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// Copyright (c) 2020 Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ipnserver
import (
// Options is the configuration of the Tailscale node agent.
type Options struct {
// VarRoot is the Tailscale daemon's private writable
// directory (usually "/var/lib/tailscale" on Linux) that
// contains the "tailscaled.state" file, the "certs" directory
// for TLS certs, and the "files" directory for incoming
// Taildrop files before they're moved to a user directory.
// If empty, Taildrop and TLS certs don't function.
VarRoot string
// AutostartStateKey, if non-empty, immediately starts the agent
// using the given StateKey. If empty, the agent stays idle and
// waits for a frontend to start it.
AutostartStateKey ipn.StateKey
// SurviveDisconnects specifies how the server reacts to its
// frontend disconnecting. If true, the server keeps running on
// its existing state, and accepts new frontend connections. If
// false, the server dumps its state and becomes idle.
// This is effectively whether the platform is in "server
// mode" by default. On Linux, it's true; on Windows, it's
// false. But on some platforms (currently only Windows), the
// "server mode" can be overridden at runtime with a change in
// Prefs.ForceDaemon/WantRunning.
// To support CLI connections (notably, "tailscale status"),
// the actual definition of "disconnect" is when the
// connection count transitions from 1 to 0.
SurviveDisconnects bool
// LoginFlags specifies the LoginFlags to pass to the client.
LoginFlags controlclient.LoginFlags
// Server is an IPN backend and its set of 0 or more active localhost
// TCP or unix socket connections talking to that backend.
type Server struct {
b *ipnlocal.LocalBackend
logf logger.Logf
backendLogID string
// resetOnZero is whether to call bs.Reset on transition from
// 1->0 connections. That is, this is whether the backend is
// being run in "client mode" that requires an active GUI
// connection (such as on Windows by default). Even if this
// is true, the ForceDaemon pref can override this.
resetOnZero bool
// mu guards the fields that follow.
// lock order: mu, then
mu sync.Mutex
lastUserID string // tracks last userid; on change, Reset state for paranoia
allClients map[net.Conn]*ipnauth.ConnIdentity
// LocalBackend returns the server's LocalBackend.
func (s *Server) LocalBackend() *ipnlocal.LocalBackend { return s.b }
// bufferIsConnect reports whether br looks like it's likely an HTTP
// CONNECT request.
// Invariant: br has already had at least 4 bytes Peek'ed.
func bufferIsConnect(br *bufio.Reader) bool {
peek, _ := br.Peek(br.Buffered())
return mem.HasPrefix(mem.B(peek), mem.S("CONN"))
func (s *Server) serveConn(ctx context.Context, c net.Conn, logf logger.Logf) {
// First sniff a few bytes to check its HTTP method.
br := bufio.NewReader(c)
c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second))
br.Peek(len("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n")) // reasonable sniff size to get HTTP method
// Handle logtail CONNECT requests early. (See docs on handleProxyConnectConn)
if bufferIsConnect(br) {
s.handleProxyConnectConn(ctx, br, c, logf)
ci, err := s.addConn(c)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(c, "HTTP/1.0 500 Nope\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nX-Content-Type-Options: nosniff\r\n\r\n%s\n", err.Error())
// Tell the LocalBackend about the identity we're now running as.
httpServer := &http.Server{
// Localhost connections are cheap; so only do
// keep-alives for a short period of time, as these
// active connections lock the server into only serving
// that user. If the user has this page open, we don't
// want another switching user to be locked out for
// minutes. 5 seconds is enough to let browser hit
// favicon.ico and such.
IdleTimeout: 5 * time.Second,
ErrorLog: logger.StdLogger(logf),
Handler: s.localhostHandler(ci),
httpServer.Serve(netutil.NewOneConnListener(&protoSwitchConn{s: s, br: br, Conn: c}, nil))
// inUseOtherUserError is the error type for when the server is in use
// by a different local user.
type inUseOtherUserError struct{ error }
func (e inUseOtherUserError) Unwrap() error { return e.error }
// checkConnIdentityLocked checks whether the provided identity is
// allowed to connect to the server.
