You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
6.8 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- See the file "LICENSE" for the full license governing this code. -->
<resources xmlns:android="">
<!-- ================================================== general terms == -->
<!-- People Editing Activity -->
<string name="EPE_action">Share</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned hint -->
<string name="actfm_person_hint">Contact Name</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: shared with hint -->
<string name="actfm_person_or_tag_hint">Contact or Shared List</string>
<!-- toast on transmit success -->
<string name="actfm_toast_success">Saved on Server</string>
<!-- toast on transmit error -->
<string name="actfm_toast_error">Save Unsuccessful</string>
<!-- can't rename or delete shared tag message -->
<string name="actfm_tag_operation_disabled">Sorry, this operation is not yet supported for shared tags.</string>
<!-- menu item to take a picture -->
<string name="actfm_picture_camera">Take a Picture</string>
<!-- menu item to select from gallery -->
<string name="actfm_picture_gallery">Pick from Gallery</string>
<!-- filter list activity: refresh tags -->
<string name="actfm_FLA_menu_refresh">Refresh Lists</string>
<!-- ================================================== TagViewActivity == -->
<!-- Tag View Activity: Add Comment hint -->
<string name="TVA_add_comment">Add a comment...</string>
<!-- Tag View Activity: task comment ($1 - user name, $2 - task title) -->
<string name="UAd_title_comment">%1$s re: %2$s</string>
<!-- Tabs for Tag view -->
<string-array name="TVA_tabs">
<!-- Tab for showing tasks -->
<!-- Tab for showing comments & updates -->
<!-- Tab for showing setting -->
<!-- Tag View Menu: refresh -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_menu_refresh">Refresh</string>
<!-- Tag Members: tag name label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_label">List Name:</string>
<!-- Tag Members: tag owner label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_owner_label">List Owner:</string>
<!-- Tag Members: tag owner value when there is no owner -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_owner_none">none</string>
<!-- Tag Members: team members label -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_members_label">Team Members:</string>
<!-- Tag Members: tag picture -->
<string name="actfm_TVA_tag_picture">List Picture</string>
<!-- ============================================ edit people dialog == -->
<!-- task sharing dialog: intro -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_intro">Use Astrid to share shopping lists, party plans, or team projects and instantly see when people get stuff done!</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: window title -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_title">Share / Assign</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: save button -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_save">Save &amp; Share</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned label -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_label">Assigned to:</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned to me -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_me">Me</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: custom email assignment -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assign_custom">Custom...</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: shared with label -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_share_with">Add Collaborators:</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: assigned hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_assigned_hint">Contact Name</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message label text -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_message_text">Invitation Message:</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message body -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_message_body">Help me get this done!</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_tag_label">Create a shared tag?</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: message hint -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_tag_hint">(i.e. Silly Hats Club)</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: share with Facebook -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_facebook">Facebook</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: share with Twitter -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_twitter">Twitter</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: # of e-mails sent (%s => # people plural string) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_emailed_toast">Task shared with %s</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: edit people settings saved -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_saved_toast">People Settings Saved</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: invalid email (%s => email) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_invalid_email">Invalid E-mail: %s</string>
<!-- task sharing dialog: tag not found (%s => tag) -->
<string name="actfm_EPA_invalid_tag">List Not Found: %s</string>
<!-- ========================================= sharing login activity == -->
<!-- share login: Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_title">Welcome to!</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Description -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_body"> lets you access your tasks online,
share, and delegate with others. Perfect for personal use, friends, family, and coworkers!</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Login FB Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_fb_login">Facebook</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Login GG Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_gg_login">Google</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Login Password Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_login">Login</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing Sign Up Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_pw_signup">Join Now</string>
<!-- share login: Name -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_name_label">Name</string>
<!-- share login: Email -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_email_label">Email</string>
<!-- share login: Username / Email -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_username_email_label">Username / Email</string>
<!-- share login: Password -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_password_label">Password</string>
<!-- share login: Sign Up Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_signup_title">Create New Account</string>
<!-- share login: Login Title -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_login_title">Login to</string>
<!-- share login: OAUTH Login Prompt -->
<string name="actfm_OLA_prompt">Please connect to Google:</string>
<!-- share login: Sharing notice -->
<string name="actfm_ALA_notice">We promise not to post messages or send
e-mails without your permission.</string>
<!-- ================================================ Synchronization == -->
<!-- Preferences Title: -->
<string name="actfm_APr_header"> (Beta!)</string>
<!-- title for notification tray after synchronizing -->
<string name="actfm_notification_title"> Sync</string>
<!-- text for notification when comments are received -->
<string name="actfm_notification_comments">New comments received / click for more details</string>