You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

225 lines
5.8 KiB

// Copyright (c) Tailscale Inc & AUTHORS
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"
import { apiFetch, incrementMetric, setUnraidCsrfToken } from "src/api"
import { ExitNode, noExitNode, runAsExitNode } from "src/hooks/exit-nodes"
import { VersionInfo } from "src/hooks/self-update"
import { assertNever } from "src/utils/util"
import useSWR from "swr"
export type NodeData = {
Profile: UserProfile
Status: NodeState
DeviceName: string
OS: string
IPv4: string
IPv6: string
ID: string
KeyExpiry: string
KeyExpired: boolean
UsingExitNode?: ExitNode
AdvertisingExitNode: boolean
AdvertisedRoutes?: SubnetRoute[]
TUNMode: boolean
IsSynology: boolean
DSMVersion: number
IsUnraid: boolean
UnraidToken: string
IPNVersion: string
ClientVersion?: VersionInfo
URLPrefix: string
DomainName: string
TailnetName: string
IsTagged: boolean
Tags: string[]
RunningSSHServer: boolean
ControlAdminURL: string
LicensesURL: string
Features: { [key in Feature]: boolean } // value is true if given feature is available on this client
ACLAllowsAnyIncomingTraffic: boolean
type NodeState =
| "NoState"
| "NeedsLogin"
| "NeedsMachineAuth"
| "Stopped"
| "Starting"
| "Running"
export type UserProfile = {
LoginName: string
DisplayName: string
ProfilePicURL: string
export type SubnetRoute = {
Route: string
Approved: boolean
export type Feature =
| "advertise-exit-node"
| "advertise-routes"
| "use-exit-node"
| "ssh"
| "auto-update"
export const featureDescription = (f: Feature) => {
switch (f) {
case "advertise-exit-node":
return "Advertising as an exit node"
case "advertise-routes":
return "Advertising subnet routes"
case "use-exit-node":
return "Using an exit node"
case "ssh":
return "Running a Tailscale SSH server"
case "auto-update":
return "Auto updating client versions"
* NodeUpdaters provides a set of mutation functions for a node.
* These functions handle both making the requested change, as well as
* refreshing the app's node data state upon completion to reflect any
* relevant changes in the UI.
export type NodeUpdaters = {
* patchPrefs updates node preferences.
* Only provided preferences will be updated.
* Similar to running the tailscale set command in the CLI.
patchPrefs: (d: PrefsPATCHData) => Promise<void>
* postExitNode updates the node's status as either using or
* running as an exit node.
postExitNode: (d: ExitNode) => Promise<void>
* postSubnetRoutes updates the node's advertised subnet routes.
postSubnetRoutes: (d: string[]) => Promise<void>
type PrefsPATCHData = {
RunSSHSet?: boolean
RunSSH?: boolean
type RoutesPOSTData = {
UseExitNode?: string
AdvertiseExitNode?: boolean
AdvertiseRoutes?: string[]
// useNodeData returns basic data about the current node.
export default function useNodeData() {
const { data, mutate } = useSWR<NodeData>("/data")
const [isPosting, setIsPosting] = useState<boolean>(false)
() => setUnraidCsrfToken(data?.IsUnraid ? data.UnraidToken : undefined),
const prefsPATCH = useCallback(
(d: PrefsPATCHData) => {
if (data) {
const optimisticUpdates = data
if (d.RunSSHSet) {
optimisticUpdates.RunningSSHServer = Boolean(d.RunSSH)
// Reflect the pref change immediatley on the frontend,
// then make the prefs PATCH. If the request fails,
// data will be updated to it's previous value in
// onComplete below.
mutate(optimisticUpdates, false)
const onComplete = () => {
mutate() // refresh data after PATCH finishes
return apiFetch("/local/v0/prefs", "PATCH", d)
.catch((err) => {
alert("Failed to update prefs")
throw err
[data, mutate]
const routesPOST = useCallback(
(d: RoutesPOSTData) => {
const onComplete = () => {
mutate() // refresh data after POST finishes
const updateMetrics = () => {
// only update metrics if values have changed
if (data?.AdvertisingExitNode !== d.AdvertiseExitNode) {
? "web_client_advertise_exitnode_enable"
: "web_client_advertise_exitnode_disable"
return apiFetch("/routes", "POST", d)
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
alert("Failed to update routes")
throw err
[mutate, data?.AdvertisingExitNode]
const nodeUpdaters: NodeUpdaters = useMemo(
() => ({
patchPrefs: prefsPATCH,
postExitNode: (node) =>
AdvertiseExitNode: node.ID === runAsExitNode.ID,
node.ID === noExitNode.ID || node.ID === runAsExitNode.ID
? undefined
: node.ID,
AdvertiseRoutes: data?.AdvertisedRoutes?.map((r) => r.Route), // unchanged
postSubnetRoutes: (routes) =>
AdvertiseRoutes: routes,
AdvertiseExitNode: data?.AdvertisingExitNode, // unchanged
UseExitNode: data?.UsingExitNode?.ID, // unchanged
return { data, refreshData: mutate, nodeUpdaters, isPosting }