// The returned error, when non-nil, will be of type inUseOtherUserError.
// must be held.
func (s *Server) checkConnIdentityLocked(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) error {
// If clients are already connected, verify they're the same user.
// This mostly matters on Windows at the moment.
if len(s.allClients) > 0 {
var active *ipnauth.ConnIdentity
for _, active = range s.allClients {
if active != nil && ci.UserID() != active.UserID() {
return inUseOtherUserError{fmt.Errorf("Tailscale already in use by %s, pid %d", active.User().Username, active.Pid())}
if err := s.b.CheckIPNConnectionAllowed(ci); err != nil {
return inUseOtherUserError{err}
return nil
// localAPIPermissions returns the permissions for the given identity accessing
// the Tailscale local daemon API.
// must not be held.
func (s *Server) localAPIPermissions(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) (read, write bool) {
switch runtime.GOOS {
case "windows":
if s.checkConnIdentityLocked(ci) == nil {
return true, true
return false, false
case "js":
return true, true
if ci.IsUnixSock() {
return true, !ci.IsReadonlyConn(s.b.OperatorUserID(), logger.Discard)
return false, false
// userIDFromString maps from either a numeric user id in string form
// ("998") or username ("caddy") to its string userid ("998").
// It returns the empty string on error.
func userIDFromString(v string) string {
if v == "" || isAllDigit(v) {
return v
u, err := user.Lookup(v)
if err != nil {
return ""
return u.Uid
func isAllDigit(s string) bool {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if b := s[i]; b < '0' || b > '9' {
return false
return true
// connCanFetchCerts reports whether ci is allowed to fetch HTTPS
// certs from this server when it wouldn't otherwise be able to.
// That is, this reports whether ci should grant additional
// capabilities over what the conn would otherwise be able to do.
// For now this only returns true on Unix machines when
// TS_PERMIT_CERT_UID is set the to the userid of the peer
// connection. It's intended to give your non-root webserver access
// (www-data, caddy, nginx, etc) to certs.
func (s *Server) connCanFetchCerts(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) bool {
if ci.IsUnixSock() && ci.Creds() != nil {
connUID, ok := ci.Creds().UserID()
if ok && connUID == userIDFromString(envknob.String("TS_PERMIT_CERT_UID")) {
return true
return false
// addConn adds c to the server's list of clients.
// If the returned error is of type inUseOtherUserError then the
// returned connIdentity is also valid.
func (s *Server) addConn(c net.Conn) (ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity, err error) {
ci, err = ipnauth.GetConnIdentity(s.logf, c)
if err != nil {
// If the connected user changes, reset the backend server state to make
// sure node keys don't leak between users.
var doReset bool
defer func() {
if doReset {
s.logf("identity changed; resetting server")
if s.allClients == nil {
s.allClients = map[net.Conn]*ipnauth.ConnIdentity{}
if err := s.checkConnIdentityLocked(ci); err != nil {
return ci, err
s.allClients[c] = ci
if s.lastUserID != ci.UserID() {
if s.lastUserID != "" {
doReset = true
s.lastUserID = ci.UserID()
return ci, nil
func (s *Server) removeAndCloseConn(c net.Conn) {
delete(s.allClients, c)
remain := len(s.allClients)
if remain == 0 && s.resetOnZero {
if s.b.InServerMode() {
s.logf("client disconnected; staying alive in server mode")
} else {
s.logf("client disconnected; stopping server")
// Run runs a Tailscale backend service.
// The getEngine func is called repeatedly, once per connection, until it returns an engine successfully.
// Deprecated: use New and Server.Run instead.
func Run(ctx context.Context, logf logger.Logf, ln net.Listener, store ipn.StateStore, linkMon *monitor.Mon, dialer *tsdial.Dialer, logid string, getEngine func() (wgengine.Engine, *netstack.Impl, error), opts Options) error {
getEngine = getEngineUntilItWorksWrapper(getEngine)
runDone := make(chan struct{})
defer close(runDone)
// When the context is closed or when we return, whichever is first, close our listener
// and all open connections.
