You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package org.tasks.tasklist
import android.util.SparseArray
import androidx.core.util.forEach
import com.todoroo.astrid.core.SortHelper
import org.tasks.time.DateTimeUtils.startOfDay
import org.tasks.ui.TaskListViewModel.UiItem
class SectionedDataSource(
3 months ago
tasks: List<TaskContainer> = emptyList(),
disableHeaders: Boolean = false,
val groupMode: Int = SortHelper.GROUP_NONE,
val subtaskMode: Int = SortHelper.SORT_MANUAL,
private val collapsed: Set<Long> = emptySet(),
private val completedAtBottom: Boolean = true,
): List<UiItem> {
private val tasks = tasks.toMutableList()
private val sections = if (disableHeaders || groupMode == SortHelper.GROUP_NONE) {
} else {
fun getItem(position: Int): TaskContainer = tasks[sectionedPositionToPosition(position)]
fun getHeaderValue(position: Int): Long = getSection(position).value
fun isHeader(position: Int) = sections[position] != null
private fun sectionedPositionToPosition(sectionedPosition: Int): Int {
if (isHeader(sectionedPosition)) {
return sections[sectionedPosition].firstPosition
var offset = 0
for (i in 0 until sections.size()) {
val section = sections.valueAt(i)
if (section.sectionedPosition > sectionedPosition) {
return sectionedPosition + offset
val taskCount: Int
get() = tasks.size
override val size: Int
get() = tasks.size + sections.size()
override fun get(index: Int) =
?.let { UiItem.Header(it.value) }
?: UiItem.Task(getItem(index))
override fun isEmpty() = size == 0
override fun iterator(): Iterator<UiItem> {
return object : Iterator<UiItem> {
private var index = 0
override fun hasNext() = index < size
override fun next(): UiItem = get(index++)
override fun listIterator(): ListIterator<UiItem> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun listIterator(index: Int): ListIterator<UiItem> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun subList(fromIndex: Int, toIndex: Int): List<UiItem> {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun lastIndexOf(element: UiItem): Int {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun indexOf(element: UiItem): Int {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun containsAll(elements: Collection<UiItem>): Boolean {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun contains(element: UiItem): Boolean {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
fun getSection(position: Int): AdapterSection = sections[position]
fun add(position: Int, task: TaskContainer) = tasks.add(sectionedPositionToPosition(position), task)
fun removeAt(position: Int): TaskContainer = tasks.removeAt(sectionedPositionToPosition(position))
private fun getSections(): SparseArray<AdapterSection> {
val sections = ArrayList<AdapterSection>()
val startOfToday = now().startOfDay()
for (i in tasks.indices) {
val task = tasks[i]
val sortGroup = task.sortGroup
val header = if (completedAtBottom && task.parentComplete) {
} else if (sortGroup == null) {
} else if (
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_LIST ||
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_IMPORTANCE ||
sortGroup == 0L
) {
} else if (groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_DUE) {
when {
sortGroup == 0L -> 0
sortGroup < startOfToday -> HEADER_OVERDUE
else -> sortGroup.startOfDay()
} else {
val isCollapsed = collapsed.contains(header)
if (i == 0) {
sections.add(AdapterSection(i, header, 0, isCollapsed))
} else {
val previousTask = tasks[i - 1]
val previous = previousTask.sortGroup ?: 0L
when {
completedAtBottom && task.parentComplete -> {
if (!previousTask.parentComplete) {
sections.add(AdapterSection(i, header, 0, isCollapsed))
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_LIST ||
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_IMPORTANCE ->
if (header != previous) {
sections.add(AdapterSection(i, header, 0, isCollapsed))
groupMode == SortHelper.SORT_DUE -> {
val previousOverdue = previous < startOfToday
val currentOverdue = header == HEADER_OVERDUE
if (previous > 0 &&
((currentOverdue != previousOverdue) ||
(!currentOverdue && header != previous.startOfDay()))
) {
sections.add(AdapterSection(i, header, 0, isCollapsed))
else -> if (previous > 0 && header != previous.startOfDay()) {
sections.add(AdapterSection(i, header, 0, isCollapsed))
var adjustment = 0
for (i in sections.indices) {
val section = sections[i]
section.firstPosition -= adjustment
if (section.collapsed) {
val next = sections.getOrNull(i + 1)?.firstPosition?.minus(adjustment) ?: tasks.size
tasks.subList(section.firstPosition, next).clear()
adjustment += next - section.firstPosition
return setSections(sections)
private fun setSections(newSections: List<AdapterSection>): SparseArray<AdapterSection> {
val sections = SparseArray<AdapterSection>()
newSections.forEachIndexed { index, section ->
section.sectionedPosition = section.firstPosition + index
sections.append(section.sectionedPosition, section)
return sections
fun moveSection(toPosition: Int, offset: Int) {
val old = sections[toPosition]
val newSectionedPosition = old.sectionedPosition + offset
val previousSection = if (isHeader(newSectionedPosition - 1)) sections[newSectionedPosition - 1] else null
val newFirstPosition = previousSection?.firstPosition ?: (old.firstPosition + offset)
val new = AdapterSection(newFirstPosition, old.value, newSectionedPosition, old.collapsed)
sections.append(new.sectionedPosition, new)
tailrec fun getNearestHeader(sectionedPosition: Int): Long =
if (sectionedPosition < 0) {
} else if (isHeader(sectionedPosition)) {
} else {
getNearestHeader(sectionedPosition - 1)
fun getSectionValues(): List<Long> {
val values = ArrayList<Long>()
sections.forEach { _, header -> values.add(header.value) }
return values
companion object {
const val HEADER_OVERDUE = -1L
const val HEADER_COMPLETED = -2L