Usage Stats - - No usage data will be reported - - Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data - - - - - - - - - - Producteev - - - Espais de treball - - - Assignat a - - - Assignat a \'%s\' - - - de %s - - - Afegir un comentari - - - - - Producteev - - - Espai de treball per defecte - - - No sincronitzar - - - Afegir un àrea de treball... - - - Nom de l\'àrea de treball - - - Espai de treball per defecte - - - Noves tasques s\'afegiran a: %s - - - Les tasques noves no seràn sincronitzades per defecte - - - - - Inicia sessió a Producteev - - - Iniciï sessió amb el seu compte de Producteev, o crei un compte nou! - - - Termes & Condicions - - - Ingresar - - - Crea un usuari nou - - - Adreça electrònica - - - Contrasenya - - - Timezone - - - Confirma la Contrasenya - - - Nom - - - Cognoms - - - Error: ompli tots els camps - - - Error: la contrasenya no coincideix! - - - Error: l\'adreça electrònica o contrasenya incorrectes! - - - - - Producteev - - - %s tasques actualitzades / prem per mes detalls - - - Error de conexió! Verifiqui la conexió d\'internet. - - - Adreça electrònica no especificada! - - - Contrasenya no especificada! - - - - - Asigna aquesta tasca a aquesta persona: - - - <Sense asignar> - - - Asigna aquesta tasca a aquest espai de treball: - - - <Per defecte> - - In workspace: ? - - In workspace... - - Assigned to: ? - - Assigned to... - - - - - - - - - - - Notificarme... - - - ... quant la tasca està vençuda - - - ... quan la tasca està endarrerida - - - ... al atzar en - - - Tipus de So/Vibració - - - Sona una vegada - - - Sona fins que es cancel·la l\'alarma - - - - una hora - un dia - una setmana - dues setmanes - un mes - dos mesos - - - - - - ¡Recordatori! - - - Ja és Fet! - - - Retardar... - - - Marxa! - - - - - Configura Notificacions - - - Inici de Silenci - - Cap notificació apareixerà després %s - - Silenci desactivat - - - Final de Silenci - - Les notificacions sortirant començant a %s - - - So de Notificació - - To personalitzat establert - - To en mode silenciós - - Es farà servir el so predeterminat - - - Persistència de Notificació - - Les notificacions han que ser vistes individualment per ser descartades - - Les notificacions poden ser descartades amb el botó \"Descarta Tot\" - - - Icona de Notificacions Establert - - Tria la icona de la barra de notificacions per a Astrid - - - Vibrar amb les Alertes - - Astrid vibrarà quan enviï notificacions - - Astrid no vibrarà quan enviï notificacions - - - Notificacions Astrid - - Astrid apareixerà durant les notificacions per donar-li un estímul - - Astrid no li donarà cap missatge d\'estímul - - - Diàleg de retard HH:MM - - Retardar seleccionant un nou temps d\'espera (HH:MM) - - Retardar seleccionant # dies/hores que esperar - - - Notificacions al Atzar - - Les tasques noves no tindràn notificacions al atzar - - Les tasques noves notificaràn al atzar: %s - - - Configuració inicial en noves tasques - - - - desactivat - cada hora - diariament - setmanalment - bi-setmanalment - mensualment - bi-mensualment - - - - - desactivat - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - - - - - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - - - - - - - Hola! Té un segon? - Puc veure\'l per un segon? - Té uns minuts? - Ha oblidat? - Perdó! - Quan tingui un minut: - A la seva agenda: - Té un moment lliure? - Aquí Astrid! - ¡Hola! Puc molestar-lo? - Un minut del seu temps? - Es un gran dia per - - - - - Hora de treballar! - La data de venciment està aquí! - Preparat per començar? - Vas dir que faries: - Es supossa que comença: - Temps d\'inici: - Es l\'hora! - Perdó! Temps per - Està lliure? Temps per - - - - - Ara no sigui gandul! - El temps de retard s\'ha acabat! - No més retards! - Ara està preparat? - No més ajornaments! - - - - - Tinc una cosa per vosté! - Preparat per ficar això en el pasat? - Per què no aconsegueix acabar això? - Què et sembla? Tigre llest? - Preparat per fer això? - Pot manejar això? - Pot estar content! Ha acabat això! - Li prometo que es sentirà millor si finalitza això! - No ho farà avui? - Si us plau, acabi-ho. Estic fart d\'això! - Pots acabar això? Sí que pots! - Farà això alguna vegada? - Sentir-se bé amb si mateix! Anem! - Estic tan orgullos! Anem a fer-ho! - Un petit refrigeri després d\'acabar això? - Només aquesta tasca? Si us plau? - Temps d\'escurçar la llista de tasques! - - - - - Si us plau, diga\'m que no es veritat que ets un procastinador! - A vegades no l\'aburreix ser un mandròs? - En algun lloc, algú està depenent de vostè per acabar això! - Quan vostè ha dit d\'ajornar, en realitat volia dir \"estic fent això, no? - Aquesta es l\'última vegada que ajorna això, no? - Només acabi això avui. No li diré a ningú! - Per què ajornar quan pot mmm... no ajornar-ho! - Suposo que acabarà això en algun moment? - Crec que ets fenomenal! Que tal de no demorar això? - Seràs capaç d\'arribar als teus objectius si fas això? - Ajornar, ajornar, ajornar. Quan