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-runDone:
logf("Listening on %v", ln.Addr())
bo := backoff.NewBackoff("ipnserver", logf, 30*time.Second)
var unservedConn net.Conn // if non-nil, accepted, but hasn't served yet
eng, ns, err := getEngine()
if err != nil {
logf("ipnserver: initial getEngine call: %v", err)
for i := 1; ctx.Err() == nil; i++ {
c, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
logf("%d: Accept: %v", i, err)
bo.BackOff(ctx, err)
logf("ipnserver: try%d: trying getEngine again...", i)
eng, ns, err = getEngine()
if err == nil {
logf("%d: GetEngine worked; exiting failure loop", i)
unservedConn = c
logf("ipnserver%d: getEngine failed again: %v", i, err)
// TODO(bradfitz): queue this error up for the next IPN bus watcher call
// to get for the Windows GUI? We used to send it over the pre-HTTP
// protocol to the Windows GUI. Just close it.
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
if unservedConn != nil {
ln = &listenerWithReadyConn{
Listener: ln,
c: unservedConn,
server, err := New(logf, logid, store, eng, dialer, opts)
if err != nil {
return err
if ns != nil {
return server.Run(ctx, ln)
// New returns a new Server.
// To start it, use the Server.Run method.
func New(logf logger.Logf, logid string, store ipn.StateStore, eng wgengine.Engine, dialer *tsdial.Dialer, opts Options) (*Server, error) {
b, err := ipnlocal.NewLocalBackend(logf, logid, store, opts.AutostartStateKey, dialer, eng, opts.LoginFlags)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewLocalBackend: %v", err)
b.SetDecompressor(func() (controlclient.Decompressor, error) {
return smallzstd.NewDecoder(nil)
if root := b.TailscaleVarRoot(); root != "" {
dnsfallback.SetCachePath(filepath.Join(root, "derpmap.cached.json"))
dg := distro.Get()
switch dg {
case distro.Synology, distro.TrueNAS, distro.QNAP:
// See if they have a "Taildrop" share.
// See
path, err := findTaildropDir(dg)
if err != nil {
logf("%s Taildrop support: %v", dg, err)
} else {
logf("%s Taildrop: using %v", dg, path)
server := &Server{
b: b,
backendLogID: logid,
logf: logf,
resetOnZero: !opts.SurviveDisconnects,
return server, nil
// Run runs the server, accepting connections from ln forever.
// If the context is done, the listener is closed.
func (s *Server) Run(ctx context.Context, ln net.Listener) error {
defer s.b.Shutdown()
runDone := make(chan struct{})
defer close(runDone)
// When the context is closed or when we return, whichever is first, close our listener
// and all open connections.
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-runDone:
if s.b.Prefs().Valid() {
bo := backoff.NewBackoff("ipnserver", s.logf, 30*time.Second)
var connNum int
for {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
c, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return ctx.Err()
s.logf("ipnserver: Accept: %v", err)
bo.BackOff(ctx, err)
go s.serveConn(ctx, c, logger.WithPrefix(s.logf, fmt.Sprintf("ipnserver: conn%d: ", connNum)))
// getEngineUntilItWorksWrapper returns a getEngine wrapper that does
// not call getEngine concurrently and stops calling getEngine once
// it's returned a working engine.
func getEngineUntilItWorksWrapper(getEngine func() (wgengine.Engine, *netstack.Impl, error)) func() (wgengine.Engine, *netstack.Impl, error) {
var mu sync.Mutex
var engGood wgengine.Engine
var nsGood *netstack.Impl
return func() (wgengine.Engine, *netstack.Impl, error) {
defer mu.Unlock()
if engGood != nil {
return engGood, nsGood, nil
e, ns, err := getEngine()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
engGood = e
nsGood = ns
return e, ns, nil
// protoSwitchConn is a net.Conn with which we want to speak HTTP to but
// it's already had a few bytes read from it to determine its HTTP method.
