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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import Foundation
import Virtualization
struct TailMacConfigHelper {
let config: Config
func computeCPUCount() -> Int {
let totalAvailableCPUs = ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount
var virtualCPUCount = totalAvailableCPUs <= 1 ? 1 : totalAvailableCPUs - 1
virtualCPUCount = max(virtualCPUCount, VZVirtualMachineConfiguration.minimumAllowedCPUCount)
virtualCPUCount = min(virtualCPUCount, VZVirtualMachineConfiguration.maximumAllowedCPUCount)
return virtualCPUCount
func computeMemorySize() -> UInt64 {
// Set the amount of system memory to 4 GB; this is a baseline value
// that you can change depending on your use case.
var memorySize = config.memorySize
memorySize = max(memorySize, VZVirtualMachineConfiguration.minimumAllowedMemorySize)
memorySize = min(memorySize, VZVirtualMachineConfiguration.maximumAllowedMemorySize)
return memorySize
func createBootLoader() -> VZMacOSBootLoader {
return VZMacOSBootLoader()
func createGraphicsDeviceConfiguration() -> VZMacGraphicsDeviceConfiguration {
let graphicsConfiguration = VZMacGraphicsDeviceConfiguration()
graphicsConfiguration.displays = [
// The system arbitrarily chooses the resolution of the display to be 1920 x 1200.
VZMacGraphicsDisplayConfiguration(widthInPixels: 1920, heightInPixels: 1200, pixelsPerInch: 80)
return graphicsConfiguration
func createBlockDeviceConfiguration() -> VZVirtioBlockDeviceConfiguration {
do {
let diskImageAttachment = try VZDiskImageStorageDeviceAttachment(url: config.diskImageURL, readOnly: false)
let disk = VZVirtioBlockDeviceConfiguration(attachment: diskImageAttachment)
return disk
} catch {
fatalError("Failed to create Disk image. \(error)")
func createSocketDeviceConfiguration() -> VZVirtioSocketDeviceConfiguration {
return VZVirtioSocketDeviceConfiguration()
func createNetworkDeviceConfiguration() -> VZVirtioNetworkDeviceConfiguration {
let networkDevice = VZVirtioNetworkDeviceConfiguration()
networkDevice.macAddress = VZMACAddress(string: config.ethermac)!
/* Bridged networking requires special entitlements from Apple
if let interface = VZBridgedNetworkInterface.networkInterfaces.first(where: { $0.identifier == "en0" }) {
let networkAttachment = VZBridgedNetworkDeviceAttachment(interface: interface)
networkDevice.attachment = networkAttachment
} else {
print("Assuming en0 for bridged ethernet. Could not findd adapter")
/// But we can do NAT without Tim Apple's approval
let networkAttachment = VZNATNetworkDeviceAttachment()
networkDevice.attachment = networkAttachment
return networkDevice
func createSocketNetworkDeviceConfiguration() -> VZVirtioNetworkDeviceConfiguration {
let networkDevice = VZVirtioNetworkDeviceConfiguration()
networkDevice.macAddress = VZMACAddress(string: config.mac)!
let socket = Darwin.socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
// Outbound network packets
let serverSocket = config.serverSocket
// Inbound network packets
let clientSockId = config.vmID
let clientSocket = "/tmp/qemu-dgram-\(clientSockId).sock"
var clientAddr = sockaddr_un()
clientAddr.sun_family = sa_family_t(AF_UNIX)
clientSocket.withCString { ptr in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &clientAddr.sun_path.0) { dest in
_ = strcpy(dest, ptr)
let bindRes = Darwin.bind(socket,
withUnsafePointer(to: &clientAddr, { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) { $0 } }),
if bindRes == -1 {
print("Error binding virtual network client socket - \(String(cString: strerror(errno)))")
return networkDevice
var serverAddr = sockaddr_un()
serverAddr.sun_family = sa_family_t(AF_UNIX)
serverSocket.withCString { ptr in
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &serverAddr.sun_path.0) { dest in
_ = strcpy(dest, ptr)
let connectRes = Darwin.connect(socket,
withUnsafePointer(to: &serverAddr, { $0.withMemoryRebound(to: sockaddr.self, capacity: 1) { $0 } }),
if connectRes == -1 {
print("Error binding virtual network server socket - \(String(cString: strerror(errno)))")
return networkDevice
print("Virtual if mac address is \(config.mac)")
print("Client bound to \(clientSocket)")
print("Connected to server at \(serverSocket)")
print("Socket fd is \(socket)")
let handle = FileHandle(fileDescriptor: socket)
let device = VZFileHandleNetworkDeviceAttachment(fileHandle: handle)
networkDevice.attachment = device
return networkDevice
func createPointingDeviceConfiguration() -> VZPointingDeviceConfiguration {
return VZMacTrackpadConfiguration()
func createKeyboardConfiguration() -> VZKeyboardConfiguration {
return VZMacKeyboardConfiguration()