canviaràs? - Ja tinc suficient amb les teves excuses! Fes-ho ja! - No va ser l\'excusa de lúltima vegada? - No puc ajudar-li a organitzar la seva vida si fa això... - - - - - - - - - - - Repetició de Tasques - - - Permetre tasques repetides - - - Repeticions - - - Cada %d - - - Interval de Repecitiò - - - - Dia/es - Setmana/es - Mes/os - Hora/es - - - - - a partir de la data de venciment - desde la data de finalització - - - - $I en $D - - - Cada %s - - - %s després de finalització - - - - - - - - - - Configuració Remember the Milk - - - RTM Tasca Repetitiva - - - Necessita sincronitzar-se amb RTM - - - Remember the Milk - - - Llistes - - - RTM Llista \'%s\' - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - RTM Llista: - - - RTM Estat de les Repeticions: - - - p.e. cada setmana, després de 14 dies - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - - - Si us plau, inicia sessió i autoritza Astrid: - - - Ho sento, hi ha hagut un error verificant les credencials. Si us plau, torni-ho a intentar. \n\n Missatge d\'error: %s - - - - - Astrid: Remember the Milk - - - Error de connectivitat! Verifiqui la seva connexió, o potser els servidor de RTM (status.rememberthemilk.com), per possibles solucions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Etiquetes: - - - Nom de l\'Etiqueta - - - Sel·lecciona una etiqueta - - - - - Etiquetes - - - Classificat per Tamany - - - Sense etiqueta - - - Etiquetat \'%s\' - - - Rename Tag - - - Eliminar Etiqueta - - - Delete this tag: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) - - - Rename the tag %s to: - - - No changes made - - - Tag %s removed from %d tasks - - - Replaced %s with %s on %d tasks - - - - - - - - - - Iniciar Temporitzador - - - Aturar Temporitzador - - - Temporitzadors actius per %s! - - - Filtres de Temporitzadors - - - Tasques sent cronometrades - - - - - - - - - Astrid 4x2 (beta!) - Astrid 4x4 (beta!) - - Configurar Widget - - Color del widget - Mostra events del calendari - Ocultar estímuls - Escollir el filtre - - Venciment: - Vençuda: - - - - Hi there! - Tens temps d\'acabar una cosa? - Vaja, se\'l veu molt tranquil avui! - Do something great today! - Make me proud today! - How are you doing today? - - - - - Good morning! - Good afternoon! - Good evening! - Late night? - It\s early, get something done! - Afternoon tea, perhaps? - Enjoy the evening! - Sleep is good for you, you know! - - - - - You\'ve already completed %d tasks! - Score in life: %d tasks completed - Smile! You\'ve already finished %d tasks! - - - - - - Black - White - Blue - Red - - - - diff --git a/astrid/res/values-id/strings.xml b/astrid/res/values-id/strings.xml deleted file mode 100644 index 41a8f084e..000000000 --- a/astrid/res/values-id/strings.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1520 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - Alarms - - - Add an Alarm - - - - Alarm! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Backups - - - Status - - - Latest: %s - - Last Backup Failed - - (tap to show error) - - Never Backed Up! - - - Pilihan - - - Automatic Backups - - Automatic Backups Disabled - - Backup will occur daily - - - How do I restore backups? - - You need to add the Astrid Power Pack to manage and restore your backups. As a favor, Astrid also automatically backs up your tasks, just in case. - - - - - Backups - - - Manage Your Backups - - - Import Tasks - - - Export Tasks - - - - - Import Error - - Backed Up %s to %s. - - No Tasks to Export. - - - Exporting... - - - Restore Summary - - - -File %s contained %s.\n\n -%s imported,\n -%s already exist\n -%s had errors\n - - - - Importing... - - - Reading task %d... - - - Could not find this item: - - - Cannot access folder: %s - - - Cannot access your SD card! - - - Select a File to Restore - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Tasks - - - Astrid Permission - - - read tasks, display task filters - - - Astrid Permission - - - create new tasks, edit existing tasks - - - - - Hapus tugas ini? - - - Delete this item: %s? - - - Upgrading your tasks... - - - Waktu (jam: menit) - - - Astrid should to be updated to the latest - version in the Android market! Please do that before continuing, or wait a - few seconds. - - - Go To Market - - - I Accept - - - I Decline - - - Astrid Terms Of Use - - - - - Click To Set - - - $D $T - - - Disable - - - - - No Tasks! - - - Add-ons - - - Sort & Hidden - - - Sync Now! - - - Pengaturan - - - Help - - - Search This List - - - Custom - - - Add to this list... - - - - - %s [hidden] - - - %s [deleted] - - - - - - Diselesaikan %s - - - Sunting - - - Sunting Tugas - - - Hapus Tugas - - - Undelete Task - - - Purge Task - - - - - Sorting and Hidden Tasks - - - Show Completed Tasks - - - Show Hidden Tasks - - - Show Deleted Tasks - - - Sort Options - - - Astrid Smart Sort - - - By Title - - - By Due Date - - - By Importance - - - By Last Modified - - - Reverse Sort - - - Just Once - - - Always - - - - - Astrid: Filters - - - Loading Filters... - - - Create Shortcut On Desktop - - - Search Tasks... - - - Help - - - Buat Pintasan - - - Name of shortcut: - - - Search For Tasks - - - Matching \'%s\' - - - Created Shortcut: %s - - - - - Astrid: Editing \'%s\' - - - Astrid: Tugas Baru - - - Dasar - - - Advanced - - - Add-ons - - - Title - - - Task Summary - - - Tingkat Pentingnya - - - Deadline - - - At specific time? - - - No Time Set - - - Hide Until - - - Memuat... - - - Catatan - - - Enter Task Notes... - - - Berapa Lama Dikerjakan? - - - Waktu Yang Dihabiskan untuk Tugas - - - Save Changes - - - Don\'t Save - - - Hapus Tugas - - - Task Saved: due %s - - - Tugas Disimpan - - - Task Editing Was Canceled - - - Task Deleted! - - - - Specific Day/Time - Today - Tomorrow - (day after) - Next Week - No Deadline - - - - - Don\'t hide - Task is due - Day before due - Week before due - Specific Day/Time - - - - No Add-ons Found! - - - Get Some Add-ons - - - - - Welcome to Astrid! - - - I Agree!! - - - I Disagree - - - - - Get Support - - - - - What\'s New In Astrid? - - - Latest Astrid News - - - - - Astrid: Preferences - - - Tampilan - - - Task List Size - - Font size on the main listing page - - - Show Notes In Task - - Notes will be displayed when you tap a task - - Notes will always be displayed - - - New Task Defaults - - - Default Urgency - - Currently: %s - - - Default Importance - - Currently: %s - - - Default Hide Until - - Currently: %s - - - Pengingat Bawaan - - Currently: %s - - - - !!!! (Highest) - !!! - !! - ! (Lowest) - - - - - No Deadline - Today - Tomorrow - Day After Tomorrow - Next Week - - - - - Don\'t hide - Task is due - Day before due - Week before due - - - - - No deadline reminders - At deadline - When overdue - At deadline or overdue - - - - - - Astrid: Add Ons - - - Astrid Team - - - Installed - - - Available - - - Free - - - Visit Website - - - Android Market - - - - - Memuat... - - - Select tasks to view... - - - - - -It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you can, -add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn\'t get killed. Otherwise, -Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n - - - - I Won\'t Kill Astrid! - - - Daftar Tugas/Kerjakan dalam Astrid - - - -Astrid is the much loved open-source todo list / task manager designed to help -you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, Locale plug-in, a widget and more. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Active Tasks - - - Search... - - - Recently Modified - - - Custom Filter... - - - Saved Filters - - - Delete Filter - - - - - Custom Filter - - - Name this filter to save it... - - - Copy of %s - - - Active Tasks - - - or - - - not - - - also - - - %s has criteria - - - Delete Row - - - This screen lets you create a new filters. Add - criteria using the button below, short or long-press them to adjust, and - then click \"View\"! - - - Add Criteria - - - View - - - Save & View - - - - - Due By: ? - - Due By... - - - No Due Date - Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow - Day After Tomorrow - Next Week - Next Month - - - - Importance at least ? - - Importance... - - - Tagged: ? - - Tagged... - - - Tag contains... - - Tag contains: ? - - - Title contains... - - Title contains: ? - - - - - - - - - - - - Error adding task to calendar! - - - Calendar Integration: - - - Create Calendar Event - - - Buka Acara Kalender - - - Error opening event! - - - Calendar event also updated! - - - - - %s (completed) - - - Default Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - Google Tasks - - - By List - - - Google Tasks: %s - - - Welcome to Google Tasks! - - - Drag the grabber on the left side of a task - to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation. - - - - - Log In to Google Tasks - - - Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Google Apps - for Domain is currently unsupported, we\'re working on that! - - - To view your tasks with indentation - and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list. - By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks. - - - Sign In - - - E-mail - - - Password - - - Google Apps for Domain account - - - Error: fill out all fields! - - - Error: e-mail or password incorrect! - - - - - Google Tasks (Beta!) - - - - - Astrid: Google Tasks - - - - - - - - - - - Intro: Press me to see details - - - Create your first task - - - Two ways to add a task:\n - 1) Quick Add: Just type the task into the quick entry box and press the + - button that appears on the left.\n\n - - 2) Regular add: Press the button to the right of the quick entry box. - Add basic details (due date, tags, notes) or set more advanced options. - Save the task with the save button or your phone\'s back button.\n\n - - - - Add a widget to your desktop - - - A desktop widget is a great way to keep - track of your what you have to do as well as a way to quickly add new - tasks.