// So we Read from its bufio.Reader. On Close, we we tell the
type protoSwitchConn struct {
s *Server
br *bufio.Reader
closeOnce sync.Once
func (psc *protoSwitchConn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) { return }
func (psc *protoSwitchConn) Close() error {
psc.closeOnce.Do(func() { psc.s.removeAndCloseConn(psc.Conn) })
return nil
func (s *Server) localhostHandler(ci *ipnauth.ConnIdentity) http.Handler {
lah := localapi.NewHandler(s.b, s.logf, s.backendLogID)
lah.PermitRead, lah.PermitWrite = s.localAPIPermissions(ci)
lah.PermitCert = s.connCanFetchCerts(ci)
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, "/localapi/") {
lah.ServeHTTP(w, r)
if ci.NotWindows() {
io.WriteString(w, "<html><title>Tailscale</title><body><h1>Tailscale</h1>This is the local Tailscale daemon.")
s.ServeHTMLStatus(w, r)
// ServeHTMLStatus serves an HTML status page at http://localhost:41112/ for
// Windows and via $DEBUG_LISTENER/debug/ipn when tailscaled's --debug flag
// is used to run a debug server.
func (s *Server) ServeHTMLStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// As this is only meant for debug, verify there's no DNS name being used to
// access this.
if !strings.HasPrefix(r.Host, "localhost:") && strings.IndexFunc(r.Host, unicode.IsLetter) != -1 {
http.Error(w, "invalid host", http.StatusForbidden)
w.Header().Set("Content-Security-Policy", `default-src 'none'; frame-ancestors 'none'; script-src 'none'; script-src-elem 'none'; script-src-attr 'none'`)
w.Header().Set("X-Frame-Options", "DENY")
w.Header().Set("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")
st := s.b.Status()
// TODO(bradfitz): add LogID and opts to st?
// listenerWithReadyConn is a net.Listener wrapper that has
// one net.Conn ready to be accepted already.
type listenerWithReadyConn struct {
mu sync.Mutex
c net.Conn // if non-nil, ready to be Accepted
func (ln *listenerWithReadyConn) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
c := ln.c
ln.c = nil
if c != nil {
return c, nil
return ln.Listener.Accept()
func findTaildropDir(dg distro.Distro) (string, error) {
const name = "Taildrop"
switch dg {
case distro.Synology:
return findSynologyTaildropDir(name)
case distro.TrueNAS:
return findTrueNASTaildropDir(name)
case distro.QNAP:
return findQnapTaildropDir(name)
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s is an unsupported distro for Taildrop dir", dg)
// findSynologyTaildropDir looks for the first volume containing a
// "Taildrop" directory. We'd run "synoshare --get Taildrop" command
// but on DSM7 at least, we lack permissions to run that.
func findSynologyTaildropDir(name string) (dir string, err error) {
for i := 1; i <= 16; i++ {
dir = fmt.Sprintf("/volume%v/%s", i, name)
if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("shared folder %q not found", name)
// findTrueNASTaildropDir returns the first matching directory of
// /mnt/{name} or /mnt/*/{name}
func findTrueNASTaildropDir(name string) (dir string, err error) {
// If we're running in a jail, a mount point could just be added at /mnt/Taildrop
dir = fmt.Sprintf("/mnt/%s", name)
if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil
// but if running on the host, it may be something like /mnt/Primary/Taildrop
fis, err := os.ReadDir("/mnt")
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error reading /mnt: %w", err)
for _, fi := range fis {
dir = fmt.Sprintf("/mnt/%s/%s", fi.Name(), name)
if fi, err := os.Stat(dir); err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil
return "", fmt.Errorf("shared folder %q not found", name)
// findQnapTaildropDir checks if a Shared Folder named "Taildrop" exists.
func findQnapTaildropDir(name string) (string, error) {
dir := fmt.Sprintf("/share/%s", name)
fi, err := os.Stat(dir)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("shared folder %q not found", name)
if fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil
// share/Taildrop is usually a symlink to CACHEDEV1_DATA/Taildrop/ or some such.
fullpath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(dir)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("symlink to shared folder %q not found", name)
if fi, err = os.Stat(fullpath); err == nil && fi.IsDir() {
return dir, nil // return the symlink, how QNAP set it up
return "", fmt.Errorf("shared folder %q not found", name)