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// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
// Package taildrop contains the implementation of the Taildrop
// functionality including sending and retrieving files.
// This package does not validate permissions, the caller should
// be responsible for ensuring correct authorization.
// For related documentation see: http://go/taildrop-how-does-it-work
package taildrop
import (
var (
ErrNoTaildrop = errors.New("Taildrop disabled; no storage directory")
ErrInvalidFileName = errors.New("invalid filename")
ErrFileExists = errors.New("file already exists")
ErrNotAccessible = errors.New("Taildrop folder not configured or accessible")
const (
// partialSuffix is the suffix appended to files while they're
// still in the process of being transferred.
partialSuffix = ".partial"
// deletedSuffix is the suffix for a deleted marker file
// that's placed next to a file (without the suffix) that we
// tried to delete, but Windows wouldn't let us. These are
// only written on Windows (and in tests), but they're not
// permitted to be uploaded directly on any platform, like
// partial files.
deletedSuffix = ".deleted"
// ClientID is an opaque identifier for file resumption.
// A client can only list and resume partial files for its own ID.
// It must contain any filesystem specific characters (e.g., slashes).
type ClientID string // e.g., "n12345CNTRL"
func (id ClientID) partialSuffix() string {
if id == "" {
return partialSuffix
return "." + string(id) + partialSuffix // e.g., ".n12345CNTRL.partial"
// ManagerOptions are options to configure the [Manager].
type ManagerOptions struct {
Logf logger.Logf // may be nil
Clock tstime.DefaultClock // may be nil
State ipn.StateStore // may be nil
// Dir is the directory to store received files.
// This main either be the final location for the files
// or just a temporary staging directory (see DirectFileMode).
Dir string
// DirectFileMode reports whether we are writing files
// directly to a download directory, rather than writing them to
// a temporary staging directory.
// The following methods:
// - HasFilesWaiting
// - WaitingFiles
// - DeleteFile
// - OpenFile
// have no purpose in DirectFileMode.
// They are only used to check whether files are in the staging directory,
// copy them out, and then delete them.
DirectFileMode bool
// SendFileNotify is called periodically while a file is actively
// receiving the contents for the file. There is a final call
// to the function when reception completes.
// It is not called if nil.
SendFileNotify func()
// Manager manages the state for receiving and managing taildropped files.
type Manager struct {
opts ManagerOptions
// incomingFiles is a map of files actively being received.
incomingFiles syncs.Map[incomingFileKey, *incomingFile]
// deleter managers asynchronous deletion of files.
deleter fileDeleter
// renameMu is used to protect os.Rename calls so that they are atomic.
renameMu sync.Mutex
// totalReceived counts the cumulative total of received files.
totalReceived atomic.Int64
// emptySince specifies that there were no waiting files
// since this value of totalReceived.
emptySince atomic.Int64
// New initializes a new taildrop manager.
// It may spawn asynchronous goroutines to delete files,
// so the Shutdown method must be called for resource cleanup.
func (opts ManagerOptions) New() *Manager {
if opts.Logf == nil {
opts.Logf = logger.Discard
if opts.SendFileNotify == nil {
opts.SendFileNotify = func() {}
m := &Manager{opts: opts}
m.deleter.Init(m, func(string) {})
m.emptySince.Store(-1) // invalidate this cache
return m
// Dir returns the directory.
func (m *Manager) Dir() string {
return m.opts.Dir
// Shutdown shuts down the Manager.
// It blocks until all spawned goroutines have stopped running.
func (m *Manager) Shutdown() {
if m != nil {
func validFilenameRune(r rune) bool {
switch r {
case '/':
return false
case '\\', ':', '*', '"', '<', '>', '|':
// Invalid stuff on Windows, but we reject them everywhere
// for now.
// TODO(bradfitz): figure out a better plan. We initially just
// wrote things to disk URL path-escaped, but that's gross
// when debugging, and just moves the problem to callers.