\n\n - How to add a widget:\n - 1) Long press on your phone\'s desktop.\n - 2) Choose \"Widget\" form resulting menu\n - 3) Choose the Astrid widget.\n - 4) You can select a Astrid filter. Choose \"Active Tasks\" for all your - tasks\n\n - - Bonus: Use the widget to add a task! - - - Setup sync with Gmail Tasks or - Producteev - - - Astrid makes it possible for you to sync - your tasks with the simple task list provided by Gmail. For more advanced - task features we recommend synchronization with Producteev.\n\n - - To enable sync from Astrid press \"Menu\" -> \"Settings\" -> \"Synchronization\" and - choose the sync provider you prefer. - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Filter Alert - - - Astrid will send you a reminder - when you have any tasks in the following filter: - - - Filter: - - - Limit notifications to: - - - - once an hour - once every six hours - once every twelve hours - once a day - once every three days - once a week - - - - You have $NUM matching: $FILTER - - - Please install the Astrid Locale plugin! - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Power Pack - - - Anonymous Usage Stats - - No usage data will be reported - - Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data - - - - - - - - - - Producteev - - - Workspaces - - - Assigned To - - - Assigned To \'%s\' - - - from %s - - - Add a Comment - - - - - Producteev - - - Default Workspace - - - Do Not Synchronize - - - Add new Workspace... - - - Name for new Workspace - - - Default Workspace - - - New tasks will be added to: %s - - - New tasks will not be synchronized by default - - - - - Log In to Producteev - - - Sign in with your existing - Producteev account, or create a new account! - - - Terms & Conditions - - - Sign In - - - Create New User - - - E-mail - - - Password - - - Timezone - - - Confirm Password - - - First Name - - - Last Name - - - Error: fill out all fields! - - - Error: passwords don\'t match! - - - Error: e-mail or password incorrect! - - - - - Producteev - - - %s tasks updated / click for more details - - - Connection Error! Check your Internet connection. - - - E-Mail was not specified! - - - Password was not specified! - - - - - Assign this task to this person: - - - <Unassigned> - - - Assign this task to this workspace: - - - <Default> - - In workspace: ? - - In workspace... - - Assigned to: ? - - Assigned to... - - - - - - - - - - - Remind me... - - - ... when task is due - - - ... when task is overdue - - - ... randomly once - - - Ring/Vibrate Type: - - - Ring Once - - - Ring Until I Dismiss Alarm - - - - an hour - a day - a week - in two weeks - a month - in two months - - - - - - Reminder! - - - Sudah Diselesaikan! - - - Snooze... - - - Go Away! - - - - - Reminder Settings - - - Waktu Tenang Dimulai - - No notifications will appear after %s - - Quiet hours is disabled - - - Waktu Tenang Berakhir - - Notifications will begin appearing starting at %s - - - Dering Suara Pengingat - - Custom ringtone has been set - - Ringtone set to silent - - Default ringtone will be used - - - Notification Persistence - - Notifications must be viewed individually to be cleared - - Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button - - - Notification Icon Set - - Choose Astrid\'s notification bar icon - - - Vibrate on Alert - - Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications - - Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications - - - Astrid Reminders - - Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders - - Astrid not give you any encouragement messages - - - Snooze Dialog HH:MM - - Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM) - - Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze - - - Random Reminders - - New tasks will have no random reminders - - New tasks will remind randomly: %s - - - New Task Defaults - - - - disabled - Tiap Jam - Tiap hari - Tiap minggu - bi-weekly - monthly - bi-monthly - - - - - disabled - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - - - - - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - - - - - - - Hai! Sebentar? - Boleh menemui anda sebentar? - Ada waktu sebentar? - Apakah anda lupa? - Maafkan saya! - Kapan anda ada sedikit waktu: - Di agenda anda: - Apakah ada waktu luang sejenak? - Astrid disini! - Hai! Boleh mengganggu anda? - Sedikit dari waktu anda? - It\'s a great day to - - - - - Time to work! - Due date is here! - Ready to start? - You said you would do: - You\'re supposed to start: - Time to start: - It\'s time! - Excuse me! Time for - You free? Time to - - - - - Don\'t be lazy now! - Snooze time is up! - No more snoozing! - Now are you ready? - No more postponing! - - - - - I\'ve got something for you! - Siap untuk meletakkan ini sebagai pekerjaan yang lalu? - Why don\'t you get this done? - Bagaimana dengan yang satu ini? Sudah siap? - Sedia mengerjakan ini? - Bisa menyelesaikan ini? - Anda bisa gembira! Selesaikan ini dulu! - I promise you\'ll feel better if you finish this! - Won\'t you do this today? - Please finish this, I\'m sick of it! - Dapatkah menyelesaikan ini? Pasti anda mampu! - Apakah anda akan mengerjakan ini? - Feel good about yourself! Let\'s go! - Saya bangga pada anda! Selesaikan hal ini! - Anda bisa bersantai setelah selesaikan ini? - Hanya tinggal satu tugas lagi kan? Bisa selesai kan? - Sudah saatnya untuk mengurangi daftar tugas anda! - - - - - Please tell me it isn\'t true that you\'re a procrastinator! - Doesn\'t being lazy get old sometimes? - Anda harus ingat ada orang lain yang tergantung dari selesainya pekerjaan ini! - When you said postpone, you really meant \'I\'m doing this\', right? - Ini adalah terakhir kali anda akan menunda ini, Benar? - Just finish this today, I won\'t tell anyone! - Kenapa ditunda jika anda mampu.... untuk tidak menunda! - You\'ll finish this eventually, I presume? - I think you\'re really great! How about not putting this off? - Apakah anda mampu mencapai tujuan apabila anda melakukannya? - Tunda, tunda, tunda. Kapan anda berubah! - I\'ve had enough with your excuses! Just do it already! - Didn\'t you make that excuse last time? - I can\'t help you organize your life if you do that... - - - - - - - - - - - Repeating Tasks - - - Allows tasks to repeat - - - Berulang - - - Every %d - - - Repeat Interval - - - - Hari - Minggu - Bulan - Jam - - - - - from due date - from completion date - - - - $I on $D - - - Every %s - - - %s after completion - - - - - - - - - - Remember the Milk Settings - - - RTM Repeating Task - - - Needs synchronization with RTM - - - Remember the Milk - - - Lists - - - RTM List \'%s\' - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - RTM List: - - - RTM Repeat Status: - - - i.e. every week, after 14 days - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - - - Please Log In and Authorize Astrid: - - - -Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. -\n\n -Error Message: %s - - - - - - Astrid: Remember the Milk - - - Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, - or maybe RTM servers (status.rememberthemilk.com), for possible solutions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tanda: - - - Nama Tanda - - - Select a tag - - - - - Tanda - - - Sorted By Size - - - Untagged - - - Tagged \'%s\' - - - Rename Tag - - - Hapus Tanda - - - Delete this tag: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) - - - Rename the tag %s to: - - - No changes made - - - Tag %s removed from %d tasks - - - Replaced %s with %s on %d tasks - - - - - - - - - - Mulai Pencatat Waktu - - - Henti Pencatat Waktu - - - Timers Active for %s! - - - Timer Filters - - - Tasks Being Timed - - - - - - - - - Astrid 4x2 (beta!) - Astrid 4x4 (beta!) - - Configure Widget - - Widget color - Show calendar events - Hide encouragements - Select Filter - - Due: - Past Due: - - - - Hi there! - Have time to finish something? - Gosh, you are looking suave today! - Do something great today! - Make me proud today! - How are you doing today? - - - - - Good morning! - Good afternoon! - Good evening! - Late night? - It\s early, get something done! - Afternoon tea, perhaps? - Enjoy the evening! - Sleep is good for you, you know! - - - - - You\'ve already completed %d tasks! - Score in life: %d tasks completed - Smile! You\'ve already finished %d tasks! - - - - - - Black - White - Blue - Red - - - - diff --git a/astrid/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/astrid/res/values-tr/strings.xml deleted file mode 100644 index b349df60e..000000000 --- a/astrid/res/values-tr/strings.xml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1520 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - Alarms - - - Add an Alarm - - - - Alarm! - - - - - - - - - - - - - Backups - - - Status - - - Latest: %s - - Last Backup Failed - - (tap to show error) - - Never Backed Up! - - - Ayarlar - - - Otomatik yedekler - - Automatic Backups Disabled - - Backup will occur daily - - - How do I restore backups? - - You need to add the Astrid Power Pack to manage and restore your backups. As a favor, Astrid also automatically backs up your tasks, just in case. - - - - - Backups - - - Manage Your Backups - - - Import Tasks - - - Export Tasks - - - - - Import Error - - %s\'yi %s\'ye yedekledim. - - No Tasks to Export. - - - Exporting... - - - Geri çağırma işlem özeti. - - - -File %s contained %s.