// So now we put the UTF-8 filenames on disk directly as
// sent.
return false
return unicode.IsGraphic(r)
func isPartialOrDeleted(s string) bool {
return strings.HasSuffix(s, deletedSuffix) || strings.HasSuffix(s, partialSuffix)
func joinDir(dir, baseName string) (fullPath string, err error) {
if !utf8.ValidString(baseName) {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
if strings.TrimSpace(baseName) != baseName {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
if len(baseName) > 255 {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
// TODO: validate unicode normalization form too? Varies by platform.
clean := path.Clean(baseName)
if clean != baseName ||
clean == "." || clean == ".." ||
isPartialOrDeleted(clean) {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
for _, r := range baseName {
if !validFilenameRune(r) {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
if !filepath.IsLocal(baseName) {
return "", ErrInvalidFileName
return filepath.Join(dir, baseName), nil
// rangeDir iterates over the contents of a directory, calling fn for each entry.
// It continues iterating while fn returns true.
// It reports the number of entries seen.
func rangeDir(dir string, fn func(fs.DirEntry) bool) error {
f, err := os.Open(dir)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
for {
des, err := f.ReadDir(10)
for _, de := range des {
if !fn(de) {
return nil
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return err
// IncomingFiles returns a list of active incoming files.
func (m *Manager) IncomingFiles() []ipn.PartialFile {
// Make sure we always set n.IncomingFiles non-nil so it gets encoded
// in JSON to clients. They distinguish between empty and non-nil
// to know whether a Notify should be able about files.
files := make([]ipn.PartialFile, 0)
for k, f := range m.incomingFiles.All() {
files = append(files, ipn.PartialFile{
Started: f.started,
DeclaredSize: f.size,
Received: f.copied,
PartialPath: f.partialPath,
FinalPath: f.finalPath,
Done: f.done,
return files
type redactedError struct {
msg string
inner error
func (re *redactedError) Error() string {
return re.msg
func (re *redactedError) Unwrap() error {
return re.inner
func redactString(s string) string {
hash := adler32.Checksum([]byte(s))
const redacted = "redacted"
var buf [len(redacted) + len(".12345678")]byte
b := append(buf[:0], []byte(redacted)...)
b = append(b, '.')
b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64(hash), 16)
return string(b)
func redactError(root error) error {
// redactStrings is a list of sensitive strings that were redacted.
// It is not sufficient to just snub out sensitive fields in Go errors
// since some wrapper errors like fmt.Errorf pre-cache the error string,
// which would unfortunately remain unaffected.
var redactStrings []string
// Redact sensitive fields in known Go error types.
var unknownErrors int
multierr.Range(root, func(err error) bool {
switch err := err.(type) {
case *os.PathError:
redactStrings = append(redactStrings, err.Path)
err.Path = redactString(err.Path)
case *os.LinkError:
redactStrings = append(redactStrings, err.New, err.Old)
err.New = redactString(err.New)
err.Old = redactString(err.Old)
return true
// If there are no redacted strings or no unknown error types,
// then we can return the possibly modified root error verbatim.
// Otherwise, we must replace redacted strings from any wrappers.
if len(redactStrings) == 0 || unknownErrors == 0 {
return root
// Stringify and replace any paths that we found above, then return
// the error wrapped in a type that uses the newly-redacted string
// while also allowing Unwrap()-ing to the inner error type(s).
s := root.Error()
for _, toRedact := range redactStrings {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, toRedact, redactString(toRedact))
return &redactedError{msg: s, inner: root}
var (
rxExtensionSuffix = regexp.MustCompile(`(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{0,3}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]{0,3})*$`)
rxNumberSuffix = regexp.MustCompile(` \([0-9]+\)`)
// NextFilename returns the next filename in a sequence.
// It is used for construction a new filename if there is a conflict.
// For example, "Foo.jpg" becomes "Foo (1).jpg" and
// "Foo (1).jpg" becomes "Foo (2).jpg".
func NextFilename(name string) string {
ext := rxExtensionSuffix.FindString(strings.TrimPrefix(name, "."))
name = strings.TrimSuffix(name, ext)
var n uint64
if rxNumberSuffix.MatchString(name) {
i := strings.LastIndex(name, " (")
if n, _ = strconv.ParseUint(name[i+len("( "):len(name)-len(")")], 10, 64); n > 0 {
name = name[:i]
return name + " (" + strconv.FormatUint(n+1, 10) + ")" + ext