\n\n -%s imported,\n -%s already exist\n -%s had errors\n - - - - Importing... - - - %d isimli iş okunuyor.. - - - Bunu bulamadım: - - - %s klasörüne erişilemedi. - - - Hafıza kartına erişemiyorum! - - - Geri çağırılacak dosyayı seçin - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Tasks - - - Astrid Permission - - - read tasks, display task filters - - - Astrid Permission - - - create new tasks, edit existing tasks - - - - - Bu görev silinsin mi? - - - Delete this item: %s? - - - Upgrading your tasks... - - - Süre (dakika : saniye) - - - Astrid should to be updated to the latest - version in the Android market! Please do that before continuing, or wait a - few seconds. - - - Go To Market - - - I Accept - - - I Decline - - - Astrid Terms Of Use - - - - - Click To Set - - - $D $T - - - Disable - - - - - No Tasks! - - - Add-ons - - - Sort & Hidden - - - Sync Now! - - - Ayarlar - - - Help - - - Search This List - - - Custom - - - Add to this list... - - - - - %s [hidden] - - - %s [deleted] - - - - - - %s önce tamamlandı. - - - Düzenle - - - Görevi Düzenle - - - Görevi Sil - - - Undelete Task - - - Purge Task - - - - - Sorting and Hidden Tasks - - - Show Completed Tasks - - - Show Hidden Tasks - - - Show Deleted Tasks - - - Sort Options - - - Astrid Smart Sort - - - By Title - - - By Due Date - - - By Importance - - - By Last Modified - - - Reverse Sort - - - Just Once - - - Always - - - - - Astrid: Filters - - - Loading Filters... - - - Create Shortcut On Desktop - - - Search Tasks... - - - Help - - - Kısayol Oluştur - - - Name of shortcut: - - - Search For Tasks - - - Matching \'%s\' - - - Created Shortcut: %s - - - - - Astrid: Editing \'%s\' - - - Astrid: Yeni iş - - - Temel - - - Advanced - - - Add-ons - - - Title - - - Task Summary - - - Önem - - - Deadline - - - At specific time? - - - No Time Set - - - Hide Until - - - Yükleniyor... - - - Not - - - Enter Task Notes... - - - Ne kadar Sürecek - - - Bu Görev İçin Ayrılan Süre Zaten Bitti - - - Save Changes - - - Don\'t Save - - - Görevi Sil - - - Task Saved: due %s - - - Görev kaydedildi - - - Task Editing Was Canceled - - - Task Deleted! - - - - Specific Day/Time - Today - Tomorrow - (day after) - Next Week - No Deadline - - - - - Don\'t hide - Task is due - Day before due - Week before due - Specific Day/Time - - - - No Add-ons Found! - - - Get Some Add-ons - - - - - Welcome to Astrid! - - - I Agree!! - - - I Disagree - - - - - Get Support - - - - - What\'s New In Astrid? - - - Latest Astrid News - - - - - Astrid: Preferences - - - Görünüş şekli - - - İş listesi ebatı - - Ana sayfa listesindeki yazıların boyu - - - Show Notes In Task - - Notes will be displayed when you tap a task - - Notes will always be displayed - - - New Task Defaults - - - Default Urgency - - Currently: %s - - - Default Importance - - Currently: %s - - - Default Hide Until - - Currently: %s - - - Varsayılan hatırlatmalar - - Currently: %s - - - - !!!! (Highest) - !!! - !! - ! (Lowest) - - - - - No Deadline - Today - Tomorrow - Day After Tomorrow - Next Week - - - - - Don\'t hide - Task is due - Day before due - Week before due - - - - - No deadline reminders - At deadline - When overdue - At deadline or overdue - - - - - - Astrid: Add Ons - - - Astrid Team - - - Installed - - - Available - - - Free - - - Visit Website - - - Android Market - - - - - Yükleniyor... - - - Select tasks to view... - - - - - -It looks like you are using an app that can kill processes (%s)! If you can, -add Astrid to the exclusion list so it doesn\'t get killed. Otherwise, -Astrid might not let you know when your tasks are due.\n - - - - I Won\'t Kill Astrid! - - - Astrid İş/Görev Listesi - - - -Astrid is the much loved open-source todo list / task manager designed to help -you get stuff done. It features reminders, tags, sync, Locale plug-in, a widget and more. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Active Tasks - - - Search... - - - Recently Modified - - - Custom Filter... - - - Saved Filters - - - Delete Filter - - - - - Custom Filter - - - Name this filter to save it... - - - Copy of %s - - - Active Tasks - - - or - - - not - - - also - - - %s has criteria - - - Delete Row - - - This screen lets you create a new filters. Add - criteria using the button below, short or long-press them to adjust, and - then click \"View\"! - - - Add Criteria - - - View - - - Save & View - - - - - Due By: ? - - Due By... - - - No Due Date - Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow - Day After Tomorrow - Next Week - Next Month - - - - Importance at least ? - - Importance... - - - Tagged: ? - - Tagged... - - - Tag contains... - - Tag contains: ? - - - Title contains... - - Title contains: ? - - - - - - - - - - - - Error adding task to calendar! - - - Calendar Integration: - - - Create Calendar Event - - - Ajanda içinde aç - - - Error opening event! - - - Calendar event also updated! - - - - - %s (completed) - - - Default Calendar - - - - - - - - - - - Google Tasks - - - By List - - - Google Tasks: %s - - - Welcome to Google Tasks! - - - Drag the grabber on the left side of a task - to rearrange it. Swipe the grabber left or right to change indentation. - - - - - Log In to Google Tasks - - - Please log in to Google Tasks Sync (Beta!). Google Apps - for Domain is currently unsupported, we\'re working on that! - - - To view your tasks with indentation - and order preserved, go to the Filters page and select a Google Tasks list. - By default, Astrid uses its own sort settings for tasks. - - - Sign In - - - E-mail - - - Password - - - Google Apps for Domain account - - - Error: fill out all fields! - - - Error: e-mail or password incorrect! - - - - - Google Tasks (Beta!) - - - - - Astrid: Google Tasks - - - - - - - - - - - Intro: Press me to see details - - - Create your first task - - - Two ways to add a task:\n - 1) Quick Add: Just type the task into the quick entry box and press the + - button that appears on the left.\n\n - - 2) Regular add: Press the button to the right of the quick entry box. - Add basic details (due date, tags, notes) or set more advanced options. - Save the task with the save button or your phone\'s back button.\n\n - - - - Add a widget to your desktop - - - A desktop widget is a great way to keep - track of your what you have to do as well as a way to quickly add new - tasks.\n\n - How to add a widget:\n - 1) Long press on your phone\'s desktop.\n - 2) Choose \"Widget\" form resulting menu\n - 3) Choose the Astrid widget.\n - 4) You can select a Astrid filter. Choose \"Active Tasks\" for all your - tasks\n\n - - Bonus: Use the widget to add a task! - - - Setup sync with Gmail Tasks or - Producteev - - - Astrid makes it possible for you to sync - your tasks with the simple task list provided by Gmail. For more advanced - task features we recommend synchronization with Producteev.\n\n - - To enable sync from Astrid press \"Menu\" -> \"Settings\" -> \"Synchronization\" and - choose the sync provider you prefer. - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Filter Alert - - - Astrid will send you a reminder - when you have any tasks in the following filter: - - - Filter: - - - Limit notifications to: - - - - once an hour - once every six hours - once every twelve hours - once a day - once every three days - once a week - - - - You have $NUM matching: $FILTER - - - Please install the Astrid Locale plugin! - - - - - - - - - - Astrid Power Pack - - - Anonymous Usage Stats - - No usage data will be reported - - Help us make Astrid better by sending anonymous usage data - - - - - - - - - - Producteev - - - Workspaces - - - Assigned To - - - Assigned To \'%s\' - - - from %s - - - Add a Comment - - - - - Producteev - - - Default Workspace - - - Do Not Synchronize - - - Add new Workspace... - - - Name for new Workspace - - - Default Workspace - - - New tasks will be added to: %s - - - New tasks will not be synchronized by default - - - - - Log In to Producteev - - - Sign in with your existing - Producteev account, or create a new account! - - - Terms & Conditions - - - Sign In - - - Create New User - - - E-mail - - - Password - - - Timezone - - - Confirm Password - - - First Name - - - Last Name - - - Error: fill out all fields! - - - Error: passwords don\'t match! - - - Error: e-mail or password incorrect! - - - - - Producteev - - - %s tasks updated / click for more details - - - Connection Error! Check your Internet connection. - - - E-Mail was not specified! - - - Password was not specified! - - - - - Assign this task to this person: - - - <Unassigned> - - - Assign this task to this workspace: - - - <Default> - - In workspace: ? - - In workspace... - - Assigned to: ? - - Assigned to... - - - - - - - - - - - Remind me... - - - ... when task is due - - - ... when task is overdue - - - ... randomly once - - - Ring/Vibrate Type: - - - Ring Once - - - Ring Until I Dismiss Alarm - - - - an hour - a day - a week - in two weeks - a month - in two months - - - - - - Reminder! - - - Zaten tamamlanmış! - - - Ertele... - - - Yıkıl karşımdan! - - - - - Reminder Settings - - - Sessiz saatlerin başlangıcı - - No notifications will appear after %s - - Quiet hours is disabled - - - Sessiz saatlerin sonu - - Notifications will begin appearing starting at %s - - - Uyarı sesi - - Custom ringtone has been set - - Ringtone set to silent - - Default ringtone will be used - - - Notification Persistence - - Notifications must be viewed individually to be cleared - - Notifications can be cleared with \"Clear All\" button - - - Notification Icon Set - - Choose Astrid\'s notification bar icon - - - Uyarı esnasında titreşim - - Astrid will vibrate when sending notifications - - Astrid will not vibrate when sending notifications - - - Astrid Reminders - - Astrid will show up to give you an encouragement during reminders - - Astrid not give you any encouragement messages - - - Snooze Dialog HH:MM - - Snooze by selecting new snooze time (HH:MM) - - Snooze by selecting # days/hours to snooze - - - Random Reminders - - New tasks will have no random reminders - - New tasks will remind randomly: %s - - - New Task Defaults - - - - devre dışı - saat başı - her gün - her hafta - bi-weekly - monthly - bi-monthly - - - - - devre dışı - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - - - - - 9 AM - 10 AM - 11 AM - 12 PM - 1 PM - 2 PM - 3 PM - 4 PM - 5 PM - 6 PM - 7 PM - 8 PM - 9 PM - 10 PM - 11 PM - 12 AM - 1 AM - 2 AM - 3 AM - 4 AM - 5 AM - 6 AM - 7 AM - 8 AM - - - - - - - Alo! Bi bakar mısın? - Ya bi saniyeni alayım mı? - İki dakkan var mı? - Ne o, unuttun mu? - Pardon! - Bi vaktin olduğunda: - Ajandanda: - Müsait miydin? - Lafını balla kestim.. - Selam! Bi saniye bölebilir miyim? - Bir dakikanı alabilir miyim? - It\'s a great day to - - - - - Time to work! - Due date is here! - Ready to start? - You said you would do: - You\'re supposed to start: - Time to start: - It\'s time! - Excuse me! Time for - You free? Time to - - - - - Don\'t be lazy now! - Snooze time is up! - No more snoozing! - Now are you ready? - No more postponing! - - - - - I\'ve got something for you! - Geçmişe mazi.. - Why don\'t you get this done? - Ya ne dersin? Haydi aslanım! - Hazır mısın? - Bunu bir halletsen.. - Sen de mutlu olabilirsin! Sadece şunu hallediver yeter.. - I promise you\'ll feel better if you finish this! - Won\'t you do this today? - Please finish this, I\'m sick of it! - Bunu yapabilir misin? Elbette yapabilirsin! - Bunu halletmeye niyetin yok mu? - Feel good about yourself! Let\'s go! - Seninle gurur duyuyorum! Haydi kolları sıva! - Şunu halledip bi atıştırsak? - Sadece bir bunu yapsan? Lütfen? - Listeyi kısaltmanın zamanıdır! - - - - - Please tell me it isn\'t true that you\'re a procrastinator! - Doesn\'t being lazy get old sometimes? - Bir yerde birileri şunu halletmeni bekliyor.. - When you said postpone, you really meant \'I\'m doing this\', right? - Bu son erteleyişin değil mi? - Just finish this today, I won\'t tell anyone! - Tersi dururken neden erteleyesin ki? - You\'ll finish this eventually, I presume? - I think you\'re really great! How about not putting this off? - Öyle yaparsan hedeflerine erişebilecek misin? - Sonra, sonra, sonra.. Ne zaman değişeceksin? - I\'ve had enough with your excuses! Just do it already! - Didn\'t you make that excuse last time? - I can\'t help you organize your life if you do that... - - - - - - - - - - - Repeating Tasks - - - Allows tasks to repeat - - - Tekrarlar - - - Every %d - - - Repeat Interval - - - - Gün(ler) - Hafta(lar) - Ay(lar) - Saat(ler) - - - - - from due date - from completion date - - - - $I on $D - - - Every %s - - - %s after completion - - - - - - - - - - Remember the Milk Settings - - - RTM Repeating Task - - - Needs synchronization with RTM - - - Remember the Milk - - - Lists - - - RTM List \'%s\' - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - RTM List: - - - RTM Repeat Status: - - - i.e. every week, after 14 days - - - - - Remember the Milk - - - - - Please Log In and Authorize Astrid: - - - -Sorry, there was an error verifying your login. Please try again. -\n\n -Error Message: %s - - - - - - Astrid: Remember the Milk - - - Connection Error! Check your Internet connection, - or maybe RTM servers (status.rememberthemilk.com), for possible solutions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Etiketler: - - - Etiket Adı - - - Select a tag - - - - - Etiketler - - - Sorted By Size - - - Untagged - - - Tagged \'%s\' - - - Rename Tag - - - Etiketi Sil - - - Delete this tag: %s? (No tasks will be deleted.) - - - Rename the tag %s to: - - - No changes made - - - Tag %s removed from %d tasks - - - Replaced %s with %s on %d tasks - - - - - - - - - - Zaman Ölçeri Başlat - - - Zaman Ölçeri Durdur - - - Timers Active for %s! - - - Timer Filters - - - Tasks Being Timed - - - - - - - - - Astrid 4x2 (beta!) - Astrid 4x4 (beta!) - - Configure Widget - - Widget color - Show calendar events - Hide encouragements - Select Filter - - Due: - Past Due: - - - - Hi there! - Have time to finish something? - Gosh, you are looking suave today! - Do something great today! - Make me proud today! - How are you doing today? - - - - - Good morning! - Good afternoon! - Good evening! - Late night? - It\s early, get something done! - Afternoon tea, perhaps? - Enjoy the evening! - Sleep is good for you, you know! - - - - - You\'ve already completed %d tasks! - Score in life: %d tasks completed - Smile! You\'ve already finished %d tasks! - - - - - - Black - White - Blue - Red - - - - diff --git a/bin/androidxml2po.bash b/bin/androidxml2po.bash index 4cfe99bf5..7ddd26fed 100755 --- a/bin/androidxml2po.bash +++ b/bin/androidxml2po.bash @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ if [ ! -e /usr/bin/gettext ]; then fi # Set the languages here (po -> name of .po file. res -> name of res folder) -po_lang=( "ca" "cs" "de" "es" "fr" "id" "it" "ja" "ko" "nb" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "sv" "tr" "zh_CN" "zh_TW") -res_lang=("ca" "cs" "de" "es" "fr" "id" "it" "ja" "ko" "nb" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "sv" "tr" "zh-rCN" "zh-rTW") +po_lang=( "cs" "de" "es" "fr" "it" "ja" "ko" "nb" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "sv" "zh_CN" "zh_TW") +res_lang=("cs" "de" "es" "fr" "it" "ja" "ko" "nb" "nl" "pl" "pt" "ru" "sv" "zh-rCN" "zh-rTW") #Change the dirs where the files are located. launchpad_po_files_dir="translations"